Study the essential vocabulary and translate the illustrative examples into Russian.


2. Translate the following sentences into Russian:


A. 1. When Jean and Henry left the night club in his smart car, they took the road that cut through the woods. 2. Anthony saw Jean drive at a smart speed in her two-seater. 3. Captain Nicholas looked upon it as a smart piece of work on Strick-land's part that he had got out of the mess by painting the por­trait of Tough Bill. 4. For a long time there was silence. When Andrew and Ben did speak again, it was merely to exchange war experiences. 5. Steve exchanged the house in the suburbs of London for a flat in a smart neighborhood. 6. "I hardly know her, really," said Cherry. "Just exchanged a few conventional remarks at one time or another." 7. To the usual question "Do you plead guilty?" Anthony replied in a quiet and deliberate voice "Not guilty, my Lord." 8. Don't try to shift the blame onto me, it's not my fault. 9. It is an equal failing to trust every­body and to trust nobody. 10. Old Len used to say: "Put your trust in God". 11. Elizabeth couldn't trust herself not to laugh. 12. Trust him to make a mistake! 13. Little Jack can't be trust­ed out of my sight. He's so naughty.


B. 1. The display of wealth was calculated for effect. 2. It was an effective rejoinder and reduced his opponent to silence. 3. Can you speak about the effect of demand upon supply?

4. Jane pulled the curtain aside with a hasty jerk, threw the window open and leaned out. 5. Peter jerked his head back


and angrily walked away. 6. His mouth twitched with repressed laughter. 7. Within a year he was promoted from assistant derk to head clerk. 8. The company's commercials and other promo­tion materials boosted the sales. 9. Her constitution is as sound as a bell, illness never comes near her. 10. No sound reason can be given for his conduct. 11. No matter how hard the situa­tion might be Lisa would never undertake anything that would put her reputation at stake. 12. Look before you leap, (proverb). 13. After hard work during a week Paul was looking forward to a decent night's sleep. 14. "If you come to England look in on us, you know our address", insisted Steve. 15. Rachel merely looked on and did nothing. 16. Business in their company is looking up. 17. Margaret looks down in her mouth at anyone who hasn't a title. 18. "You know what I mean. You look like a million dollars", Mary said with a happy smile. 19. Old Emily would stand on the porch looking out for the postman. 20. He was definite that he would look back in an hour's time.


3. Give the English equivalents for the following phrases:


быстрая ходьба, энергичная атака, фешенебельное общество, элегантная женщина, шикарная машина, сообразительный парень, ловкая сделка, толковый ответ, шустрый ребенок, расторопный слу­га, самоуверенный наглец, дерзкий ответ, аристократический район;

обменять покупку, взамен, поменять квартиру, обменяться взгля­дом (мнениями), обмен информацией;

чувствовать себя виноватым, казаться виноватым, виноватая улыбка, нечистая совесть, виноватый вид, признать кого-то винов­ным;

доверять кому-л., поручить что-то кому-л., доверить свою жизнь врачу, оставить (доверить) ключи соседям, полагаться на память, полагаться на случай, доверчивый человек, заслуживающий дове­рия;

хорошо (плохо, мало, сильно, быстро) подействовать на кого-л. (что-л.), действие жары (света, холода) на кого-л. (что-л.), вступить в силу, оставаться в силе, ввести в действие, осуществить план, рас­считанный на эффект, эффективный метод, сильнодействующее ле­карство, действенные меры, эффектное платье, квалифицированный секретарь, квалифицированный преподавательский состав, умелый работник;

рывком открыть дверь, выдернуть рыбу из воды, дернуться (o поезде), трогаться с места рывком, отдернуть руку, нервное подерги­вание лица, подергиваться (о частях лица), рот дрогнул в улыбке,


лицо исказилось от гнева (ужаса), засунуть что-л. в карман, столкнуть лодку в воду, отодвинуть стол к стене, толкаться;

получить повышение, способствовать реализации плана, содей­ствовать проведению (избирательной) кампании, развитию дружбы и сотрудничества;

крепкий организм, здоровое сердце, в здоровом теле здоровый дух, крепкие зубы, целый и невредимый, прочная конструкция, проч­ное основание (фундамент), здравый совет, обоснованный довод (причина), здравые взгляды, правильная мысль, здравомыслящий че­ловек, правильная оценка положения, здравая политика, твердое финансовое положение, глубокий сон, основательные знания;

рисковать жизнью, за его честность я ручаюсь своим добрым именем, быть кровно заинтересованным в чем-то, рисковать всем, биться о заклад;

побереги себя, потупить взор, рассматривать проблему, "Береги­те себя" (при прощании), заняться вопросом, отступать поздно, осмат­ривать дом, он лезет на рожон, выходить на набережную (о фасаде, окнах), отвести взгляд, просмотреть тесты (бумаги, газету и др.), ис­кать таланты, обратиться к кому-л. за помощью, смотреть свысока.


4. Paraphrase the following sentences using the essential vocabulary:


1. Bob Ewell laid the blame on Tom Robinson. 2. He is an impudent fellow who thinks he is clever. 3. Are you sure our arguments will influence him? 4. World festivals, congresses, exchanges help to further understanding between nations, 5. I think his advice 19 wise and reasonable. 6. He pulled out the knije that was stuck in the wood. 7. You should not believe him, he's dishonest.-8. You look very neat and trim in that new shirt. 9. Mary and Ann didn't actually fight but they certainly spoke to each other very rudely. 10. Your only bad point is that you won't do what you're told. 11. The firemen acted quickly because lives depended on what happened. 12. He paid her a visit when he got into town.


5. Choose the right word:

a) guilt, fault, blame

1.John's attempt to shift the ... onto his companion met no response. 2. His... are accepted as the necessary compliment to his merit. 3. The colonial system bears the ... for the present-day backwardness of some African states. 4. The boy is pun­ished for the slightest... . 5. If anything had gone wrong,



I would have had to take the .... 6. The evidence against the ac­cused was so incontrovertible that he had to admit his....


B) jerk, shove, twitch

1. The boys ... the chairs and tables from the centre of the room. 2. The train made a sudden ... and stopped. 3. The dog's nose ... as it passed the butcher's shop. 4. A strong gust of wind ... the letter from the girl's hand. 5. Jane's face ... with terror at the sight of the crazy woman.


6. Fill in the correct form of the phrasal verb:


1. Look ... for the rain. 2. Look ... before crossing the street. 3. Ella asked her mother to look... her home and children while she was going to Exeter to look ... a suitable job. 4. I hitfe his way of looking... on people. 5. She was absorbed in a book 'and didn't even look ... when I called her. 6. Ann was looking ... to meeting her old fellow-students whom she had not seen for many years.


7. Review the essential vocabulary and translate the following sentences into English:


1. Находчивые ответы студентов понравились экзаменатору. На выпускном вечере все девочки выглядят очень нарядными в своих светлых платьях. 2. Туристы любят обмениваться значками и стара­ются получить в обмен что-нибудь новое. 3. В комнате слышался страшный шум — это ссорились Даглас и Кен. 4. Я чувствую себя виноватой, что так долго испытывала ваше терпение. 5. Ты обвиня­ешь меня в том, что я приехала слишком поздно, но ведь ты сама на­значила этот час, так что это не моя вина. 6. У нее есть недостатки, но у кого их нет! 7. Опять ты придираешься ко мне, но это случилось не по моей вине. 8. Целью защиты является доказать невиновность обвиняемого в том случае, когда он действительно невиновен. 9. Этот ребенок очень трогательно верит вновь обретенному взрос­лому другу. 10. Кажется, я потерял ключ. — Это на тебя похоже! 11. Надеюсь, все обошлось хорошо. 12. Не принимай эти слова на веру. 13. К сожалению, лекарство подействовало очень слабо. 14. Когда Эйлин услышала грубые слова Фрэнка, ее лицо исказилось от возмущения. 15. Машина резко затормозила, беглец выскочил и скрылся в ближайшем дворе. 16. Резко дернув головой, Фрэнк ри­нулся в драку. 17. На днях Дейв получил повышение, вся семья очень гордилась им. 18. В первые дни войны Питеру присвоили зва­ние сержанта. 19. От качества рекламного материала в значительной


степени зависит успех реализации нового товара на рынке сбыта. 20. Предложение Дюжина было разумным, при сложившихся обстоя­тельствах Совет директоров вынужден был принять его. 21. "Возвра­щайся домой целым и невредимым", просила мать сына, провожая в дальнюю дорогу. 22. Каувервуд знал, что ставит на карту свое буду­щее, но у него не было выбора. 23. Арнольд был кровно заинтересо­ван в коммерческом успехе данной сделки. 24. Маленькая Джейн на­училась находить незнакомые слова в словаре и очень гордилась этим. 25. Комната для гостей в доме мистера Линвхана выходила ок­нами на море. 26. Г-н Хикман даже не поднял головы, когда главный бухгалтер вошел в кабинет. 27. Через две недели истекал срок испы­тательного периода, и Линда станет полноправным сотрудником компании. Она так ждалаэтого дня!


8. Give the Russian equivalents for the following:

a) A fair exchange is no robbery

A fault confessed is half redressed.


b) Make up and act out the stories illustrating the given proverbs.








1. Courts:trial Courts, common pleas courts, municipal and county courts, mayors' courts, courts of claims, courts of appeals, the State Supreme Court.

The Federal courts, district courts, the US Supreme Court, juvenile court.

2. Cases:lawsuit, civil cases, criminal cases, framed-up cases.

3. Offences:felony, misdemeanour, murder, manslaughter, homicide, rape, assault, arson, robbery, burglary theft/larceny, kidnapping, embezzlement bribery, forgery, fraud, swindling, perjury, slander, blackmail, abuse of power, disorderly conduct, speeding, petty offence, house-breaking, shoplifting, mugging, contempt of court, subpoena.


4. Participants of the legal procedure:1) parties to a lawsuit: claimant/plaintiff(in a civil case); defendant, offender (first/repeat); attorney for the plaintiff (in a civil case); prosecutor (criminal); attorney for defence; 2) jury, Grand jury, to serve on a jury, to swear the jury, to convene; 3) witness — a credible witness; 4) a probation officer; 5) bailiff.

5. Legal procedure:to file a complaint/a countercomplaint, to answer/challenge the complaint; to notify the defendant of the lawsuit; to issue smb a summons; to issue a warrant of arrest (a search warrant); to indict smb for felony; to bring lawsuit; to take legal actions; to bring the case to court; to bring criminal prosecution; to make an opening statement; the prosecution; the defence; to examine a witness — direct examination, cross-examination; to present evidence – (direct, circumstantial, relevant, material, incompetent, irrelevant, admissible, inadmissib, corroborative, irrefutable, presumptive, documentary); to register (to rule out, to sustain) an objection; circumstances (aggravating, circumstantial, extenuating); to detain a person, detention; to go before the court.

6. Penalties or sentences (штрафы и меры наказания):bail, to release smb on bail; to bring in (to return, to give) a verdict of guilty/not guilty; a jail sentence; send smb to the penitentiary/jail; to impose a sentence on smb; to serve a sentence; a penitentiary term = a term of imprisonment (life, from 25 years to a few months imprisonment); hard labour, manual labour; probation, to be on probation, to place an offender on probation, to grant probation/parole; parole, to release smb on parole, to be eligible for parole.

7. A court room: the judge's bench, the jury box; the dock, the witness’ stand/box; the public gallery.



The US Court System1

The courts are the overseers of the law. They administer it, they resolve disputes under it, and they ensure that it is and re­mains equal to and impartial for everyone.

In the United States each state is served by the separate court systems, state and federal. Both systems are organized into three basic levels of courts — trial courts, intermediate



1 For the US Court structure see Appendix (p. 271).


courts of appeal and a high court, or Supreme Court. The state courts are concerned essentially with cases arising under state law, and the federal courts with cases arising under federal law.

Trial courts bear the main burden in the administration of justice. Cases begin there and in most instances are finally resolved there.

The trial courts in each state include: common pleas courts, which have general civil and criminal jurisdiction and smaller in importance municipal courts, county courts and mayors' courts.

The common pleas court is the most important of the trial courts. It is the court of general jurisdiction — almost any civil or criminal case, serious or minor, may first be brought there. In criminal matters, the common pleas courts have exclusive jurisdiction over felonies (a felony is a serious crime for which the penalty is a penitentiary term or death). In civil matters it has exclusive jurisdiction in probate, domestic relations and juvenile matters. The probate division deals with wills and the administration of estates, adoptions, guardianships. It grants marriage licenses to perform marriages. The domestic division deals with divorce, alimony, child custody.

The juvenile division has jurisdiction over delinquent, unru­ly or neglected children and over adults, who neglect, abuse or contribute to the delinquency of children. When a juvenile (any person under 18) is accused of an offence, whether seri­ous, orminor, the juvenile division has exclusive jurisdiction over the case.

The main job of courts of appeal is to review cases appealled from trial courts to determine if the law was correctly interpreted and applied.

The supreme court of each state is primarily a court of ap­peal and the court of last resort.

The federal court structure is similar to the structure of the state court system. The trial courts in the federal system are the United States district courts. The United States courts of appeal are intermediate courts of appeal between the district courts and the United States Supreme Court.

The US Supreme Court is the highest court in the nation and the court of last resort. It consists of a chief justice and eight associate justices, all of whom are appointed for life by the President with the Advice and Consent of the Senate. The


duty of the Supreme Court is to decide whether laws passed by Congress agree with the Constitution. The great legal issues facing the Supreme Court at present are Government involve­ment with religion, abortion and privacy rights, race and sex discrimination.


1. As you read the text a) look for the answers to these questions:


1. What is the dual court system existing in the USA? What three levels of courts does it consist of? 2. What is the jurisdiction of the trial court? Define the jurisdiction of the common pleas court. 3. What kind of civil matters are brought to common pleas courts? Elaborate on probate, domestic relation and juvenile matters. 4. Speak about the jurisdiction of state and federal courts of appeals and state supreme courts. 5. What is the duty of the US Supreme Court?


b) Summarize the text in 3 paragraphs, specifying the following: 1) the dual system of the US courts; 2) trial courts — courts of general Jurisdiction; 3) the US Supreme Court — the court judging the most explosive issues in American life.


2. Study the following text, a) Extract the necessary information about law enforcement in the USA:


A criminal case begins when a person goes to court and files a complaint that another person has committed an of­fence. This is followed by issuing either an arrest wanmt or a summons. A criminal case is started when an indictment is returned by a grand jury before anything else happens in the case. Indictments most often are felony accusations against persons, who have been arrested and referred to the rand jury. After an accused is indicted, he is brought into court and is told the nature of the charge against him find gjfcrtl tft can plead guilty, which is the admission that he committed crime and can be sentenced without a trial. He can plead guilty and be tried.

As a general rule the parties to civil suits and defendant criminal cases are entitled to "trial by jury of 12 jurors. But a jury is not provided unless it is demanded in writing in advance of the trial; in this case a civil or a criminal case is judge alone, greater criminal cases are tried to a three-judge panel.


In trial by the jury the attorneys for each party make their opening statements. The prosecution presents its evidence based on the criminal investigation of the case.

The attorney for the defence pleads the case of the accused, examines his witnesses and cross-examines the witnesses for the prosecution. Both, the prosecution and the defence, try to convince the jury. When all the evidence is in, the attorneys make their closing arguments to the jury with the prosecutor going first. Both attorneys try to show the evidence in the most favourable light for their sides. But if one of them uses improper materiaHn his final argument the opponent may object, the objection may be ruled out by the judge who will instruct the jury to disregard what was said or may be sustained. After this the judge proceeds to instruct the jury on its duty and the jury retires to the jury room to consider the verdict. In civil cases at least three-fourths of the jurors must agree on the verdict. In a criminal case there must not be any reasonable doubt as to the guilt of the accused, the verdict must be unanimous.

The next stage is for the judge to decide, in case of a verdict of guilty, what sentence to impose on the convict.


b) Use the material of the text and the topical vocabulary in answering the following questions:


1. Who are the participants in the legal procedure? 2. In what way does a legal procedure start a) in civil cases, b) in criminal cases? 3. Describe the procedure of the trial in the American court of common pleas. 4. What kind of offences are known to you? Specify the felony and misdemeanor. 5. What penalties arid sentences are imposed in the US courts?


3. Do library research and a) speak about the structure of the Russian courts. The following terms might be useful:


the electivity of the people's court; social lawfulness; city courts; regional courts; supreme courts; people's courts; hear­ing of cases in courts of law; people's judge; people's assessor; courts of first instance; legal assistance; presumption of inno­cence.


b) Give brief information on Russian law enforcement. Consider the follow­ing:


1. the jurisdiction of the Russian court; 2. the legal proce­dure of the trial; 3. the joint trial by a judge and two people's assessors; 4. the basic principle of the legal procedure — "pre­sumption of innocence".