1. Consult a dictionary and practise the pronunciation of the following words. Pay attention to the stresses:


a) atmosphere, unforgivable, disgusting, absurd, absolute, altar, conceited, irresolutely, automatons, rearrange, Lillipu­tian, precede, .cautiqus, bury, cushions, tiptoe, inaudibly, dove, stealthily, amateur, abbreviation, disagreeable.


b) lettuce, abyss, scavenger, rummage, grisly, Eden, vigorous, laxative, ingenious, serpent, exeunt, tentative, extravagant, dishevel(l)ed, atrocious, standoffish, complacent, adorable, motto.


Listen to the recording of the text and mark the stresses and tunes. Repeat the text after the model


3. Substitute one of the speech patterns (p. 238) for the parts of the sen­tence:


M o d e 1 s: a) He became angry when he thought of working and working like a dog.

It made him angry to think of working and work­ing like a dog.


b) You cannot think of anything else but finding fault.

All you can think ofisfinding fault.


1. He was annoyed when people told him that he should be more polite. 2. The girl became sad when she heard the mournful news. 3. The mother was happy (she rejoiced) when she re­ceived many letters from her daughter. 4. He dreamed of nothing else but becoming a doctor. 5. There was nothing else they had to demand but that the old woman should be treated with all respect due to her. 6. The only thing we objected to was her stubbornness. 7. She had better do nothing else but attend to her work. 8. There was nothing else she had wanted him to do, but to trust to his judgement.


Translate the following sentences into English using the speech patterns.

1. Нежелание Гордона понять жену разозлило Лору. 2. Ребенок станет счастливее, если его мать будет проводить с ним больше вре­мени. 3. Все, на что мог надеяться Вол, так это на показания его жены. 4. "Единственное, что ты умеешь делать, так это придираться ко мне, и это меня бесит", — сказала Лора. 5. Последняя встреча с Фрэнком опечалила Эйлин. Все, на что она могла надеяться, так это ждать, что он в конце концов поймет, как он ее унизил. 6. Его возму­щает, что ему не доверяют. 7. Еесердит, что ей приходится напоми­нать ему о его обязанностях. 8. Учительницу всегда радует, когда она слышит об успехах своих учеников. 9. Каждой матери приятно, когда ее ребенка хвалят. 10. Каждый бы пришел в ярость, если бы с ним так поступили. 11. Она только и мечтает о том, чтобы стать ар­тисткой. 12. Единетвенное, что меня возмущает, это твоя лень.


Make up two sentences of your own on each pattern.


Make up and act out in front of the class a suitable dialogue using the speech patterns. (Pair work.)


Note down from the text (p. 231) the sentences containing the phrases and word combinations (p. 238) and translate them into Russian.


8. Paraphrase the following sentences using the phrases and word combi­nations:


1. At times some praise will work wonders. 2. You'd better explain to him how he is to behave when his wife has friends over. 3. Don't you think we are giving the child too much atten-



tion? 4. Never mind Molly, what has she got to do with it? 5. You don't mean to betray your friend, do you? Who has turned you against him? 6.1 have a feeling that somebody has been ransack­ing my drawer. 7. "How long are you going to labour with that assignment?" my roommate asked me at two in the morning. 8. When a young couple is expecting friends they are anxious to arrange everything properly in the house. 9. His reckless driving brought about the accident. 10. Photographs are sure to remind one of the past. 11.1 don't mind your being curious, but you are overdoing it. 12. If you must give support to one or the other cause first make up your mind. 13. How do you feel about Smith? I used to respect him a lot, but now I'm angry with him. 14. Scarlett was .furious that she had to spend so much time and work so hard on the wounded in the hospital under the supervision of Mrs Meade.


9. Make up two sentences of your own on each phrase and word combina­tion.