This is only a partial listing of The Gnostic Mass.
Note: Crowley, "The Canon of the Mass, according to the Gnostic Catholic Church, which represents the original and true pre-Christian Christianity." ... The recording mentioned above by Aleister Crowley consists only of The Collects from The Gnostic Mass.
White Stains, Earth Religions Supplies Inc., NY pg.73 HB, 1974
Sexual Heretics, Male Homosexuality in English Literature 1850-1900
Edited by Brian Reade pg.430, 1970
L'Amour Bleu by Cecile Beurdeley, translated by M.Taylor
Rizzoli International Pub., NY pg.192 HB, 1978
Poetical Flavours of the Great Beast, pamphlet, 1995
GOAD, THE(poem) from Songs of the Spirit.
The Collected Works Vol.I pg.30 PB, 1905
Ambergris pg.7 HB, 1910
Cambridge Poets 1900-1913, An Anthology, Chosen by Aelfrida Tillyard,
W.Heffer & Sons Ltd Cambridge pg.50 HB, 1913
Selected Poems, Edited by M. Booth pg.179 PB, 1986
Note: This poem was added into Songs of the Spirit when it appeared in The Collected Works and is not found in the original editions.
GOD AND THE GIRL, THE (poem) To Dorothy L_.
The Winged Beetle pg.75 HB, 1910
GOD EATER, THE, A Tragedy of Satire(dramatic work)
Chas Watts & Co., London, only 302 copies printed, 1903
The Collected Works Vol.II pg.130 PB, 1906
Institute for the Development of the Harmonious Human Being
Crestline, CA, Introduction by E.J.Gold , pamphlet, ND
Magick Theater, CA, pamphlet, 1988
GOD OF IBREEZ, THE by Mark Wells (Aleister Crowley)
The International Vol.XII No.1, NY, January 1918
Mandrake Press, London (proof copy), 1930
Golden Twigs pg.123 HB, 1988
GODS, THE(dramatic work)
GOD'S JOURNEY(short story) by Marie Lavroff (Aleister Crowley)
AC/Yorke typed manuscript, ND
Note: Marie Lavroff was Soror Olun, however many of the alterations are in A.C.'s hand. Gerald Yorke notes this, and further writes that Crowley "is using Marie Lavroff as a pseudonym in the same way that he used Gerard Aumont."
GOETIA (Liber CCCLXV - 365)
Notes & Drawings, Aleister Crowley, Warburg (original), ND
S.P.R.T., Foyers, only 211 copies printed, 1904
Occult Publishing House, Chicago, 1904
de Laurence, Chicago HB, 1916
Crowley's marginalia (footnotes) 2 pgs., 1928
Ram Importers Inc., NY HB, 1970
Llewellyn Publications, MN HB, 1973
Health Research, CA, spiral bound PB, ND
The Equinox Booksellers, England HB, 1976
SutAnubis, Northhampton, England, 1985 [?]
Magickal Childe, Inc., NY HB, 1989
Illustrated Goetia, Edited by L.DuQuette & C.Hyatt
New Falcon Publications, AZ PB, 1992
First Impressions Series No.17, [Mandrake/Holmes] Eng., HB, 1993
Preliminary Invocation to the Goetia
Magick, S.Weiser, ME (Liber ABA 1-4) pg.661 HB, 1994
Samuel Weiser, York Beach, ME PB, December 1, 1995
Health Research, Pomeroy, WA PB, 1998
Note: Crowley, "The most intelligible of the mediaeval rituals of Evocation.Contains also the favorite Invocation of the Master Therion." ... Crowley's original copy of the Goetia which includes the 'Notes & Drawings' was reproduced by the First Impression Series No.17 in 1993.
GOLDEN ROSE, THE (poem) - to Jeanne Robert Foster
Handwritten original, Diaries pg.23, 1915
Note: Although unpublished, this poem is mentioned in The Confessions pg.767.
Dedicated to Dr. Sir J. G. Frazer, Merlin (Reuss) and D. H. Lawrence
Mandrake Press Ltd., London, Original galley proofs, Australia (never published), 1930
The Teitan Press Inc., Chicago HB, 1988
see - Burning of Melcarth, The
see - God of Ibreez, The
see - Hearth, The
see - Old Man of the Peepul-Tree, The
see - King of the Wood, The
see - Mass of Saint Secaire, The
see - Oracles of the Corycian Cave, The
see - Stone of Cybele, The
Note: The King of the Wood, The Burning of Melcarth, The Hearth, The Old Man of the Peepul-Tree, The Mass of Saint Secaire and The God of Ibreez were published in different issues of The International magazine. The Stone of Cybele and The Oracles of the Corycian Cave never appeared in The International.
Crowleys Diaries pg.57, March 5, 1907
Hail Mary (Amphora), Sut Anubis, England pg.50 PB, ND
GOOD HUNTING!(dramatic work)
An essay on the Nature of Comedy & Tragedy by Baphomet, Grand Master of the Knights of the Holy Ghost.
The International Vol.XII No.3, NY, March 1918
In the Continuum Vol.II:11 pg.3, 1981
The Gods, A Drama & Good Hunting!, Magick Theater, CA, pamphlet, 1991
Thelema Lodge Calendar, October 1993
Oriflamme No. 2 - OTO/New Falcon AZ pg.104 PB, 1998