Additional Reading in Marketing

International marketing

These decades specialists in marketing (to recognize) that international marketing (to involve) the same activities as domestic marketing (to do). What distinguishes international marketing (to be) not the activities or functions performed but exactly that way they are performed.

The specialists, who (to study) specific features of international marketing for many years, say that the determinants of the international marketing task (to be) different from those influencing domestic marketing. At present many of them (to consider and to concentrate) on what we may call three dimensions of international marketing.

The first one to be mentioned here is the international marketing dimension which (to involve) marketing across national borders. It is different from domestic marketing because the mere fact of crossing the border (to confront) the marketer with some new economic, political and legal constraints. Say, boycotts, exchange rates, imposed bans, so on. While the marketer (to stay) in his native country, he (to behave) in accordance with the laws of his country. When he or she (to work) abroad they should know and follow international law. What is more, the above-mentioned constraints usually (to force) modification of the company's marketing program(me) as it crosses national boundaries.

The foreign marketing dimension (to involve) marketing within foreign countries, as when Ukrainian firm markets in Italy or Canada. Until the marketer (to study) the new market in detail it is risky or even dangerous to market abroad. Such marketing (to be) unlike domestic one because the company (to face) different competition, marketing trends, consumer needs, etc.

Now that we already (to consider) the two dimensions let's look at the third one. The multinational marketing dimension (to stress) the coordination and integration of the company in many diverse foreign environments. During all his or her activities the successful international marketer (to plan and to control) carefully to

maximize the integration in global marketing and at the same time (=while) he or she (to minimize) the costs of adapting to a foreign market.

№ 7. Translate from Ukrainian into English paying attention to pronouns.


1. Його стаття "Статистичне забезпечення маркетингу на ринку банківських послуг" дуже цікава.

2. Це - наші кредити, а це - Ваші.

3. Такі показники є наслідком проведеної роботи спеціалістів з питань маркетингу.

4. Вони вже розпочали пошуки ринку нашої продукції?

5. Ми постійно враховуємо потреби своїх клієнтів.

6. Рекламування товарів у таких ринкових ситуаціях потребує нових форм.

7. У цьому році наша компанія зайнялась впровадженням нових товарів українського виробництва на ринки Європи.

8. Зараз ціни на їх продукцію падають.

9. Наша програма взаємодіє з Вашою.

10. Його уподобання відрізняються від моїх і твоїх.

11. Ми зараз вивчаємо попит населення на товари нашого виробництва.

12. її діти працюють у сфері збуту (розподілу товарів).

13. Він скоро їде у відрядження до Лондону. Після цього його запрошують відвідати Шотландію. Він має бути там у переддень Нового року. Ти знаєш, що Новий рік у Шотландії є одним із найпопулярніших свят, чи не так? Я багато розповідаю своєму синові про Шотландію та традиції її людей перед його поїздкою туди.


14. Серед наших багатьох друзів є письменники, артисти, економісти, драматурги, державні діячі.

15. Перед її від'їздом до Мілана між ними нічого не було з'ясовано, хоч він і не приховував від неї свого негативного ставлення до її рішення.

16. Саме на Буковині познайомились Ольга Кобилянська і Софія Окуневська — перша жінка-лікар на Західній Україні. Вони часто спілкувалися одна з одною, їх спілкування згодом переросло в міцну дружбу.

17. Сам собі він бажав політичної кар'єри і ніякої іншої.

18. Інвестором може стати будь-хто, для цього потрібні лише бажання та якась певна сума грошей.

19. - Скажіть, будь-ласка, де тут брокер? - Саме я. Чим можу допомогти?

20. Можна з упевненістю стверджувати, що ніхто не зробив так багато для добробуту цього регіону, як вони.

21. Історія появи цієї книги безумовно пов'язана з його іменем, а не її.

22. В Італії Соломія дружила і з Джеммою, і багатою англійкою Александер. Обидві допомогли талановитій співачці скінчити навчання.

23. Інше (ще одне) прислів'я, яке її дідусь любив повторювати: "Якщо нічим не ризикувати, то нічого й не мати!"

24. Ви можете піти будь-яким із цих двох шляхів.

25. - Схожі як дві каплі води, брати користувались цим. І той, і інший
(обидва) любили пожартувати з когось. Ти знаєш їх? — Ні, я не знаю ні того,
ні іншого.

26. Хтось сказав мені, що він закінчив свій виступ прислів'ям. Ти часом не
пам'ятаєш, яким із цих двох: "Де хотіння, там і вміння", чи "Що посієш, те й

№ 8 Translate English proverbs and sayings into Ukrainian. Divide all of them into two groups. The first group with the verbs used in the Present Continuous Tense and the second one with the verbs in the Present Perfect.

1. When children stand quiet they have done something ill.

2. One has made one's bed and one must lie on it. "

3. Know where one is going.

4. One's left hand does not know what one's right hand is doing.

5. Don't cut the bough you are standing on.

6. We know not what is good until we have lost it.

7. Fools are always meddling.

8. Fiddle while Rome is burning.

9. A lot of water has run under the bridge.

№ 9. Tell some story using one of the above-mentioned proverbs. Use the verbs in the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous and the Present Perfect Tenses.


When you ask for opinions it is typical in English to use such opening phrases:

* What about...?

* How do you feel about.,.?

* Surely you think ..., don't you?

* Don't you think ...?

* What do you think ... ?

№ 10. Repeat the texts "Business", "Statistics", "The Structure of a Company ". Begin your answers with the above-mentioned phrases and ask for your friends' opinions concerning the following statements:

1. The main aim (goal) of any business is to get profit, first of all.

2. Both production and distribution are equally important for business.

3. Some people prefer to work with partnership some other prefer to work with corporation. And some like to go into their own small business. What is better?

4. Some people think that the most responsible job is that of a director of a firm, who is a senior manager. There is an opinion that the most responsible job is that of the chief executive officer (CEO).

5. The quantitative side of things is more important in statistics than the qualitative side.

6. Ask about the difference between economic and social statistics.

7. Ask about subdivisions of branch statistics.

№11. Begin your answers with the phrases expressing half agreeing:

* Well...

* Yes and no ...

* I half agree ...

* But I think that...

* I am not sure ...

l.The popularity of new products is connected with a good

advertising campaign, first of all.

2.1 think that adults are always right and children, who disobey them

are always wrong.

3. Single Market News is the best journal of this kind.

4.The political cataclysms in Kyiv in the XX' century resulted in the

total destruction of the monuments of Ukrainian architecture.

5.It is easy to work in the sphere of tourism.

12. Read, translate and express your own point of view.

Additional Reading Text Maslow's Theory This theory is very interesting and it is worth knowing and discussing for students of Economics. The theory is studied in the human relations approach in Management and Marketing.

Maslow, Abraham (1908-1970) is an American psychologist who developed the model given below to show how people are motivated. According to Maslow, first of all, people want to have their physical Heeds such as warmth, food, shelter satisfied.

Once these are satisfied they then want their security needs satisfied, Say, home, family, safety in general.

At the next level there are the social needs of love, being part of some group, a sense of belonging to something.

If these are satisfied people feel the ego needs of doing work, being successful at it, they want their work to be important and needed by others.

At the top of the model there is a sense of personal growth, responsibility and your personal achievement.

Once any need is satisfied, it does not motivate people and they look towards the next higher level. If a need is not satisfied, then it can lead to frustration and aggression.

Discussion Points: » What do you think about the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? » What other theories of this kind do you know?

№ 13. Read, translate the text and make up dialogues using the active vocabulary on marketing and the phrases of social interaction "giving opinions "and "asking for opinions ".

Mitch Kapor

The life-story of Mitch Kapor is interesting and unusual.At the age of 36 he was known in his country and abroad as the computer wunderkind. For many years he was the chairman of Lotus Development Corporation, one of the most successful corporations in the field of computers. When this corporation was at the top of its success Mitch, out of blue, resigned as its chairman. His explanatory phrase was "to explore other business".

In his past, when he was a boy of 16, Mitch was interested in pop music. He worked as a disk jockey for some years. Later on he was interested in meditation and health exercises. Mitch worked as a meditation instructor in one of clubs.

So, what made him, the chairman of so successful corporation, change his business?

Mitch was born in Brooklyn; his parents came to America from India many years before his birth. The Kapors always remembered their roots. So did Mitch Kapor.

He investigated the confectionery market in Boston and found a new marketing niche for Indian confectionery goods. Mitch opened the first confectionery cafe (Am.deli) in the centre of the city. He and his partner, Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, made a good job advertising pastrami (Indian sandwich) and other Indian cakes.

The introduction of pastrami on the market was a success. The number of pastrami lovers is increasing in American cities. Mitch is the owner of the whole network of cafes of this type.

When a Time correspondent asked Kapor if he was going to change this business in the future Mitch, a man with a sense of humour, answered: "Who knows? May be ... at least I'll not go hungry in the meantime".

In 2001, there was a terrible earthquake in India. Mitch Kapor took this tragedy too close to his heart. And it was expressed not only in words but in deeds. He gave a substantial aid for the victims of earthquake.

№ 14. Retell the story, comment it. Answer the questions.