Family setbacks complicated to recover
Family relations
Family is the main structure of any society. It has changed much during the time. Scientific studying has been started in 19 century. Before World War II patriarchal family was mostly spread. The family could be characterized by such things as prevailing situation of a man at home and subordinated situation of all other members of family. After the war till 80 a very big value gives to the children’ wellbeing and saving marriage for the interests of children. Nowadays the mostly spread type of family is partner family, where wife and husband has the same value. There has been a transferring to marriage on love from marriage by calculation.
The word "family" is associated with warm relations between members of the family. A consideration (уважение) fortress (крепость) of such relations became possible when people in the family do many things together, overcome troubles and live friendly. Love gives a feeling of happiness. The basis of a family are good relationships between its members. The secrets of successful relationships are: love yourself and your partner, communicate, argue well, accept changes and spend time together.
There are different types of family:
· Nuclear family- parents with children or without them.
· Full- parents with at least one child
· Incomplete – parents without children or one of the parents with children
· the unisex or the heterosexual- it depends on the sex of spouses
· Childless, uniparous or having many children- it depends on the number of children
· Patriarchal family- where there are some generations.
· Family with adopted children
And of cause family serve many functions. Such as:
· Giving birth to children- it is the main function of family, because without children there isn’t future for our society
· Rearing children and creation of homeliness
· Transfer of experience, of traditions, of the social status
· Establishment of moral values
· leisure organization
· Development of the identity of members of the family
There are different pluses and minuses of family. There could be violence and problems of generation gap in family. Violence and problems of generations could bring to the psychological problems of children. It could leads to another problems: with heals, with relationships between contemporaries and so on. But there is no place where people could receive so much care, caress, respect, recognition, and emotional support.
Family setbacks complicated to recover
Marriage: pros and cons
It is said that marriages are made in heaven but there are also couples who take their marriage in their own hands and decide their own partners.
Until the 20th century there were mostly spread marriages of convenience. Life was too hard in that times and it was easier to make a living working by groups. Such groups were families. There were many children in the family, because the more children the more help you could receive.
During the time life became easier and easier, and physical activity is not the only way to earn money in our time. In the 20th century people received a chance to make marriages on love. A love marriage is a marriage of choice. It can last far longer as long as there is the bond of love between the couple. There are different advantages of love marriage:
· The freedom of choice in choosing one's partner.
· The individual is also responsible for the good or bad consequences that a love marriage can have.
· When the partners are in perfect harmony the daily chores seem like nothing and one can easily overcome marital difficulties with each other's help.
· In love marriages the partners know each better and accept each other irrespective their shortcomings or bad habits(принимают со всеми недостатками)
There are also disadvantages of love marriages:
· Marriages of these types do not last long.
· For some couples there is no family support and even their relatives do not approve of their marriage.
· The biggest disadvantage of love marriage is that the chances of break up are far greater due to the freedom which each partner enjoys.
Love marriage is not so stable as marriage of convenience, because it is based on emotions and filings, and we see the return to marriages of convenience.
A marriage of convenience occurs when two people agree to marry for reasons other than romantic love. These reasons may cause conflict or difficulty down the road in the marriage because the couple has few emotional ties holding them together. There are different reasons of marriage of convenience:
· Money- men and women both can seek out a partner who is far wealthier and come to an agreement to marry where either one or both partners benefits financially.
· For immigration- Some people choose to marry to allow one of the partners to become a citizen of a particular country.
· A lavender marriage- both parties are complicit in their desire to hide their homosexuality or at least the homosexuality of one of the partners.
And if we speak about marriage in common, we could name such pros as:
· Marriage makes you live longer-as said different studies
· Marriage increases your earning power
· Marriage gives you a platform to build your bloodline on
· Marriage prevents you from dying alone
· Marriage brings financial benefits
· Married people are happier.