An operator should know how to use the telephone system.

Has he been working

Yes, he ... (to work) since morning. has been working

The Sierra Club ... (be) an organization whose goals center on the protection of the environment. is

The Sierra Club is an organization whose goals ... (center) on the protection of the environment. center

It ... (found) in 1692 in San Francisco by naturalist John Muir, who was intent on preserving the natural beauty and harmony of Sierra Navadas in eastern California. was founded

It was founded in 1692 in San Francisco by naturalist John Muir, who ... (be) intent on preserving the natural beauty and harmony of Sierra Navadas in eastern California. was

Today the Sierra Club ... (boast) almost 200,000 members in all fifty states of the United States. boasts

Through activites such as conferences, lectures, exhibits, expeditions, and films, the organization ... (to work) to continue the effort begun by John Muir. works

The Sierra Club also ... (publish) a weekly newsletter, a bimonthly magazine, and various books. publishes

A transistor is an active semiconductor device with three or more electrodes. By active ... (подразумевается) that the transistor is capable of current gain, voltage amplification and power gain. is meant

A transistor is an electronic device in which electronic conduction ... (производится) within a semiconductor. is made

A semiconductor is an electric conductor with resistively in the range between metals and insulators, in which the electrical charge carrier concentration ... (увеличивается) with increasing temperature over some temperature range. rises

The resistivities of semiconductors and insulators ... (уменьшается) rapidly with rising temperatures, while those of metals increase relatively slow. Unlike metals and insulators, the resistivity of semiconductors depends upon the direction of current flow. decrease

The resistivities of semiconductors and insulators ... (уменьшается) rapidly with rising temperatures, while those of metals increase relatively slow. Unlike metals and insulators, the resistivity of semiconductors depends upon the direction of current flow. decrease

The direction of the easiest current flow or lowest resistively ... (называется) the forward direction, the direction of restricted current flow or highest resistively is known as the reverse or back direction. is called

The direction of the easiest current flow or lowest resistively is called the forward direction, the direction of restricted current flow or highest resistively ... (известно) as the reverse or back direction. is known

A dividend ... only be paid out of profits but not out of capital. can

famous business partnership in English history. were able

The owners of a private company ... be members of the same family. can

Typewriting courses ... combine keyboard training with the theory and practice of typewriting. can

We ... install a fax machine yesterday. were able to

The interviews begin on Tuesday, each interview ... last not more than 30 minutes. can

They ... start earlier than 9.30 as it takes time to get to the place of the interviews and fulfill all the necessary formalities. can’t

No interviews ... scheduled after 4.30. can be

An interview ... take place between 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. as it is lunch-time. can’t

The participants ... come on Monday as they were warned beforehand. can’t have

They ... be waiting for begining now as it is only 8.30. can’t

Many business people prefer the flexibility, reliability and convenience of a hire car to using their own car. Car hire ... be particularly useful and advantageous when combined with air travel. can

The major international car rental firms ... provide a special programme designed specially for business people. can

This ... include a ’Rent it here. Leave it there’s service. can

Different sizes and types of cars ... be available. can

Some firms ... provide a driving directions service. can

Computerized systems ... provide an instant containing step-by-step directions to the destination. are to

When a hired car is required you ... book in advance. have to

The rates are usually cheaper and availability ... be guaranteed. is to

When selecting and In some countries a driving license of your country is not acceptable; your ... have an international driving permit. need to

For a small charge permits ... be issued to any current holder of valid driving license. can

You ... always check the driving regulations for the countries concerned.must

Are these sentences right or wrong?

An operator should know how to use the telephone system.

An operator can know how to use the telephone system.

An operator may know how to use the telephone system.