Avda.delEjercito 83 E-48015 Bilbao

C. R. Mendez S. A.

The Sales Manager 15 October 20…

Seymore Furniture Lt d.



Berks. SL6 5DS


Dear Mr. Harrisson,

I am writing to complain about a shipment of office furniture we received yesterday against our invoice no. G 3190/1.

The crates were damaged on the outside, and looked as if they had been roughly handled. When we unpacked them, we found that some of the chair legs were bent and rusty, and the fabric on the seating was torn, or showed signs of wear.

Two further crates from the consignment have not arrived yet, so we have not had the opportunity of inspecting them. I have informed the shipping company that we cannot accept this consignment from you, and they have contacted your insurers.

As we will be unable to retail this consignment in our stores, we are returning the shipment to you carriage forward, and we shall expect a full refund.

Yours sincerely,

C. R. Mendez

Managing Director


IV. Переведите диалог следующий:


Mr. Carrington: Доброе утро, господин Белов.

Mr.Belov: Доброе утро, господин Кэрингтон. Не хотите ли присесть?

Mr.Carrington: Спасибо.

Mr.Belov: Хотели бы вы кофе?

Mr.Carrington: Да, пожалуйста. Господин Белов мы получили ваш проект договора. Он достаточно приемлем, но я хотел бы уточнить некоторые детали.

Mr.Belov: Какие?

Mr.Carrington: В начале, я должен сказать, что Ваши условия стоимости CIF(стоимость, страхование, фрахт)нас не устраивают.

Mr.Belov: Вы хотели обсудить условия FOB(free on board)?

Mr.Carrington: Это было бы намного лучше.

Mr.Belov: Я думаю, что мы сможем поменять условия доставки. Мне необходимо будет связаться с моими коллегами и обсудить этот вопрос с ними.

Mr.Carrington: Хорошо. А сейчас давайте обсудим сроки доставки. Они не совсем подходящие.

Mr.Belov: Мы можем доставить оборудование в течение 10 месяцев с даты подписания договора.

Mr.Carrington: О, но могли бы вы сократить срок доставки до 8 месяцев? Это очень важно.

Mr.Belov: Я думаю мы можем это организовать и Вам не будет нужно принимать участие в организации доставки. Кстати, не хотите ли посетить наш завод-изготовитель и посмотреть на оборудование в работе?

Mr.Carrington: С удовольствием.

Mr.Belov: В таком случае, один из наших инженеров встретит вас в отеле завтра в 10 утра.

Mr.Carrington: Хорошо. Спасибо. До завтра.

Mr.Belov: До свидания, господин Кэрингтон.


V. Перепишите диалог, заполнив пропуски данными ниже выражениями:

Mr. Brown: Good morning, Mr. Severov.

Mr. Severov: Good morning, Mr. Brown. Happy to meet you again. How are things with you?

Mr. Brown: I’m fine, thank you. And how are you?

Mr. Severov: Pretty well, thanks. How long have you been here?

Mr. Brown: Since Sunday.

Mr. Severov: Where are you staying?

Mr. Brown: we are staying at the Metropol Hotel. We are very comfortable there.

Mr. Severov: That’s nice. How long are you going to stay here?

Mr. Brown: It will dependon our discussions. I think we can get down to business. We’ve studied your offer and your contract form for the delivery of complete equipment very closely.

Mr. Severov: How do you find them?

Mr. Brown: The equipment suits us, we need it badly and we are prepared to place a big order.

Mr. Severov: Glad to hear that, Mr. Brown.

Mr. Brown: But I’d like to settle some points first. You see, your prices are too high, I’m afraid. Can you reduce them?

Mr. Severov: I don’t think we can do that. Our equipment is in great demand

and we have already sold lots of equipment at these prices to our customers this year.

Mr. Brown: We arein close touch with the world market and know that the prices have recently gone up. Nevertheless, your prices are too high.

Mr. Severov: Well, Mr. Brown, we’ll see what we can do about it.

Mr. Brown: Thank you, Mr. Severov. We have done business with you for more than 6 years and I hope you will meet our request.


1. in close touch with the world market

2. reduce them

3. depend

4. your offer and your contract form

5. in great demand

6. we are staying

7. have done business

8. to place a big order

9. have recently gone up

VI. Поставьте реплики из диалогов в правильном порядке:


– Have you been to our pavilion?

– Yes, we’ve just seen your display. Your latest model of equipment is excellent.

– Yes, we’ve sold it to many firms abroad.

– Have you seen it in operation?

– Yes, we have. Is this model for export?


– I hear you are having talks with a delegation from Spain.

– Yes, we have finished the modifications and are going to deliver the equipment.

– Have you signed the contract yet?

– Yes, that problem was settled not long ago.

– Have you studied the manner of payment?

– Not yet. We are still discussing the prices.


– When can I visit your manufacturing plant?

– Any time.

– When will the equipment be tested?

– I think, next Monday.

– Can you make arrangements for that day?

– Yes, certainly.