ТЕКСТ 4 Cultural Exchange Brings the Peoples Closer Together
ТЕКСТ 1 Коnу Anatolyi Fyodorovich
A.F Копу is a famous Russian lawver. He was born on the 10th ot February. 1844 in St. Petersburg. His father was an outstanding dramatic critic, and his mother was an actress and a writer.
In 1865 A.F. Kony graduated from the Law baculty of the Moscow University. He occupied different posts at the Russian court. He worked as a barrister, an advocate and a judge. Kony was an outstanding judicial orator. He made brilliant speeches at the trials. In 1878 under his chairmanship the Petersburg Court heard the case of Vera Zasulich and pronounced her the verdict of non-guilty.
A.F Kony was an outstanding public figure, a member of the State Council He was also a great admirer of Russian literature. He studied the history of the criminal proceedings in Russia and in Europe and published some works on these problems. Kony's heritage is his essays and memoirs "On Life \
Besides, A.F. Kony took an active part in the cultural and educational work. In 1990 he became an honorary academician of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences. He was also a professor of the Petersburg University and delivered lectures on law.
A.F. Kony died in September, 1927.
ТЕКСТ 2 Oxford
The city of Oxford is like London. It is very old, it is international. Oxford is international because people from many parts of the world come to study at its university. They come to study at one of the twenty-seven men's colleges or at one of the five women's colleges that are the university: they join university "family" that has more than 9,000 members (among them only three hundred women, who study at the women's colleges). Every year more than one thousand students enter the Oxford university, including the Russian students, too. The entrance exams are difficult. It is necessary to work hard to become a student of the Oxford university.
The academic year in England has three terms which usually last from the beginning of October to the middle of December, from the middle of January to the end of March and from the middle of April to the end of June. Examinations take place at the end of each term.
On week-days the students of Oxford have classes, lectures and seminars. At two they have a dinner break which lasts till four. Then they resume their studies. Almost all students go in for some kind of sport. The life of the students at Oxford is interesting.
ТЕКСТ 3 The Fourth of July - US Independence Day
The Fourth of July is the biggest national holiday of the US. The American people celebrate it as the birthday of their country. On July 4. 1976, the USA celebrated its two-hundredth anniversary.
More than two hundred years ago, on July 4, 1776 when the American colonies fought against England, the Continental Congress adopted a resolution. It became the Declaration of Independence. This Declaration was an important document which had a decisive influence on the development of the American Revolution. It was a great achievement of the popular movement and it influenced bourgeois revolutions in Europe and everywhere. Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826), the leader of the democratic wing of the American bourgeoisie, wrote that resolution. Thomas Jefferson was a bearer of advanced views that did not lose their significance for the social struggle in modern America.
The American people are happy people but they still face many unsoluble problems such as unemployment, economic squeeze, the growth of crime and violence. Every year people throughout the world congratulate the people of the USA on their national holiday.
ТЕКСТ 4 Cultural Exchange Brings the Peoples Closer Together
One of the important principles of Russia's cultural policy is the exchange of cultural values with other countries and peoples. In the process of exchange people enrich themselves with cultural values which every national culture possesses.
The development of cultural ties with various states and peoples is a permanent policy of our country.
Russia's international cultural contacts are more varied today than ever before.
The two-way exchange takes place at a high artistic level. We show abroad the achievements of our culture. During the last few years Russia listeners and spectators acquainted themselves with many art companies which represented the best achievements of culture of many foreign countries.
The exchange of art exhibitions is especially important, too. It shows the level of international co-operation.
The cultural workers of our country try to do their best to develop cultural contracts with various countries all over the world for the sake of peace and co-operation, friendship and international understanding.
I. Письменно переведите данные ниже предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова с окончанием - s, и какую функцию это окончание выполняет в предложении:
а). ПоказаетльЗ-го лица единственного числа глагола в Present Indefinite.
б). Признак множественного числа имени существительного.
в). Показатель притяжательного падежа имени существительного
1. Many businessmen and tourists from Russia visit foreign countries nowadays. - Многие бизнесмены и туристы из России посещают сегодня зарубежные страны.
tourists - б countries - б
2. My sister's friend studies at the Medical Institute - Друг моей сестры учится в медицинском институте.
sister's - в studies - а
1. In his report our foreign minister mentioned the principles of foreign policy of Russia.
2. Professor Nickolayev's lectures arc very interesting.
3. I like the seminars on History of State and Low
4. 1 his judge's wife teaches Constitutional Law.
5. My friend and I like to read English books, magazines and newspapers.
II. Письменно переведите следующие предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения:
1. Не is one of the most outstanding scientists who believer lectures at Moscow University.
2. My knowledge of Criminalistics is deeper than yours.
3. The highest legislative body of our state is State Duma.
4. She is taller than her elder sister.
5. These commodities are more expensive than I thought.
Ш. Письменно переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод неопределенных местоимений и их производных.
1. There is nothing unusual in their friendship.
2. Tell us something interesting about your work.
3 Do you know any English folk songs?
1 want to go nowhere this Sunday.
We couldn't find this book anywhere.
IV. Письменно переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите время глагола и укажите его инфинитив.
1. It takes him half an hour to do this test.
2. Last year I went to Chelyabinsk 3 times - once in winter and twice in summer
3. Two years ago I didn't know anything about the judicial system of England
4 This girl is the only daughter in their family.
5. At our next seminar we shall study some articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
V. Письменно переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на усилительную конструкцию.
1. It is our Academy that trains highly qualified specialists of law.
2. It was the victim who helped us in the investigation of this crime.
3. It was at 11 o'clock that he met his acquaintance at the City Stock Exchange.
VI. Прочтите и переведите письменно текст.
Great Victory
The 9 of May is a Victory Day. Every year we celebrate this day the day of Great Victory over fascism for which 20 million our best sons and daughters gave their lives.
June 22. 1941 is the day when the fascist Germany started an undeclared war against our country. We call this war the Great Patriotic War because it was a truly national war. From the very first to the very last day every parson of our country - young and old. men and women and even the younger generation had one thought in mind: to do everything to defeat fascism.
We defeated fascism thankb to the heroic deeds of all our people-First of all, thanks to the courage and heroism of our soldiers, officers and partisans. We know that they fought their way to Berlin in severe battles, which took away a great many human lives.
We remember our heroes and their heroic deeds and we will never forget them: the future generations will never forget them either. They will be always thankful to those heroic people whose heroism saved our Motherland from fascist slavery.
VII. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. When do we celebrate the Victory Day?
2. When did the Great Patriotic War begin?
3. What helped to defeat fascism?
VIII. Выпишите из текста предложения, в которых имеются прилагательные в превосходной степени сравнения.
1. Письменно переведите данные ниже предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова с окончанием - s, и какую функцию это окончание выполняет в предложении:
а). ПоказаетльЗ-i о лица единственного числа глагола в Present Indefinite.
б). Признак множественного числа имени существительного.
в). Показатель притяжательного падежа имени с> ществительного Образец выполнения задания смотрите на странице 9.
1. This problem needs special approach.
2. My friend's sister is a judge.
3. Classes at our Academy begin at 9 a.m.
4. This MP's friend works at the Bar.
5. He knows very well whose interests the Parliament of this country represents.
II. Письменно переведите следующие предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения:
1. One of the highest buildings in Moscow is the Moscow State University.
2. Moscow is a more ancient city than St.-Petersburg.
3. It is difficult to say which month is the best or better.
4. The most reasonable way to improve East-West relations is to begin disarmament as soon as possible.
III. Письменно переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод неопределенных местоимений и их производных:
!. Some new establishments of higher learning opened their doors in our city last year.
2. Nobody missed lectures the day before yesterday.
3. Tell us everything you know about higher education in Russia.
4. Any citizen of Russia has the right to education.
5. Do you have any English books at home?
IV. Письменно переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите время глагола и укажите его инфинитив:
1. The academic year has two terms. Each term lasts about four months.
2. It took him 3 hours to write this article.
3. These foreign lawyers took part in the seminar on Criminal Law.
4. The State Duma will approve three candidates to judges of the Constitutional Court.
5. There is no alternative to peaceful coexistence now.
V .Письменно переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на усилительную конструкцию:
1. It is on the Red Square that great historical events took place in Russia.
2. It was last night that they discussed the problems of crime.
3. It was the judge Popov who passed the verdict.
IV. Прочтите и переведите письменно текст:
A Few Words About Higher Education in Great Britain
There are different kinds of educational institutions in Great Britain: universities, colleges, evening departments at colleges, and others.
At present there are about forty universities in Great Britain; practically every big city of the country has a university. Its function is to give the highest type of education to its students. A University graduate1 leaves with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts2, Science, Engineering, Law, Medicine, etc. Later he may continue to take the Master's3 Degree.
British universities greatly differ from each other in date of foundation, history, tradition, size, way of student life, etc.
The two oldest and best-known universities are Oxford and Cambridge. As the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge are residential4, (i.e. the students live in one of the University hostels or in a private room) they are smaller than most of the colleges of other universities, for example the University of London.
Besides universities in Great Britain there are about three hunarea technical colleges. As a rule, the course for training specialists at such colleges is shorter than at the universities. It usually lasts three or four years, while at the universities it lasts more than four years.
Notes: 1. Graduate - выпускник (вуза)
2. Degree of Bachelor of Arts - степень бакалавра искусс гваю
3. Master - магистр
4. Residential - имеющий общежитие
VII. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What is the function of a University?
2. In what way do the British Universities differ from each other?
3. Where do the students of the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge live?
VIII. Выпишите из текста предложения, в которых имеются прилагательные в превосходной степени сравнения.
I. Письменно переведите данные ниже предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова с окончанием - s, и какую функцию это окончание выполняет в предложении:
а). ПоказаетльЗ-го лица единственного числа глагола в Present Indefinite.
б). Признак множественного числа имени существительного.
в). Показатель притяжательного падежа имени существительного Образен выполнения задания смотрите на странице 9.
1. My sister's husband studies at the evening department of the Law Academy.
2. New and old colleges of Oxford are blue and white buildings.
3. Orlov's nephew attends all lectures and seminars.
4. Some students of our group want to join the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia.
5. These foreign lawyers took part in the discussion of the law on property'.
II. Письменно переведите следующие предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения.
1. This book is more interesting than that one.
2. I stayed in Moscow longer than two months.
3. The Cabinet of Ministers in many European countries is the highest executive and administrative organ.
4. The most difficult thing was to find the criminal.
III.Письменно переведите следующие предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения.
1. This book is more interesting than that one.
2. I stayed in Moscow longer than two months.
3. The Cabinet of Ministers in many European countries is the highest executive and administrative organ.
4. The most difficult thing was to find the criminal.
IV. Письменно переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод неопределенных местоимений и их производных.
1 Are there any American magazines in your reading-room?
2. The criminalist didn't notice any traces on a crime scene.
3. They will discuss some important problems of the legal system of our country.
4. We found this textbook nowhere.
5. Everybody in St.Petersburg is proud of this beautiful city.
IV Письменно переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите время глагола и укажите его инфинитив:
1. These two judges left the building of the court twenty minutes ago.
2. The Criminal Code defines types of crime and punishment.
3. In some days I shall make a report on "'Problems of Crime".
4. There was a scientific conference at our Academy last week.
5 Today the lecturer has no time to answer the questions of the students.
V. Письменно переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на усилительную конструкцию:
1. It is Professor Preobrazhensky who delivers lectures on Civil Law.
2. It is our district that he lives in.
3. It was that day that the jury passed the verdict.
VI Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст
Rights. Freedoms and Duties of Russian Citizens
Tomorrow we shall have our first seminar. According to the plan the subject of the seminar will be the discussion of Chapter 2 of the present Russian Constitution "Rights and Freedoms of a Human Being and a Citizen". One ot our students will make a report on the subject and the rest of us will take an active part in the discussion.
We prepared for the seminar well and studied Chapter 2 of the present democratic Constitution of Russian Federation. This chapter deals with the rights and duties of Russian citizens. We also studied many other important documents which reflect these rights and duties in action.
Everybody knows that the Constitution is the main law of the life of a
According to our Constitution all Russian citizens are equal before the law and the court. Men and women have equal rights and freedoms.
As you know, the Constitution proclaims and guarantees to the Russian citizens such rights as the right to work, the right to rest, the right to education, the right to maintenance in old age in case of sickness or disability, the right to private property, and others. Our Constitution provides all democratic freedoms for all Russian citizens as well.
In chapter 2 of the Constitution there are also articles which determine the duties of Russian citizens. These duties are to pay taxes, to protect nature and environment. The sacred duty of every citizen in to defend the country.
VII. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
1. What is the title of chapter 2 of the Constitution of Russian Federation?
2. What rights does the Constitution guarantee to the Russian citizens?
3. What are the duties of our citizens?
VIII. Выпишите из текста предложения, сказуемые которых написаны во времени Past Indefinite.
IX. Расскажите о себе и своей семье, используя напечатанный ниже текст.
About Myself and My Family
My name is Novikov. My first name is Nikholai. 1 am Russian. I was born in Omsk in 1972 in the family of office workers. So now I am 22 years old.
1 am the only child in our family. My father is a doctor, lie works at the hospital. My mother is a lawyer. She works as a judge at the district court. We live in Omsk. Our family is not large but we have a lot of relatives. They live not only in Russia but in the Ukraine, too.
In 1989 I finished secondary school and began to work as a turner at the plant. From 1990 till 1992 I served in the Army in the Far East. Now I serve in Militia.
This year 1 entered the correspondence department of the Ural State Law Academy in Ekaterinburg and now I am a first-year student.
I want to be a lawyer. 1 work in the day-time and study in the evening. I do not attend classes but I go to the library to read up1 for tests and exams. Iwice a year ] have examination time. I work very hard and read many textbooks and much lcgalese". I shall study for five years and after graduating from the Academy 1 shall become a lawyer. I think it is very useful and interesting work. The work in Militia helps me greatly in my studies
Notes: 1. to read up – готовиться
2.1egalese- специальная юридическая литература
3. after graduating from ... - после окончания (вуза)
X. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What is your name?
2. What is your first name?
3. What is your nationality?
4. When and where were you born?
5. Is your family large?
6. What is your father's profession? What is his name and how old is he?
7. What is your mother's profession? What is her name and how old is she?
8. Do you have any other relatives? Where do they live? Say some words about them.
9. When did you finish secondary school?
10. What did you do after finishing it?
11. Did you serve in the Army? Where and how long did you serve?
12. What do you do now?
13. At what department do you study?
14. When and where do you read up for classes?
15. How often do you have tests and exams?
16. Do you like to study at the Academy?
17. When w ill you graduate from the Academy?
18. Where would you like to work after graduating from it?
Расскажите об институте, в котором вы учитесь, используя напечатанный ниже текст
The Urals Law Academy The Sverdlovsk Institute of Law was founded in 1931 on the basis of Irkutsk State University. It was renamed into the Urals Law Academy in 1992. Now out Academy is one of the biggest higher educational establishments in our country.
There are three departments in our Academy: day department, evening department and correspondence department. The academy is housed in 2 study buildings with libraries and reading halls.
We study many special subjects: Criminal Law, Civil Law, Labour Law. Agrarian Law and others. Our students study one of the following foreign languages: English, French or German. I study English and work at it hard.
The academic year is divided into two terms. At the end of each term the students take tests and terminal examinations. At the end of the course of studies the students take state exams.
The students are consulted by prominent specialists: professors, assistant-professors and experienced teachers. They are provided with books and everything necessary for their studies.
I am a first year student of the correspondence department. I work and study. Twice a year I come to Ekaterinburg to take tests and exams. AH the students of the correspondence department get an additional fully paid leave for their examination time.
Our academy trains investigators, public prosecutors, judges and other highly-qualified lawyers.
XII Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. Do you study at any higher educational establishment?
2. At what department do you study?
3. When was the Urals Law Academy founded?
4. What was its first name?
5. How many departments are there in the Academy? What are they?
6. In how many study buildings is your Academy housed?
7. What subjects do you study?
8. What foreign language do you study?
9. How many terms are there in the academic year?
10. When do the students take their tests and examinations?
11. Where can the students take books for their studies?
12. Who consults the students?
13. Do the students of the correspondence department get a fully paid leave for the examination time?
14.What specialists does your Academy train?