
1. complicated 2. great 3. low-cost 4. main 5. modern 6. particular 7. simple 8. sufficient 9. wide   сложный великий, большой низкой стоимости главный, основной современный особенный, особый простой достаточный широкий



Verbs and verbal phrases

1. adopt 2. apply 3. base 4. create 5. design 6. employ 7. express 8. fulfil 9. govern 10.lead 11.pave 12.perform 13.require 14.permit 15.solve 16.utilize out   принимать, усваивать применять базировать, основывать создавать предназначать, проектировать употреблять, применять, использовать выражать выполнять, осуществлять управлять, регулировать вести мостить, прокладывать выполнять, осуществлять требовать позволять решать, разрешать (проблему) использовать составлять, разрабатывать



1. easily 2. entirely 3. quite 4. rather   легко всецело, совершенно довольно, совершенно достаточно, довольно


I. Read and translate the following words. Arrange them into the groups: a) with one stress or stress on the first syllable; b) with the stress on the second syllable; c) with two or more stresses.

Reliability, technique, govern, modern, computation, require, fulfil, logical, sequence, subdivision, information, employment, objective, program, process, automatic, possibility, importance, control, system, technical, industrial, machine.


II. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

1) Objective 2) computer 3) technique   4) computation 5) instructions a) mathematical calculation b) what you are trying to achieve c) an electronic machine that can quickly make calculations, store information d) a particular method of doing something e) clear and detailed information on how to do something, especially written information


III. Choose:

a) a noun

1. a) provide; b) providing; c) provision; d) provided.


b) a verb

1. a) application; b) apply; c) applied; d) applicable.


c) an adjective

1. a) solve; b) solution; c)solvable; d) solved.


d) an adverb

1. a) widen; b) widely; c) wide; d) width.


IV. Define the meaning of the “x” words.

1. Produce: production = производить: x.

2. Consider: consideration = рассматривать: x.

3. Include: inclusion = включать: x.

4. Absorb: absorption =поглощать: x.

5. Operate: operator = работать:x.

6. Develop: development = развивать:x.

7. Replace: replacement = заменять:x.

8. Create: creature = создавать:x.

9. Differ: difference = различать:x.


V. Make adjectives from the following nouns by adding the suffixes: - al, -ic, -ous and translate them into Russian.

Industry, mathematics, logic, digit, arithmetics, atmosphere, metal, base, electron, harmony, monotony, danger, fame, religion, courage.

VI. Arrange the words with similar meaning of the two groups in pairs.

1) entirely 2) create 3) field 4) importance 5) objective 7) main 8) development 9) application 10) perform a) fulfil b) evolution c) employment d) principal e) significance f) purpose g) branch h) completely i) produce


VII. Match the words with their opposites, like the example:

easy hard

1) high 2) possibility 3) after 4) new 5) easy 6) complicated 7) different 8) soon a) before b) low c) difficult d) simple e) the same f) old g) narrow h) lately


VIII. Match the verbs from “a” with the nouns from “b”.

a) to transmit, to solve, to govern, to pave, to utilize, to fulfil, to develop, to work out, to perform;

b) problems, information, the way, processes, the program, techniques, operations, principles, the algorithms.


IX. Complete the sentences with the given words.

Are applied, systems, technical possibilities, programs, cybernetics, objectives, engineering sciences, control algorithms, technical cybernetics.

1. The computers have created entirely new … … .

2. The computers paved the way for a new field of science - … .

3. The importance of cybernetics is great in the sphere of … … .

4. A newly developed field of knowledge is … … .

5. Its … are to control automatic industrial processes.

6. One of the main problems of technical cybernetics is the development of … … .

7. The algorithms worked out for employment in control machines are called….

8. Two … of computers are now created for control computer design.

9. In our country both systems of control … … .


X. Translate into English.

1. Компьютеры создали новые технические возможности автоматического контроля промышленных процессов.

2. Значение кибернетики велико.

3. Целью технической кибернетики является контроль автоматических промышленных процессов.

4. Программы – это алгоритмы, разработанные для использования в контрольных машинах.

5. Электронные цифровые компьютеры выполняют как арифметические, так и логические операции.

6. Компьютеры позволяют управлять процессами в довольно сложных условиях.

A. Text Study


II. Look at the title. What do you think this reading will be about? Read the text and define its main idea.

Text A



The computers or high-speed electronic machines of today have created entirely new technical possibilities in automatic control of industrial processes. First designed for solving mathematical problems, they soon paved the way for a new field of science — cybernetics — that studies general principles of control both in life and non-live systems. The importance of cybernetics is great in the sphere of engineering sciences. A newly developed field of knowledge is technical cybernetics. Its objectives are to control automatic industrial processes, to study problems of transmission of information and to develop new principles of automatic control.

One of the main problems of technical cybernetics is the development of control algorithms to be used in processing and control of information flows. The algorithms worked out for employment in control machines are called programs. These are based on subdivision of the computation process into simple arithmetical operations and on determination of the logical operations to be performed with a view to fulfil the program which gives the sequence of the machines and must be coded or expressed in the adopted code systems.

Two systems of computers are now created for control computer design.

One of these is the development of general-purpose control machines that may have much wider application but require more complicated logical circuitry and greater number of instructions and commands employed in the computer. This approach permits control of a great variety of industrial units with the aid of one and the same computer.

The second system utilizes modern microcomputer techniques to develop special-purpose machines designed to control a particular process. This leads to the creation of more easily operated and low-cost control computers. Tests of some control computers manufactured for specific industrial units have shown their efficiency and quite sufficient reliability.

In our country both systems of control are applied. Electronic digital computers perform both arithmetical and logical operations, making it possible to govern processes under rather complicated conditions.

II. Read the text again carefully and answer the questions.

1. What possibilities have the computers created?

2. What does cybernetics study?

3. What are the objectives of technical cybernetics?

4. What is the main problem of technical cybernetics?

5. Where are control algorithms used?

6. What are programs?

7. What are programs based on?

8. How many systems are now created for control computer design?

9. What can you say about the first system?

10. What does the second system utilize?

11. Where are both systems of control applied?

12. What do electronic digital computers perform?


III. Which of the vocabulary units used in paragraphs 1-2 could be regarded as international words (scientific terms)?

IV. Read the translation of the first and the second paragraphs. Compare it with the original and say if everything is right.

Третья система использовала современную технологию микрокомпьютеров для развития машины специального назначения, сконструированной для контроля за отдельными процессами. Это привело к созданию легко работающего и дорогого контрольного компьютера. Тесты контрольного компьютера, изготовленного для специфического промышленного прибора, показывают его эффективность и недостаточную надёжность.

В нашей стране применялись все системы контроля, электронный цифровой компьютер выполняет арифметические и логические операции, делающие возможным управлять процессом в самых простых условиях.


V. Find the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations in paragraph 4:

применение, требовать, сложный, компоновка электрической схемы, подход, разнообразие, помощь, устройство;

in paragraph 5:

особенный, создание, низкая стоимость, действенность, достаточный, надежность.


VI. Find passage about one of the main problems of technical cybernetics and translate it into Russian.

VII. Choose a passage and read it aloud (1-2 minutes).

VIII. Find complex grammar structures in the text and divide them into simple ones.

IX. Find out the subject-matter and the means of its secondary expression. e.g. The children are hungry. Give them something to eat.

X. Find key words, phrases and the topic sentences which express the general meaning of each paragraph best of all.

XI. Using the information obtained from the paragraphs make a plan of the text.

XII. Speak about computers, technical cybernetics using key words, phrases, the topic sentences and the plan of the text.


B. Text Study


I. Look at the title of the text. Make your predictions about the content of it. Read the text and answer the questions.

a. What applications of computers do you know?

b. Where else may computers be used?

c. How does an ordinary computer operate?

d. What types of computers do you know?


Text B


When Ch. Babbage, a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, invented the first calculating machine in 1812 he could hardly have imagined the situations we find ourselves in today. Almost everything in modern world is done with the help of computers – the complicated descendants of his simple machine. Computers are being used more and more extensively in the world today, for the simple reason that they are far more efficient than human beings. They have much better memories and can store great amount of information and they can do calculations in a fraction of the time required by a human mathematician. No man alive can do 500,000 sums in one second, but a modern computer can.

In fact, computers can do many things we do, but faster and better. They can control machines at factories, work out tomorrow’s weather and even play chess, write poetry or compose music. Let’s look now at some of the ways in which computers concern people in their daily lives and work.

Many people associate computers with the world of science and mathematics, but they are also a great help to scholars in other subjects: in history, literature and so on. It is now possible for a scholar to find a book or an article he needs very quickly, which nowadays when a million or more new books are published each year is quite an advantage. You tell the computer which subject you are interested in and it produces any microfiche you need in seconds.

There are also systems which are being developed to translate articles from foreign magazines by computer and to make up many lists of information which are needed in a modern library. So, computer can help us to deal with the knowledge explosion in many ways. One can imagine a time when libraries will be run by computers, without human being at all.

Or, let’s take another example. When a man drives a car for long distances he has two problems: to keep the car at constant speed and watch that he does not run into the car in front of him. Engineers are now experimenting with a system which has a computer control of these two problems. The car’s computer keeps the speed constant. At the same time the distance between the car and any other car in front of it is measured by a beam of light transmitted forwards. The beam meets the rear reflectors of the car in front and it is reflected back, which enables to measure the distance. This information is fed to the computer which adjusts (регулировать) its speed control accordingly.


II. Read the text and define whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Charles Babbage invented the first calculating machine in the 18th century.

2. Computers play a very important role in modern life.

3. Computers are less efficient than human beings.

4. Computers can store great amount of information.

5. It’s impossible to imagine a time when libraries will be run by computers, without human beings at all.


III. Expand the sentences.

1. Ch. Babbage invented the first calculating machine.

2. Almost everything in modern world is done with the help of computers.

3. Computers do many things.

4. Computers are also a great help to scholars.

5. The car’s computer adjusts its speed control accordingly.


IV. Now decide which of the following statements express important ideas or supporting details for this reading.

1. a)Everything in modern world is done with the help of computers.

b) Computers are being used more extensively in engineering.

c) Computers have a very good memory.

2. a) Computers are able to do many things.

b) Computers can control machines at factories, play chess, compose music.

c) Computers concern people in their life and work.

3. a) Computers are associated with the world of science.

b) Computers help scholars in different subjects.

c) Computers can help you to find a book or an article you need.


V. Find the words – carriers of the primary and the secondary information in paragraph 1.

VI. Define the function of commas in paragraph 3, 5.

VII. Find out the means of connection between clauses, parts of the sentence and sentences.

VIII. Arrange the sentences in the logical order according to the text.

A. Computers help people to study.

B. The creator of the first calculating machine couldn’t predict its significance.

C. Computers help drivers.

D. The possibilities of computer are unlimited.

E. Computers are widely used in our everyday life.


IX. Give the main points of the text in 4-5 sentences.

C. Text Study



I. Translate the text into Russian.


Text C



When the American scientist Alan Huang revealed his plants to build an optical computer, most scientists considered this idea as hopeless. It was impractical, if not possible, they said, to create a general-purpose computer that could use pulses of light rather than electrical signals to process data. During one of the scientist’s lectures on the subject, a third of the audience walked out. At another one, some of the scientists laughed, calling the researcher a dreamer.

That was several years ago. Now the scientist demonstrated his experimental computing machine based on optics. It look him five years to develop it. The device – a collection of lasers, lenses and prisms – can serve as the basis for future optical computers 100 to 1,000 times as powerful as today’s most advanced supercomputers. The potential applications are remarkable: robots that can see, computers that can design aircraft, processors that can convert spoken words into written text and vice versa. Such practical optical computers are still years away – some would say light-years.

Yet many scientists are predicting that the device will have an impact similar to that of the integrated circuit which made small personal computers possible.

Photons, the basic unit of light beams, can in theory be much better than electrons for moving signals through a computer. First of all, photons can travel about the times as fast as electrons. And while electrons react with one another, beams of photons, which have no mass or charge, can cross through one another without interference. Thus, photons can move in free space. This could open the door to radically new and different computer designs, including so-called parallel processor that could work on more than one problem at a time instead of one after another, as today’s new generation computers do.

Grammar Study


Времена группы Continuous


Времена группы Continuous образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени, лице и числе и причастия I, т.е. по формуле to be + Participle I (ing).


The Continuous (Active)

  Present Past Future
Утверди-тельная форма I am writing he, she, it is writing   we, you, they are writing I, he, she, it was writing   we, you, they were writing I, we shall be writing   he, she, it, we, you, they will be writing
Вопроси-тельная форма Am I writing? Is he, she, it writing?   Are we, you, they writing? was I, he, she, it writing?   were we, you, they writing? Shall I, we be writing?   Will he, she, it, we, you, they be writing
Отрица-тельная форма I am not writing he, she, it is not writing   we, you, they are not writing I, he, she, it was not writing   we, you, they were not writing I, we shall not be writing   he, she, it, we, you, they will be not writing


Времена группы Continuous употребляются для выражения действия, происходящего в какой-то определенный момент времени в настоящем прошедшем и будущем. Этот момент может подразумеваться из контекста или может быть обозначен либо конкретным указанием на время, например: в 10 часов, либо указанием на другое однократное действие, например: когда мы вошли; когда мы вернулись и т.д.

В Present Continuous момент может быть выражен словами now сейчас, at the moment в этот момент. Например,

They are doing grammar exercises now. Они делают грамматические упражнения сейчас.
They were doing grammar exercises when he came in. Они делали грамматические упражнения, когда он вошел.
They will be doing grammar exercises at 10 o’clock tomorrow. Они будут делать грамматические упражнения завтра в десять часов.

Глаголы, выражающие чувства: to love (любить), to like (нравиться), to hate (ненавидеть) и т.п., восприятия: to see (видеть), to hear (слышать), to feel (чувствовать), to know (знать), to remember (помнить), to understand (понимать) и т. п., а также глаголы to belong (принадлежать), to contain (содержать), to consist (состоять), to possess (обладать), как правило, в форме Continuous не употребляются, например,

Thank you, I feel much better now. – Благодарю Вас, я чувствую себя гораздо лучше.

На русский язык времена группы Continuous переводятся глаголами несовершенного вида настоящего, прошедшего или будущего времени. Длительный характер действия передается словами сейчас, в данный момент, в это время и т. д.:

You can talk to him. He is not working. Вы можете поговорить с ним. Он не работает в данный момент.
He was getting ready for his final exams when I came in. Он готовился к выпускным экзаменам, когда я пришел.
She will be working at her article at that time tomorrow. Завтра в это время она будет работать над своей статьей.


The Continuous (The Passive)

To be + being + Participle II
Present I am he, she, it + is being written we, you, they are
Past I he, she, it + was being written we, you, they were


В страдательном залоге Future Continuous не употребляется. Три способа перевода страдательного залога справедливы и для перевода времен группы Continuous, но последние переводятся глаголом несовершенного вида, например: Книгу читают. – The book is being read.


Глагол to have (to have – had – had)


Синтаксическая функция и значение Пример и перевод
1. Смысловой глагол со значением «иметь», «обладать» (перед именем существительным, числительным, местоимением) Now Belarus has many educational establishments. Сейчас в Беларуси имеется много учебных заведений.
2. Вспомогательный глагол для образования времен Perfect (перед причастием прошедшего времени) Many years have passed since the day when radio was invented. Прошло много лет с тех пор, как было изобретено радио.
3. Эквиваленты модального глагола в значении долженствования (перед инфинитивом смыслового глагола с частицей «to» He had to make a lot of experiments. Ему пришлось проводить много экспериментов.

I. Explain the use of Continuous Tense in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. I am at my English lesson. I am sitting and doing my exercises. My friend is not sitting, he is standing at the blackboard and looking at me.

2. It is getting cold now, isn’t it? Look out. Is it raining now?

3. You are late. What were you doing? I was translating a text.

4. When I came home my parents were having supper and at the same time they were watching TV.

5. What was he doing when I rang up an hour ago? He was looking through a newspaper when I rang up.

6. Tomorrow we shall be preparing for a test for the whole evening.

7. In July they will be taking their exams for the whole month.


II. Choose the right form of the verb in brackets.

1. We (are translating, translate) a technical text now.

2. We usually (are not translating, do not translate) stories.

3. She (does not look, is not looking) through all the newspapers every evening.

4. He (looked, was looking) through a newspaper when the telephone rang.

5. What (were, was) you doing a minute ago? I (was watching, watched) television.

6. I (watch, am watching) television every day.

7. I had a late night, I (worked, was working) until midnight.

8. Yesterday he (worked, was working) a lot.

9. The students (had, were having) an interesting discussion when the teacher came in.


III. Define the functions of the verb to have in the following sentences. Translate them.

1. Cosmic television has a great future.

2. He had to work hard to complete his investigation on time.

3. The engineer will have to improve the accuracy of this machine-tool.

4. A new method has been used in order to investigate this problem.

5. I have to do this work now.

6. Our planet has powerful sources of energy.

7. You will have to go to the library to get this book.

8. We’ve got a new teacher.

9. She will have many new subjects next term.

10.They have already passed the examination in electrical engineering.



Unit III


Vocabulary Study

Word List


Nouns and noun phrases

1. apparatus 2. application 3. border 4. break 5. cell   6. communication cellular communication video communication 7. conception 8. data 9. device 10. exhibition 11. housewife 12. Internet   mobile Internet 13. kilobit 14. “know-how”   15. language electronic language Internet language 16. mail electronic mail (e-mail) 17. mankind 18. message 19. megabit 20. net video communication net 21. receiver   22. ring local ring 23. speed 24. sense 25. sphere   26. subscriber 27. tendency 28. trade 29. user     30. web 31. World Wide Web   - аппарат, прибор, аппаратура - применение - граница - прорыв - (биол.) клетка, ячейка, сота; (эл.) элемент - связь - сотовая связь - видеосвязь - понятие; понимание - данные, факта, информация - устройство - выставка - домохозяйка - Интернет, всемирная информационная сеть - мобильный Интернет - килобит - “ноу-хау”, - способ передовой технологий - язык - электронный язык - язык Интернета - почта - электронная почта - человечество - сообщение - мегабит - сеть; паутина - сеть видеосвязи - телефонная трубка; - радиоприемник; получатель - звонок - местный звонок - скорость - чувство, ощущение - область, поле деятельности, сфера - абонент - тенденция - торговля - лицо, осуществляющее - пользование (пользователь); потребитель - сеть; паутина - всемирная информационная сеть





1. accessible 2. cellular 3. enormous 4. electronic 5. impossible   6. local 7. main 8. mobile 9. ordinary 10. wide   доступный, достижимый сотовый громадный, огромный электронный невозможный, невыполнимый, невероятный местный главный, основной мобильный; передвижной обычный широкий; большой, обширный



1. book 2. carry out 3. compare with 4. cost 5. create 6. expose 7. link   8. obtain 9. transmit   10. use   11. work out   заказывать (билет) выполнить, проводить, осуществлять сравнивать с стоить создавать выставлять связывать, соединять; быть связанным получать; достигать, добиваться передавать; отправлять, посылать; (радио, тлв. транслировать) употреблять, пользоваться, применять разрабатывать



1. all all over all over the world   2. especially 3. even 4. nowadays   всецело, вполне; совершенно повсюду, кругом по всему свету; совершенно, полностью особенно, главным образом даже в наше время; теперь


I. Read and translate the following words. Arrange them into the groups: a) with one stress or stress on the first syllable; b) with the stress on the second syllable; c) with two or more stresses.

Problem, television, compare, conception, user, mobile, ticket, tendency, message, communication, nowadays, apparatus, mankind, operation, technology, Internet, application, cellular, enormous, expose, exhibition, ordinary, telephone, device, different, wireless, transmit, electronic.


II. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

1) telephone 2) bit   3) television 4) mega- 5) e-mail     6) apparatus     7) technology 8) accessible     9) data   10) know-how   11) message   a) information, usually in the form of facts or statistics. b) a system that lets you send a message directly from your computer to someone else’s computer. c) some kind of specialized knowledge. d) available for people to use or see. e) the practical application of scientific knowledge, especially in the form of advanced scientific methods and equipment. f) the system of sending pictures and sounds by electrical signals over a distance so people can receive them in their homes. g) the equipment needed for some task or activity. h) an electrical system you use to talk to someone in another place by dialing a number on a piece of equipment and speaking into it. i) a piece of information or a request which you send to someone, or leave for them. j) the smallest unit of information held in a computer’s memory. k) At the beginning of a unit of measurement means it is a million times greater than another unit.