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Текстовые наглядные пособия должны состоять не более, чем из шести строк и не более, чем с шестью словами в строке. Они должны быть наглядны: написаны большими буквами и с пользованием пустого пространства между ними.
Графические наглядные пособия обычно представляют собой диаграммы, графики, рисунки, схемы. Чтобы помочь аудитории понять назначение материала, краткий смысл должен быть написан на этом графическом материале. Например, надпись под графиком: «Прибыль возросла на 15%».
Клише презентации (1)
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. In this talk/presentation I intend to discuss whether parents who come from different nationalities should teach their baby both languages or only one. First, I want to talk about how children learn languages. Then, I want to talk about the advantages of teaching children both languages at the same time. Next, I will talk about the disadvantages and finally, I will give my opinion on this issue.
Let’s begin with how children learn. The most important thing to remember is that children do not learn their first language like they learn language in school. In other words, children at school learn by reading, writing and doing exercises. When a baby learns a language it cannot read or write. It can only learn by listening, passively memorizing and then speaking. This means that it needs to hear the language as much as possible. For instance, a mother may need to say “Mama” and “Dada” twenty or thirty times a day for three or four months before her child begins to use these words to talk about his her parents.
Клише презентации (2)
introductory words: after that, finally, to start with, specifically, outline, bring you up to date, illustrate, purpose, then, thank, sum up, describe, concluding, indicated, you will notice, draw your attention, interrupt, expand, move on, options, priority, referring, in conclusion, on balance, recommend, pointed out.
Good afternoon, everybody. I’d like to thank you all for being here.
My purpose today is to tell you about our corporate strategy for the next decade, and, more specifically to bring you up to date with our plans for Europe.’ ‘To startwith I’d like to describe briefly our current marketing policy in the UK. Then I’ll outline some of the problems we’re having over market share. After that I’ll illustrate the opportunities we see for further progress in the 21st century. Finally, I’ll quickly sum up before concluding with some recommendations.
Please feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions at any time.
Now I’d like to draw your attention to Chart B showing our sales revenue and pre-tax profits over the last ten years. You will notice that although turnover has risen, our profits have not increased at the same rate.
I’ve talked about out current position in the UK and I’ve indicated some of the problems we are facing. Well, what options are open to us now? Where do we go from here?
As I have already pointed out, I think our first priority must be to build on the excellent results we have achieved in certain European markets. I’m referring, of course, to Italy and Spain. Let me quickly expand on those successes before we move on.
We should not forget the French market. Admittedly, our results there have been poor so far, but there are signs the market is changing and we can learn a lot from our mistakes. On balance, though, I think we stand to gain most from concentrating on southern Europe andI strongly recommend we put all our efforts into further expansion in Italy, Spain and possibly Greece.
In conclusion, may I thank you all for being such an attentive and responsive audience. Thank you also for your pertinent questions. Are there any final questions?