Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It can be positive or sick.


Департамент образования ГОРОДА МОСКВЫ

Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение города Москвы

«Гимназия № 1619 имени М.И. Цветаевой»


Индивидуальный проект

«Основы работы с видеоредактором и растровым графическим редактором»

по предмету «Информатика»



Выполнил: Бевз Никита Сергеевич,

Ученик 10 класса «АМ», Гимназии №1619


Руководитель: Мурзаева Анна Сергеевна,

Учитель информатики.


(подпись руководителя)


Москва, 2016



Введение………………………….………………………………....………стр. 3

1. Theory……………………………………………………..…стр. 4

1.1. Mental state…………………………………………………………….......стр. 4

1.2. Type of games.................................................................................................стр. 15

1.3. Программы для захвата экрана………………………..………………...…стр. 17

1.4. Видеохостинги………………………….…………………………………стр. 19

2. Практическая часть………………………………………………………..стр. 27

2.1. Практическая работа №1 «Эффект Акварели»…………………….стр. 27

2.2. Практическая работа №2 «Эффект пикселей»……………………..стр. 33

2.3. Практическая работа №3 «Эффект крика»………………………....стр. 37

2.4. Практическая работа №4 «Эффект комикса»……………………....стр. 42

2.5. Практическая работа №5 «Ядовитый бэкграунд»…………………стр. 48

Заключение…………………………………………………………...стр. 56

Список литературы…………………………………………………..стр. 57





В наши дни человечество использует компьютеры и другую вычислительную технику не только для работы, но и для развлечения. Одним из видов таких развлечений является просмотр разных видео в Интернете. Для кого-то это вариант времяпрепровождения, а для кого-то не плохой заработок.

Ведь аудитория YouTube, самого популярного видеохостинга в мире, - больше миллиарда человек. Это почти треть всех пользователей в Интернете. Если учесть этот факт, то не сложно посчитать, сколько можно заработать, если за 1000 просмотров будут давать 1 доллар. И это без других партнёрских программ, которые только увеличат доход. Хотя в среднем, видео известных ютуберов набирают от 100 000 до 2 500 000 просмотров.

Цель моей работы – проделать путь от “нулевого” канал без контента до первого заработка.

В ходе своей работы, я должен ответить на поставленные вопросы:

1. Сложно ли сделать качественный, востребованный пользователями контент?

2. Можно ли заработать на видеоредактирование?

Цели моей работы:

1. Показать функционал видеоредактора (Sony Vegas Pro 13).

2. Показать возможности графического растрового редактора, как вспомогательного атрибута для монтажа видеоролика.

3. Реализовать готовый продукт на видеохостинге YouTube.

Для решения поставленных задач использовались следующие методы исследования:

1. Изучение и анализ учебных пособий и электронных ресурсов;

2. Собственный опыт;

3. Изучение и анализ учебных пособий и электронных ресурсов;

4. Практическая работа по выбранной теме;

5. Реализация на видеохостинге.



Mental health.

Mental state is a person’s state of mind, mental condition, in such psychological terms as mood and self-control. Mental state is an indicator of a mental health.

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It can be positive or sick.

Person with positive mental health can control his emotions and stress level, work productively, feel comfortable with another people, realize his full potential. So that means that the person with sick mental health don’t have some of that qualities or don’t have them at all. These people are unsociable, nervous, flame on somebody, when he fails, have an unpredictable mood.

During the lifetime, everybody experiences mental health problems. Early signs of mental health problems are sleeping too little or too much, irrational eating, feeling inactive, pulling away from people and usual activities, flaming on yourself or others, especially family or friends, smoking, drinking or consuming drugs to reduce feeling hopeless or helpless, having thoughts and memories you can’t get out of your head. But not everybody trying to cure his mental health. These harmless symptoms can change into very dangerous for life diseases. Two of the most dangerous are Alzheimer’s disease and, as a result of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease.

There are a lot of advices what to do if you think your mental health isn’t normal, like trying to help others or getting enough sleep and food, but the best on is to get professional help.

Types of video games.

It’s a common misleading that all games are easy to play, don’t require any skills and, generally, similar. But games, even in the same genres like shooters, are different, but we still can make groups to see how the game can be similar and different.

First of all, there are sorting them by genres. Genre helps us to understand which type of the game we have to play. The most popular are Action, Adventure, Strategy, Casual, RPG, Simulator and others.

In addition to genres we can add tags. Tags make our first opinion of the game, shortly tells us about a gameplay. Tags can be different: from FPS (First Personal Shooter), Indie, Open World to Bullet Hell, Illuminati and Anime.

Also, we can narrow games by number of players. I can highlight three main subcategories in this type of game qualification. It’s Single-player, Co-op and Competitive.

Single-player game is a game only for a one player. This games are requiring to pass missions, follow the plot. Usually this games are creating to make players relax, spend their free time with pleasure. Single-player games can be hardcore and relax.

Hardcore games are insanely hard to pass. They have a lot of difficult quests, require 300ms reaction (300ms is an ideal reaction speed. This number was taken from hardcore rhythm game called osu!. In osu! highest AR (approach rate of circles) is 11 (AR10 + DoubleTime), that means you need to read circle, which approaches in 300ms.). Players need to spend thousands of tries to get a result. For example, in “Dark Souls”, irrational logic and good feeling of all gaming mechanics, because you need to control, at least, heath bar, ammo or a mana bar, in every moment of your attempt.

Relax game were created to make people feel unstressed. Usually, there are well-sounded, have not bright, but colorful and cartoonish graphics and easy for understanding plot. The most popular relax game genres are Visual novel, Adventure and Casual.

Co-op or Cooperative games need at least 2 players to play. This type of games very similar to single-player, but you need to use your communication skill, because you need to cooperate all your moves with our players. It means that you are playing in a team of your friends or a randoms in a co-op game to pass quests, not alone.

Competitive games are totally different from previous two. As in sport, competitive games require two sides to play one versus one. Usually it’s 1vs1, 3vs3, 5vs5 or 6vs6. All competitive games have ranking systems. Elo, Rating MatchMaking (RMM), Performance Points are the most popular rating systems in competitive games. Elo rating system was created by Arpad Elo for calculating skill level of chess players in 1939, but nowadays we can see Elo in cybersport. Elo has rating number, which you get after 5-10 calibration games, and divisions. For example, if you have 1486 rating number you will be in a bronze division, if you have 3287 – you will be in a platinum division. To increase this number you need to play ranked game. If you win game, you will get points, if you loss game, you will loss points. Players call this system “Elo hell”, because their teammates can play awful, ruin the game and, as result, you will receive loss. The games which have Elo ranking system are League of Legends, Overwatch, CS:GO. RMM is a Elo ranking system without divisions, you have only a rating number. The most popular game using RMM points is Dota 2. Performance Points or pp is a rating number based on your skill. Dean Herbert invented this system in his game called osu!. Amount of pp you get depends on a map difficult, accuracy, combo and mods. All Competitive games are hardcore, because they need high skill from players.

There are a lot of different types of games like educational, but they unpopular. People won’t play these game, because they are low-budget. It means that they can’t concurrent with games from giants of videogames industry.