Exercise 1 Guess what these people collect.

Урок 66

Дата, класс: 5 А_____,5-Б_______5- В________

Тема: Развитие навыка чтения

Практическая цель: повторить и обобщить лексический материал темы. Тренировать учеников в чтении. Продолжать формировать навыки устной речи . Практиковать учеников в письме. Подготовить учеников к написанию письма другу про любимое занятие.

Общеобразовательная цель: научить учеников самостоятельно рассказывать про свои увлечения и планы на будущее

Развивающая цель:продолжать формировать коммуникативные способности учеников

Воспитательная цель: Воспитывать бережливое отношение к культурным ценностям.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Оснащение урока:учебник, рабочая тетрадь, карточки, доска.

№ п/п   Время   Этапы урока, материал Методы и приёмы работы Примеча-ния
              Подготовка к восприятию иностранного языка 1. Приветствие. T: Good morning, pupils! I’m glad to see you! Let’s start our lesson! 2. Сообщение темы и цели урока T: The topic o f our today’s lesson is A Hobby fo r Everyone. W e ’ ll read some readers’ letters and learn how to write a letter to a pen friend about your hobby or favourite pastime.   3. речевая зарядка: Упр 4 стр 107 T: now answer my questions/ Основная часть урока. 1. проверка домашнего задания 1) Упр 3 c 107 письменно 1 ученик читает, остальные проверяют правильность написания T: let’s check your homework. 2) упр 1 стр 106 пересказ 1-2 ученика пересказывают текст What does Petro Doroshenko collect? What is Borys Ivanchuc’s hobby? 2. Тренировани е учеников в чтении Упр. 1 (с. 106). T: open your books at page 106 let’s read and translate exercise 1. 2) карточка упр 1 ( Рт упр 1 стр 77) T: work with the card exercise 1 Guess what these people collect.   You are tired. Now we have a little rest. Stand up! Hands up! Hands down! Hands on the hips! Sit down!   3. тренирование учеников в устной речи 1) упр 2 стр 109 T: page 109. Answer the questions 4) карточка упр 2 (РТ упр 3 стр 78) T: work with the card exercise 2 How many people in your class are collectors? Ask three people in your class the questions and write their answers. 4.Обобщение темы “a hobby for everyone”, подготовка к выполнению домашнего задания 3) упр 3 стр 109 T: exercise 3 on page 109. Let’s read and translate the world map/ now chain work. Ask and answer the questions. 4) упр 3 стр 114 T: open your books at page 114 and read exercise 3. Окончание урока.
  1. Домашнее задание.
Упр 1 стр 108 написать письмо другу про своё хобби. 2. Оценивание работы учеников на уроке. 3. Подведение итогов урока. T: I think this lesson was useful for you.

Exercise 1 Guess what these people collect.

1) I started collecting_______ when my aunt gave me a very old China ________________.

It is 100 years old and it is still wearing its original dress and boots. My other__________________

are modern. There are some Barbie ________________among them.

2) I have hundreds of__________ and they are a collection of the history of our city.

One ___________shows the old Town Hall which was pulled down in 1951. Some of my

classmates collect foreign __________________or funny____________________________ .

3) You always have them in your purse. Collecting _________________can be an interesting hobby.

I collect ____________________because I like the history they record. How do I get them?

I swap with my friends at the Club.

4) Collecting_______________________ is great. They are small but we can learn lots of things from

them. My_____________________ look nice in my album because the theme of my collection is


1 2 3 4

Exercise 2 How many people in your class are collectors? Ask three people in your class the questions and write their answers.

Do you collect things?      
What do you collect?      
Do you talk to other collectors?      
How do you get new things for the collection?      

Exercise 1 Guess what these people collect.

1) I started collecting_______ when my aunt gave me a very old China ________________. It is 100 years old and it is still wearing its original dress and boots. My other__________________ are modern. There are some Barbie ________________among them.

2) I have hundreds of__________ and they are a collection of the history of our city. One ___________shows the old Town Hall which was pulled down in 1951. Some of my classmates collect foreign __________________or funny____________________________ .

3) You always have them in your purse. Collecting _________________can be an interesting hobby. I collect ____________________because I like the history they record. How do I get them? I swap with my friends at the Club.

4) Collecting_______________________ is great. They are small but we can learn lots of things from them. My_____________________ look nice in my album because the theme of my collection is flowers.