Текст ответа 4748.02.01;МТ.01;1

« _____you the defendant? » asked the judge


«Have you _________to say for yourself before I pass the sentence?» the judge said to the pickpocket


A man was _______of stealing a pair of trousers


A man was accused of stealing a pair_____ trousers


A solicitor _______deals with matters outside Court


After the second reading the bill is_________ in detail by a committee


An investigator asked you what your friend_________ when you came to him

was doing

Analytic jurisprudence _______questions like, "what is law?" "What are the criteria for legal validity?"


Any congressman in either house, or the president, may_________ new legislation


At the grocer’s we buy ________

tea or coffee

Barristers are different _____solicitors


Do you often_____ to the lawyer?


Eating habits______ different in different countries


Education is paid great attention to in our country, ________?

isn’t it

England is almost unique in having two different kinds ____ lawyers


Finally, the bill goes to the reigning monarch _____the royal assent


Have you ever_______ told how to organize your work?


He _________very hard at finding the bribe taker

's working

He threw the letter he had ______reading for 15 minutes on to the table and turned to me


How ______you understand natural law?


How many houses are_______ in the US Congress?


I learnt ______impor­tant facts about the arson


If a person has a legal problem, he will go and see ____ solicitor


It is much better to eat an apple or a banana ______to eat a double hamburger with ketchup and mayonnaise


Jurisprudence is the theory and philosophy_____ law


Many kinds of people working in or studying legal affairs____________ to as lawyers

are referred

Mary has been watching TV since I _________


Modern jurisprudence and philosophy of law is ___________today primarily by Western academics


My friend hadn’t rung me ____ before he came home


Natural law is the idea that there______ unchangeable laws of nature which govern us


New legislation in Britain usually_________ in the House of Lords


Normative jurisprudence asks what law should ____ like


She ________been reading since 3 o’clock


Some transactions in modern society_____ so complex that few of us would risk making them without first seeking legal advice


The children will have been sleeping for two hours by the time the parents________ home


The committee_______ worked out a contract


The legislation prepared _____ this department is very important


The proposed legislation, or bill, is first introduced in the House ____Representatives


The solicitor _________ petty crimes and some matrimonial matters in Magistrates’ Courts

deals with

The student _____ the topic: “Blackmail” very well


The US Congress, the lawmaking arm of the federal government, ________of two houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate


This bridge was _______in 2001


We buy bread at the ____


We buy meat at the _________


We shall have been reading for 7 hours when my parents_______ home at 5 o’clock


What ________we already passed by the beginning of June?


What are _____main aspects in jurisprudence?


What clothes______ good at the sport ground?


What will you put_______ at the party?


When _____ people seek legal advice?


When did you pass ____ credits?


When does the proposed legislation go_____ one of the standing committees?


When we buy a train ticket a lawyer may tell us it___________ a contract with legal obligations


When we want _________ something we go shopping

to buy

Where _______new legislation in Britain usually start?


Where can you _______speed, excitement and danger?


Where does the bill_____ after its third reading?


Who can _________new legislation in the US Congress?


You are suspected to commit a crime at 10 p.m. Give your alibi telling what you ________at that time

were doing

You_________ buying clothes for cold weather. Which is more important?


Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) «Sir, do you swear this is not your signature? » — said the lawyer. «Yes» B) «You take your solemn oath that this writing does not resemble yours in a single particular?» Подберите правильный ответ

А - да, B - да

Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) Are all your lectures delivered in English? B) Have you ever be told how to organize your work? Подберите правильный ответ

А - да, B - нет

Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) But I didn't hear about this burglary B) I had some information about the bribe Подберите правильный ответ

А - да, B - да

Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) By whom was radio invented? B) Amendments made to a bill by the House of Lords must be considered and sent back to the House of Lords Подберите правильный ответ

А - да, B - да

Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) I learnt some impor­tant facts about the arson B) He's working very hard at finding the bribe taker Подберите правильный ответ

А - да, B - да

Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) In this fast-moving world it is necessary to watch what we eat – it should be healthy food B) It is much better eat an apple or a banana than to eat a double hamburger with ketchup and mayonnaise Подберите правильный ответ

А - да, B - нет

Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) New legislation in Britain usually starts in the House of Lords B) The second reading is usually the occasion debate Подберите правильный ответ

А - да, B - нет

Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) Nowadays the royal assent merely a formality B) Where does the bill go after its third reading? Подберите правильный ответ

А - нет, B - да

Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) Only barristers can become judge in an English court B) Barristers are expert in the interpretation of the Law Подберите правильный ответ

А -нет, B - нет

Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) Only when we are injured in a train accident, or when a neighbour refuses to behave reasonably, we start thinking about the legal implications everyday activities B) In some societies, such as the United States, precise written contracts, lawyers and courts of law have become a part of daily life Подберите правильный ответ

А - нет, B - да

Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) The legislation prepared by this department is very important B) Do you often go the lawyer? Подберите правильный ответ

А - да, B - нет

Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) The proposed legislation, or bill, is first introduced in the House of Representatives В) How many houses are there in the US Congress? Подберите правильный ответ

А - да, B - да

Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) The student know the topic:” Blackmail” very well B) Trying to keep order the police often arrests the demonstrators Подберите правильный ответ

А -нет, B - нет

Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) The workers will have restoring the building for a year in autumn B) The children will have sleeping for two hours by the time the parents come home Подберите правильный ответ

А -нет, B - нет

Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) What are the main aspect in jurisprudence? B) How you understand natural law? Подберите правильный ответ

А -нет, B - нет

Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) When do the proposed legislation go to one of the standing committees? B) «That man behind me wants to rob me», thought the first man and seeing a high wall around a garden jumped over it Подберите правильный ответ

А - нет, B - да

Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) Which is most dangerous winter sport? B) If you want feel fit you'd better go in for one kind of sport or another Подберите правильный ответ

А -нет, B - нет

Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) You are suspected commit a crime at 10 p.m. Give your alibi telling what you were doing at that time B) How can you get a juridical profession? Подберите правильный ответ

А - нет, B - да

Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) You put on diving equipment and dive under a frozen lake B) Winter sports have always an element of danger Подберите правильный ответ

А - да, B - да

Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) You were a witness of a traffic accident B) An investigator asked you what your friend is doing when you came to him Подберите правильный ответ

А - да, B - нет