Tests for Tourism 3rd course
<question>I can ….. people relax.
<variant>to make
<question>I ….. willing to work long hours.
<question>I like ….. independently.
<variant>to work
<question>The tourist board … to build more hotels this year.
<variant>is going
<question>I am good ….. languages .
<question>We think the new hotel … very popular.
<variant>will be
<question>I feel confident …… dealing with money.
<question>Thailand, … covers 51300 km2, has a population of 60 million.
<question>A person, sells you a holiday, is a travel agent.
<question>Tourism is a fast-…. business.
<variant> growing
<variant> running
<question>Tourism …. help to protect environments and animal life, but can also …. it .
<variant>can, damage
<variant>may, damage
<variant>must, develop
<variant>has, to damage
<variant>could, to destroy
<question>A pagoda is a temple… relics of the Buddha are kept.
<question>The main ….. for tourism is the scenery.
<variant> attraction
<variant> progress
<question> The ….. is largely unspoilt and very varied.
<question>The long hot summer ….. from May to October,, with temperatures around 27 C .
<variant>to stretch
<variant>to stretching
<question>The Balearic islands ….. a number of attractions for tourists.
<variant>to offer
<variant>has offer
<question>If you go in June, …. Miss the spectacular Fiesta of San Juan at Ciutadella on Minorca.
<variant> don’t
<variant> isn’t
<question>The Balearic Islands ….. between Spain and the North African coast.
<variant>to lie
<variant>was lie.
<question>Many smaller tour operators prefer to deal directly ….. their clients.
<question> Domestic tour operators specialize in tours for people …. want to holiday in their own country..
<question> Some operators limit their product to customers … want a very specific type of holiday..
<question>To buy in bulk means to buy something
<variant> in large quantities
<variant>in secret
<variant>on the Internet
<variant>a long time before you need it
<variant>in the shop
<question>One- way tour operators like Begona ….. their product is by attending tourism fairs.
<question>I can understand articles about package ….. and tour operation..
<variant> tour
<variant> excursion
<question>Kenya offers a diverse …… of interests for visitors.
<variant> range
<variant> plan
<question>San Francisco’s historic cable cars ….. since 1873.
<variant>have been running
<variant>were running
<variant>had been running
<variant>are running
<variant>to run
<question>Cable car riders should hold on tight and take great ….. getting on and off.
<question>Our hours of work are quite long and we don’t get a regular weekly ……
<question>If you are traveling alone, you may have to pay ……for your room.
<question>If you decide to stay for longer than a month, we …. offer a discount.
<question>Do you know where the …… chemists?
<variant>the nearer
<variant>the near
<question>New York offers a wide range of attractions to …..all tastes
<question>…..New Zealand located in the South Pacific Ocean?
<variant> Is
<variant> Does
<question> ….. does the tour begin?
<variant> When
<question>We will stay in Barcelona …. two days.
<question>She doesn’t mind ….. in the departure lounge.
<variant>to wait
<variant>has been waiting
<question>Have you ever ….to a luxury restaurant?
<variant>to be
<question>The purpose of any business is to create and …… profitable customers.
<question>What sort of information is usually ….. in typical promotional materials?
<variant>to give
<variant>is giving
<question> Is there ..… reliable source of information?
<question>It ….be raining outside. I can see people with umbrellas
<question>….you like to order now, sir?
<variant>have to
<question>…..we go to the theatre?
<variant>Ought to
<variant> Need
<question>There is only one Greek island ….. I haven’t visited yet
<question>The HOTELS may be ….. according to location, prices, and
<question>Classification of ….. may be based on two factors: menu and service offered.
<variant>travel agencies
<variant>places of interest
<question>Tourism is travel for predominantly recreational or leisure …. .
<question>If you plan on doing business in Sweden, make …… at least to weeks in advance.
<question>Procedures for registration of guests on arrival in hotels is …..
<variant>put- in
<variant>get- in
<variant> fill- in
<variant>check off
<question>Would you like ….drinks before you order your mea, sir?
<variant>a lot of
<question>Can I have …. fried egg and ….. bacon for breakfast?
<variant>a, some
<variant>some, a
<variant>a little, some
<variant>much. a
<variant>many, some
<question>She doesn’t like ….. kind of juice.
<question>We’ve been ….. to order for twenty minutes
<variant> wait
<variant>to wait
<question>….. travelling by car, always keep the doors locked and the window only slightly opened.
<question>Leave your ….. in your hotel’s safe-deposit box.
<question>People who steal from other people’s bags and pockets are
<variant>tour guides
<question>The forecast says it’s …… to be quite warm in Morocco next month.
<question> …… you are going to miss your flight, you must contact the airlines’ reservation service for re-booking information immediately.
<question>I ……. this information to complete the booking.
<variant> need
<variant> use
<variant>to need
<question>I would like …… you all to be extra careful about security.
<variant>to remind
<variant>is remind
<question>I need to confirm your flight as …..
<variant> soon as quick
<variant>soon as late
<variant>soon as later
<variant>soon as necessary
<variant> soon as possible
<question>It …been recently renovated so it has the usual services like restaurant, Internet, ets.
<variant>to have
<variant>to has
<question>Zurich office needs to know when the brochures ….. out.
<variant>are sent
<variant>was sent
<variant>have been
<variant>were sent
<variant>are send
<question>Good …. on your first day in the new job.
<question>Which countries have you ….. as a tourist?
<variant>to visit
<variant> visit
<question>…..famous attractions have you seen?
<question>Working in tourism means sending people to different ….. with different traditions and customs.
<question>It is important to ….. and ….. these different traditions and customs.
<variant>respect, understand
<variant>like, appreciate
<variant> love, respect
<variant>support. understand
<variant>maintain, love
<question>You can take a ….. fishing or sailing trip, or to go to one of the many festivals.
<question>Tour operators buy in …… and in bulk from the principals :airlines, hoteliers, and so on.
<variant> advance
<question>In the past tour operators sold almost entirely through ……. .
<variant>travel agents
<variant>business men
<question>I also ….. presentation, I get invited to a lot of social events.
<question>We take the …. who are going home to the airport at 6 in the morning, and bring back the new group.
<question> The most famous Christian …. route of all is the medieval route to Santiago de Compostela is northern Spain.
<question>Did you take ….. photographs?
<variant> much
<question>There aren’t …. towels in the room.
<question>She didn’t drink …. tea.
<variant>a few
<variant>a lot
<variant> much
<question>We …. studying tourism this year.
<variant> is
<question>Jane is ….. to Florida on15 May
<variant> travelling
<variant>to travel
<variant> travel
<question>I have lived in Barcelona ….12 years.
<question>He has worked as a tour guide ….. 2004.
<question>I look forward to ….from you.
<variant>to hear
<question>I regret to tell you that we are fully …. at the moment
<variant>to book
<variant>to booking
<question>Passengers …..contact United Airlines for the further details.
<variant>have to
<variant> should
<question>The woman …. spoke to you is the hotel manager.
<variant> who
<variant> which
<question>This fish ….. strange but smells fine.
<variant>to taste
<question>….did you choose to study tourism?.
<question>…. kind of job are you looking for? .
<question>Managing the finances of a large hotel is a ….. job.
<variant>highly skilled
<variant> skill
<question>Susan really likes that film. She ….. it eight times.
<variant>has seen
<variant>had seen
<question>Tom is looking …. his book .
<variant> for
<variant> in
<question>Currently, we ….. some major changes in the department.
<variant>are planning
<variant>are planned
<variant>were planned
<question>I’m afraid he ….. here this week. Can I help?
<variant> isn’t working
<variant> doesn’t work
<variant>hadn’t worked
<variant>didn’t work
<variant>not working
<question>How often ….. you ….. meetings?
<variant>do / have
<variant>are / had
<variant>had / had
<variant>did / had
<variant> are / having
<question>If you decide to stay for longer than a month, we will offer a …..
<variant> discount
<variant> upgrade
<variant>free stay
<question> If you are travelling alone, you may have to pay a ….. for your room.
<variant>some money
<question>The International airport in Bishkek is called…
<variant>Ala too
<question>Where is Changi International airport situated?
<variant>In Singapore city
<variant>In Kuala Lumpur
<variant>On Bali island
<variant>In Mumbai
<variant>In Seoul
<question>Population of the Republic of Singapore is…
<variant>4,2 million people
<variant>6,8 million people
<variant>10,1 million people
<variant>5,3 million people
<variant>1,5 million people
<question>A friendly and generous behavior towards guests is…
<question>A central station or airport in a transport system where passengers can change planes, trains etc. in order to travel other places.
<variant>Taxi rank
<variant>Car hire
<question>Bowing is the most appropriate way of greeting in…
<variant>Central America
<question>A service where you can rent a car abroad…
<variant>Car Hire
<variant>Taxi rank
<variant>Bus station
<variant>Travel agency
<question>A statement in which somebody says that they are not satisfied with something
<question>Where is Durban city situated?
<variant>South Africa
<variant>New Zealand
<question>What city was the European Capital of Culture in 2008
<variant>Cape Town
<question>This stadium is a home for Liverpool FC
<variant>Goodison park
<variant>Saint James park
<variant>Emirates stadium
<variant>Soldiers Field
<question>Everton FC plays home matcher on this stadium
<variant>Goodison park
<variant>O2 Arena
<variant>Saint James park
<variant>Stanford Bridge
<variant>Old Trafford
<question>Tivoli Gardens are situated in…
<question>Central Dalmatia is situated in modern ….
<question>A place where taxi drivers are waiting for passengers
<variant>Taxi rank
<variant>Car park
<variant>Parking lot
<variant>Car rent
<variant>Bus stop
<question>An event at which a new product is presented for the public
<variant>Product launch
<variant>Public Relations
<question>The area of Singapore city is…
<variant>650 square kilometers
<variant>250 square kilometers
<variant>1000 square kilometers
<variant>830 square kilometers
<variant>940 square kilometers
<question>Singapore situated in…
<variant>South East Asia
<variant>South East Europe
<variant>Middle East
<question>Tourism in the economy of Kazakhstan takes….place
<question>Kazakhstan is situated in…
<variant>Central Asia
<variant>South East Asia
<variant>Middle East
<variant>Eastern Europe
<variant>Northern Asia
<question>One of the most visited place in Almaty is…
<variant>The central stadium
<variant>National library
<variant>The First President Park
<variant>Republic Square
<question>Kazakhstan has boarder with
<variant>All of them
<question>We don’t have boarders with…
<question>Two the most famous canyons situated in
<variant>Kazakhstan, USA
<variant>Canada, France
<variant>Kazakhstan, South Africa
<variant>Algeria, Morocco
<variant>Kyrgyzstan, Peru
<question>The highest point of Kazakhstan is…
<variant>Khan Tengri
<variant>Furmanov mount
<variant>Talgar mount
<variant>Alatau mount
<variant>Victory mount
<question>The largest country by population is population is
<question>The largest country in the world by land
<question>The height of Baiterek is…
<variant>97 meters
<variant>25 meters
<variant>36 meters
<variant>36 meters
<variant>85 meters
<variant>100 meters
<question>How far is it from Cape International airport to the City center?
<variant>29 km
<variant>34 km
<variant>23 km
<variant>30 km
<variant>25 km
<question>A place where available fax and photocopy service in hotels
<question>Kazakhstan takes…place by area in the world
<question>The area of Kazakhstan is…
<variant>2,717 000
<variant>1,700 000
<variant>890, 640
<variant>178 640
<variant>270 000
<question>Where do The Beatles come from?
What city is situated in two parts of the world?
<question>The capital city of Brazil is…
<variant>Sao Paulo
<variant>Rio de Janeiro
<variant>Buenos Aires
<question>The highest mount in the world is…
<variant>The crown
<question>Los Angeles is situated in…
<question>A specific time or date by which you have to do something
<question>In Japan, team spirit is very important and people often ___________ to get to know each other.
<variant>Go out together after work
<variant>Work long hours
<variant>Work without salary
<variant>Share flats
<variant>Live with uncertainty
<question>Someone who buys and uses the product.
<question>Work done by people
<question>Not have enough
<variant>Run out of
<variant>Pick up
<variant>Out of stock
<question>Kept ready to be used
<question>Put different parts together
<question>Buy from another business
<question>Winter temperatures in Almaty rarely rise_____ 0C.
<question>Water ______ most of the earth’s surface.
<variant>Is covered
<variant>Was covered
<question>An arrangement to receive goods from a shop or money from a bank and pay for it later.
<question>Someone who is learning a job or profession
<question>I read all the _______ in the newspapers and visited three _______, but I didn’t find a job.
<variant>Job ads/job fairs
<variant>Job fairs/job ads
<variant>Job articles/job exhibitions
<variant>Job shops/job reps
<variant>Job reps/job shops
<question>Many companies ________ new graduates with the potential to follow a __________ to management.
<variant>Look to hire/career path
<variant>Look to fire/career road
<variant>Look to quit/career story
<variant>Look to dismiss/career experience
<variant>Look to employ/career story
<question>Extremely tired and without enough energy to do anything else
<question>A person who needs a lot of attention and is not easily pleased or satisfied
<question>To buy a product
<question>How many students have __________ English classes?
<variant>Registered for
<variant>Registered with
<variant>Written for
<question>She sent me more _________ about the job and some questions to answer.
<question>I wanted ______ Annie and show that I was passionate about the job
<variant>To impress
<variant>To present
<variant>To dress
<variant>To crash
<question>Annie asked me to ______ an interview in Dublin.
<question>I was confident that my name was _____ the short list.
<question>As soon as I got back to Brussels, they ________ me a job.
<question>The idea _______ in New York was incredibly exciting.
<variant>Of living
<variant>To live
<variant>For living
<variant>To living
<variant>Of live
<question>Why did you apply ____ this job?
<question>How do you feel _____ working abroad?
<question>I intend to be ____ a management position.
<question>I don’t enjoy doing things ______ the last minute.
<question>You should always be entitled to a refund provided the goods are________.
<question>I am going to be working to a very tight ________.
<question>In business, it’s important to keep a high level of pleasure that people get when they buy things from you.
<variant>Customer satisfaction
<variant>Delivery date
<variant>Exchange the product
<variant>Customer referral
<variant>Returning customers
<question>The area underneath provides useful _________.
<question>Tickets may ________ in advance from the box office.
<variant>Be purchased
<variant>Be sold
<variant>Be checked
<question>Alfred was intensely _________, obsessed with the idea of becoming rich.
<question>A person, plan that is _______ can change or be changed easily to suit any new situation.
<question>Always supporting your friends, principles, country etc.
<question>Our ______ for this project is just over a million dollars