Planning subscriber groups
Switching systems department
for: Switching systems of information distribution
on theme: Telecommunication network design
Student 4 course ICC TE 4.1.01 group
Field of study: Infocommunications and
software engineering
specialty Telecommunications
Korovkina K. V.
(name, surname)
Supervisor Golubenko V. V.
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National scale
Quantity points: Mark: ECTS
Commission members:
(signature) (surname and initials)
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(signature) (surname and initials)
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(signature) (surname and initials)
Odesa 2016
TASK.. 3
1 Analysis of existing analogue to digital circuit switching network. 5
2 Calculation of loads for UTN with time switching. 9
An Urban Telephone Network UTN with 6-digit numbering plan is made up of 3 nodal areas (NA).
Digital nodal area (DNA-3) is based on Kvant-E digital switching system including HTE-31/32 that supports NHTE-31/32 subscribers, two Remote Switching Modules (NRSwM-1 and NRSwM-2 subscribers supported) and three Remote Subscriber Modules supporting NRSubM-1, NRSubM-2, NRSubM-3 subscribers.
Analogue-digital nodal area (ADNA-4) is based on SI-2000/v.5 digital switching system including HTE-41/42 that supports NHTE-41/42 subscribers and two SANs (NSAN-1 and NSAN-2 subscribers supported) that provide network access for two crossbar PEs of ATSK-U type (one crossbar PE per each SAN). PE-45 supports N45 subscribers while PE-47 supports N47 subscribers.
DNA-5 is based on SI-2000/v.5 digital switching system including HTE-51/52 that supports NHTE-51/52 subscribers.
A Toll Exchange provides the planned telephone network with toll communications. The TX contains SSP (numbering plan 0-800-xxxxxx, 0-900-xxxxxx) and Softswitch class 4.
Coefficients KNA-3, KNA-4, KNA-5 denote shares (expressed in %) of private phones within every nodal area. A share of payphones equals 0.01 of TE’s subscriber capacity. A share of subscribers with access to SSP is 0.01. Initial data are given at table 1.
In UTN a Call-center (Special Services Center) works, implemented in SI-2000/v.5 equipment which provide access to emergency (1-xx), ordering (17-xx) and reference information services (15-xx).
In considered planned UTN first step of Next generation network (NGN) development. This stage assume installation in HTE-51/52 equipment of packet switching system (PSS) based on SI-3000. Designed PSS SI-3000 consist equipment of media and signaling gateway and call server CS with Softswitch class 5 functions. For designed network is supposed organization of multiservice network for NmcipBAN new subscribers, that can be connected with analogue (ASL) and high-speed digital lines ADSL-2+ (their share is KADSL2+) that connected to nodes ipBAN, that are placed in the network (exact position choose by yourself). For existing subscribers of HTE-51/52 assumed providing of multiservice access for NmcBAN subscribers with ADSL lines by mean of installation with HTE-51/52 required quantity of multiservice access nodes AN-BB BAN with capacity 240 ADSL.
1. Draw and analyze diagram of the existing UTN. Develop and shortly describe scheme of existing network in which show TE and Call-center. Show all necessary public exchanges, sign: code, type of equipment and numbering of subscriber line. For trunks show types and direction.
2. Calculate loads for UTN with time switching. Determine shares of subscriber groups. Calculate subscriber loads and loads within TEs. Calculate values of load created by outgoing calls including loads towards Call-center and SSP. Set the necessary attraction coefficients for the TEs. Calculate load values between telephone exchanges of the net.
3. Calculate loads for trunks and amount of E1 trunks required to handle the loads for THE-31/32.
4. Design block diagram of projected NGN network for UTN. For the block diagram designed in the p. 1 show projected packet switching system based on equipment SI3000: call server, media gateway, signaling gateway, application server, equipment of BAN, ipBAN included in PSS. Show the interaction of designed PSS with existing UTN.
5. Design functional scheme of designed PSS SI-3000. At functional scheme show: existed equipment of THE-51/52, all direction of connection, equipment of PSS SI-3000, including of ipBAN and BAN. Shortly describe equipment choice.
А | В | С | |||
NHTE-31/32 thsnd. | N45, thsnd. | N47, thsnd. | |||
NHTE-41/42, thsnd. | NHTE-51/52, thsnd. | NRSwM-2 | |||
NRSwM-1 | NRSubM-1 | NRSubM-3 | |||
КNA-3 | 0,80 | NRSubM-2 | KNA-5 | 0,80 | |
NSAN-1 | 1 408 | NSAN-2 | 2 800 | NmcBAN, thsnd. | |
KNA-4 | 0,65 | KADSL2+ | 0,75 | ||
NmcipBAN |
1 Analysis of existing analogue to digital circuit switching network
In the considered CTN overlay method was used in introducing the digital equipment. Consider the main activities that are carried out using this method.
Overlay method is characterized by the presence of two independent single (analog and digital) network, serving the same territory. Digital overlay network is formed by: the installation of new digital switching systems (DSS), the dismantling of obsolete equipment and replacing it with digital, by expanding existing analog PBX digital equipment.
Introduction by DSS "overlay network" carried out a single geographically dispersed set of hardware and software for one or more nodal areas of the CTN, and the binding factor is the use of the same type of equipment for CTN transportation system.
In this case, the following recommendations.
Host transit equipment (HTE, Host). DSS is used primarily as HTE to the functions of association and distribution of raw and input of local and long-distance connections for all or part of the stations on the basis of remote switching modules (RCM) and possibly DSS of other systems, as well as the technical operation center (TSTE) all territorially distributed system equipment. In addition, depending on the requirements (including the same time), this may serve ITCP intelligence node (NCT) or intelligent call center (Callsenter); Switching Centre MSC network mobile (Mobile Switching Center); AMTS or international switching center (MSC); point of presence
IROR Internet (Internet Point Presence) and gateway to IP packet networks, ATM, FR, Ethernet; point switching intelligent services SSP (Service Switching Point). Remote switching module (ECM). The feasibility of establishing a VCR depends on the conformity of its features, which are determined by the type of the selected CSK, to the specific needs of the designed object in the network functions, subscriber capacity and the number of connecting lines (SL).
The remote subscriber units (YOU) are used to reduce to the subscriber line network costs (AL), in particular as hubs in places where small groups of subscribers - in the districts of private buildings.
For implemented CSC provides the necessary range of linear joints, methods and code signal exchange with existing analogue equipment and facilities existing in the KCC network. With the analog part used only TSSL network. The connection between the CSC is made usually fiber optic ring formed SDH.
the new numbering plan, which involves the allocation of it as a digital single node area, with a capacity of about 100 000 subscribers introduced to implemented CSK usually.
Introduced CSK should provide common channel signaling functional completeness SS7 and have the status of a transit STP (Signalling Tranfer Point) or terminal SP (Signalling Point) signaling point for the signaling interaction with existing
Introduced DSS, thanks to the resources centralized technical operation, will provide the opportunity to interact with the telecommunications network management TMN (Telecommunication Management Network).
In order to provide customers CTN connection to the Internet network on-commutated access (dial-up), with HTE organized IPOP (Internet Point of Presence), which is through the establishment of multi-functional group of Internet servers to provide access to the World "web of" the WWW Internet network. The server allocates the required number capacity and bandwidth to the Internet in a digitalized, skommutirovanom semi-permanently in the switching field OPTS, direction connection to the ISP and, depending on the load, the serial number of subscriber numbers with modems for user access.
When AMTS organized assembly of intelligent services
SSP (Service Switching Point).
To perform the necessary claim 1 depict a block diagram of the GTS in accordance with Fig. 1.1, 1.2. It is necessary to take into account that in the CDS are three structural network scheme (organization of local communication scheme, establishment of a communication scheme with AMTS and CSS and TCU scheme based SDH transport ring). On the block diagram of the local communications company GTS indicate: the type of equipment, the station code and numbering AL; for beams SL - orientation for SFL - wired for TSSL - type GT and used transmission system; access points to the Internet - IPOP. Example The block diagram is shown in Fig. 1.1.
On the block diagram arrangement of communication c AMTS and CSS show:
Network station type and code (can be omitted numbering AL); SL bundles local communication; show AMTS indicating the type of equipment, show connection beams NLB and SLM to all focal areas for CSS - show the location and bundles SL from all network stations with an indication of conductivity at AMTS switching point show Intelligent Network services - SSP. On the block diagram of GTS considering the transport ring SDH network indicate the station, type of equipment, stations codes, connect the principle to SDH transport ring and the necessary equipment. An example of the structural schemes, considering the transport SDH ring is shown in Fig. 1.2. Each block diagram is accompanied by a brief description. The following theoretical calculations can consider the description of the existing network.
Analog-to-Digital CTN nodulation (network with six-figure numbering) requires a network of nodal areas (NA), which are organized with the purpose of enlarging the CL beams. Considered the CTN is based on analog and digital nodal areas.
Figure 1 – Structure scheme of existing network
2 Calculation of loads for UTN with time switching
It’s necessary to plan traffic intensities in order to determine the necessary amount of telecommunication equipment resources to handle this traffic.
This process will have several steps:
Planning subscriber groups
It is necessary to classify subscribers and determine shares of subscriber groups.
It’s possible to classify subscribers to the following groups:
- business subscribers (BS);
- private subscribers (PS);
- payphones (PP);
- dial-up users;
- SSP users.
These groups distinguish by average call rate, average call duration and by busy hour.
Quantity share of subscriber groups can be calculated:
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Let’s calculate quantity share of subscriber groups for different NA:
- for NA-3:
- for NA-4:
- for NA-5: