Текст 2. Higher Education in the United Kingdom

Тема №1: Медицинское образование в Великобритании и США

Базовый уровень.

Цель: развитие навыков перевода, аннотирования и реферирования текстов по специальности.


1. самостоятельно тренировать навыки перевода текстов повседневного и общенаучного характера со словарём;

2. самостоятельно тренировать навыки аннотирования и реферирования текстов по специальности, используя приёмы смысловой компрессии.

Текст 1. Higher Education in the United States


In the USA there is no consistent distinction between the terms “college” and “university”. The general tendency, however, is to call a college a higher educational institution offering courses of instruction leading to the Bachelor’s degree; a university is a college or a group of colleges or departments offering courses of institution leading not only to the Bachelor’s degree but also to the Master’s and the Doctoral degrees. There are two types of universities and colleges in the United States -private and public (state). High quality institutions are found equally among public and private universities. The principal difference is funding.

Admission to colleges and universities is based on several criteria, including the results of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). It is an examination in school subjects that high school students must take before they can go to college or university. SAT results tell only the part of the story. Most schools will also ask for personal information; a transcript of high school grades; a Standardized Freshman Application Form; teachers’ recommendations; essays in various topics.

A Bachelor’s degree program lasts four years. A freshman is a first-year student, a sophomore – a second-year student, a junior – a third-year student, and a senior – a forth-year student. A student working toward a Bachelor’s degree (BA or BS) is called an undergraduate; one working toward a Master’s (MA or MS) or Doctor of Philosophy degree (PhD) is called a graduate student. Some students receive scholarships that pay all or part of their tuition. A person on such a fellowship is called a university fellow.

The first two years are mainly devoted to general education. The program includes broad survey courses for general knowledge from which the student can go on to a specialized interest in the junior year. This interest is usually termed a “major” or a “field of concentration”. A second field of interest, in which one takes almost as many courses, is often called a “minor”.

The American academic year usually runs from the middle of August to the beginning of May or June. Most schools divide the academic year into 3 terms or 2 semesters (Fall and Spring semesters). Achievement is measured by grades which are given on papers and tests during the course of the semester and a final examination at the end of the term. The final grade is based on all the work done for the course. A grade point average (GPA) is determined at the end of a term to show the student’s overall achievement. College grades, determined by each instructor on the basis of class work and examinations, are usually on a four-point scale, with letters to indicate the level of achievement. “A” is the highest mark, followed by “B”, “C”, “D”, “F”, the last one denotes a failure.

Higher education institutions are governed usually by a board of regents or a board of trustees.


Текст 2. Higher Education in the United Kingdom

There are many academic institutions in the U.K. that make up the system of higher education. Each UK university and college has its own identity and traditions. There may be campus and non-campus universities. In a campus university the accommodation, libraries, lecture theaters and seminar rooms are concentrated in one area of the town or city. At a non-campus university or college, the departments and facilities are spread out across a wider area.

Entry to the institutions of higher education is by selection, usually based on examination grades, and is competitive in most subjects. The most common requirements for entry into establishments of higher education are General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and A-levels.

The general pattern of teaching and learning on full-time courses of higher education is a mixture of lectures, seminars and tutorials, essays, exercises and tests. A lecture is given to a large group of students. It is a talk on a certain topic of study which lasts about an hour. Seminars usually consist of a group discussion of ideas and opinions about a particular field of study. Once or twice a term, students will have a tutorial. This means that they see a tutor alone to discuss their work and their progress.

Each university and department has its own method of assessment. Most universities and colleges still use some form of written examinations. These can last up to three hours. Students have to answer three or four questions in an essay form. In general, progress is measured through a combination of course work, dissertation and final examinations.

Traditionally, the academic year is split into three terms – autumn (late September/early October to mid December), spring (January to late March/early April) and summer (April to mid July).

The first degree titles are Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BS). First degree courses are called undergraduate courses. Many students wish to enhance their first degree with further study in a particular vocational or professional area. In Britain there are thousands of postgraduate courses.

A great number of courses are taught at Master degree level. The title of the degree may change depending on the subject studied. The most common are MA (Master of Arts), MS (Master of Science), MBA (Master of Business Administration) and others. These courses normally last for a full calendar year and include coursework (lectures, seminars, tutorials). The postgraduate student may be asked to complete a project or carry out research work in order to produce thesis or dissertation.

If you wish to study for a doctorate, the master’s degree will be an entry requirement in most universities and colleges. Doctoral degrees are awarded for original research, followed by a presentation and defense of a thesis. People can take PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) degree in both arts and science subjects. A doctorate can take four years or more to complete.


Средний уровень.

Цель:формирование у студентов умения осуществлять информационно-коммуникативную деятельность по работе с иноязычными источниками в виде обобщения результатов работы в формате беседы с преподавателем в рамках изученных тем.


1. формирование умений самостоятельной работы с иноязычной литературой, использования различных поисковых систем в Интернете;

2. формирование умений отбора, обработки, смысловой компрессии и передачи релевантной информации в сжатом виде в заданном формате;

3. формирование умений вести беседу с преподавателем в рамках заданной темы, используя соответствующую терминологию и грамматические конструкции.


Прочтите тексты базового уровня, а также тексты Medical education in the USA and Great Britain из учебников:

Марковина, И.Ю., Максимова, З.К., Вайнштейн, М.Б. Английский язык [Электронный ресурс]: учебник / И.Ю. Марковина, З.К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн; ред. И. Ю. Марковина. – Москва: ГЕОТАР-Медиа. – 2013. – С. 246 – 254, 260 – 266. – Режим доступа: http://studmedlib.ru

Маслова, А. М., Вайнштейн, З.И., Плебейская, Л.С. Английский язык для медицинских вузов [Электронный ресурс]: учебник / А. М. Маслова, З. И. Вайнштейн, Л. С. Плебейская. – Москва: ГЕОТАР-Медиа. – 2014. – С. 55 – 58. – Режим доступа: http://studmedlib.ru

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