Write questions to which the given words are possible short
(для студентів заочної форми навчання І курсу І семестру)
Контрольну роботу побудовано на лексичному і граматичному матеріалі, який охоплює нормативну граматику англійської мови і базовий лексичний мінімум з основних тем курсу.
Виконавець контрольної роботи має дотримуватися таких порад:
1. Титульна сторінка заповнюється відповідно до загальних вимог українською мовою.
2. Контрольну роботу треба виконувати у зошитах власноручно або на аркушах формату А4 у друкованому вигляді.
3. Номер варіанту залежить від номера прізвища виконавця у списку академічної групи. Якщо номер непарний, треба робити перший варіант, якщо парний – то другий варіант.
4. Робота містить тринадцять завдань. Під час виконання контрольної роботи порядок завдань не порушується.
5. Виконуючи вправи, треба писати номер завдання, модель виконання і повністю переписати зміст вправи. Доцільно розділити сторінку навпіл: з лівого боку речення, яке треба переробити чи перекласти, з правого – відповідь.
1. Ask for some additional information about the statements below:
MODEL: - Lucy is translating an article.
Is she translating an English article?
1. Susan is watching television. (program)
2. Elsa is singing now. (song)
3. They are standing at the station now. (meeting their parents)
4. Mr. Rogers is making a report at the meeting now. (on electronics)
5. I am speaking at the moment. (with William)
2. Say what a person is going to do next in the following situations:
MODEL: - There's a nice cake in front of Tom. (to eat)
He is going to eat it
1. Kate is taking a book from the shelf. (to read).
2. The teacher is standing at the blackboard. (to write)
3. The Jones's car is very old. (to sell)
4. William and Joe are on the way to the railway station. (to meet)
5. Jack is switching on the TV set. (to watch).
3. Answer the following questions in the negative:
MODEL: — Is there anybody behind the door?
No, f think there's nobody there.
1. Have you anything to eat?
2. Is there any coffee in the house?
3. Are there any clerks at the meeting?
4. Is there any news?
5. Is anybody waiting for me?
Write questions to which the given words are possible short
answers. Use the modal verb can:
MODEL: — Tennis
What games can you play?
1. German and French.
2. Tomorrow.
3. Mary.
4. For two weeks.
5. Yes, I can.
5. Say that you disagree with the statements below. Use the adverbs of frequency:
MODEL: - The Baxters usually spend their holidays at the seaside. (seldom)
- Are you sure? I think they seldom spend their holidays at the seaside.
1. Mike always comes here. (never)
2. They often go to the theater. (seldom)
3. Henry sometimes plays golf. (never)
4. Dick usually finishes work at 7. (generally at 6)
5. Harry never invites Peter to his parties. (always)
6. Answer the following questions. In your answers use the information given in brackets:
MODEL: - When did you go to France? (last year)
- went to France last year.
1. When did you speak to the manager? (on Friday)
2. When did they send the letter? (last week)
3. When did the train leave? (an hour ago)
4. When did you have a holiday? (in August)
5. When did they begin the experiment? (the day before yesterday)
7. Make suppositions about the reasons for the actions in the following statements:
MODEL: - The secretary cut her finger, (to fix the type-writer / to cut the paper)
- What was she doing when she cut the finger? Was she fixing the type-writer?
- No, she wasn't. She was cutting the paper.
1. An engineer got an electric shock. (to switch on the machine / to fix the machine)
2. His wife burnt her hand, (to make coffee / to iron)
3. Harry got into an accident, (to drive / to cross the street).
4. He did not arrive at 19. (to work / to visit his parents)
8. Make up one sentence from the two given. Observe the use of the Simple Present In the clauses of time and condition referring to the future time!
MODEL; - I'll be in time at the office I'll take a taxi.
- If I take a taxi, I'll be in time at the office.
1. Peter's going to see Julia this evening. He'll invite her to the party.
2. George will stay in the library tonight. He wants to finish the report.
3. The students will have a holiday. They must take the exams first.
4. I'll stay at my friends' in Moscow. The hotels may be full.
5. We are going to buy a new computer. We'll consult the electrical engineer first.
9. Say what you don't have to do in each case. Use the words prompted. Follow the model:
MODEL: - I'm much better today. (to stay in bed)
- I'm much better today, so I don't have to stay in bed.
1. My classes begin at 10 tomorrow. (to get up early)
2. Mare is a punctual woman. (to wait for)
3. They lived quite near the station. (to take a taxi)
4. My wife usually does shopping. (to go shopping)
5. My friends promised to give me a lift to the airport. (to take a bus)'
10. Compare the size or quality of the objects below:
MODEL: - Your garden and your friend's garden. (large)
- My garden is larger than yours.
1. Your kitchen and your neighbour's kitchen. (small)
2. Your flat and your friend's flat. (good)
3. Your job and your wife's job. (bad)
4. The central avenue and Park Road. (long)
5. Moscow and St. Petersburg. (old)
11. Give true answers to the following questions:
MODEL A:- Have you ever been to Italy?
- Yes, I've been there many times, (once, twice, several times)
- MODEL B:~ Have you ever been to Germany?
- No, I've never been there.
1. Have you ever been abroad?
2. Have you ever been to London?
3. Have you eaten fish and chips in Hyde Park?
4. Have you travelled in Africa?
5. Have you ever tried Indian food?
Translate into English;
1. Я вивчаю англійську мову. Мій друг також вивчає англійську мову.
2.У мене є фотоапарат.
3.Діти допомагали батькам.
4.Ви підете на концерт сьогодні ввечері?
5.Що ви робите? - Ми готуємося до концерту.
6. Ми бачили її вчора. Вона працювала а саду.
7. У мене нема ручки, я її загубив. - Коли ти загубив її?
8. Ми читали книжку, яку я купила у Києві.
9 Вона каже, що її мати працює з школі.
10. Вона сказала, що її мати працює в школі.
13. Translate the text:
Bird-brained computers
To call someone "bird-brained" means you think that the person is silly or stupid. But will this description soon disappear from use in the light of recent research? It seems the English may have been unfair in associating birds' brains with stupidity.
In an attempt to find out how different creatures see the world, psychologists at Brown University in the USA have been comparing the behaviour of birds and humans. One experiment has involved teaching pigeons to recognize letters of the English alphabet. The birds study in "classrooms", which are boxes equipped with a computer. After about four days of studying a particular letter, the pigeon has to pick out that letter from several displayed on the computer screen. Three male pigeons have learnt to distinguish all twenty-six letters of the alphabet in this way,
A computer record of the birds' four-month study period has shown surprising similarities between the pigeons' and human performance. Pigeons and people find the same letters easy, or hard, to tell apart. For example, 92 per cent of the time the pigeons could tell the letter D from the letter Z. But when confronted with U and V (often confused by English children), the pigeons were right only 34 per cent of the time.
The results of the experiments so far have led psychologist Donald Slough to conclude that pigeons and humans perceive in similar ways. This suggests that there is something fundamental about the pattern recognition process, if scientists could only discover just what this pattern recognition process is, it could be very useful for computer designers. This advantage of a present day computer is that it can only do what a human being has programmed it to do, and the programmer must give the computer precise, logical instructions. Maybe in the future, though, computers will be able to think like human beings.
t. Ask for some additional information about the statements below:
MODEL: — Lucy is translating an article.
— Is she translating an English article?
1. His wife is cooking at the moment. (pancakes)
2. The students are answering questions. (the teacher's)
3. My daughter is writing now. (a letter)
4. Mrs. Hilton is typing now. (documents)
5. The kids are playing in the yard. (football)
2. Say what a person is going to do next in the following situations:
MODEL: - There's a nice cake in front of Tom. (to eat)
— He is going to eat it.
1. There's no butter at home. (to buy)
2. My job is not well-paid. (to change)
3. Our flat is small. (to move)
4. Ihave friends in Boston. (to visit)
5. I am very tired. (to have a rest)
3. Answer the following questions in the negative:
MODEL: ~ Is there anybody behind the door?
— No. і think there's nobody there.
1. Is there anybody in the lab at the moment?
2. Have you got anything to tell me?
3. Is Jane doing anything now?
4. Is there anything new in this programme?
5. Is there anybody from London at the conference?
4. Write questions to which the privies words are possible short answers. Use the modal verb can:
MODEL: - Tennis
— What games can you play?
1. On Sunday.
2. In room 25.
3. I'm afraid, I can't.
4. By bus.
5. Yes, she can.
5. Say that you disagree with the statements below, use the adverbs of frequency:
MODEL: • The Baxters usually spend their holidays at the seaside. {seldom}
- Are you sure? I think they seldom spend their holidays at the seaside.
1. Jack always starts work at 7 (usually at 9)
2. Betty often writes to her parents. (seldom)
3. John always gets to work at 9. (sometimes at 10)
4. Robert often visits his sister. (never)
5. Mг, Sawyer never takes his children to school. (often)
6. Answer the following questions, inyour answers use the information given in brackets:
MODEL: - When did you go to France? (last year)
- I went to France last year.
1. When did they buy the house? (last summer)
2. What time did you come to the office? (at 9)
3. When did your brother ring you up? (on Monday) .
4. 4. What time did you wake up today? (at 8)
5. What time did you have dinner? (at 2)
7. Make suppositions about the reasons for the actions in thefollowing statements:
MODEL - The secretary cut her finger (to fix the type-writer / to cut the paper}
-•What was she doing when she cut the finger? Was she fixing the type-writer?
- No, she wasn’t She was cutting the paper.
1. Betty didn't answer the phone. (to read the telex / to dictate the letters)
2. Bill got into the rain. (to walk / to work in the garden)
3. Helen was busy when і came, (to cook / to wash up)
4. І found Jack in the library, (to look through / to get ready for the report)
8. Make up one sentence from the two given. Observe the use of the Simple Present in the clauses of time and condition referring to the future time:
MODEL: - I'll be in time at the office. I'll take a taxi.
- If I take a taxi, I'll be in time at the office.
1. You are going on business. You'll send the company a telegram first.
2. Perhaps the day is going to be warm. You'll go out for a walk then.
3. The train is leaving at 6.45. You'll be at the station earlier.
4. You are going to France. You'll learn French first.
5. You are going abroad next year. You'll make plans before then.
9 Say what you don't have to do ineach case. Use the words
prompted. Follow the model:
MODEL: - I'm much better today, (to stay in bed)
- I'm much better today, so I don't have to stay in bed.
1. I found my old dictionary, (to buy a new one)
2. ! believe he'll be able to do this work himself, (to help him)
3. The secretary looked through the mail, (to do it)
4. Saturday is my day-off. (to go to work)
5. John rang me up last night, (to visit him)
10. Compare the size or quality of the objects below:
MODEL: - The film, the book and the play (interesting)
- The film is interesting, the play is more interesting than the
film, and the book is the most interesting of them all
1. Chinese, English, German (difficult).
2. Ann's house, Helen's house, your house (large).
3. The hotel in Regent Street, the hotel in King Street, the Hotel in River Street (expensive).
4. The tape recorder, the TV set and the radio-set (expensive).
5. Spring, winter, summer (pleasant).
11. Give true answers to the following questions:
MODEL A: - Have you ever been to Italy?
- Yes, I've been there many times, (оncе, twicе, several times)
- MODEL B:- Hove you ever been to Germany?
- No, I’ve never been there.
1. Have you walked across Red Square?
2. Have you bought a new TV set?
3. Have you ever been to Lake Baikal?
4. Have you ever seen the Queen?
5. Have you walked along the Big Chinese Wall?
12. translate into English:
1. Де ти живеш? Де живе твій товариш?
2. У мого товариша є мотоцикл.
3. Батько прийшов додому пізно.
4. Коли почнеться лекція?
5. Куди ти йдеш? - Я йду в бібліотеку.
6. Коли годинник пробив 12.00, ми всі сиділи за столом.
7. Скільки нових слів ви вивчили в цьому місяці?
8. Минулого літа її батько їздив у село, де він провів своє дитинство.
9. Вік каже, що його батько працював на фабриці.
10.Він сказав, що його батько працював на фабриці.
13. Translate the text:
On November 2, 1988 Cornell University graduate student Robert Morris went on trial. He was accused of having caused thousands of computers across the country to stop. They had stopped because he had unleashed a "worm"*, a tiny program that, copies itself into other programs and diskettes and spreads through computer networks. Otherwise a. worm is called a "virus". While some viruses are mere pranks, others may contain destructive "time bombs". A time bomb meant here a computer program that on a certain date performs a task such as printing a message or more harmfully, destroying data.
Morris's trial under a 1968 federal computer-crime law began last week in Syracuse, N.Y. it appears that Morris's act has brought out a clash between two very different cultures in computer science. On the one hand, the computing world is dominated by those in business science and national security who find themselves deeply dependent on computers in everything they do. The smooth running of their systems is important to business. On the other hand, there are hackers, criminal-minded computer programmers. They hold that the best way to improve a computer system is to toy with it and expose its weak points.
The public are sharply divided over whether Morris is a hero or a criminal. Morris's lawyer argued that no great harm was doneto the computer. He explains that the young student in computer science was merely running an experiment that spun out of control because of a programming mistake. But the prosecution is portraying Morris as a responsible person who has deliberately attacked computer and caused them to shut down. If Morris is found guilty, he faces a 250.00 dollar fine and up to five years in prison.
Morris is not the first to suffer from the computer-crime laws. More than 100 people have beenconvicted since 1987. Most of them have been accused of sabotaging or destroying data. All states but one have the same kind of laws. At least three new bills are being considered at Congress.