Later on during the same conference call

Chair So can I bring in Bob at this point? … Bob, are you there? … Sorry, we seem to have lost Bob temporarily…

Bob Hello, I can hear you. Can you…. Point is… expensive…

Chair Sorry, Bob. The line is very bad. Stay with us and I’ll come back to you in a moment. I am glad you can hear us, though.

5. Follow-up: Read and translate the text.


A Polycom phone made specifically for conference calls.

Businessesuse conference calls daily to meet with remote parties, both internally and outside of their company. Common applications are client meetings or sales presentations, project meetings and updates, regular team meetings, training classes and communication to employees who work in different locations. Conference calling is viewed as a primary means of cutting travel costs and allowing workers to be more productive by not having to go out-of-office for meetings.

Conference calls are used by nearly all United States public corporations to report their quarterly results. These calls usually allow for questions from stock analysts and are called earnings calls. A standard conference call begins with a disclaimer stating that anything said in the duration of the call may be a forward-looking statement, and that results may vary significantly. The CEO, CFO, or Investor Relations officer then will read the company's quarterly report. Lastly, the call is opened for questions from analysts.

Conference calls are increasingly used in conjunction with web conferences, where presentations or documents are shared via the internet. This allows people on the call to view content such as corporate reports, sales figures and company data presented by one of the participants. The main benefit is that the presenter of the document can give clear explanations about details within the document, while others simultaneously view the presentation.

Business conference calls are usually hosted or operator-assisted, with a variety of features. Billing is done through a variety of billing options.

Conference calls are also beginning to cross over into the world of podcasting and social networking, which in turn fosters new kinds of interaction patterns. Live streaming or broadcasting of conference calls allows a larger audience access to the call without dialing in to a bridge. In addition, organizers of conference calls can publish a dial-in number alongside the audio stream, creating potential for audience members to dial in and interact.

8.Communicative task (group-work or pair-work): In pairs, discuss how you would like to organize a teleconference in your company?

Рекомендации по выполнению заданий

Найдите в Интернете информацию о телеконференциях, выучить новые слова, повторить грамматику.Отчетный материал Выполнение упражнений по грамматическому материалу, составление плана телеконференции вашей компании.


Giving a presentation


изучение лексического материала по теме “Giving a presentation” p. 72-73 (source 3);

1. Introduction:In pairs,, think of a presentation you have attend which was really memorable. What made it memorable? Was it the content, the visual aids supporting it or the delivery of the speaker?

2. Vocabulary: Introduction: Exercise 1, p. 73 (source 3).

3.Pre-reading vocabulary:Exercise 2.2, p. 72 (source 3).

impact, clarity, audience awareness, audience involment

4. Reading: Read the beginnings of three presentations given at an energy conference. Which one do you like most? Make notes. The Exercise 2.1, p. 72 (source 3).

Speaker 1

Hello. My name is Jeff Richards. Those of you who were at last year’s conference will remember me as the guy who bored you for hours about safety standards at nuclear plants. Well, here I am again, I’m afraid – this time to talk about safety certification and a scheme that we are piloting in the UK. Presenting isn’t my strong pint, so please bear with me. Before I begin, could I just ask for a show of hands? Who here has already organized external certification of their plants…? I see, about half of you. Well, I’ll ask some of you later to share your experiences with us. But first I’d like to begin with a brief history of the project we are now piloting. Back in 2004 we …

Speaker 2

Good afternoon. My name is Satoru Sato. I’d like to begin by thanking our hosts, the university of Notre Dame here in the United State for organizing this conference. It is a great honour for me to have this opportunity to speak to you. I work for the ITER nuclear fusion project, which is the subject of my presentation today. I will speak for about 40 minutes and during this time I hope to give you a clearer idea of what aims of the ITER project are and what progress we have made so far. I will leave another 20 minutes to hear and answer your questions about our work. So, if you look at this first slide you will see…

Speaker 3

OK, is everyone settled? I think we should get started, then. I’d just like to try a little experiment. Can you make a list –either a mental note or you can write it down if you prefer – of all the things that you have thrown away today. I mean anything – from a piece of paper to a half-eaten sandwich…OK. Now can you turn to your neighbor and read them your list… OK I’ll stop you there. That’s great. Let’s hear a couple of examples now…. Yes, you sir….

Put a in the box in the table below to show where you think the strong points of each presentation are. If you think they are especially strong, put