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(1)____ : Purchasing Supervisor

From : Stock Manager

Subject : (2) _____

Date : (3) _____


We sent an order for juice to Brilliant Water on (4) _____ but we have still not had a delivery. Please write to them and ask them when they can deliver the juice. Their address is….



Order 86764

15th April 2009


26th March


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(1)____: John Wilson, Production Supervisor

From : Jackie Chen, (2) _____

Subject : Delay of (3)

Date : Fri, Dec 3, 20__


I received a fax from A-Tech this morning. They’re going to be a week behind schedule for the Intex440SX shipment.

Please call the customers who ordered this chip set, then fax a confirmation letter about the delay. Ask if we can substitute ________ (4). We have those chip sets on hand.


Export Manager



AGB 5/X/233


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To : (1)

From : Susan Caffey

Subject : Maltech payment

Date : (2)



Gorman hasn’t paid the current invoice. They paid their May invoice on June 30. Maltech, however, did not pay May’s bill. I sent them a second notice on July 15. I sent AB Alliance several reminders. For their May invoice, I sent reminders on _____ (3) and July 15. For June, I sent a reminder on July 31.What next?

_______ (4)


Jacob Wiley

August 18,20__

June 30


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To : Purchasing & Sales Supervisor

(1) ___ : Manager

(2) ___ : Court Hotel


I have recently heard that (3) ____ needs a large quantity of orange juice at once. We have a large supply of juice that we do not need. Please write to them and tell them that we would be happy to supply them if they can tell us how many bottles they need.






The Court Hotel


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То : Paul Woods, Sales

From : (1)______

(2)___ : Accommodation expenses for the trip to Auckland from 21st to (3) _____

Date : (4)________

I can’t pay you until you send me your expenses claim form. Please do it as soon as possible. Thanks.

o 15 July

o Subject

o Lynn Thomas, Finance

o 26th July


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(1) ___: Cathy Beddington

From : John Humphrey

(2) ____: New product advert


(3) ____ has approved an increase of budget on this campaign, so we can go for: colour advert, six issues. Could you contact the magazine and get them to change this? Please check the price and the possibility of a bigger discount.


(4) _______


· To

· Subject

· Managing Director

· John


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(1) ___: All departments

From : Lisa Taylor

(2) ___: Annual corporate plan


May I remind you to send me all your (3) ___ as to participating in the next year fairs and exhibitions. After detailed discussion the approved propositions will be included into our corporate plan. A report on the previous participation experience, with the (4) ____ and efficiency analysis, should be submitted by 1st October.


· suggestions

· L.T.

· To

· Subject

· drawbacks


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(1)_________: Secretarial Supervisor

(2) _________: Claire Mc. Elroy

(3)_________: Demonstration of new office equipment


The (4)______of SmartEquipment will visit us on 28 April to demonstrate their new computer and fax – machine which you are sure to be interested in. Please arrange the time to meet him so that all your staff could be present

(5) _______


· To

· C.M.

· Subject

· Sales Manager

· From


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(1) _____: Project Planning Dept.

From : GM

(2)______: Aqua Warm BV


I am sure that you have read about the recent explosion at Perfecta Ltd. We have decided not to install any more

(3)____central heating systems until we can be sure that they are absolutely safe. Please write and inform them of this.


· Subject

· To

· T.Y.

· Aqua Warm