The Main Stages of Technological Process of Flour and Groats Milling.

Business English.

Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance.

Ділова англійська.

Основи бухгалтерського обліку.

Фінанси. Практикум.








Укладачі: Гаврюшина Вікторія Володимирівна, викладач іноземної мови вищої категорії;

Рябошапка Вікторія Володимирівна викладач іноземної мови I категорії


Рецензенти: Острєцов Владислав Олександрович, методист коледжу;

Пайос Тетяна Петрівна, голова циклової комісії обліково-економічних дисциплін.

Розглянуто на засіданні циклової комісії філологічних дисциплін.

Протокол №9 від 11 квітня 2007 року.

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1. The main stages of Technological Process of Flour and

Groats Milling. page

Основні стадії технологічного процесу борошномельно-

круп’яного виробництва.


2. Grain Storage Facilities in Ukraine. page

Підприємства по зберіганню зерна в Україні.

3. Economics. page


4. Money. page


5. Accounting. page

Бухгалтерський облік.

6. Objectives of Financial Reporting. page

Мета фінансової звітності.

7. Balance Sheet. page


8. Assets. page


9. Income Statement. page

Звіт про фінансові результати.

10. Banking as a business. page

Банківська справа, як бізнес.

11. Credit System. page

Кредитна система.

12. System of Taxes. page

Податкова система.

13. Trade Fairs and Exhibitions. page

Торгові ярмарки і виставки.

14. Marketing. page


15. My Future Profession. page

Моя майбутня професія.

16. Specialist Vocabulary

Англо-український термінологічний page


17. Literature page


The Main Stages of Technological Process of Flour and Groats Milling.

The technological operations of grain processing are divided into preparatory and basic ones. The first include formation of grain batches, cleaning and hydrothermal treatment of grain. The second consist of crushing the grain, semolina sifting and purification (at the groats mill – hulling, glazing and polishing the groats), grade formation and final product control.

The preparatory operations are performed partly in the mill’s elevator, partly – in the grain cleaning department. The cleaning process includes a number of operations according to the types of the impurities removed. Some of them – e. g. removal of metal admixtures – are repeated successively several times at different stages of the processing cycle.

Ferrous metal admixtures are the most dangerous kind of impurities, so the cleanings of grain and of the final product with the use of magnetic separators are performed up to 10 times during the whole technological process – both within the cleaning process itself and at the later stages (the last being the final product control). Impurities, which differ from the standard grain material in size and aerodynamic properties – i. e. weed seeds, underdeveloped and ill kernels of the basic grain, stones and other – are removed with the help of air-sieving separators, scalperators, aspirators. Light impurities are removed by air separators and aspirators, where weed admixtures, dust and ear debris are blown out from the grain mass by an air flow. Difficult mineral impurities – such as small stones, sand, pieces of glass – are removed with the use of stoning machines, which operate on the principle of vibro-pneumatic division of dry substances. Impurities, which differ from the basic grain in length – primarily, the seeds of cockle and wild oats – are removed by use of graders. Finally, for cleaning of the grain surface, partial dehulling and disinfestation, scourers, brushing machines and entoleters are used.

An important part of grain preparation is hydrothermal treatment (conditioning) of the grain. There is cold conditioning and hot conditioning (tempering) of grain. The mode of conditioning depends on the kind of the grain, requirements to the final product and working conditions. The cold conditioning includes washing and wet dehulling, damping and rest of the grain; the hot conditioning, beside that, involves application of thermal conditioners. Obligatory hot conditioning is applied to oats, buckwheat and peas at the groats mills. After rest, the grain goes to the grinding department or hulling department of the groats mill.

I. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст


II. Знайдіть у тексті та запишіть відповіді на такі запитання:

1. What kinds of operations does the grain processing cycle include?

2. Where do the preparatory operations take place?

3. Does the cleaning process consist of many operations? According to what is it performed?

4. Which operations are repeated more than once?

5. Which is the most dangerous kind of impurities? How many times during the processing cycle is it removed?

6. What kinds of impurities differ from the standard grain in size and aerodynamics? How are they removed?

7. How are the light impurities removed? What do they consist of?

8. According to what principle do stoning machines operate?

9. How is the grain surface cleaned? What additional operations take place at this stage?

10. What kinds of grain conditioning are there?

11. What do the processes of cold and hot conditioning include?

12. Where does the grain go after rest?



III. Дайте українські еквіваленти таких виразів:


1. technological operation of grain processing;

2. semolina sifting and purification;

3. according to the type of the impurities removed;

4. to be performed up to 10 times during the technological process;

5. to differ from the standard grain in size and aerodynamic properties;

6. ear debris;

7. to be removed with the use of stoning machines;

8. partial dehulling and disinfestation;

9. to depend on the kind of the grain;

10. obligatory hot conditioning.


IV. Дайте англійські еквіваленти таких виразів:

1. формування помольних партій;

2. подрібнення зерна;

3. зерноочищувальне відділення;

4. повторюватися послідовно декілька разів;

5. найбільш небезпечний вид домішків;

6. недорозвинені та хворі зерна;

7. видуватися з зернової маси повітряним потоком;

8. виробничі умови;

9. розмольне відділення.