B O N E S , M U S C L E S , J O I N T S .
Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:
Calcium [‘kælsim]
Muscle [‘msl]
Cancellous [‘kænsls]
Trabeculae [tr’bekjuli]
Fibrous [‘faibrs]
Partially [‘pa:li]
Synovial [si’nouvil]
Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:
To shelter-защищать; cancellous-губчатый; tough-твёрдый; ivory-
1)дентин зуба, 2)слоновая кость; synovial-синовиальный; hinge-шарнир,
петля; a toe- палец ноги; a cage-клетка; bladder- мочевой пузырь; intestines- кишечник; to enable- давать возможность; throughout- на всем протяжении (о времени); tiny- очень маленький, крошечный; a strap- полоска.
Exercise 3. Fill in the right prefix: micro-, over-, sur- or ultra- :
1. ____second - one millionth of a second
2. ____charge - to ask for more money than usual
3. ____-conservative - extremely conservative
4. ____electronics – the branch of electronics that deals with miniature components
5. ____-modern - very modern
6. ____react - to react too enthusiastically.
7. ____sleep - to sleep longer than one intended
8. ____coat - a heavy coat used outside other garments
9. ____crowded - full of too many people or things
10. ____realistic - characterized by fantastical imagery and unrealistic locations
11. ____plus - a quantity greater than needed
12. ____scopic - invisible to the bare eye
13. ____ biology - the branch of biology that studies microorganisms and their
effects on humans
14. ____face - the outermost level of the land or sea
15. ____come - get on top of; deal with successfully
Exercise 4. Match the following English word combinations with the Russian ones
1. spinal column 1. вес тела
2. elastic tissue 2. губчатое вещество кости
3. the human skeleton 3. крошечные кусочки
4. tiny pieces 4. позвоночный столб
5. body weight 5. эластичная ткань
6. cancellous bone 6. скелет человека
Exercise 5.Translate the following words and analyze them from the view point of their structure, find term-elements.
Backbone, reproductive, flexible, movement, impossible, musculoskeletal, reshape, renew, cardiac, immovable
Exercise 6. Translate the following word combinations:
The spinal cord, the reproductive organs, the musculoskeletal system, physical activities, the living tissue, the protein collagen, compact bone, a mesh-like network, fibrous straps, a rubbery substance, cord-like tissues
Exercise 7. Read and translate the text:
Bones, muscles, joints.
From our head to our toes, our bones provide support for our bodies and help form our shape. The skull protects the brain and forms the shape of our face. The spinal cord is protected by the backbone, or spinal column. The ribs form a cage that shelters the heart, lungs, liver, and spleen, and the pelvis helps protect the bladder, intestines, and in women, the reproductive organs.
Joints occur where two bones meet. They make the skeleton flexible - without them, movement would be impossible. Muscles are also necessary for movement: they are the masses of tough, elastic tissue that pull our bones when we move. Together, our bones, muscles, and joints - along with tendons, ligaments, and cartilage - form our musculoskeletal systems and enable us to do everyday physical activities.
The human skeleton has 206 bones. Our bones begin to develop before birth. Bone building continues throughout your life, as your body constantly renews and reshapes the bones' living tissue. Bones are made up of calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and other minerals, as well as the protein collagen. Bones are made up of two types of material - compact bone and cancellous bone. Compact bone is the solid, hard, outside part of the bone. It looks like ivory and is extremely strong. Cancellous bone, which looks like a sponge, is inside the compact bone. It is made up of a mesh-like network of tiny pieces of bone called trabeculae. Bones are fastened to other bones by long, fibrous straps called ligaments. Cartilage, a flexible, rubbery substance in our joints, supports bones and protects them where they rub against each other.
The human body has more than 650 muscles, which make up half of a person's body weight. They are connected to bones by tough, cord-like tissues called tendons, which allow the muscles to pull on bones. Humans have three different kinds of muscle: skeletal, smooth and cardiac.
Joints allow our bodies to move in many ways. Joints are classified by their range of movement. Immovable, or fibrous, joints don't move.
Partially movable, or cartilaginous, joints move a little. They are linked by cartilage, as in the spine. Freely movable, or synovial, joints move in many directions. The main joints of the body - found at the hip, shoulders, elbows, knees, wrists, and ankles - are freely movable.
Exercise 8. Answer the following questions:
How many bones has the human skeleton?
What are bones made up of?
What are muscles connected to bones by?
What do the joints do?
What do our bones provide support for?
How many muscles has the human body?
What is the spinal cord is protected by?
What do the ribs form?
When do our bones begin to develop?
What is compact bone?
Exercise 9. Dwell upon:
compact bone;
skeletal muscle;
smooth, or involuntary, muscle;
cardiac muscle;
partially movable,orcartilaginous,joints;
freely movable, orsynovial,joints;
Exercise 10.Put in the correct verb forms (Simple Past / Past Continuous):
Начало формы
1. A: What (you, do) when the accident occurred?
B: I (try) to change a light bulb that had burnt out.
2. The doctor (say) that Tom (be) too sick to go to work and that he (need) to stay at home for a couple of days.
3. Sebastian (arrive) at Susan's house a little before 9:00 pm, but she (be, not) there. She (study, at the library) for her final examination in French.
4. Sandy is in the living room watching television. At this time yesterday, she (watch, also) television. That's all she ever does!
5. A: I (call) you last night after dinner, but you (be, not) there. Where were you?
B: I (work) out at the fitness center.
6. I (watch) a mystery movie on T.V. when the electricity went out. Now I am never going to find out how the movie ends.
7. Sharon (be) in the room when John told me what happened, but she didn't hear anything because she (listen, not) .
8. It's strange that you (call) because I (think, just) about you.
9. She was so annoying! She (leave, always) her dirty dishes in the sink. I think she (expect, actually) me to do them for her.
Exercise 11.Make up sentences with the following words and word combinations:
our bones, joints, muscles, compact bone, trabeculae, ligaments, cartilage,
tendons, fibrous, partially movable, synovial joints
Exercise 12.Choose the correct answers:
1. Our bonesprovide support for…
a) our head
b) spinal column
c) our bodies
2. The skull forms the shape of our…
a) ears
b) face
c) lips
3. Our bones, muscles, and joints enable us to do everyday…
a) morning exercises
b) homework
c) physical activities
4. The human skeleton has…
a) 203 bones
b) 206 bones
c) 209 bones
5. Bones are made up of…
a) compact bone and cancellous bone
b) trabeculae
c) ligaments
6. … supports bones and protects them where they rub against each other.
a) tendon
b) ligament
c) cartilage
7. The human body has more than 650 muscles, which make up…
a) the whole person's body weight.
b) half of a person's body weight.
c) 1/4 of a person's body weight.
8. Joints are classified by their…
a) range of movement.
b) shapes
c) sizes
Exercise 13.Skim through the text, find sentences with Passive Voice and translate them.
Exercise 14. Give the summary of the text.
1. The spinal cord, a pathway for messages between the brain and the body, is protected by …
a) the skull
b) the ribs
c) backbone
d) the skin
e) the muscles
2. Muscles are the masses of tough, elastic tissue that pull our bones when we….
a) move
b) breathe
c) sit
d) lie
e) relax
3. The human skeleton has … .
a) 89 bones
b) 206 bones
c) 124 bones
d) 357 bones
e) 423 bones
4. Bones are fastened to other bones by long, fibrous straps called … .
a) cartilages
b) trabeculae
c) bone marrow
d) joints
e) ligaments
5. Joints … by their range of movement.
a) has been classified
b) are classified
c) shall be classified
d) are being classified
e) had been classified
6. The dome of the skull, for example, is made of bony plates, which must be immovable to protect … .
a) the jaws
b) the head
c) the teeth
d) the arteries
e) the brain
7. Joints are classified … their range of movement.
a) with
b) for
c) by
d) to
e) of
8. Synovialjointsmove in … .
a) many directions
b) two directions
c) a few directions
d) no directions
e) one direction
9. Our bones begin to develop … .
a) during birth
b) at the age of 7 months old
c) before birth
d) in the kindergarten
e) after birth
10. Muscles are connected to bones by tough, cord-like tissues called … .
a) joints
b) tendons
c) ligaments
d) cartilages
e) fibers
Exercise 1. Practise the pronunciation:
Cell [sel], nucleus [rnju:klis], nuclei ['nju:kliai], cytoplasm ['saitplæzm], microscopy [maikr'skopi], mammalian [mæ'meilin], alive ['laiv], double [dbl], organelle ['o:gn1], granule ['grænju:l], cellular ['seljul], bacteria [bæk'tiri], pinocytosis [painsai'tusis], tiny [taini], environment [in'vair()nmnt]
Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:
A large number -большое количество
To survive - выживать
Reason - причина
Aside from- помимо
Staining characteristics- свойство окрашиваться
inclusion -включение
to maintain - поддерживать
to refer to - относиться
to ingest - глотать, проглатывать
inflammation - воспаление
to combat - бороться
leakage —протекание, утечка
Exercise 3. Form new words using suffices and translate them:
- LY:structural, frequent, high, rare, rapid, slow
- FUL: harm, use, pain, care, hope, wonder
Exercise 4. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations:
A short life span, spherical structure, red blood cells, keratinized cells, a pathologic process, staining characteristics, a double membrane, secretory and pigment granules, tiny holes, the cellular membrane, unwanted substances, absorption of liquids, harmful substances.
Exercise 4.Read and translate the text:
A large number of cells make up our body. They range from small cells, some of which have a short life span, to others which are extremely large and which may survive in the body as long as we remain alive.
Structurally, each of the cells is divided into two main parts, the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
The nucleus is a large, spherical structure: it is surrounded by cytoplasm. It is a most important structure for several reasons. It is important because it is present in all mammalian cells except red blood cells and keratinized cells. Very frequently nuclei serve as the basis for diagnosing a pathologic process. Aside from their staining characteristics, which make them useful to histologists, nuclei are important biologically.
A double membrane, the nuclear membrane, separates the nucleus from the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm has been shown through electron microscopy to contain many well-organized structures, called organelles and inclusions. The inclusions contain food and secretory and pigment granules.
The cell membrane is the thin membrane which surrounds the cytoplasm. The cellular membrane contains lipid and protein molecules. The membrane also contains tiny holes, called pores. The cellular membrane prevents leakage of the inner cellular structures into the surrounding environment. Serving as a highly selective barrier, the membrane keeps certain unwanted substances from entering the cell but admits other substances that are necessary for maintaining cellular life.
Pinocytosis is the process of absorption of liquids through a cellular membrane. Phagocytosis refers to the process of ingestion or moving of solids through the cell membrane. Phagocytosis is a mechanism of defense against bacteria, or other harmful substances, since these substances are ingested by the cells that combat inflammation.
Exercise 5. Answer the questions to the text:
1. What is the role of the nucleus?
2. What is the function of the cellular membrane?
3. What is a mechanism of defense against bacteria?
4. How is each cell divided?
5. What is the nucleus surrounded by?
6. What separates the nucleus from the cytoplasm?
7. What does the cellular membrane contain?
Exercise 6. Arrange the sentences in order of their appearance in the text:
1. The inclusions contain food and secretory and pigment granules.
2. Structurally each of the cells is divided into two main parts...
3. Very frequently nuclei serve as the basis for diagnosing a pathologic process.
4. Phagocytosis is a mechanism of defense against bacteria...
5. A double membrane... separates the nucleus from the cytoplasm.
6. The cellular membrane contains lipid and protein molecules.
Exercise 7. Complete the sentences:
1. The inclusions contain food and secretory and....
2. Structurally, each of the cells is divided into two parts,....
3. Very frequently nuclei serve as the basis for diagnosing ....
4. A double membrane separates the nucleus from ....
5. The cellular membrane contains lipid and ....
6. Phagocytosis is a mechanism of defense against....
Exercise 8.Translate the sentences:
Структурно каждая клетка делится на 2 основные части.
Ядро- это большая сферическая структура, окруженная цитоплазмой.
Очень часто ядро является основой для диагностики патологического процесса.
Ядерная оболочка отделяет ядро от цитоплазмы.
Клеточная оболочка – это тонкая оболочка, окружающая цитоплазму.
Клеточная оболочка предотвращает утечку внутренних клеточных структур в окружающую среду.
Фагоцитоз – это механизм защиты от бактерий или других вредных веществ.
Exercise 9. Put questions to the underlined words:
The cell membrane is the thin membrane which surrounds the cytoplasm.
Pinocytosis is the process of absorption of liquids through a cellular membrane.
Very frequently nuclei serve as the basis for diagnosing a pathologic process.
The nuclear membrane separates the nucleus from the cytoplasm.
The inclusions contain food and secretory and pigment granules.
The cellular membrane prevents leakage of the inner cellular structures into the surrounding environment.
Exercise 10.Describe;
a) the structure of the cell.
b) the nucleus
c) the cytoplasm
d) the cell membrane
Exercise 11. Repeat the names of medical specialists:
Some of these words look so much alike that we often confuse them. See if you can get them straight. Here are some specialists with brief descriptions of their specialties. Check the one correct title that fits the description in each case.
1. He treats children's diseases.
a. He is an orthopaedist, b. He is a pediatrician, c. He is a pathologist.
2. He corrects deformities of the body.
a. He is a gynaecologist, b. He is an orthopaedist, c. He is a pathologist.
3. He straightens crooked teeth
a. He is an orthodontist, b. He is an orthopaedist, c. He is a pathologist.
4. He is a medical doctor who specializes in diseases of the eye.
a. He is an oculist, b. He is an optician, c. He is an orthopaedist.
5. He makes your eyeglasses.
a. He is an oculist, b. He is an orthopaedist, c. He is an optician.
6. He specializes in disorders of the mind.
a. He is an intern, b. He is a psychiatrist. c. He is a physiotherapist.
7. He treats diseases by electricity.
a. He is a pathologist, b. He is a physiotherapist, c. He is a psychologist.
8. His specialty is taking and interpreting X rays.
a. He is a gynaecologist, b. He is a neurologist, c. He is a radiologist.
9. He specializes in diseases of the nervous system.
a. He is a cardiologist. b. He is a dermatologist, c. He is a neurologist.
10. He treats diseases of old age.
a. He is a cardiologist. b. He is a geriatrician, c. He is a pediatrician.
11. He specializes in skin diseases.
a. He is a dermatologist, b. He is a geriatrician, c. He is a pathologist.
12. He treats women's diseases.
a. He is a dermatologist, b. He is a geriatrician, c. He is a gynaecologist.
13. He brings children into the world.
a. He is a gynaecologist. b. He is an obstetrician. c. He is a pediatrician.
1. The nucleus is surrounded by …
a. metachondrium
b. saline media
c. red blood cells
d. cytoplasm
e. white blood cells
2. The cytoplasm contains many well-organized structures called … and …
a. red and white blood cells
b. haemoglobin and ansinophils
c. water and lymph
d. organelles and inclusions
e. lipid and protein molecules
3. The cell membrane is the … membrane which surrounds the cytoplasm.
a. thick
b. wide
c. long
d. narrow
e. thin
4. The cellular membrane prevents … of the inner cellular structures into the surrounding environment.
a. rupture
b. damage
c. leakage
d. ingestion
e. moving
5. Structurally each of the cells is divided into …
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
e. five
6. The nucleus is a large, … structure.
a. round
b. square
c. triangular
d. spherical
e. comma-shaped
7. Very frequently nuclei … as the basis for diagnosing a pathologic process.
a. include
b. serve
c. form
d. have
e. take
8. The nuclear membrane separates the nucleus … the cytoplasm
a. at
b. to
c. by
d. between
e. from
9. Pinocytosis is the process of absorption of liquids … a cellular membrane.
a. in
b. trough
c. from
d. in
e. at
10. Phagocytosis is a mechanism of defence against … .
a. foreign bodies
b. enemies
c. bacteria
d. small animals
e. viruses
Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:
Endocrine ['endukrain], excretory [eks'kritri], throughout [ru(:)'aut], disturbance [dis't:b()ns], hypophysis [hai'pfisis], pituitary [pi'tju(:)it()ri], thymus ['aims], pineal ['pinil], islet ['ailit], adrenal [d'ri:nl], epithelial [epi'i:ljl], nervous ['n:vs], fibre ['faib]
Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:
Excretory ducts – выделительные пути
Throughout – по всему
To deliver – доставлять
Disturbance - нарушение
Due to – вследствие, из-за
Composition - состав
Corresponding glands – соответствующие железы
Thyroid – щитовидная железа
Islet – островок
Pineal – шишковидный
Adrenals – надпочечники
Thymus – вилочковая железа, тимус
Network – сеть
Influence – влияние
To exercise control – осуществлять контроль
Exercise 3. Translate the following word combinations:
Glands of internal secretion, special substances, various organs, changes throughout the organism, chemical composition, incretory part, blood vessels, glandular epithelial tissue, nerve fibres.
Exercise 4. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Passive voice:
1. Hormones are secreted directly into the blood.
2. The hormones are carried throughout the organism with the blood.
3. Various hormonal preparations are made synthetically.
4. The functions of all endocrine glands are interconnected.
5. The activities of endocrine glands are regulated by the nervous system.
Exercise 5.Read and translate the text:
Endocrine glands, or glands of internal secretion, are glands without excretory ducts. They produce special substances called hormones, which are secreted directly into the blood. The hormones are carried throughout the organism with the blood and are delivered to various organs whose activity they either stimulate or depress.
Hormones play a very important part in the organism. Many of them affect metabolism and the functioning of the cardiovascular, reproductive, and other systems. A disturbance in the activity of the endocrine glands is accompanied by changes throughout the organism. These changes may be due to an increase in the function of a gland (hyperfunction) or a decrease (hypofunction).
The chemical composition of some hormones is well-known. Various hormonal preparations are made synthetically or from the corresponding glands of animals (endocrine preparations) and are widely used in medicine. It should be noted that hormones are substances with very high biological activity.
The endocrine glands include the hypophysis (or pituitary), the epiphysis cerebri (or pineal), the thyroid, the parathyroids, the thymus, the islet part of the pancreas, the adrenals and the incretory part of the sex glands, Each gland consists of glandular epithelial tissue and has an extensive network of blood vessels and a large number of nerve fibres (from the vegetative nervous system)
The functions of all endocrine glands are interconnected, and the glands make up a single system. The hypophysis is the chief gland of this system: it produces special substances which stimulate the activities of the other endocrine glands.
The influence of various substances (mainly hormone) acting on the organism through the blood is called humoral regulation.
The activities of endocrine glands are regulated by the nervous system. The nervous system exercises direct control over the endocrine glands through the nervous and neurohumoral control, particularly through the hypophysis. The hormones in their turn affect the functions of the different parts of the nervous system.
Exercise 6. Answer the questions:
1. Where are the hormones secreted?
2. What is the role of hormones?
3. How are the hormones made?
4. What are the parts of the endocrine system?
5. What is humoral regulation?
6. What is the chief gland of the endocrine system?
7. What are the activities of the endocrine glands regulated by?
Exercise 7. Continue the sentences:
A disturbance in the activity of the endocrine glands is accompanied by … .
The endocrine glands include the hypophysis, the epiphysis … .
Various hormonal preparations are made synthetically or … .
The influence of various substances acting on the organism through the blood is called … .
The hormones affect … .
Exercise 8. Translate into English:
1. Гормоны переносятся по организму при помощи крови.
2. Нарушение в работе желез внутренней секреции сопровождается изменениями во всем организме.
3. Различные гормональные препараты изготовляются синтетически.
4. Функции всех эндокринных желез взаимосвязаны.
5. Работа желез внутренней секреции регулируется нервной системой.
6. Гипофиз вырабатывает особые вещества, которые стимулируют деятельность других эндокринных желез.
Exercise 9. Make up question to the underlined words:
1. The hormones are delivered to various organs.
2. Many hormones affect metabolism.
3. The chemical composition of some hormones is well-known.
4. Each gland consists of glandular epithelial tissue.
5. The hormones affect the functions of the different parts of the nervous system.
Exercise 10. Describe:
a) hormone
b) hypophysis
c) gland
Exercise 11. Repeat the terms of drugs and medical preparations.Choose the right answer
1. The nurse put a..... on the wound.
a) bandage b) cloth c) material d) towel
2. Take two of these.... .three times a day after meals.
a) capsules b) drugs c) placebos d) prescriptions
3. If you've got a headache, why don't you take a.... of aspirin?
a) couple b)tablet c) pair d) prescription
4. The doctor gave me some ... for my rheumatism.
a) gargle b) ointment c) pastilles d) pills
5. The doctor gave the woman a strong … to calm her down.
a) aantidote b) antiseptic c) bromide d) sedative
6. The nurse made him swallow a … to help him sleep better.
a) lotion b) pill c) ointment d) tranquillizer
1. Endocrine glands produce special substances called … .
a) proteins
b) lipids
c) nutrients
d) hormones
e) thrombocytes
2. Hormones may affect … and functioning of different systems.
a) growth
b) metabolism
c) height
d) size
e) depth
3. The activities of endocrine glands are regulated by the … .
a) reproductive system
b) cardiovascular system
c) nervous system
d) respiratory system
e) urogenital system
4. The functions of all endocrine glands are … .
a) independent
b) separate
c) combined
d) tied together
e) interconnected
5. The … is the chief gland of this system.
a) thymus
b) cerebellum
c) adrenals
d) hypophysis
e) pancreas
6. The hormones are carried throughout the organism with the … .
a) lymph
b) blood
c) cerebrospinal fluid
d) respiration
e) urination
7. Hormones are secreted directly into the … .
a) lymph
b) liver
c) blood
d) spleen
e) spinal cord
8. A disturbance in the activity of the endocrine glands is accompanied … changes throughout the organism.
a) in
b) on
c) for
d) at
e) by
9. The glands make … a single system.
a) out
b) up
c) of
d) with
e) by
10. The influence of hormones … the organism is called humoral regulation.
a) at
b) with
c) on
d) by
e) of