Терапевтичний профіль База
A 23 y.o. woman who suffers from insulin-dependent diabetes was admitted to the acute
care department with mental confusion, inadequate anxious behaviour, hyperhidrosis,
excessive salivation, tachycardia. What examination will be a primary task?
A Blood test for sugar
B Clinical blood analysis
C Plasma electrolytes test
D Gaseous composition of arterial blood
E Blood urea and creatinine test
Which of the following IS NOT TYPICAL for Addison's disease?
A High serum Na+
B High serum K+
C Elevated BUN
D Dilute urine
E Elevated hematocrit
A 33 y.o. patient, works as a secretary. Her diet contains 150 g of protein (including 100 g
of animal protein), 200 g of fat, 600 g of carbohydrates. What pathology can result from
this diet?
A Obesity
B Schizophrenia
C Paradontosis
D Common cold
E Uterine fibromyoma
A 40 y.o. patient was diagnosed: 1. Medular thyroid gland cancer. 2. Feochromocytoma.
What operation should be performed at first?
A Operation on account of feochromocytoma
B Operation on thyroid gland
C Krail's operation
D Subtotal resection of thyroid gland and fascicular resection of limphatic nodes
E Vanach's operation
Male 30 y.o., noted growing fingers and facial scull, changed face. Complains of poor
eyesight, weakness, skin darkening, loss of body weight. X-ray shows broadening of sella
turcica, thinning of tuberculin sphenoidale, signs of increased intracranial pressure. What
diagnosis can you make?
A Adenoma of hypophysis
B Encephalitis of truncus
C Optico - hiasmatic arachnoiditis
D Adrenal gland tumor
E Tumor of pondo-cerebellar corner
A 62 year old patient suffers from DM-2. Diabetes is being compensated by diet and
Maninilum. The patient has to undergo an operation on inguinal hernia. What tactics of
hypoglycemic therapy should be chosen?
A Prescribe fast-acting insulin
B Give Glurenorm instead of Maninilum
C Continue with the current therapy
D Prescribe long-acting insulin
E Prescribe guanyl guanidines
A 33 y.o. woman has been suffering from DM (diabetes mellitus) for 5 years. For the last 3
years she has been taking more than 100 units of insulin per day. Body weight has
increased up to 10 kg. Fasting blood glucose is 13 mmol/L, glucoseuria - 3%. Generalized
microangiopathy. By increasing the dose of insulin the parameters of glycemia do not
change. The diagnosis is:
A DM 1st type, severe form, decompensation, insulin resistant
B DM 2nd type, severe form, decompensation
C DM st type, severe form, subcompensation, Somoji phenomenon
D DM 2nd type, moderate form, Zabrodi phenomenon
E DM 1st type, severe form, decompensation, allergic reaction to insulin
A patient of 32 y.o. complains of severe weakness, tremor of extremities. Objective
examination: body weight loss, wet and warm skin. The thyroid gland is enlarged up to the
3-rd degree, painless, elastic. Ps- 108/min. BP- 160/55 mm Hg. There are no other
abnormalties. The diagnosis is:
A Diffuse toxic goiter of the 3-rd degree, thyrotoxicosis of the average degree
B Diffuse euthyroid goiter of the 3-rd degree
C Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, hypertrophic type
D Chronic fibrous thyroiditis
E Toxiferous adenoma of the thyroid gland
In the development of the inflammation processes glucocorticoids reduce the level of
certain most important active enzyme. It results also in the reducing of the synthesis of
prostaglandins and leucotrienes which have a key role in the development of inflammation
processes. What is the exact name of this enzyme?
A Phospholipase A2
B Arachidonic acid
C Lipoxygenasе
D Cyclooxygenase – 1
E Cyclooxygenase – 2
A 38 y.o. patient was urgently admitted to the hospital with complaints of sudden weakness,
dizziness, loss of consciousness, body weight loss, nausea, vomiting, severe pain in
epigastric area, diarrhea, skin hyperpigmentation. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A Addisonic crisis
B Acute gastroenteritis
C Meningoencephalitis
D Scleroderma
E Pellagra
An unconscious patient presents with moist skin, shallow breathing. There are signs of
previous injection on the shoulders and hips. BP- 110/70 mm Hg. Tonus of skeletal
muscles and reflexes are increased. Cramps of muscles of the extremities are seen. What
is the most likely disorder?
A Hypoglycemic coma
B Hyperglycemic coma
C Hyperosmolar coma
D Hyperlactacidotic coma
E Stroke
A 34 y.o. patient has been suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis for 7 years; he complains
of muscle feebleness, weight loss, diarrheas, increased frequency of urination. Objectively:
hyperpigmentation of skin, gums, internal cheek surfaces. AP is 90/58 mm Hg. Blood
count: erythrocutes - 3,1*1012/L, Hb- 95 g/L, C.I.- 0,92; leukocytes -
9,4*109/L, eosinophils - 7, segmentonuclear leukocytes - 45, stab neutrophils - 1,
lymphocytes - 40, monocytes - 7, Na+- 115 mmole/L, К+- 7,3 mmole/L. What is the
preliminary diagnosis?
A Primary insufficiency of adrenal cortex
B Pheochromocytoma
C Primary hyperaldosteronism
D Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
E Diabetes insipidus
A 33 y.o. patient with first time detected diabetes mellitus keeps the diet and maintains
glycemia at the level of 10,0 mmol/L after meal. He keeps himself from insulinotherapy.
What examination is the most important for differentiation of the 1st (insulin-dependent)
and the 2nd (insulin-independent) types of diabetes?
A Determination of insular cells antibodies
B Glucose-tolerant test
C Glycemia examination on an empty stomach
D Estimation of glucolized blood hemoglobin
E Fructosamine estimation
A 58-year-old female patient complains about periodical headache, dizziness and ear
noise. She has been suffering from diabetes mellitus for 15 years. Objectively: heart
sounds are rhythmic, heart rate is 76/min, there is diastolic shock above aorta, AP is
180/110 mm Hg. In urine: OD- 1,014. Daily loss of protein with urine is 1,5 g. What drug
should be chosen for treatment of arterial hypertension?
A Ihibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme
B -blocker
C Calcium channel antagonist
D Thiazide diuretic
E -blocker
A 26 y.o. male patient with postoperative hypothyroidism take thyroxine 100 mg 2 times a
day. He has developed tachycardia, sweating, irritability, sleep disorder. Determine further
treatment tactics.
A To decrease thyroxine dosage
B To increase thyroxine dosage
C To administer betablockers
D To add mercasolil to the treatment
E To administer sedatives
A 35-year-old man was operated on peptic ulcer of the stomach. Mass deficit of the body is
10 kg. The level of glucose after operation in the undiluted cellular blood on an empty
stomach is 6,7 mmol. During repeated examination - 11,1 mmol (after meal), level of
HbA1c - 10%. Could you please make an interpretation of the given data?
A Diabetes mellitus
B Disordered tolerance to glucose
C Diabetes mellitus risk group
D Norm
E Postoperative hyperinsulinemia
A 56-year-old patient with diffuse toxic goiter has ciliary arrhythmia with pulse rate 110
bpm, arterial hypertension, AP- 165/90 mm Hg. What preparation should be administered
along with mercazolil?
A Propranolol
B Radioactive iodine
C Procaine hydrochloride
D Verapamil
E Corinfar
A 63 y.o. patient was operated on account of big multinodular euthyroid goiter. Despite of
techical difficulties a forced subtotal resection of both parts of the thyroid gland was
performed. On the 4-th day after the operation the woman had cramps of face muscles and
upper extremities, stomach ache. Positive Chvostek's and Trousseau's signs. What is the
most probable cause of such condition?
A Insufficiency of parathyroid glands
B Postoperative hypothyroidism
C Thyrotoxic crisis
D Injury of recurrent nerve
E Tracheomalacia
A 30-year old woman taken by influenza has empty stomach glycemia at the rate of 11,3
millimole/l, glucosuria at the rate of 25 g/l. The patient is 168 cm tall and weighs 67 kg.
What test would be the most informative for the diagnosis specification?
A Insulinemia on an empty stomach
B Daily glycemia variability
C Daily glucosuria variability
D Glycemia test an hour after taking meals
E Glucose tolerance test
A 52-year-old male patient has an 18 year history of diabetes mellitus. One year ago he
had cystitis. The patient takes 0,005 g of maninil thrice a day. Objectively: height - 176 cm,
weight - 82 kg. Glycemia variability on an empy stomach is at the rate of 10,3-12,4
millimole/l. Analyses revealed proteinuria at the rate of 0,033 g/l. The most efficient way to
prevent diabetic nephropathy progress will be:
A To replace maninil with insulin
B To increase maninil dosage
C To decrease daily caloric content
D To supplement the present therapy with insulin
E To administer antibacterial therapy
A 34-year-old female patient complains about weakness, 12 kg weight loss within 6 months,
sweating, palpitation, irritability. Objectively: III grade thyroid gland is elastic, diffuse
enlargement is present, there is also a node in the right lobe. Cervical lymph nodes are not
enlarged. What treatment tactics would be the most rational?
A Operation after antithyroid therapy
B Radioactive iodine administration
C Immediate surgical intervention
D Conservative antithyroid therapy
E Immediate gamma-ray teletherapy
A 38 y.o. woman suffers from paroxysmal AP rises up to 240/120 mm Hg accompanied by
nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, excessive sweating. During the onset blood is
hyperglycemic. After the onset there is voluminous urination. Kidneys sonography revealed
accessory mass bordering upon the upper pole of the right kidney, presumably it belongs
to the adrenal gland. What laboratory test will allow to make a more precise diagnosis?
A Estimation of catecholamine and vanillylmandelic acid excretion with urine
B Estimation of insulin and C-peptide content in blood
C Estimation of glomerular filtration rate
D Estimation of thyroxin and thyrotropic hormon in blood
E Estimation of renin content in blood
A 13 year old patient is suffering from an acute disease with the following symptoms: thirst,
polyuria, weakness. Objectively: his general condition is satisfactory, there is no smell of
acetone. Glucose concentration in blood on an empty stomach is 32 micromole/l, in urine -
6%, acetone +. What treatment should be administered?
A Short-acting insulin
B Long-acting insulin
C Biguanides
D Sulfonylurea
E Diet
A 49 year old female patient was admitted to a hospital with acute attacks of headache
accompanied by pulsation in temples, AP rose up to 280/140 mm Hg. Pheochromocytoma
is suspected. What mechanism of hypertensive atack does this patient have?
A Increase of catecholamine concentration
B Increase of aldosterone level in blood
C Increase of plasma renin activity
D Increase of vasopressin secretion
E Increase of thyroxine secretion
A patient had macrofocal myocardial infarction. He is overweight for 36%, AP is 150/90 mm
Hg, blood sugar- 5,9 mmol/L, general cholesterol- 4,9 mmol/L, uric acid- 0,211 mmol/L.
Which risk factor should be urgently eradicated during the secondary prevention?
A Obesity
B Arterial hypertension
C Hyperglycemia
D Hypercholesterolemia
E Hyperuricemia
A 18-year-old patient had subtotal strumectomy due to malignant capillary cystadenoma of the thyroid gland. In 2 months there was a suspicion of metastasis presence in the lungs. What rontgenological method is to be used first?
A Roentgenography of lungs
B Roentgenoscopy of lungs
C Angiopneumonography
D Bronchography
E Bronchoscopy
Preventive examination of a 55 year old patient revealed diabetes mellitus. The patient
hasn't received treatment for it. Objectively: height is 170 cm, weight is 106 kg, skin
humidity is normal. Ps is 76 bpm, rhythmic, left border of relative heart dullness is deviated
by 1 cm to the left from the middle clavicular line, heart sounds are quiet, AP is 140/80 mm
Hg. Glycemia on an empty stomach is 6,9 millimole/l. Glucose rate in the daily urine is
0,5%, diuresis makes up 2,5 l. What treatment tactics should be chosen?
A To administer dietotherapy
B To administer metformin
C To administer glibenclamid
D To administer repaglinide
E To administer insulin
A 16-year-old female patient underwent an operation on account of diffuse toxic goiter of
the III-IV degree 12 years ago. Now she has recurrence of thyrotoxicosis. The patient was
offered operative intervention, but it is necessary first to localize the functioning gland
tissue. What method should be applied for this purpose?
A Gland scanning
C Puncture aspiration biopsy
D Roentgenography of neck
E Roentgenography of esophagus
During examination a patient is unconscious, his skin is dry and hot, face hyperemia is
present. The patient has Kussmaul's respiration, there is also smell of acetone in the air.
Symptoms of peritoneum irritation are positive. Blood sugar is at the rate of 33 millimole/l.
What emergency actions should be taken?
A Intravenous infusion of short-acting insulin
B Intravenous infusion of glucose along with insulin
C Introduction of long-acting insulin
D Intravenous infusion of neohaemodesum along with glutamic acid
E Intravenous infusion of sodium chloride saline
A 24 year old patient complained about putting on weight, limosis. Objectively: the patient's
constitution is of hypersthenic type, body weight index is 33,2 kg/m2, waist
circumference is 100 cm. Correlation of waist circumference to the thigh circumference is
0,95. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A Alimentary constitutional obesity of the I stage, abdominal type
B Hypothalamic Itsenko-Cushing obesity of the II stage, gynoid type
C Alimentary constitutional obesity of the III stage, gynoid type
D Alimentary constitutional obesity of the II stage, abdominal type
E Hypothalamic Itsenko-Cushing obesity of the I stage, abdominal type
A 26-year-old patient complains about considerable muscle weakness, dizziness, extended
abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting giving no relief. The disease has been gradually
developing within 6 months. There was progress of general weakness, skin darkening. The
patient fell into grave condition after an ARD: there appeared abdominal pain and frequent
vomiting. Objectively: the skin is dry with diffuse pigmentation. Heart sounds are significantly weakened, heart rate - 60/min, AP- 80/40 mm Hg. The abdomen is slightly painful in the epigastrial region. In blood: WBCs - 8,1*109/l, glucose - 3,0 millimole/l. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A Chronic adrenal insufficiency. Addisonian crisis
B Acute pancreatitis
C Toxic infectious shock
D Acute food poisoning
E Acute cholecystitis
A 43-year-old female patient was delivered to the hospital in grave condition. She suffers
from Addison's disease. The patient had been regularly taking prednisolone but a week
before she stopped taking this drug. Objectively: sopor, skin and visible mucous
membranes are pigmented, skin and muscle turgor is decreased. Heart sounds are
muffled, rapid. AP- 60/40 mm Hg, heart rate - 96/min. In blood: Na - 120 millimole/l, K - 5,8
millimole/l. Development of this complication is primarily caused by the deficit of the
following hormone:
A Cortisol
B Corticotropin (ACTH)
C Adrenaline
D Noradrenaline
E Adrostendion
A female patient consulted a doctor about gain in weight, chill, edemata, dry skin,
sleepiness, problems with concentration. Objectively: the patient's height is 165 cm, weight
is 90 kg, gynoid body proportions, to- 35,8oC, ESR- 58/min, AP- 105/60 mm Hg.
Heart sounds are weakened, bradycardia is present. Other internal organs have no
changes. Thyroid gland is not palpable. Mammary glands ooze milk droplets. Hormonal
study revealed rise of TSH and prolactin concentration, reduction of T4. What factor
caused obesity?
A Primary hypothyroidism
B Secondary hypothyroidism
C Prolactinoma
D Hypopituitarism
E Adiposogenital dystrophy
Хірургічний профіль
Name a statistical observation unit for determination of influence amount of bloodsugar on
the healing of wound's surface in a postoperative period:
A The patient in a postoperative period
B An amount of bloodsugar
C Blood analysis
D The patient who has a wound surface
E The patient who was discharged on an after-care
For the persons who live in a hot area after an accident at a nuclear object, the greatest
risk within the first decade is represented by cancer of:
A Thyroid gland
B Skin
C Reproduction system organs
D Breast
E Lungs
A 50 year old woman with a 2-year history of mild, diffuse, tender thyroid enlargement
complains of 10 pound weight gain and fatigue. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A Hashimoto's thyroiditis
B Riedel's thyroiditis
C Subacute thyroiditis
D Suppurative thyroiditis
E Papillary thyroid carcinoma
The 67 y.o. patient had 5 recurrent fractures of the lower extremities without considerable
cause within 5 years. O-shaped deformity of the legs in the knee joints has appeared. The
skull, pelvis and lower extremities X-Ray shows the thickening of flat bones. In the long
bones there is a hyperostosis along the bone axis.The blood test has not revealed any
inflammation activity. Serum calcium is normal. What disease do you consider in this case?
A Paget's disease
B Hyperparathyoid dystrophy
C Chronic osteomyelitis
D Myeloma
E Mottled disease (marble disease)
Parents of a 2-year-old boy applied to clinic complaining of right testicle absence in the
scrotum of a boy. While examining the boy, hypoplasia of the right half of the scrotum was
revealed, absence of the testicle. Testicle is miniaturized, it palpitates along the inguinal
canal but it could not be moved down to scrotum. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A Right-sided cryptorchism, inguinal form
B Retraction of the right testicle (pseudocryptorchism)
C Left-sided monorchism
D Right-sided cryptorchism, abdominal form
E Ectopia of the right testicle, pubic form
Examination of a 26 year old female patient revealed a node in the right lobe of thyroid
gland. The node appeared no earlier than 3 months ago. The patient associates this node
with stress. She doesn't complain either about pain or enlargement of the node. Ultrasonic
scanning revealed a 2x2,5 cm large node in the inferior part of the right lobe of thyroid
gland. What treatment should be administered?
A Surgical intervention
B Conservative therapy
C Dynamic observation
D No need for treatment
E -
A 57 year old patient abruptly lost the sight of one eye. Examination revealed that his sight
made up 0,02 excentrically, eye fundus has haemorrhages of different forms and sizes
("squashed tomato" symptom). Disc of optic nerve is hyperemic. In anamnesis general
vascular pathology is recorded. Direct-acting anticoagulants were administered. What is
the most probable diagnosis?
A Thrombosis of central vein of retina
B Hypertensive angiopathy
C Hypertensive angioneuropathy
D Embolism of central artery of retina
E Diabetic retinopathy
Педіатрічний профіль
A young man has painful indurations in the peripapillary regions of both mammary glands.
The most reasonable action will be:
A To leave these indurations untouched
B To remove them
C To cut and drain them
D To take an aspirate for bacterial inoculation and cytology
E To administer steroids locally
Patient with thyreotoxicosis is in the 2 beds hospital ward of therapeutic department. The
area of the ward is 18 m2, height 3 m, ventilation rate 2,5/hr. Air temperature -
200С, relative humidity - 45%, air movement velocity - 0,3 m/s, light coefficient - 1/5,
noise level - 30 dB. Do hygienic evaluation of the conditions meet the standards?
A Discomfortable microclimate
B Non-effective ventilation
C Poor lighting
D High level of noise
E All conditions meet the requirements
A 7 d.o. boy is admitted to the hospital for evaluation of vomiting and dehydration. Physical
examination is otherwise normal except for minimal hyperpigmentation of the nipples.
Serum sodium and potassium concentrations are 120 meq/L and 9 meq/L respectively. The
most likely diagnosis is:
A Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
B Pyloric stenosis
C Secondary hypothyroidism
D Panhypopituitarism
E Hyperaldosteronism
A 12 y.o. child with acute glomerulonephritis presented with hypertensive syndrom during
first days of the disease. What is the role of angiotesin II in the pathogenesis?
A Intensifies production and secretion of aldosterone
B Increases heart output
C Infibits deppresive action of prostaglandins
D Increases erythropoetin production
E Increases renine level
A 12-year-old girl applied to doctor with complaints of swelling on the front part of the neck.
The doctor diagnosed hyperplasia of the thyroid gland of the second degree,
euthyroidism. Ultrasound suspected autoimmune thyroiditis. Blood was taken for titre of
antibodies to thyroglobulin. What titre of antibodies will be diagnostically important?
A 1:100
B 1:50
C 1:150
D 1:200
E 1:250
A 14-year-old girl has been presenting with irritability and tearfulness for about a year. A
year ago she was also found to have diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland (II grade).
This condition was regarded as a pubertal manifestation, the girl didn't undergo any
treatment. The girl's irritability gradually gave place to a complete apathy. The girl got puffy
face, soft tissues pastosity, bradycardia, constipations. Skin pallor and gland density
progressed, the skin got a waxen hue. What disease may be assumed?
A Autoimmune thyroiditis
B Diffuse toxic goiter
C Thyroid carcinoma
D Subacute thyroiditis
E Juvenile basophilism
A 2 m.o. child with birth weight 5100 g has jaundice, hoarse cry, umbilical hernia, physical
development lag. Liver is +2 cm enlarged, spleen is not enlarged. In anamnesis: delayed
falling-away of umbilical cord rest. In blood: Hb- 120 g/L, erythrocytes - 4,5*1012/L, ESR- 3 mm/h. Whole serum bilirubin is 28 mcmole/L, indirect - 20 mcmole/L, direct - 8 mcmole/L. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A Congenital hypothyreosis
B Congenital hepatitis
C Hemolitic anemia
D Conjugated jaundice
E Cytomegalovirus infection
A 6 y.o child complains of thirst, polyuria, increased appetite for 2 months with weight loss
for 3 kg. There has been nocturnal enuresis during last week. On examination: hyperglycemia 14 mol/L. The diagnosis is diabetis mellitus I type. What is the genesis of this disease?
A Autoimmune
B Viral
C Bacterial
D Neurogenic
E Virus-bacterial
Examination of a 12 year old child revealed diffuse thyroid enlargement of the II degree.
Heart auscultation revealed dullness of heart sounds, heart rate was 64/min. The child has
frequent constipations, anemia. Concentration of thyreoglobulin antibodies is increased.
What disease might have caused such symptoms?
A Autoimmune thyroiditis
B Diffuse toxic goiter
C Thyroid carcinoma
D Thyroid hyperplasia
E Endemic goiter
A 9 year old boy has been suffering from diabetes mellitus for a year. He gets insulin
injections (humulin R, NPH), the dose makes up 0,4 units per 1 kg of body weight a day.
Insulin is untroduced subcutaneously (into the shoulder) by means of a syringe. What
measures should be taken in order to prevent lipodystrophy?
A To change point of introduction
B To limit fats in the boy's diet
C To reduce insulin dose
D To apply periodically other types of insulin
E To administer antioxidants
A 9 year old boy had acute respiratory viral infection. After it there appeared polydipsia, polyuria, weakness, nausea. Examination revealed the following symptoms: mental confusion, dry skin, soft eyeballs, Kussmaul's respiration, acetone smell from the mouth, muffled heart sounds, soft and painless abdomen. Blood sugar was 19 millimole/l. What acute condition is it?
A Ketoacidotic coma
B Hyperosmolar coma
C Cerebral coma
D Hepatic coma
E Acute renal insufficiency
Акушерство і гінекологія
A 52-year-old woman suffering from obesity, complains of bloody discharges from sexual
paths during 4 days. Last normal menses were 2 years ago. Histological investigation of
biopsy of the endometrium has revealed adenomatous hyperplasia. What reason from the
mentioned below caused the development of disease?
A Excessive transformation of preandrogens from adipose tissues
B Hypersecretion of estrogens by tissues of the organism.
C Poor aromatization of preandrogens due to hypothyroidism
D The increased contents of follicle-stimulating hormone
E Supersecretion of androgens by the cortex of paranephroses.
13 months after the first labor a 24-year-old patient complained of amenorrhea. Pregnancy ended in Caesarian section because of premature detachment of normally positioned placenta which resulted in blood loss at the rate of 2000 ml owing to disturbance of blood clotting. Choose the most suitable investigation:
A Estimation of gonadotropin rate
B USI of small pelvis organs
C Progesteron assay
D Computer tomography of head
E Estimation of testosteron rate in blood serum
In 13 months after the first labor a 24-year-old woman complains of amenorrhea. Cesarian
section was conducted as a result of premature detachment of normally posed placenta.
Hemorrhage has made low fidelity of 2000 ml due to breakdown of coagulation of blood.
Choose the most suitable investigation.
A Determination of the level of gonadotropin
B Ultrasound of organs of a small pelvis
C Progesteron test
D Computer tomography of the head
E Determination of the contents of testosteron-depotum in blood serum.
In the woman of 24 years about earlier normal menstrual function, cycles became irregular,
according to tests of function diagnostics - anovulatory. The contents of prolactin in blood
is boosted. Choose the most suitable investigation:
A Computer tomography of the head
B Determination of the level of gonadotropins
C USI of organs of small pelvis
D Progesterone assay
E Determination of the contents of testosteron-depotum in blood serum
A 20 y.o. patient complains of amenorrhea. Objectively: hirsutism, obesity with fat tissue prevailing on the face, neck, upper part of body. On the face there are acne vulgaris, on the skin - striae cutis distense. Psychological and intellectual development is normal. Gynecological condition: external genitals are moderately hairy, acute vaginal and uterine hypoplasia. What diagnosis is the most probable?
A Itsenko-Cushing syndrome
B Turner's syndrome
C Stein-Levental's syndrome
D Shichan's syndrome
E Babinski-Froehlich syndrome
A 30-year-old patient consulted a doctor about menstruation absence for 2 years after labour, loss of hair, body weight loss. The labour was complicated by a haemorrhage caused by uterus hypotonia. Objectively: the patient is asthenic, external genitals are hypoplastic, the uterus body is small and painless. The appendages are not palpaple. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A Sheehan's syndrome
B Ovarian amenorrhea
C Turner's syndrome
D Exhausted overy syndrome
E Galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome
A 25-year-old woman came to a maternity welfare clinic and complained about being unable to conceive within 3 years of regular sexual life. Examination revealed weight gain, male pattern of hair distribution on the pubis, excessive pilosis of thighs. Ovaries were dense and enlarged, basal temperature was monophase. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A Sclerocystosis of ovaries
B Tubo-ovaritis
C Adrenogenital syndrome
D Premenstrual syndrome
E Gonadal dysgenesis
A 28 year old patient complained about prolongation of intermenstrual periods up to 2 months, hirsutism. Gynaecological examination revealed that the ovaries were enlarged, painless, compact, uterus had no pecularities. Pelvic ultrasound revealed that the ovaries were 4-5 cm in diameter and had multiple enlarged follicles on periphery. Roentgenography of skull base showed that sellar region was dilated. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A Stein-Leventhal syndrome
B Algodismenorrhea
C Sheehan's syndrome
D Premenstrual syndrome
E Morgagni-Stewart syndrome
A woman consulted a therapeutist about fatigability, significant weight loss, weakness, loss of appetite. She has had amenorrhea for 8 months. A year ago she born a full-term child. Haemorrhage during labour made up 2 l. She got blood and blood substitute transfusions. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A Sheehan's syndrome
B Stein-Leventhal syndrome
C Shereshevsky-Turner's syndrome
D Homological blood syndrome
E Vegetovascular dystonia
A 26 year old woman complains about edemata, swelling and painfulness of mammary glands, headache, tearfulness, irritability. These signs turn up 5 days before menstruation and disappear after its start. What clinical syndrome is it?
A Premenstrual syndrome
B Postcastration syndrome
C Adrenogenital syndrome
D Climacteric syndrome
E Stein-Leventhal syndrome
A 49-year-old woman complains about headache, head and neck going hot, increased perspiration, palpitation, arterial pressure rise up to 170/100 mm Hg, irritability, insomnia, tearfulness, memory impairment, rare and scarce menses, body weight increase by 5 kg over the last half a year. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A Climacteric syndrome
B Premenstrual syndrome
C Vegetative-vascular dystonia
D Arterial hypertension
E Postcastration syndrome
Гігієна, ООЗ
As a result of prophylactic medical examination a 35 year old woman was diagnosed with alimentary and constitutive obesity of the III degree. It is known from her anamnesis that the patient doesn't observe rules of rational nutrition: she often overeats, the last food intake is usually 10-15 minutes before going to bed, prefers fattening and rich in carbohydrates food. What is the main alimentary risk factor of obesity development?
A Energetic unprofitableness of nutrition
B Excess of carbohydrates
C Excess of fats
D Lack of cellulose
E Violation of dietary pattern