Classification of food and non-food products

According to the trade classification there are such categories of food products: bakery products, fruits and vegetables, confectionery, wines and liquors, soft drinks, milk, oil, meat and sausage products, fish, eggs, edible oils, tobacco products.

In the trade chain food products are divided into grocery and deli. Grocery products include cereals, flour, yeast, pasta, dried vegetables and fruits, tea, coffee, salt, spices, sugar, starch, food concentrates and others, those are products requiring additional cooking. Deli involves such goods that are ready to eat without cooking or with elevated taste: dairy products, alcoholic beverages, smoked and canned food, confectionery, meat and fish products.

Non-food products are divided into the following product groups:

- household and fancy goods (textile, leather, metal haberdashery);

- household chemical products (adhesives, paint products, detergents and so on);

- glass products (tableware, flat glass, lamp goods);

- ceramic goods (porcelain, faience, pottery, and decorative items);

- building materials (binders, metal, ceramic, and other materials);

- furniture goods (wood furniture, etc.);

- metal products (dishes, cutlery, ironmongery and small items, tools, etc.);

- electrical goods and household appliances (wires and cables, wiring accessories, light bulbs, electric heaters, household machines, electrical appliances);

- textiles (fabrics, nonwoven fabrics, piece goods);

- sewing goods (clothes, ready dress, underwear, hats);

- knitted goods (top and knitted linen, hosiery and gloves, and others);

- footwear goods (leather, rubber and felt boots);

- fur goods (fur semi-finished products, fur and sheepskin items);

- jewellery products and watches;

- paper products,

- school supplies and stationery,

- music, photo and household electronics,

- toys,

- sporting goods.

A separate group consists of books and other printed publications. These groups sometimes combine.


2) Поставьте 10 вопросов к тексту.

3) Составьте 10 предложений по теме: "Shopping"

4) Найдите в тексте предложения с глаголом to be, выпишите их и определите время.

5) Найдите в тексте предложения с Present Indefinite Active Tense, без глагола to be и выпишите их.

6) Разберите предложение по составу:

Deli involves such goods that are ready to eat without cooking or with elevated taste: dairy products, alcoholic beverages, smoked and canned food, confectionery, meat and fish products.

Вариант 2

1) Translate the text (Переведите текст).


Types of shops

Shopping is an important part of every man’s life. Now when people cannot make everything they need, they buy everything they need for work and leisure. There are many types of shops one can go to. The most important division is between small shops and large department stores and supermarkets.

There are many types of small shops specializing in certain goods – the bakery offers bread of all kinds, the butchery sells meat, the grocery is the place to buy flour, sugar, salt and alike foodstuffs, the greengrocery will supply with fruits and vegetables, the confectionery is the place for a sweet tooth, diary has a wide choice of dairy products including milk, yoghurt, cheese, etc.

There are shops specializing in coffee and tea. There are also shops selling other types of goods – clothes shops, footwear shops, bookshops, fabric shops, jewelry shops and many others.

But there are places where you can buy almost everything – supermarkets and department stores. Department stores are places intended for those who want a wide choice of consumer goods, but not food usually. Supermarkets are places where one can buy almost everything including all imaginable foodstuffs, washing powder, clothes and toys.

A department store usually consists of many departments. There you can not only buy different goods, but also have a snack and enjoy computer games. When you are at a department store, you usually buy clothes or footwear. The most important in buying these goods are the choice of colour, cut and size. To choose a piece of clothes or a pair of shoes one should try it on and to look at oneself in the mirror. Sometimes you do not know your exact size and you may need a bigger or a smaller item. At a department store, one can buy knitted goods, hosiery (socks, stockings and tights), and underwear. Women like to visit such departments as millinery, haberdashery, makeup, perfumes departments, and china departments. Men enjoy looking at the items in stationery departments and instruments departments.


2) Поставьте 10 вопросов к тексту.

3) Составьте 10 предложений по теме "Haberdashery".

4) Найдите в тексте предложения с глаголом to be, выпишите их и определите время.

5) Найдите в тексте предложения с модальными глаголами и выпишите их.

6) Разберите по составу предложение:

Women like to visit such departments as millinery, haberdashery, makeup, perfumes departments, and china departments.


Вариант 3

1) Translate the text (Переведите текст).