Экзаменационные тесты по дисциплине «Культура Речи и Устный Перевод», Специальность «Переводческое Дело», 3 курс, рус.отд.


<question>What is the main aim of translation?

<variant>to serve as a cross-cultural bilingual communication vehicle among people

<variant>to represent information by means of another language

<variant>to compare two different languages

<variant>to transform cultural peculiarities of particular nationalities

<variant>to distinguish the main differences between languages


<question>What is the nature of the most frequent translation difficulties?

<variant>semantic and cultural






<question>What is a translation strategy?

<variant>a procedure for solving a problem encountered in translating a text or a segment of it.

<variant>a procedure of making decisions in the process of translation

<variant>a process of translation

<variant>particular technics which help to solve problems

<variant>aims which should be gained in the process of translation


<question>What two mental processes does the translation process include?

<variant>understanding and verbalization

<variant>listening and thinking

<variant>thinking and memorizing

<variant>listening and speaking

<variant>understanding and memorizing


<question>What type of translation deals with literary texts, i.e. works of fiction or poetry whose main function is to make an emotional or aesthetic impression upon the reader?

<variant>literary translation

<variant>informative translation

<variant>poetry translation

<variant>technical translation

<variant>scientific translation


<question>What type of translation is rendering into the target language non-literary texts, the main purpose of which is to convey a certain amount of ideas, to inform the reader?

<variant>informative translation

<variant>literary translation

<variant>poetry translation

<variant>technical translation

<variant>scientific translation


<question>What contains more information in the text?




<variant>grammatical structures

<variant>stylistic devices


<question>What is consecutive interpretation?

<variant>one of the types of oral translation during which the speaker makes a pause necessary for the interpreter to translate all the above said

<variant>oral translation

<variant>one of the types of written translation during which the translator makes brief description of the source text

<variant>one of the types of oral translation during which the speaker speaks without interruption

<variant>one of the types of written translation during which the translator translates the text word by word


<question>What is simultaneous interpretation?

<variant>one of the types of oral translation during which the speaker speaks without interruption

<variant>one of the types of oral translation during which the speaker makes a pause necessary for the interpreter to translate all the above said

<variant>one of the types of written translation during which the translator makes brief description of the source text

<variant>oral translation

<variant>one of the types of written translation during which the translator translates the text word by word


<question>There are some advantages of simultaneous interpretation over consecutive one. Choose the odd variant.

<variant>less expenditure of money

<variant>efficiency in conducting international events

<variant>convenience for the listeners

<variant>saving of time

<variant>simple language usage


<question>Numerous and varied in their quality interlingual changes made to achieve adequacy in translation in spite of discrepancies in the formal and semantic systems of a SL and a TL:

<variant>translation transformations

<variant>speech compression

<variant>translation models

<variant>translation strategies

<variant>translation process


<question>What is sspecification?

<variant>a choice of more specific words

<variant>a choice of more general words

<variant>rendering an affirmative SL structure by a negative TL one or vice versa

<variant>dropping some elements from a SL

<variant>creating a blueprint collocation in a TL


<question>What is generalization?

<variant>a choice of more general words

<variant>a choice of more specific words

<variant>rendering an affirmative SL structure by a negative TL one or vice versa

<variant>dropping some elements from a SL

<variant>creating a blueprint collocation in a TL


<question>What is antonymous translation?

<variant>rendering an affirmative SL structure by a negative TL one or vice versa

<variant>a choice of more general words

<variant>a choice of more specific words

<variant>dropping some elements from a SL

<variant>creating a blueprint collocation in a TL


<question>What is omission?

<variant>dropping some elements from a SL

<variant>a choice of more general words

<variant>a choice of more specific words

<variant>rendering an affirmative SL structure by a negative TL one or vice versa

<variant>creating a blueprint collocation in a TL


<question>What is loan translation?

<variant>creating a blueprint collocation in a TL

<variant>dropping some elements from a SL

<variant>a choice of more general words

<variant>a choice of more specific words

<variant>rendering an affirmative SL structure by a negative TL one or vice versa


<question>Breaking an original sentence into two parts or replacing a simple sentence in the original with a complex one in the translation.







<question>Lexico-grammatical transformation in which a SL unit is replaced by a TL word-combination explicating or defining its meaning.







<question>What type of translation transformations is used in the following example: The people are not slow in learning the truth .- Люди быстро узнают правду.

<variant>antonymous translation

<variant>descriptive translation





<question>What type of translation transformations is used in the following example: «Conservationist» - сторонник охраны окружающей среды.







<question>An economy of language to express a given content is called







<question>How many types of speech compression are there in simultaneous interpretation?







<question>Reduction of the number of syllables in the SL message as compared to the TL message is called

<variant>syllabic compression

<variant>lexical compression

<variant>syntactic compression

<variant>semantic compression

<variant>grammatical compression


<question>Use of fewer words to express the same idea is called

<variant>lexical compression

<variant>syllabic compression

<variant>syntactic compression

<variant>semantic compression

<variant>grammatical compression


<question>It usually takes the form of semantic paraphrase

<variant>semantic compression

<variant>syllabic compression

<variant>syntactic compression

<variant>lexical compression

<variant>grammatical compression


<question>It results from the choice of a shorter and simpler construction than that used in the original

<variant>syntactic compression

<variant>syllabic compression

<variant>semantic compression

<variant>lexical compression

<variant>grammatical compression


<question>What type of translation transformations is applied to the following word-combination: “Массовик-затейник – organizer of popular recreational activities”

<variant>descriptive translation






<question>What type of translation transformations is applied to the following word-combination: “Индивидуальный пошив – tailoring”







<question>Find the equivalent to: political buffoonery

<variant>политический балаган

<variant>политический скандал

<variant>политическая система

<variant>политический режим

<variant>политическая власть


<question>Find the equivalent to: духовное наследие

<variant>spiritual legacy

<variant>spiritual healing

<variant>spiritual liaison

<variant>spiritual affinity

<variant>spiritual assembly


<question>Choose the right equivalent of the English proverb: Love in a cottage

<variant>С милым рай в шалаше

<variant>Кровь гуще воды

<variant>В браке все делается поровну

<variant>Противоположности сходятся

<variant>Любишь кататься, люби и саночки возить


<question>Choose the right equivalent of the English proverb: Blood is thicker than water

<variant>Кровь гуще воды

<variant>Противоположности сходятся

<variant>В браке все делается поровну

<variant>С милым рай в шалаше

<variant>Любишь кататься, люби и саночки возить


<question>Whose quotation is it: Lots of people are willing to die for the person they love, which is a pity, for it is a much grander thing to live for that person.

<variant>Jason Hurst

<variant>George Bernard Shaw

<variant>Jeanne Moreau

<variant>Benjamin Franklin

<variant>Charles Dickens


<question>Whose quotation is it: Where there is marriage without love, there will be love without marriage

<variant>Benjamin Franklin

<variant>Jeanne Moreau

<variant>Jason Hurst

<variant>George Bernard Shaw

<variant>Charles Dickens



<question>Match the description with a suitable person

A woman on the day of her marriage


<variant>best man






<question>Match the description with a suitable person

A young child who is learning to walk


<variant>best man






<question>Match the description with a suitable person

A woman whose husband has died




<variant>best man




<question>Match the description with a suitable person

At a wedding, the friend of the bridegroom

<variant>best man







<question>Match the description with a suitable person

What a woman calls the man she is engaged to


<variant>best man






<question>Fill in the blank with corresponding word

John is your second cousin. He is your_____ relative.







<question>Fill in the blank with corresponding word

Our family name is Smith, I don’t know my mother’s _______name.







<question>Fill in the blank with corresponding word

He is 13 years old, he is _______



<variant>elderly person




<question>Fill in the blank with corresponding word

He is 48, he is in his _________

<variant>late forties




<variant>early forties


<question>Match the word “worship” with appropriate definition.

<variant>great respect, admiration, etc., esp. to God

<variant>a relationship through marriage, as of a man to his wife’s relations; strong attraction

<variant>fondness or friendship because you share the same ideas or interests

<variant>great fondness

<variant>a strong foolish and short-lived liking or love for someone


<question>Match the word “love” with appropriate definition.

<variant>a relationship through marriage, as of a man to his wife’s relations; strong attraction

<variant>great fondness

<variant>great respect, admiration, etc., esp. to God

<variant>fondness or friendship because you share the same ideas or interests

<variant>a strong foolish and short-lived liking or love for someone


<question>Match the word “adoration” with appropriate definition.

<variant>great fondness

<variant>fondness or friendship because you share the same ideas or interests

<variant>great respect, admiration, etc., esp. to God

<variant>a relationship through marriage, as of a man to his wife’s relations; strong attraction

<variant>a strong foolish and short-lived liking or love for someone


<question>Which word can’t take the suffix -less to form an adjective meaning “without”?





<variant>all variants are possible


<question>Find the right variant ______-is the child of your stepfather or stepmother but not of your natural mother or father.







<question>Find the right variant _________- is the natural child of one of your own natural parents.







<question>Answer the question: Which word of expression means “a child whose parents have both died”?


<variant>only child

<variant>unique child

<variant>lonely child

<variant>foster child


<question>Insert the preposition if it is necessary

John married_______ Kate two years ago.







<question>Insert the preposition if it is necessary

She is engaged_____policeman.







<question>Insert the preposition if it is necessary

He is about 50, he is ____ the prime of his life.







<question>Insert the preposition if it is necessary

He didn’t return from the war, he died ________his country.







<question>Insert the preposition if it is necessary

They say she took________her mother.







<question>Match the beginning of the sentence with the ending.

They became acquainted

<variant>at a mutual friend’s birthday party

<variant>but they’ve never actually hit each other

<variant>so he often gets jealous

<variant>when they no longer respect each other

<variant>although they quarrel quite often


<question>Match the beginning of the sentence with the ending.

She’s often flirting with other men

<variant>so he often gets jealous

<variant>and she’s very fond of him

<variant>but they’ve never actually hit each other

<variant>so he asked her out to dinner

<variant>although they quarrel quite often


<question>Match the beginning of the sentence with the ending.

He adores his wife

<variant>and she’s very fond of him

<variant>but they’ve never actually hit each other

<variant>when they no longer respect each other

<variant>at a mutual friend’s birthday party

<variant>but she is too shy to ask him out


<question>Match the beginning of the sentence with the ending.

They have terrible rows

<variant>but they’ve never actually hit each other

<variant>it’s just infatuation, really

<variant>so he asked her out to dinner

<variant>and she’s very fond of him

<variant>but she is too shy to ask him out


<question>Match the beginning of the sentence with the ending.

It’s surprising that they go on living together

<variant>when they no longer respect each other

<variant>so he often gets jealous

<variant>and she’s very fond of him

<variant>at a mutual friend’s birthday party

<variant>but she is too shy to ask him out


<question>Replace underlined words with the phrasal verb.

The wedding was cancelled when the bride failed to arrive

<variant>turn up

<variant>give away

<variant>turn down

<variant>put up with

<variant>take after


<question>Replace underlined words with the phrasal verb.

I’m sorry, but I just can’t stand your behaviour any longer

<variant>put up with

<variant>turn down

<variant>turn up

<variant>give away

<variant>take after


<question>Replace underlined words with the phrasal verb.

Why don’t you visit my house on your way home from the shops?

<variant>call in

<variant>turn down

<variant>give away

<variant>put up with

<variant>take after


<question>Replace underlined words with the phrasal verb.

The millionaire decided to make a present of his money to the poor

<variant>give away

<variant>turn down

<variant>turn up

<variant>put up with

<variant>take after


<question>Replace underlined words with the phrasal verb.

Jean decided to refuse Chris’s offer of marriage.

<variant>turn down

<variant>put up with

<variant>turn up

<variant>give away

<variant>take after


<question>Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete the sentence.

You can’t tell what someone is like just from their___________







<question>Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete the sentence.

I was born in Scotland but I ________in Northern Ireland.

<variant>grew up



<variant>brought up

<variant>all variants are possible


<question>Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete the sentence.

Edward was named after one of his father’s distant _________







<question>Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete the sentence.

Jane and Brian got married a year after they got_____________





<variant>split up


<question>Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete the sentence.

Julie had a terrible __________ with her parents last night.







<question>Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete the sentence.

Is Brenda married or___________? I don’t like to ask her.







<question>Provide the definition with the appropriate word

The part of the body from hand to the shoulder.







<question>Provide the definition with the appropriate word

The eye cover when the eyes are shut.







<question>Provide the definition with the appropriate word

The front of the head







<question>If I can get financial backing , I hope to_______my own firm

<variant>set up

<variant>set out

<variant>set down

<variant>set off

<variant>no correct answer


<question>I wanted to emigrate, but my friends_______me from going





<variant>no correct answer


<question>There has been a gradual___in people’s attitudes to the environment over the last two decades or so





<variant>no correct answer


<question>The game is played by two or ten players, using a standard _______of 52 cards





<variant>no correct answer


<question>Would you mind______a seat?



<variant>to take


<variant>no correct answer


<question>I object to_____over an hour to see the doctor.



<variant>to take


<variant>no correct answer


<question>Susan is my best friend. We go back_____- to kindergarten in fact.

<variant>a long way

<variant>in a roundabout way

<variant>long ways

<variant>own way

<variant>no correct answer


<question>To pass away means

<variant>to die

<variant>to disappear

<variant>to vanish

<variant>to damage

<variant>no correct answer


<question>She is hopeless at housework. She is not exactly_______, is she?





<variant>no correct answer


<question>Did he catch what you said? I think he is a bit______of__________.

<variant>hard, hearing

<variant>difficult, hearing

<variant>hard, listening

<variant>difficult, listening

<variant>no correct answer


<question>Very informal words which are not suitable in formal situations

<variant>slang words

<variant>pejorative words

<variant>obsolete words

<variant> jargonisms

<variant>no correct answer


<question>A short loud sound produced by a dog




<variant> roaring

<variant>no correct answer


<question> A very loud deep sound produced by lions




<variant> squeaking

<variant>no correct answer


<question>Very bad, unpleasant





<variant>no correct answer


<question>Choose the synonym to the word “Feeble “





<variant>no correct answer


<question>Choose the synonym to the word “Mediocre”





<variant>no correct answer


<question>The act of being disloyal to somebody who trusts you




<variant> resilience

<variant>no correct answer


<question>A kind or forgiving attitude towards sb you have the power to punish or harm





<variant>no correct answer


<question>Tess is the________in Handy’s novel that bears her name , Tess of the D’Urbervilles





<variant>no correct answer


<question>A plural form for the word “phenomenon” is





<variant>no correct answer


<question>Water _______at 100 degrees Celsius



<variant>is boiling

<variant>have boiled

<variant>no correct answer


<question>More and more people _______smoking

<variant>are giving up

<variant>give up

<variant>gave up

<variant>has given up

<variant>no correct answer


<question> Come around in the morning. I ______the kitchen.

<variant>will be painting

<variant>will paint


<variant> will have painted

<variant>no correct answer


<question>Christmas ___on a Tuesday next year.


<variant>will be

<variant>is going to be


<variant>no correct answer


<question>I will ______a look and get back to you





<variant>no correct answer


<question>I will _____to it





<variant>no correct answer


<question>It is a long time_____I last saw you





<variant>no correct answer


<question>It is time we________



<variant>have left


<variant>no correct answer


<question>I’ d rather you_____TV while I am reading

<variant>did not watch

<variant>do not watch

<variant>are not watching


<variant>no correct answer


<question>I wish I______more time swimming last summer

<variant>had spent


<variant>have spent


<variant>no correct answer


<question>You are lucky going to Italy. I wish I ___ with you.



<variant>am going

<variant>had gone

<variant>no correct answer


<question>Choose an example of cleft sentence

<variant>It was Sue who borrowed my bike

<variant>Suddenly down came the rain

<variant>Up in the air went the balloon

<variant>Where the money is coming from, I do not know

<variant>no correct answer


<question>If she ___________ about his financial situation, she would have helped him out.

<variant>had known

<variant>had been knowing


<variant>have known



<question>I'll ______________ their cat while they are away on holiday.

<variant>be looking after

<variant>be looking into

<variant>be looking at

<variant>be looking over



<question>He made his children ______ their homework every afternoon.


<variant>to do


<variant>to study

<variant>no correct answer


<question>__________ they are widely perceived as gentle creatures, hippopotamuses are responsible for more human deaths in Africa than any other animal.

<variant>Even though

<variant>Despite of

<variant>In spite of




<question>In the XXI century population on the Earth __________ to increase.



<variant>which continue

<variant>that it has continued

<variant>no correct answer


<question>The last drop makes .....
<variant>the cup run over

<variant>the cup running been over
<variant>the cups run over
<variant>the cup running over
<variant>the cup have run over


<question>The students didn’t notice ..... into the lecture room.
<variant>the lecturer come

<variant>the lecturer to be coming
<variant>that the lecturer comes
<variant>the lecturer have come
<variant>the lecturer have been coming


<question>Let ..... whatever they want; I don’t care.
<variant>them think

<variant>to think
<variant>them to think
<variant>they think


<question>The manager ordered the contract ..... into English.
<variant>to be translated

<variant>to translate
<variant>to be translating
<variant>to have been translating
<variant>to have translate


<question>After the lesson the teacher had ..... the books back to the library.
<variant>the pupils take

<variant>the pupils to have take
<variant>the pupils to take
<variant>the pupils took
<variant>the pupils had took


<question>The boy urged ..... faster.
<variant>his mother to walk

<variant>his mother have been walking
<variant>his mother had walking
<variant>his mother walking
<variant>that his mother walks


<question>I heard him ..... something from the opposite side of the street, but I pretended not to hear.
<variant>having shouted
<variant>having been shouting
<variant>have shouting


<question>I like to study sea life. Marine biology is ..... .

<variant>to have been fascinating
<variant>being fascinated
<variant>to fascinate


<question>Bitterly ..... , the explorers set out on the return journey.

<variant>to disappoint
<variant>having been disappointing
<variant>having been disappointed
<variant>being disappointed


<question>Money ..... on the brain is never spent in vain.
<variant>being spent
<variant>have been spent
<variant>to spent


<question>She turned to me for help, ..... how to deal with the problem.
<variant>not knowing

<variant>not having known
<variant>not being known
<variant>to know


<question>Once ....., twice shy.

<variant>having bitten
<variant>to beat
<variant>have been bitten


<question>I don’t really see what can be done about the ..... picture.

<variant>have ruined
<variant>being ruined
<variant>having been ruined
<variant>to ruin


<question>... control of his car on an icy road, the driver hit a tree.
<variant>Having lost
<variant>Being lost
<variant>have been lost


<question>The captain watched the sailors ..... the steamer.

<variant>to unloaded
<variant>having unloaded
<variant>having been unloaded


<question>A ..... pot never boils.
<variant>having been watched
<variant>having been watching
<variant>to watch


<question>It’s absolutely necessary that they ..... the job on time. Otherwise they would be given an enormous fine.
<variant>should complete

<variant>would complete
<variant>should have completed
<variant>would have complete
<variant>will complete


<question>If he ..... rich, he would buy a new car and would ask Kathy to go out with him.

<variant>had been


<question>Herald ..... us Christmas greetings if he knew our address in Glasgow.
<variant>would send
<variant>would have sent
<variant>should sent
<variant>will sent


<question>We wouldn’t have gone to that restaurant if we ..... its prices.
<variant>had known

<variant>will knew
<variant>have been known


<question>The situation seems totally out of control. I wish there ..... a way out!

<variant>had been


<question>Jeremy suggested they ..... sightseeing on the very first day of their arrival in Tokyo.
<variant>should go

<variant>can go
<variant>will go
<variant>shall go


<question>I am afraid to lose my job; my boss picks on me all the time. What would you do if you ..... in my shoes?
<variant>had been
<variant>would be


<question>If the firefighters ..... the necessary skills, they wouldn’t have been able to save the house.
<variant>hadn’t had

<variant>would have
<variant>should have
<variant>wouldn’t have
<variant>didn’t have


<question>A ..... is a short journey, voyage or tour, for either business or pleasure.


<question>Though the distance was not great across the mountains, the railway ..... was very tiresome



<question>On summer weekends a lot of people take car ..... to the country.



<question>That year Byron took his seat in the House of Lords, but soon afterwards set out upon the Continental ..... .



<question>A ..... is a trip of considerable length, wholly or mainly by land



<question>Many musical groups go on ..... of various places during the summer.



<question>... was slow and sometimes very dangerous in old times.



<question>The children went on a short vacation ..... in July.



<question>We visited a number of wonderful towns in Italy on our ..... and then returned to Rome.


<question>Are you pleased with your ..... to the Caucasus?



<question>The first thing Felix wanted to do was to describe the ..... of the treasure-hunters.



<question>There is many ..... between the cup and the lip.
<variant>a slip

<variant>a break
<variant>a fault
<variant>an error
<variant>a mistake


<question>... is a minor mistake made through haste or carelessness.
<variant>a slip

<variant>a fault
<variant>a break
<variant>an error
<variant>a mistake


<question>Robert made a lot of stupid ..... in his youth.


<question>Rita came close to prove to him that he was in ..... .



<question>I am sorry I took your umbrella by ..... .



<question>It was not her fault; it was her ..... of judgment.



<question>In the morning I often have a sandwich with ..... of cheese or sausage.
<variant>a slice
<variant>a piece
<variant>a lump
<variant>a part
<variant>a quarter


<question>While I was washing the dishes, a plate slipped out of my hand and broke to ..... .



<question>... is a small, solid mass, with no special shape.
<variant>a lump

<variant>a quarter
<variant>a part
<variant>a piece
<variant>a slice


<question>The boy was given a toy car; soon the car was taken to ..... .



<question>The vase broke and I swept up the ..... of the broken glass.



<question>If you want to cook a vegetable soup, you should put ..... of various vegetables into the broth.




<question>There is always a lot of ..... to be done in the garden.



<question>Marion decided to apply for a teaching ..... .


<question>I knew that my chances of getting an academic ..... were nil.



<question>This is one of his latest ..... .



<question>Applications for the ..... of chief engineer must be received by May 24th.



<question>When a man tells you that he got rich through hard ....., ask him, "Whose?"



<question>Machines do much of the ..... formerly done by man.