Phrasal verbs are combinations of a verb and adverb or a verb and preposition (or verb with both adverb and preposition).

Phrasal verbs may be either non-idiomatic or idiomatic. Non-idiomatic phrasal verbs retain their primary local meaning, e.g. come in, come out of, take off, put down, etc. They may also have a kind of perfective colouring, e.g. add up, eat up, drink up, swallow up, rise up, etc.

In idiomatic compounds meanings cannot be derived from their ICs: bring up - воспитывать, bear out - подтверждать etc.


Conversion is a special type of affixless derivation where a newly-formed word acquires a paradigm and syntactic functions different from those of the original word.

As a matter of fact, all parts of speech can be drawn into the word building process of conversion to a certain extent. Its derivational patterns are varied, the most widespread among them being N —> V(verbs converted from nouns - table – to table), V —> N (nouns converted from verbs: to ring – ring).


Premodification of nouns by nouns is highly frequent in Modern English. Noun-adjuncts (определение) should not be considered as adjectives produced by means of conversion. Nevertheless, some nouns may undergo the process of adjectivization and function as attributes with idiomatic meanings, e.g.: coffee-table (n.) —> coffee-table (adj.) - "Of a large size and richly illustrated”.


Phrasal nouns are built from phrasal verbs as a result of a combined effect of compounding, conversion, and change of stress. They consist of ICs identical to those of the corresponding phrasal verbs, but obtain, as a rule, the single-stress pattern and either solid or hyphenated spelling, e.g.: to break down —> a breakdown (a break-down).


There exist two main ways of shortening: contraction (clipping) and abbreviation (initial shortening).

Contraction. One should distinguish between four types of contraction:

1)Final clipping (apocope), i.e. omission of the final part of the word, e.g.: doc (< doctor), lab (< laboratory), mag (< magazine), vegs (< vegetables), Al (< Albert), Nick (< Nickolas), Phil (< Philip), etc.

2)Initial clipping (apheresis), i.e. omission of the fore part of the word e.g.: phone (< telephone), plane (< aeroplane), Dora (< Theodora), Fred (< Alfred), etc.

3)Medial clipping (syncope), i.e. omission of the middle part of the word, e.g.: maths (< mathematics), specs (< spectacles), etc.

4)Mixed clipping, where the fore and the final parts of the word are clipped, e.g.: tec (< detective), fridge (< refrigerator), Liz (< Elisabeth), etc.

Contraction may be combined with affixation, i.e. by adding the suffixes -y -ie -o to clippings, e.g.: hanky (< handkerchief), comfy (< comfortable), etc.


Abbreviations (initial shortenings) are words produced by shortening the Ics of phrasal terms up to their initial letters. Abbreviations are subdivided into 5 groups:

1) Acronyms which are read in accordance with the rules of orthoepy as though they were ordinary words, e.g.: UNO /'ju:nou/ (< United Nations Organization), UNESCO/'ju:'neskou/ (< United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization/, NATO /'neitou/ (< North Atlantic Treaty Organization),etc.

2) Alphabetic abbreviations in which letters get their full alphabetic pronunciation and a full stress, e.g.: USA /'ju:es'ei/ (< the United States of America). B.B.C. /'bi:'bi:'si:/ (< the British Broadcasting Corporation)

Alphabetic abbreviations are sometimes used for famous persons' names, e.g.: F.D.R. (< Franklin Delano Roosevelt), G.B.S. (< George Bernard Shaw), etc.

3)Compound abbreviations in which the first IC is a letter (letters) and the second a complete word, e.g. A-bomb (< atomic bomb), L-driver (learner-driver), etc.

One or both ICs of compound abbreviations may be clipped, e.g.: Interpol (< International police), hi-fi (< high fidelity) etc.

4)Graphic abbreviations which are used in texts for economy of space. They are pronounced as the corresponding unabbreviated words, e.g. Mr. (< Mister), m. (< mile), ft. (< foot/feet), v. (< verb), ltd. (< limited), pp. (< pages), Co (< Company), X-mas (< Christmas), etc.

5)Latin abbreviations which sometimes are not read as Latin words but as separate letters or are substituted by their English equivalents, e.g.: i.e. /ai i:/ that is; a.m. /ei 'em/- before midday, in the morning, e.g.-for example. Id.- at the same place, cf.-compare, etc.



Back-formation is the derivation of new words (mostly verbs) by means of subtracting a suffix or other element resembling it: butle < butler, combust < combustion, greed < greedy, sculpt < sculptor, etc.


Blending is the formation of new lexical units by means of merging fragments of words into one new word, or combining the elements of one word with anotional word, e.g.: smog (smoke + fog), radiotrician (radio + electrician), drunch (drinks + lunch), cinemagnate (cinema + magnate), etc.


Several nouns and verbs of Romanic origin have a distinctive stress pattern. Such nouns, as a rule, are fore stressed, and verbs have a stress on the second syllable, e.g.: 'accent (n.):: ac'cent (v.), 'contest (n.) :: con'test (v.), 'record (n.):: re'cord (v.), 'attribute (n.):: attr’ibute (v.), etc.

The same distinctive stress pattern is observed in some pairs of adjective and verbs, e.g.: 'absent (a.):: ab'sent (v.), 'abstract (a.):: ab'stract (v.), 'frequent (a.):: fre'quent (v.), etc.


Words belonging to different parts of speech may be differentiated due to the sound interchange in the root, e.g.: food (n.)::feed (v.), gold (n.):: gild (v.), strong (a.):: strength (n.), etc.


Sound-imitative (onomatopoeic) words are made by imitating sounds produced by living beings and inanimate objects, e.g.: babble, bang, buzz, giggle, hiss, moo, purr, rustle, etc.