для студентов 1 курса факультета
Экзаменационные тесты по английскому языку
Тесты I уровня
1. Pick the correct word.
a) armcheir
c) armchaer
d) armhayr
e) armchiar
2. Choose the correct word.
a) cushin
b) cuchion
c) cusheon
d) cushioon
e) +cushion
3. Choose the correctly written word.
a) +wardrobe
b) wadrobe
c) wordrobe
d) werdrobe
e) wardrob
4. Pick the correct word.
a) mountainos
b) mountainois
c) + mountainous
d) mountainus
e) mauntainous
5. Choose the correctly written word.
a) shiipbuilding
b) shepbuilding
c) shipbulding
d) +shipbuilding
e) shipbuelding
6. Find the correct word.
a) bookcise
c) bookcaise
d) boakcase
e)+ bookcase
7. Pick out the correct word.
a) +architectural
b) architecturel
c) arcitectural2
d) architictural
e) arshitectural
8. Choose the correct word.
a) a fortrees
b) a fortriss
c) +a fortress
d) a fotress
e) a fottress
9. Pick out the correct word.
a) financil
b) financiale
c) financal
e) financeial
10. Pick the correct word.
a) +Cathedral
b) Cathedrall
c) Cahedral
d Cafedral
e) Cathidral
11. Pick out the correct word.
b) Westminste
c) Westmister
d) Wistminster
e) +Westminster
12. Choose the correct word.
a) secondery
b) +secondary
c) secondari
e) sekondary
13. Pick the correct word.
a) comprehinsive
c) +comprehensive
e) comprehencive
14. Choose the correct word.
a) + technical
c) tecnical
e) technecal
15. Find the correct word.
c) praimary
d) preimary
e) + primary
16. Pick the correct word.
b) Publek
d) Publec
e) Peblic
17. Choose the correct word.
a) atentively
b) attentivily
c) + attentively
d) attentiveli
e) attentivele
18. Find out the correct word.
a) scence
b) + science
c) scienci
d) sciience
e) scienc
19. Pick the correct word.
a) tixtile
b) textele
c) +textile
d) textyle
e) textily
20. Choose the correct word.
c) geftid
e) giftyd
21. Choose the correct word.
b) schoolgerl
c) sckoolgirl
d) skhoolgirl
e) + schoolgirl
22. Find out the correct word.
a)+ languages
c) langueges
e) lenguages
23. Pick out the correct word.
a) forein
c) forign
d) foreighn
e) foreigne
24. Choose the correct word.
b) handecapped
c) handicappied
25. Find the correct word.
b) kindergartin
c) +kindergarten
d) kendergarten
e) kindirgarten
26. Pick out the correct word.
a) compitition
b) + competition
c) competiteon
d) competetion
e) campetition
27. Choose the correct word.
a) veluable
b) valueble
d) valuible
e) valuably
28. Tick the correct word.
a) thioretical
b) theoritical
c) theoreticel
d)+ theoretical
e) theoretecal
29. Find the correct word.
a) + confidence
b) confedence
c) confudence
d) confidance
e) canfidence
30. Tick the correct word.
a) sucessfully
b) suckessfully
c) + successfully
d) succissfully
e) succecfully
31. Tick the correct word.
a) farmaceutical
b) pharmaciutical
c) pharmaceutikal
d) pharmacuutical
e) + pharmaceutical
32. Find the correct word.
b) fysician
c) physisian
d) +physician
e) physicion
33. Tick the correct word.
a) +author
c) auther
d) auhtor
e) auzhor
34. Choose the correct word.
35. Find the correct word.
a) knewledge
b) knawledge
c) + knowledge
d) knowlidge
e) knowledje
36. Find the common word for this group.
a) master’s
b) bachelor’s
c) candidate’s
d) +degree
e) doctor’s
37. Find the synonym to the word “spinal column”
a) breastbone
b) vertebra
c) thorax
d) +spine
e) rib
38. Choose the correct word.
c) grendfather
39. Find out the correct word.
a) + cranial
c) craniil
e) craniyl
40. Choose the correct word.
a) servical
41. Tick out the correct word.
a) extrimity
c) extremiti
d) extrimety
e) ixtremity
42. Choose the correct word.
a) cartilager
c) cartilege
e) +cartilage
43. Choose the correct word.
c) perycardium
e) perikardium
44. Choose the correctly written word.
a) pulmonery
c) +pulmonary
e) pulmonarry
45. Pick the correct word.
d) +subserous
e) subseirous
46. Find the correct word.
a) +membraneous
e) membroneous
47. Choose the correct word.
e) gallblodder
48. Tick out the correct word.
d) +jejunum
e) jejunym
49. Pick the correct word.
e) diaphram
50. Choose the correct word.
c) ilieum
d) ilium
e) ileyum
51. Choose the correct word.
c) esofagus
e) esophegus
52. Choose the correctly written word.
c) +pancreas
e) pancrias
53. Choose the correctly written word.
a) simultaneousli
c) simultaneosly
e) simaltaneously
54. Tick the correct word.
a) +caecum
e) caicum
55. Choose the correct variant of the word.
a) tangue
e) tonguy
56. Choose the correct variant of the word.
e) salyvary
57. Choose the correct variant of the word.
a) pollutoni
c) +pollution
e) pollyution
58. Choose the correct variant of the word.
e) intistine
59. Choose the correct variant of the word.
a) +niece
c) niice
d) neece
e) niese
60. Choose the correct variant of the word.
a) dauhter
b) daugter
c) daoghter
d) dautere
e) +daughter
61. Cross out the extra word.
a) brother
b) sister
c) niece
d) nephew
e)+ dog
62. Find out the extra word.
a) bathroom
b) kitchen
c) hall
d) +street
e) living room
63. Cross out the extra word.
a) green
b) red
d) grey
e) white
64. Tick out the extra word.
a) spoon
b) cup
c)+ sofa
d) knife
e) fork
65. Pick out the extra word.
a) Kazakhstan
b) China
c) Russia
d) USA
e)+ Volga
66. Find out the extra word.
a) Literature
b) History
c) Natural Science
d)+ Thames
e)Technical drawing
67. Pick out the extra word.
a) surgeon
b) nurse
c)+ driver
d) gynaecologist
e) therapeutist
68. Find out the extra word.
a) lung
b) heart
c) kidney
d) liver
e) +head
69. Cross out the extra word.
a) cervical
b) thoracic
c) lumbar
d) sacral
e) +umbilical
70. Tick out the extra word.
a) duodenum
d) jejunum
e) caecum
71. Pick out the extra word.
a) wonderful
b) nice
c)+ yellow
d) pretty
e) beautiful
72. Find out the extra word.
a) bread
b) cake
c) + aunt
d) juice
e) chicken
73. Cross out the extra word.
a) wardrobe
b) sideboard
c) sofa
d) armchair
e) +car
74. Tick the extra word.
a) bookcase
b) mirror
c) carpet
d) + school
e) bed
75. Cross out the extra word.
a) table
b) chair
c) + bicycle
d) bedside-table
e) dinner-table
76. Cross out the extra word.
a) the City
b) the West End
c) Westminster
d) + Trafalgar Square
e) the East End
77. Cross out the extra word.
a) gas-stove
b) sink
c) refrigerator
d) cupboard
e) + room
78. Cross out the extra word.
a) a pen
b) a ruler
c) a book
d) + a cup
e) a pencil
79. Find out the extra word.
a) ocean
b) + plant
c) lake
d) river
e) sea
80. Cross out the extra word.
a) south
b) north
c) west
d) east
81. Cross out the extra word.
a)+ red
c) conical
d) triangular
e) circle
82. Find out the extra word.
a) infant school
b) junior school
c) state school
d) public school
e) +physical education
83. Cross out the extra word.
a) a scientist
b)+ a book
c) a pilot
d) a politician
e) a teacher
84. Cross out the extra word.
a) Literature
b) Mathematics
c) Physics
d) + Scotland
e) Science
85. Find the synonym to the word “various”
a) difficult
b) deep
c) subsequent
d) basic
e)+ different
86. Cross out the extra word.
a) therapeutist
b) +kidney
c) surgeon
d) dentist
e) neurologist
87. The antonym of the word “high” is:
a) little
b) rise
c) +low
d) level
e) long
88. The antonym of the word “anterior” is:
a) superior`
b) inferior
c) backwards
d) + posterior
e) low
89.Find the antonym of the word “to set”:
a) to recite
b) +to rise
c) to show
d) to ring
e) to get up
90. The antonym of the word “hot” is:
a) cool
b) warm
c) +cold
d) dry
e) freeze
91. The antonym of the word “to rise”:
a) to recite
b) +to set
c) to show
d) to ring
e) to get up
92. Give the antonym of the word “always”
a) +never
b) sometimes
c) rarely
d) often
e) seldom
93. Find the antonym to the verb “to separate”
a) + to connect
b) to invite
c) to embed
d) to overlap
e) to fuse
94. Find the antonym to the word “often”
a) usually
b) always
c) never
d) + seldom
e) sometimes
95. Find the antonym to the word “safe”
a) + dangerous
b) possible
c) difficult
d) easy
e) hard
96. Find the antonym to the word “to begin”
a) to go
b) to jump
c) to run
d) to dance
e) +to finish
97. Find the antonym to the word “lower”
a) + upper
b) bigger
c) shorter
d) larger
e) smaller
98. Find the antonym to the word “to dilate”
a) +to contract
b) to locate
c) to connect
d) to include
e) to pass
99. Find the antonym to the word “external”
a) lateral
b) posterior
c) serous
d) subserous
e) +internal
100. Find the antonym to the word “correct”
a) true
b) definite
c) + incorrect
d) total
e) thoracic
101. Give the opposite meaning to the word “male”
a) +female
b) woman
c) women
d) husband
e) people
102. Find the antonym to the word “thick”
a) large
b) +thin
c) long
d) small
e) light
103. Put the antonym to the word “short”
a) big
b) high
c) + long
d) large
e) dark
104. Find the antonym to the word “upward”
a) +down
b) high
c) left
d) opposite
e) right
105. Put the antonym to the word “left”
a) under
b) behind
c) opposite
d) among
e) +right
106. Put the antonym to the word “important”
a) significant
b) serious
c) + unimportant
d) possible
e) common
107. Find the antonym to the word “large ”
a) short
b) long
c) high
d) +small
e) big
108. Find the antonym to the word “definite”
a) + indefinite
c) significant
d) exact
e) common
109. Put the antonym to the word “to buy”
a) to keep
b) to choose
c) to get
d) to rent
e) + to sell
110.Put the antonym to the word “favourable”
a) +unfavourable
b) false
c) useful
d) careful
e) suitable
111. Give the antonym to the word “known”
a) common
b) + unknown
c) weak
d) famous
e) special
112. Give the antonym to the word “life”
a) disease
b) danger
c) +death
d) smile
e) health
113. Find the antonym to the word “after”
a) +before
b) near
c) behind
d) down
e) ahead
114. Put the antonym to the word “down”
a) backward
b) forward
c) towards
d) + up
e) upper
115. Put the antonym to the word “inner”
a) lower
b) upper
c) further
d) +outer
e) distant
116. Find the antonym to the word “hard”
a) easy
b) tasty
c) cold
d) + soft
e) difficult
117.Find the synonym to the word “sign”
a) palate
b) + symptom
c) injury
d) measure
e) heart
118. Give the synonym to the word “form”
a) +shape
b) tumour
c) tissue
d) saliva
e) gland
119. Find the synonym to the word “thorax”
a) breastbone
b) +chest
c) rib
d) spine
e) trunk
120. Find the synonym to the word “physician”
a) nurse
b) dentist
c) teacher
d) +doctor
e) lawyer
121. Find the synonym to the word “drug”
a) +medicine
b) prescription
c) teacher
d) doctor
e) surgeon
122. Find the synonym to the word “medicine”
a) +remedy
b) bottle
c) teacher
d) doctor
e) lawyer
123. Cross out the extra word.
a) surgeon
b) dentist
c) therapeutist
d) traumatologist
e) +accounter
124. Find the synonym to the word “volume”
a) +capacity
b) sight
c) sign
d) movement
e) vision
125. Find the synonym to the word “sense”
a) vision
b) motion
c) movement
d) ache
e) +feeling
126. Find the synonym to the word “pain”
a) overstrain
b) + ache
c) malaise
d) vomiting
e) disease
127. Put the common word for this group.
a) mother
b) brother
c) +family
d) father
e) daughter
128. Find the common word for this group.
a) a bike
b) a bus
c)+ transport
d) a ship
e) a train
129. Give the common word for this group.
a) Literature
b)+ subject
c) Music
d) Art
e) Drama
130. Use the common word for this group.
a) apple
b) peach
c) grapes
d) +fruits
e) orange
131. Find the common word for this group.
a) skull
b) leg
c) thigh
d) vertebrae
e) + skeleton
132. Give the common word for this group.
a) Tuesday
b)+ days of the week
c) Friday
d) Wednesday
e) Sunday
133. Find the common word for this group.
a) serous coat
b) visceral layer
c) elastic tissue
d) proper substance
e)+ lung structure
134. Tick the common word for this group.
a) foot
b) thigh
c)+ lower extremities
d) leg
e) fingers
135. Give the common word forthis group.
a) cardiologist
b) neurologist
c) therapeutist
d)+ doctors
136. Choose the common word for this group.
a) cervical vertebrae
b) lumbar vertebrae
c)+ spinal column
d) thoracic vertebrae
e) sacral vertebrae
137. Use the common word for this group.
a) atrium
b) + heart structure
c) ventricle
d) valve
e) septum
138. Tick the common word for this group.
a) cervical vertebrae
b) lumbar vertebrae
c)+ spine
d) thoracic vertebrae
e) sacral vertebrae
139. Find the common word for this group.
a) lung base
b) lung apex
c)+ lung structure
d) lung surfaces
e) lung borders
140. Tick the common word for this group.
a) arm
b) hand
c) forearm
d) +upper extremities
e) fingers
141. Give the common word for this group.
a) duodenum
b) jejunum
c) caecum
d) colon
e) +intestines
142. Find the common word for this group.
a) Kazakh
b)+ languages
c) Chinese
d) Russian
e) Turkish
143. Find the common word for this group.
a) runner
b) jumper
c) swimmer
d) + sportsman
e) skater
144. Use the common word for this group.
a) winter
b) spring
c) summer
d) +seasons
e) autumn
145. Choose the common word for this group.
a) zebra
b) lion
c) +animals
d) bear
e) wolf
146. Tick the common word for this group.
a) basketball
b) + games
c) tennis
d) volleyball
e) football
147. Choose the common word for this group.
a) brown
b) yellow
c) +colours
d) red
e) white
148. Give the common word for this group.
a) May
b) January
c) +Months
d) October
e) September
149. Find the common word for this group.
a) pizza
b) +food
c) cake
d) cheese
e) bread
150. Tick the common word for this group.
a) wardrobe
b) +furniture
c) armchair
d) sofa
e) bookcase
151. Choose the common word for this group.
a) square-table
b) dinner-table
c) + furniture
d) wardrobe
e) bed
152. Use the common word for this group.
a) son
c) daughter
d) niece
e) nephew
153. Find the common word for this group.
a) trousers
b) +clothes
c) jeans
d) shorts
e) tights
154. Give the common word for this group.
a) a duck
b) a hen
c) + birds
d) a cock
e) a swam
155. Choose the common word for this group.
a) Saturn
b) Mars
c) Neptune
d) +Planets
e) Jupiter
156. Tick the common word for this group.
a) an eagle
b) a duck
c) a sea- gull
d) a hen
e) + a bird
157. Choose the common word for this group.
a) Everest
b) +mountains
c) Altai
d) Himalayas
e) Alatau
158. Give the common word for this group.
a) Amazon
b) Nile
c) + rivers
d) Volga
e) Dnieper
159. Choose the common word for this group.
a) Alakol
b) + lakes
c) Baikal
d) Balhash
e) Zaisan
160.Choose the common word for this group.
a) Tien Shan
b) the Alps
c) Altai
d) +mountains
e) Gibraltar
161. Choose the common word for this group.
a) pine-apple
b) +fruits
c) orange
d) pear
e) apple
162.Give the 3rd form to the verb “ to speak ”.
a) speak
c) spoke
d) + spoken
e) speakon
163.Give the 3rd form to the verb “to live ” .
a) live
b) living
c) lives
d) +lived
e) liven
164.Give the 3rd form to the verb “to write ”.
a) writing
b) wrote
c) write
d) +written
e) writed
165.Put the 3rd form to the verb “to go ”.
a) going
b) go
c) went
d) +gone
e) gon
166.Give the 3rd form to the verb “to know ”.
a) know
b) knawn
c) knew
d) +known
e) knowing
167. Put the 3rd form to the verb “to want ” .
a) wants
b) wanten
c) wanting
d) +wanted
e) want
168. Give the 3rdform to the verb “ understand ” .
a) +understood
b) understand
d) understod
169. Tick the 3rdform to the verb “to make ”.
a) makes
b) +made
c) making
d) make
e) mad
170. Give the 3rdform to the verb “ to form ”.
a) +formed
b) forming
c) form
d) formid
e) formad
171. Choose the 3rdform to the verb “to buy ”.
a) +bought
b) buying
c) buy
d) bough
e) buought
172. Choose the 3rd form to the verb “to eat”.
a)+ eaten
b) ate
c) ated
d) eated
e) eating
173.Find the antonym to the word “happy”.
a) pale
b) light
c) evident
d) +unhappy
e) clear
174. Find the antonym to the word “to hate”.
a) to do
b) +to love
c) to look
d) to watch
e) to see
175. Give the antonym to the word “ugly”
a) good
b) busy
c) +beautiful
d) hungry
e) difficult
176. Find the antonym to the word “dangerous”
a) +safe
b) danger
c) busy
d) poor
e) old
177. Give the antonym to the word “slow”
a) bad
b) + fast
c) rich
d) happy
e) new
178. Find the antonym to the word “new”
a) rich
b) fast
c) poor
d) +old
e) better
179. Choose the antonym to the word “poor”
a) beautiful
b) busy
c) young
d) +rich
e) slow
180. Cross out the extra word.
b) lips
c) mouth
d) +snow
e) eye
181. Cross out the extra word.
a) head
b) foot
c) ear
d) + train
e) teeth
182. Tick out the extra word.
a) arm
b) hand
c) fingers
d) forearm
e)+ blood
183. Cross out the extra word.
a) cold
b) hot
c) mild
d) moderate
e) +lake
184. Pick out the extra word.
a) liver
b) gallbladder
c) +abdomen
d) gland
e) pancreas
185. Cross out the extra word.
a) duodenum
b) jejunum
c) intestine
d) ileum
e) +gland
186. Put out the extra word.
a) pharynx
c) esophagus
d) mouth
e) intestine
187. Put out the extra word.
a) caecum
b) +small intestine
c) colon
d) sigmoid
e) rectum
188. Find the common word for this group.
a) dress
b) sweater
c) +clothes
d) T-shirt
e) suit
189. Find the common word for this group.
a) Eton
b) Harrow
c) Winchester
d) Rugby
e)+ Public schools
190. Find the common word for this group.
a) spine
b) chest
c)+ bones of the trunk
d) ribs
e) breastbone
191. Find the common word for this group.
a) chicken
b) cow
c) goat
d) + animals
e) horse
192. Find the common word for this group.
a) pre-school
b)+ education
c) general
d) primary
e) secondary
193. Choose the common word for this group.
a) mouth
b)+alimentary tract
c) pharynx
d) esophagus
e) stomach
194. the common word for this group.
a) soft palate
b) teeth
c) +mouth structure
d) tongue
e) hard palate
195. Choose the common word for this group.
b) sigmoid
c) caecum
d) colon
e) +large intestine
196. Find the common word for this group.
a) Mexican
b) +nationality
c) Japanese
d) Spanish
e) English
197. Find the common word for this group.
a) painter
b) actor
c) + job
d) singer
e) teacher
198.Cross out the extra word.
a) grey
b) black
c) + colour
d) blue Find
e) green
199. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to lead”
a) leading
b) leed
c) +led
d) leaded
e) lead
200. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to speak”
a) +spoke
b) spoken
c) speak
d) speaked
e) speaking
201. Choose the 2nd form of the verb “to give”
a) +gave
b) give
c) have give
d) given
e) giving
202.Find the 2nd form of the verb “to fall”
a) fallen
b) + fell
c) fall
d) falling
e) falled
203. Choose the 2nd form of the verb “to rise”
a) rising
b) rised
c) + rose
d) rise
e) risen
204. Choose the 2nd form of the verb “to meet”
a) meet
b) meted
c) +met
d) meeted
e) meeting
205. Put the 2nd form of the verb “to buy”
a) buyed
b) buy
c) +bought
d) buying
e) bay
206. Choose the 2nd form of the verb “to take”
a) taken
b) +took
c) taked
d) take
e) takeing
207. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to feed”
e) +fed
208. Choose the 2nd form of the verb “to ring”
a) +rang
b) rung
c) will ring
d) have ring
e) ringed
209. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to see”
a) +saw
b) seeing
c) sawn
d) seen
e)have see
210. Put the 2nd form of the verb “to keep”
a) keeping
b) keept
c) keep
d) keeped
e) +kept
211. Choose the 2ndform of the verb “to begin” .
a) begun
b) begon
c) begined
d) +began
e)has begin
212. Cross out the extra word.
a) milk
b) ham
c) +uncle
d) apple
e) chicken
213. Choose the antonym of a word “dry”
a) hot
b) thick
c) easy
d) +wet
e) empty
214 Find the antonym to the word “to connect”
a) + to separate
b) to invite
c) to embed
d) to overlap
e) to fuse
215. Find the synonym to the word “almost”
a) also
b) always
c) frequently
d) +nearly
e) further
216. Give the common word for this group.
a) aunt
b) uncle
c) nephew
d)+ relatives
e) cousin
Тесты II уровня
1. Choose the proper form of the verb “to be”:
His name….. Chris.
a) +is
b) am
c) are
d) were
e) was being
2. Find the proper form of the verb “to be”:
Yesterday I …..at home.
a) am
b) were
c) +was
d) are
e) is
3. Find out the proper preposition:
The patient complained …. the pain.
a) in
b) with
c) off
d) up
e) +of
4. Tick the adjective in comparative degree:
Sasha is … than her sister.
a) youngerer
b) +younger
c) young
d) youngest
e) most younger
5. Choose the proper pronoun:
Are there … toys in the box?
a) nothing
b) none
c) some
d) anything
e) +any
6. Tick out the proper form of the verb:
The holidays … last week.
a) begin
b) begun
c) begins
d) + began
e) will begin
7. Put the proper pronoun:
Look! … is my house over there and those are my cars.
a) those
b) thet
c) +that
d) this
e) these
8. Find out the proper form of the verb:
I ……. when she came .
a) + was sleeping
b) is sleeping
c) are sleeping
d) am sleeping
e) were sleeping
9. Choose the properform of the verb:
He ….a book yesterday at 5 o’clock.
a) am reading
b) + was reading
c) have been reading
d) were reading
e) are reading
10.Put the proper form of the verb:
I…a test now.
a) were writing
b) are writing
c) is writing
d) has been writing
e) +am writing
11. Put out the proper pronoun:
Be careful! They are looking at … .
a) ours
b) + us
c) their
d) our
e) we
12.Tick the correct question to the underlined word :
We usually have dinner at five.
a) why do we usually have dinner?
b) where do we usually have dinner?
c) whom do we usually have dinner with?
d) +what time do we usually have dinner?
e) what do we usually have?
13.Find the proper form of the verb:
This newspaper …. everyday.
a) +is sold
b) have been sold
c) will be sold
d) are sold
e) were sold
14.Pick the proper modal verb:
You are seriously ill. You ….see a doctor.
a) need
b) is able to
c) +must
d) has to
e) ought
15.Tick the proper pronoun:
The sky is dark. … is ten o’clock already.
a) I
b) you
c) we
d) +it
e) they
16. Put the proper preposition:
I am interested … sports.
a) at
b) for
c) with
d) +in
e) on
17. Choose the proper preposition:
My grandmother is ill. My sister is looking…her.
a) + after
b) in
c) by
d) on
e) off
18.Tick out the proper plural form of the noun:
Our … are … .
a) childs/ brothers
b) children/ brother
c) child/brothers
d) childrens/brothers
e) +children/brothers
19.Put the proper form of the verb:
The boys …. in the yard now.
a) is playing.
b) +are playing
c) was playing
d) has been playing
e) am playing
20. Find the sentence in correct order.
a) +He lives in Astana.
b) He in lives Astana.
c) He lives Astana in.
d) He Astana lives in.
e) Astana he lives in.
21. Choose the proper preposition:
Skeleton consists ….bones.
a) by
b) off
c) in
d) +of
e) on
22. Find out the proper form of the verb:
He ….the lecture every day.
a) have delivered
b) +delivers
c) deliver
d) delivered
e) shall deliver
23. Tick the proper possessive pronouns:
24. Your flat is bigger than … . … walls are too high.
a) +hers/Its.
b) our/Her
c) her/ Its
d) my/Her
e) his/Mine
25. Put the proper pronoun:
There aren’t … fruit-trees in the yard.
a) + any
b) some
c) no
d) anything
e) nothing
26. Find the plural noun:
There are a lot of … in this place.
a) child
b) childs
c) +children
d) childres
e) childrens
27. Put the proper preposition:
I’ll be … vacation next week.
a) off
b) +on
c) at
d) for
e) in
28. Put out the proper form of the verb “to be”:
The skeleton…composed of bones.
a) am
b) +is
c) were
d) are
e) have been
29. Find the proper verb “to have”:
As usual we …dinner at 2 o’clock every day.
a) has
b) will have
c) +have
d) had
e) is having
30. Pick the proper form of the verb:
The doctor ….the patient for 2 hours.
a) am examining
b) are examining
c) will be examining
d) +has been examining
e) were examining
31. Tick the proper form of the verb:
Usually the students … their examination session in winter and in summer.
a) passes
b) +pass
c) shall pass
d) has passed
e) have passed
32. Pick out the proper form of the verb:
I….as a teacher in 1998.
a) +worked
b) works
c) has worked
d) will work
e) work
33. Tick out the proper form of the verb:
The teacher…..the lecture now.
a) am delivering
b) +is delivering
c) were delivering
d) shall be delivering
e) are delivering
34. Choose the proper form of the verb:
Physician ….the drugs to me yesterday.
a) +administered
b) administer
c) will administer
d) has administered
e) have administered
35. Find the proper form of the verb “to be”:
I….a doctor in future.
a) were
b) is
c) +shall be
d) are
e) was
36. Find out the proper form of the verb “to have”:
He ….a headache now.
a) +has
b) have got
c) had
d) have
e) will have
37. Put the proper form of the verb:
We ….. Anatomy yesterday at 2 o’clock.
a) will be studying
b) am studying
c) is studying
d) +were studying
e) was studying
38. Tick the proper form of the verb:
The scientific experiments…. by scientists next year.
a) am carried out
b) was carried out
c) is carried out
d) +will be carried out
e) has been carried out
39. Pick the proper form of the verb:
Many questions…to me by the teacher at exam yesterday.
a) +were asked
b) has been asked
c) is asked
d) am asked
e) was asked
40. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The lecture…by the teacher next Monday.
a) have been delivered
b) +will be delivered
c) are delivered
d) were delivered
e) am delivered
41. Find out the proper form of the verb:
The operation…by the surgeon next week.
a) +will be performed
b) are performed
c) were performed
d) have been performed
e) am performed
42. Tick out the proper form of the verb:
As usual all medicines …always … in drug cabinets.
a) has/been kept
b) shall/be kept
c) was/ kept
d) is /kept
e) +are /kept
43. Pick out the adjective in comparative degree:
The right lung is….than the left one.
a) the heaviest
b) heavy
c) +heavier
d) more heavy
e) the most heavy
43. Choose the proper plural noun:
There are many… in the garden.
a) flower
b) +flowers
c) flower’s
d) flowers’
e) a flowers
44. Find the proper form of the verb “to be”:
I … a student now.
a) are
b) +am
c) were
d) will be
e) is
45. Pick the proper form of the verb “to have”:
Every day I … breakfast at 8 a.m.
a) had
b) has
c) will have
d) have had
e) +have
46. Put the proper pronoun:
Peter is a pupil. … studies in the 10th form.
a) They
b) +He
c) I
d) We
e) You
47. Tick the possessive pronoun:
It’s difficult for you. You can’t do it … .
a) +yourself
b) himself
c) myself
d) ourselves
e) themselves
48. Find the right variant:
February is the … month of the year.
a) fourth
b) first
c) +second
d) third
e) fifth
49. Pick out the proper form of the verb:
Tom is in his room. He … the piano now.
a) were playing
b) will be playing
c) am playing
d)are playing
e) +is playing
50. Tick out the proper noun:
There is … on the table.
a) books
b) book’s
c) +a book
d) books’
e) book
51. Find out the proper form of the verb “to be”:
He … born in 1975.
a) is
b) were
c) are
d) +was
e) am
52. Choose the proper pronoun:
There are … books in the library.
a) little
b) much
c) none
d) +many
e) any
53. Pick the proper form of the verb:
We … to the party by our friend yesterday.
a) was invited
b) +were invited
c) am invited
d) is invited
e) will be invited
54. Tick the adjective in superlative degree:
Mary is … in her family.
a) younger
b) most young
c) youngest
d) more young
e) +the youngest
55 . Choose the proper form of the verb:
I ……a book for 2 hours yesterday.
a) are reading
b) has been reading
c) were reading
d) is reading
e) +had been reading
56. Find the proper form of the verb “to be”:
I…cooking at the moment.
b) are
c) is
d) were
e) will be
57. Tick the proper form of the verb “to be”:
What…you doing now?
a) is
b) +are
c) am
d) was
e) were
58. Pick the proper numeral:
There are (14) schools in our town.
a) seventeen
b) sixteen
c) thirteen
d) fifteen
e) +fourteen
59. Find out the proper preposition:
St.Paul’s Cathedral was built….the 17th century.
a) +in
b) with
d) at
60. Pick out the proper form of the verb “to have”:
He …..a car last year.
a) have had
c) shall have
d) +had
e) has
61.Tick out uncountable noun.
a) +butter
b) book
c) pen
d) table
e) student
62.Choose the proper form of the verb “to be”:
There …many students in the room now.
a) is
b) +are
d) was
e) shall be
63.Find the adjective in superlative degree:
…. educational centers are Oxford and Cambridge universities.
a) +The most famous
b) More famous
c) Most famous
d) Famousest
e) The famous
64.Put the proper preposition:
The guests can put…at the famous hotels in Almaty.
a) on
b) in
c) under
d) +up
65.Pick the general question.
a) +Can you swim?
b) Can you swim or ski?
c) You can swim, can’t you?
d) What can you do?
e) Who can swim?
66.Tickthe special question.
a) +Where does he study?
b) Does he study or work?
c) He studies, doesn’t he?
d) Does he study?
e) He studied, didn’t he?
67. Find the alternative question.
a) Where does he study?
b) +Does he study or work?
c) He studies, doesn’t he?
d) Does he study?
e) He studied, didn’t he?
68.Pick out the disjunctive question.
a) Where does he study?
b) Does he study or work?
c) +He studies, doesn’t he?
d) Does he study?
e) Did he study?
69.Tick out the proper form of the verb:
The drugs …usually ….in drug cabinets.
a) was /kept
b) shall/be kept
c) +are /kept
d) is /kept
e) am/ kept
70. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The patient …..by the physician yesterday.
a) +was treated
b) am treated
c) have been treated
d) shall be treated
e) are treated
71.Put the proper form of the verb:
Medeo ….by tourists tomorrow.
a) is visited
b) was visited
c) are visited
d) have been visited
e) +will be visited
72.Find the proper form of the verb:
I….by my friends yesterday.
a) were invited
b) +was invited
c) are invited
d) have been invited
e) is invited
73.Pick the proper form of the verb:
This book…..by me last year.
a) are bought
b) +was bought
c) shall be bought
d) am bought
e) were bought
74.Tick the proper form of the verb:
Anatomy ……by our teachers next year.
a) am taught
b) were taught
c) are taught
d) was taught
e) +will be taught
75. Find the irregular verb:
a) to translate
b) +to bring
c) to cry
d) to master
e) to manage
76.Find out the proper preposition:
S.Asfendiyarov mastered … Turk, Tajik, and Farsi languages.
a) on
b) at
c) by
d) with
e) +in
77.Pick out the proper preposition:
Almaty is located …the foot of Alatau mountains:
a) in
b) +at
c) on
d) over
e) with
78.Tick out the proper preposition:
There are many beautiful lakes ….London.
a) at
b) on
c) +in
d) by
e) under
79. Choose the proper preposition:
Almaty is an industrial center ….a highly developed engineering.
a) +with
b) in
c) at
d) by
e) on
80.Find the proper form of the verb “to be”:
There ….many visitors in the theater yesterday.
a) is
b) was
c) +were
d) shall be
e) am
81.Put the proper form of the verb “to be”:
We …..good surgeons in future.
a) am
b) is
c) was
d) were
e) +shall be
82.Tick the proper form of the verb “to be”:
He …..at the theatre yesterday.
a) are
b) were
c) am
d) +was
e) shall be
83.Pick the proper form of the verb “to be”:
She …..in hospital now.
a) +is
b) were
c) am
d) are
e) shall be
84.Find out the proper form of the verb “to be”:
He ….in France next month.
a) are
b) were
c) am
d) was
e) +will be
85.Tick out the proper form of the verb “to be”:
My sister….ill now.
a) +is
b) were
c) am
d) are
e) shall be
86. Choose the proper form of the verb “ to be”:
I ….playing a computer now.
a) +am
b) is
c) will be
d) are
e) were
87.Put the proper form of the verb “ to have”:
We ….a meeting tomorrow.
a) have
b) has
c) +shall have
d) have had
e) had
88.Find the proper form of the verb “ to have”:
We….three lectures yesterday.
a) have
b) has
c) will have
d) has had
e) +had
89.Tick the proper form of the verb:
The doctor … the patient’s temperature at the moment.
a) were taking
b) shall be taking
c) are taking
d) have been taking
e) +is taking
90.Pick the proper form of the verb:
The nurse … injections yesterday at 2 o’clock.
a) +was giving
b) shall be giving
c) are giving
d) were giving
e) am giving
91.Choose the proper form of the verb:
I … the operation tomorrow at 2 o’clock.
a) was performing
b) +shall be performing
c) is performing
d) are performing
e) were performing
92.Find out the ordinal numeral.
a) twenty-nine
b) twenty-eight
c) twenty-one
d) +twenty-fifth
e) thirty- two
93.Tick out the ordinal numeral.
a) nine
b) eight
c) one
d) +forth
e) two
94.Pick out the ordinal numeral.
a) thirty-one
b) thirty-two
c) +thirty-third
d) thirty-five
e) thirty-six
95.Choose the cardinal numeral.
a) third
b) fourth
c) +ten
d) eleventh
e) fortieth
96. Find the cardinal numeral:
a) eleventh
b) +twelve
c) sixtieth
d) ninth
e) third
97.Put the proper articles if necessary:
I saw … beautiful dress in the shop, but … dress was expensive.
a) a, a
b) +a, the
c) the, a
d) an, a
e) an, the
98. Find out the ordinal numeral.
a) sixty-five
b) +sixty-fifth
c) sixty-four
d) sixty-one
e) sixty-four
99. Choose the proper pronoun:
My little brother plays with …every day.
a) +me
b) we
c) she
d) my
e) his
100. Tick the proper pronoun:
What color is … pen?
a) ours
b) it
c) +your
d) she
e) him
101.Pickthe adjective in comparative degree:
My book is … than yours.
a) the best
b) bettere
c) bettest
d) most better
e) +better
102.Find the proper form of the verb:
She … the poem now.
a) were reading
b) am reading
c) are reading
d) shall be reading
e) +is reading
103. Pick out the proper form of the verb:
I … to the library last morning.
a) +went
b) gone
c) goes
d) will go
e) go
104. Tick out the proper form of the verb:
I am tired. I … to bed now.
a) were going
b) is going
c) +am going
d) was going
e) are going
105. Choose the proper form of the verb:
Alice … dinner with us tomorrow.
a) are having
b) have
c) +will have
d) had
e) have had
106. Find the special question.
a) Is he in Moscow?
b) Is he in Moscow or in German?
c) + Where is he?
d) He is in Moscow, isn’t he?
e) He isn’t in Moscow, is he?
107. Tick the general question.
a) Does he live in Astana or in Almaty?
b) +Does he live in Astana?
c) Where does he live?
d) He lives in Astana, doesn’t he?
e) He doesn’t live in Astana, does he?
108. Put the sentence in correct order.
a) Has our family got a car.
b) +Our family has got a car.
c) Family a car our has got.
d) Our a car family has got
e) A car has family got our.
109. Choose the third form of the verb “to speak”.
a) +spoken
b) spoke
c) speaked
d) speak
e) spoked
110. Find out the proper modal verb:
You are seriously ill now. You….smoke.
a) can’t
b) +mustn’t
c) ought
d) couldn’t
e) hasn’t to
111. Tick the proper modal verb:
I’m late for the lesson. I …be in hurry.
a) can
b) +must
c) ought
d) could
e) has to
112. Pick the proper modal verb:
I’m sorry. I’m late. ….I come in?
a) ought
b) must
c) +may
d) could
e) might
113. Choose the third form of the verb “to write”.
a) +written
b) wrote
c) writed
d) wroted
e) writen
114. Find out the proper form of the verb “to be”:
The windows … very dirty now. Clean them!
a) am
b) +are
c) is
d) was
e) shall be
115. Put the proper preposition:
My books are … the shelves.
a) with
b) +on
c) by
d) to
e) down
116. Pick out the proper preposition:
The name of any medicine is necessary….chemists, nurses, doctors.
a) at
b) +for
c) in
d) to
e) on
117. Tick out the proper preposition:
There are usually two departments …. a large chemist’s.
a) to
b) for
c) with
d) +in
e) on
118. Choose the proper preposition:
People must pay attention…their health.
a) at
b) with
c) +to
d) in
e) on
119. Put out the proper preposition:
Thousands of young people study….different medical institutes.
a) +at
b) for
c) in
d) from
e) on
120. Pick out the proper preposition:
The lungs are conical …shape.
a) +in
b) at
c) with
d) on
e) to
121. Tick out the proper preposition:
You must give…smoking.
a) at
b) in
c) with
d) +up
e) off
122. Choose the proper preposition:
He is looking…a job.
a) +for
b) in
c) with
d) by
e) to
123. Find the proper preposition:
Our classes usually begin…8.30.
a) with
b) to
c) +at
d) by
e) for
124. Pick the right pronoun:
There aren`t…..knives on the table.
a) no
b) some
c) +any
d) anything
e) none
125. Tick the proper pronoun:
I want to wash my hair. Is there ….shampoo?
a) some
b) something
c) anything
d) none
e) +any
126. Put out the sentence in correct order.
a) +Edward Jenner discovered the vaccination.
b) Edward the vaccination discovered Jenner.
c) Edward Jenner the vaccination discovered.
d) Edward discovered Jenner the vaccination.
e) Discovered Edward Jenner the vaccination.
127. Tick out the sentence in correct order.
a) The boys morning exercises do every day.
b) The morning exercises boys do every day.
c) +The boys do morning exercises every day.
d) Every day morning exercises do the boys.
e) The boys morning exercises every day do.
128. Pick out the proper preposition:
London is divided …several parts.
a) over
b) with
c) +into
d) by
e) at
129. Choose the proper preposition:
The clock Tower is famous…its big hour bell.
a) +for
b) at
c) in
d) on
e) from
130. Find the proper preposition:
Secondary education in our country is free…charge.
a) with
b) on
c) in
d) +of
e) at
131. Pick the proper preposition:
In other cases education is given …the commercial basis.
a) +on
b) to
c) at
d) by
e) with
132. Tick the irregular verb.
a) to study
b) +to take
c) to pass
d) to consist
e) to divide
133. Find out the irregular verb.
a) to translate
b) +to swim
c) to play
d) to clean
e) to work
134. Pick out the irregular verb.
a) +to buy
b) to like
c) to study
d) to treat
e) to work
135. Tick out the irregular verb.
a) to look
b) to call
c) to stop
d) +to give
e) to examine
136. Choose the irregular verb.
a) +to build
b) to phone
c) to translate
d) to form
e) to connect
137. Find the noun.
a) +money
b) excellent
c) gifted
d) conical
e) beautiful
138. Pick the noun.
a) various
b) official
c) +computer
d) financial
e) famous
139. Tick the noun.
a) rich
b) beautiful
c) mild
d) populated
e) +table
140. Pick out the adjective.
a) +beautiful
b) computer
c) pen
d) pencil
e) doctor
141. Choose the adjective.
a) paper
b) palace
c) museum
d) often
e) +good
142. Find out the proper form of the verb:
The Tower of London…as a fortress, a palace, a prison in the 15th century.
a) +was used
b) were used
c) are used
d) am used
e) will be used
143. Tick out the proper form of the verb:
The boy…TV-set now.
a) were watching
b) +is watching
c) shall be watching
d) are watching
e) am watching
144. Pick out the adjective.
a) weather
b) subject
c) +successful
d) student
e) slowly
145. Choose the proper form of the verb “to be”:
S.D Asfendiarov…the first rector of our University.
a) are
b) shall be
c) +was
d) were
e) am
146. Put the proper prepositions:
My friend always goes … the stadium… Sundays.
a) in\for
b) at\on
c) +to\on
d) on\on
e) at/in
147. Find the proper form of the verb:
We … the match on TV at 9 o`clock tomorrow.
a) was watching
b) +shall be watching
c) were watching
d) is watching
e) am watching
148. Tick the proper form of the verb:
Her son…school last year.
a) have finished
b) finish
c) will finish
d) +finished
e) finishes
149.Pick the proper form of the verb:
He … the weekends in England two years ago.
a) have spent
b) shall spend
c) has spent
c) +spent
e) spends
150.Choose the proper preposition:
I was in France… the age of seven.
a) in
b) +at
c) up
e) for
151.Find out the ordinal numeral.
a) seven
b) +seventh
e) seventy
152.Pick out the special question.
a) +Who complained of high temperature?
b)Did he complain of high temperature?
c)Did he complain of high temperature or toothache?
d) He complained of high temperature, didn’t he?
e) Does he complain of temperature?
153.Tick out the proper form of the verb “to be”:
I ….. reading a book now.
b) will be
c) are
d) +am
e) were
154.Choose the proper form of the verb:
The article…. next month.
a) are published
b) +will be published
c) were published
d) am published
e) was published
155. Find the proper form of the verb:
The article …by my brother two weeks ago.
a)am translated
b) shall be translated
c)are translated
d) +was translated
e) were translated
156.Put the proper preposition:
Almaty is located …the foot of Alatau mountains.
a) by
b) +at
c) to
e) of
157.Tick the proper form of the verb:
The scientific work….next year.
a)are published
b) were published
c) have been published
d) +will be published
e) am published
158.Choose the proper form of the verb:
The operation ….by the doctor tomorrow.