A medical student must spend at least a year …. the completion … study


Insert the correct variant of the cardinal numeral:

Each of them lasts for about… weeks.


+-sixteen ++

-the sixth

-the sixteenth

-a sixteen


Insert the correct variant of the ordinal numeral:

After…year the students have a four -week practical training at a polyclinic.

- fifteen


+-the five++

-the fifth

-the fiveth


Define the right variant of the cardinal numeral: “30”.

- The twenty


-The twentieth

- The thirtieth

- fortieth


Put in the article if it is necessary: I like … coffee.




- a



Put in the article if it is necessary: John is ____ engineer.

- a




+- an++


Put in the article if it is necessary: ____ Berlin is the capital of ____ Germany.

-An, the

-The, -

-A, a

-An, a

+-–, -+++


Choose necessary personal or possessive pronoun: Kate and Olga are doctors. … work at the same hospital.







Choose necessary possessive pronoun: I am looking for the book. Where is … book?







Put in the correct preposition: Waiter, there is a fly ____ my soup.


+-in ++





Choose the right form of the verb: What'stheweatherlikein Karaganda? How often ...there?

-does it snows

-snow it

+-does it snow++




Choose the right form of the verb: I'm busy at the moment. … on the computer now.

-I'm work

+-I'm working ++

- I work

-I working



Choose the right form of the verb: What ... she usually ... coffee or tea?

+- does ... prefer +++

- is ... prefer

-do ... prefer

-to do ... prefer

-is ... preferring


Choose the right form of the verb:Where is your daughter? – She (to play) the piano now.

-to play


+- is playing ++


-does play


Choose the right cardinal pronoun: Plants like … light.


-a few.



+-a little.++


Choose the right cardinal pronoun: He drank … water and felt much better.

-a few.



+-a little.++



Find the verb in the Present Simple tense active:







Find the verb in the Present Simple tense active:


-have been had


-has had



Form the negative sentence from the following one:

The heart is adapting itself.

-The heart not is adapting itself.

-The heart is not be adapting itself.

-The heart is not been adapting itself.

+-The heart is not adapting itself ++

-The heart is not being adapting itself.


Find the verb in the Present Continuous tense (Active Voice):

+-is performing++


-shall have performing

-have been performing

-shall have been performing


Find the negative form of the Present Continuous tense (Active Voice):

+-are not examining++

-are not been examining

-have not examining

-be not examining

-not examining


Find the form of the verb in the Present Continuous tense (Active Voice):



+-is regulating++

-have regulating

-has regulated


Give the antonym to the word: To increase

-to suppose

-to suspect

+-to decrease++

-to breathe

-to regulate


Define the tense:

On examination the doctor does not find any abnormal physical signs.

-The Past Perfect Continuous

+-The Present Indefinite++

-The Present Perfect Continuous

-The Present Perfect

-The Past Continuous


Define the tense:

The blood is flowing through the vascular system to the lungs.

-The Past Perfect Continuous

-The Present Perfect

-The Present Perfect Continuous

-The Past Continuous

+-The Present Continuous++


Define the tense:

The venous blood reaches the heart.

-The Past Perfect Continuous

-The Past Continuous

-The Present Perfect Continuous

-The Perfect Continuous

+-The Present Indefinite++


Form the interrogative sentence from the following one:

The blood is flowing the right ventricle.

-Do the blood flowing the right ventricle?

-Is the blood is flowing the right ventricle?

-+Is the blood flowing the right ventricle?++

-Are the blood flowing the right ve+ntricle?

-Be the blood flowing the right ventricle?


Find the negative form of the Present Continuous tense:

-are not been taking

-have not taking

-is not been taking

-will not taking

-+am not taking++


Find the form of the Present Continuous from the following words:

-has regulating

-was regulating

-+am regulating++

-had been regulating

-has been regulating


Give the definition to the following word: daily

-last day

-next day


-+every day++



Put in the missing word:

The human …. contracts from the first moment of life until the last.







Put in the missing word:

Each beat of the…. is followed by a period of rest for the cardiac muscle.



-pulmonary artery




Complete the sentence:

Each wave of contraction and a period of rest following it compose a ….

-cardiac muscle

-pulmonary artery

-cardiac cycle




Find the verb in the Present Continuous tense:

-will performing

-have performing

-would performing

-have been performing

-+are performing++


Define the tense:

The left ventricle is discharging out the blood.

-+The Present Continuous++

-The Past Perfect Continuous

-The Perfect Continuous

-The Present Perfect Continuous

-The Past Continuous


Complete the following sentence:

Physiologists have called the first phase of short…. of both atria- the atrial systole

-the main pump

-the receiving chambers





Define the tense of the sentence: Many scientists studied the tissues, blood vessels and nerves of the muscles.

-Present Perfect

-+Past Simple++

-Past Continuous

-Present Perfect Continuous

-Present Continuous


Complete the sentence with the right variant: If he (not to eat) so much, he wouldn’t be so fat.

-+didn’t eat;++

-won’t eat;

-don’t eat;

-doesn’t eat;

-wouldn’t eat.


Complete the following sentence: Headache ____ ___symptom ___ many diseases.

-are, the, for

-were, the, in

-has, a, of

-+is, a, of++

-was, a, for


Choose the right equivalent: Two thousand one hundred and twenty-six.







Choose the word that does not belong to professions:







Find the synonym of the word “significant”







Choose the right variant: ... you pass me the salt, please?


-ought to

-have to

-had to



Choose the right variant: _____husband is a surgeon.







Find the right variant: She was looking ... her notes.







Find the right variant: English and other subjects ... very important to me.




-+Are ++



Find the right variant: How many books... there on the table?



-Shall be




Find the synonym to the word “slim”:







Insert the missing word: The erythrocytes __ great elasticity and flexibility.







Insert the missing word: It __ a table.







Give the synonym “capacity”:







Define the tense of the sentence:

Anatomy describes the structure of the human body:

-+Present Simple++

-Past Perfect

-Present Perfect

-Present Perfect Continuous

-Past Continuous


Define the tense of the sentence:

The alimentary tract extends from the oral cavity to the anus.

-Past Continuous

-Past Perfect

-+Present Simple++

-Present Perfect

-Present Perfect Continuous


Define the preposition:

People are suffering … many diseases.







The synonym of the word “to receive” is:

-+to establish++

-to divide

-to get

-to hurry

-to come


Choose the necessary preposition: The operation on heart was performed ___ the experienced surgeon.







Give the antonym “wide”:







Insert the missing word:

The leg is ____.

+-a lower extremity++

-a joint

-the upper extremity

-an arm

-a hand


Choose the right superlative form of the adjective “big”:



-most bigger




Choose the verb: How often ________ you go swimming?







Choose the right form of the adjective: I earn (little) money than he does.


-more little



-so little as


Find a personal pronoun:







Give the synonym to “occupation”







Complete the sentence: Is it cold now? Yes, it ____.







Make right word-order:

+-Where did you go last night?++

-Where go you last night?

-Where last night did you go?

-Last night did you go where?

- Did you where go last night?


Find the question in Past Indefinite Tense Active Voice:

+-Did he prepare his laboratory work yesterday?++

-Is he preparing his laboratory work now?

-Has he prepared his laboratory work?

-Are he preparing his laboratory work?

-Had he prepared his laboratory work?


Insert the missing word: My father works … a physician at the policlinic.



- …




Complete the sentences with answer:

I go to my work _____ foot.







Complete the sentence with correct answer: Every student learns one ____ the foreign languages.







Note the word combination in Possessive Case:

-the hat’s doll

-the buildings’s city

-the bath-room’s house

-dog’s woman

+-Ann's dog ++


Complete the sentence: Ann ... to the doctor on the phone now.


-Are talking.


-Am talking

+-Is talking.++


Complete the sentence: These interesting films ... on this channel.



+-Are often shown++


-Is often shown


Choose the right variant: We __ help our grand- mother about the house, it's our duty.

-had to






Put the correct preposition: He has come _ time:







Define the tense of the sentence: These doctors always operate successfully.

+-Present Simple Active Voice++

-Past Continuous Active Voice

-Present Perfect Active Voice

-Past Perfect Active Voice

-Past Continuous Passive Voice


Determine the form of the verb "to be": These stories ... very interesting.







Choose the right form of the adjective: That's (good) idea, I've ever heard.

-the goodest

-good as

-as good as

-so good as

+-the best++


Complete the sentence with correct answer: Last month we ____ only five pairs of English.




-have been



Complete the sentence with correct answer:

____ my doctor ____ what medicine I need?

-Do ... knows

-Are ... knows

+-Does ... know++

-Does ... to know

-Is ... know


Complete the sentence with correct answer: Look ____ me!







Complete the sentence: We have known our doctor ____ a long time.







Complete the sentence: Don’t worry. I ____ be here to help you.







Find the right variant: The child’s __ is sore.


-the foot

- feet

-the feets



Complete the sentence with correct answer:

What is ___ better to visit friends or stay at home?

+- -++


- that




Give the definition to the word “medical student”:

-a man studying to work

-a man studying at the High school

-a man teaching somebody

-a man studying at school

+-a man studying to be a doctor++


Choose the right variant: ____ chocolates which I ate last night tasted very strange.





- -


Choose the right variant: _____ much milk in the bottle.

-there will

+-there is++

-there does

-there are

-there has


Find the right variant: Who is looking __ the patients this afternoon?







Choose the right variant: Excuse me, sir. I’m ____ stranger here.







Put the verb into the right tense form: We did not know that our friends (to go) to the bar every evening.

-had gone



- will go

-have gone.


Put the verb into the right tense form:

Drinker said that his best friend (to be) a bottle of wine.

+- is++

- be

- has been


-have been


Put the verb into the right tense form: I knew that you (to be) ill yesterday.




-has been



Answer the question: What is blood?

-nervous tissue

-connective tissue

-muscular tissue

+-circulating tissue++

-fluid tissue


Answer the question: What do the veins carry to the heart?







Find the right variant: They ... English very well.



-To speak


- Speaks


Choose the correct answer: Mr. Smith stayed at his office late because he __ a lot of work.

-Will have






Define the verb “to be” in the appropriate form:

He … seriously ill last week.







Insert the missing word:

Why did you quarrel __ your friend ___ such a small matter.

-with, on

-against, over

-for, about

-at, about

+-with, over++


Insert the missing word:

The nurses on duty give all the prescribed remedies in the … indicated by the doctors.







Choose the right form of the verb: I ____ drinking strong coffee now.







Find the irregular verb:







Find the irregular verb:





- entertain


Answer the question:

How many per cent is the average human blood volume?

Сколько % состовляет кровь человеке в среднем







Find the form of the verb in the Present Simple Active Voice:


- regulated

-had been regulating


-had been regulated


Give the synonym to the word: Count







Give the synonym to the word: meal







Find the antonym to the following word: Live





- smell


Define the tense: Important physiological process takes place in the blood.

-The Past Perfect

-The Present Continuous

+-The Present Simple++

-The Present Perfect Continuous

-The Present Perfect


Define the tense:

One knows that red corpuscles have two physical fea­tures which are very important in the function of respiration.

+-The Present Simple++

-The Past Perfect

-The Present Continuous

-The Present Perfect Continuous

-The Present Perfect


Define the tense:

The circulating volume of the blood depends on the changes of the air temperature.

-The Past Perfect

-The Present Continuous

-The Present Perfect Continuous

+-The Present Simple++

-The Present Perfect


Find the synonym to the following word: volume







Define the tense:

They have great elasticity and flexibility.

-The Past Perfect

-The Present Continuous

-The Present Perfect Continuous

+-The Present Simple ++

-The Present Perfect


Define the tense:

The girl is coughing all day.

+-The Present Continuous (Active Voice):++

-The Past Perfect (Active Voice)

-The Present Perfect (Active Voice)

-The Present Perfect Continuous (Active Voice)

-The Present Simple (Active Voice)


Define the tense:

The doctor has not been treating the disease for a long time.

-The Past Perfect

-The Present Continuous

-The Present Perfect

+-The Present Perfect Continuous++

-The Present Simple


Define the tense:

He has suffered from the leukemia for 5 years.

-The Past Perfect

-The Present Continuous

+-The Present Perfect++

-The Present Perfect Continuous

-The Present Simple


Define the tense:

The doctor on duty is hospitalizing a patient now.

+-The Present Continuous++

-The Past Perfect

-The Present Perfect

-The Present Perfect Continuous

-The Present Simple


Define the tense:

Patients are taking the blood analysis at the moment.

-The Past Perfect

+-The Present Continuous++

-The Present Perfect

-The Present Perfect Continuous

-The Present Simple


Define the tense:

A hospital life begins early in the morning.

-The Past Perfect

+-The Present Simple++

-The Present Continuous

-The Present Perfect Continuous

-The Present Perfect


Define the tense:

The patients have already received the direction from the polyclinic.

+-The Present Perfect++

-The Past Perfect

-The Present Continuous

-The Present Perfect Continuous

-The Present Simple


Define the sentence with Past Indefinite Active Voice :

+-Cardio surgeon performed an operation two days ago++

-Cardio surgery has been developing successfully

-Cardio surgery will have been developing successfully

-Cardio surgery will developing

-Cardio surgery was developing


Find the form of Past Indefinite Active Voice

-will have been supporting


- will support

-will have been supported



Find the form of Past Indefinite Active Voice

-will have been relieved

-will relieve


+- relieved++

- will have been relieving


Find the form of Past Indefinite Active Voice


-will have been believed

-will relieve


-will have been believing


Find the form of Past Indefinite Active Voice

-will have been calling


-will call

-will have been called



Define the sentence with Past Indefinite Active Voice

+-This cardio surgeon was very talented++

-Cardio surgery has been developing successfully

-Cardio surgeon performs operations

-Cardio surgery will develop.

-Cardio surgery will have been developing successfully


Define the sentence with Past Indefinite Active Voice

-Cardio surgery is developing successfully.

-Cardio surgeon performs such operations.

-Cardio surgery will be developing.

-The patient is under the medical care.

+-The patient was under the medical care.++


Find the noun:







Find the irregular verb:







Find the irregular verb:







Find the irregular verb:







Determine the tense of the sentence: The surgeon began the operation.

+-Past Indefinite Active Voice++

-Present Indefinite Active Voice

-Future Indefinite Active Voice

-Present Continuous Active Voice

-Past Perfect Passive Voice


Put in the right verb:

We____students two years ago.




-will be



Give the synonym of the word “receive”:







Give the synonym of the word “weight”:







Give the synonym to the word “symptom”:







Find the synonym to the following word: To order

-to regulate

-to finish

-to allow

+-to proclaim++

-to move


Give the synonym to the following word: shape







Find the synonym to the word: «physician»







Find the synonym to the word: «local»







Find the synonym to the word: «findings»







Find the synonym to the word: «acute»







Find the synonym to the word: «administer»







Find the synonym to the word: «condition»







Find the synonym to the word: «hospital»





-inpatient department


Find the antonym to the word: «dry»







Find the antonym to the word: «rapid»







Find the antonym to the word: «painful»







Find the synonym to the word: «admit»







Find the sentence in Past Perfect Active:

+-Professor Ivanov had delivered the lecture by 5 o’clock yesterday.++

-The human heart makes 60-80 contractions per minute

-The researchers find out the origin of this disease.

-The scientists have introduced this term.

-The doctor discharges the patient from the clinic.


Find the adjective:







Find the noun:







Define the synonym to the word: «sufficiently»



- position




Define the synonym to the word: «investigation»


+-examination ++





Define the tense of the sentence: The patient will take this medicine next month.

-Future Continuous Active

-Future Perfect Active

-Present Continuous Active

-Present Perfect Active

+-Future Indefinite Active++



Insert the missed words: My doctor__ take a chest X-ray and __ do a cardiogram.

+-Will, will++

-Be, are

-Shall, will

-Be, is

-__, shall


Define the tense of the sentence: The patient will restore his health.

-Present Perfect Active

-Future Perfect Active

-Present Continuous Active

-Future Continuous Active

+-Future Indefinite Active++


Find the irregular verb:







Find the irregular verb:







Find the irregular verb:







Find the irregular verb:







Find the irregular verb:







Find the verb in the Future Continuous tense:

-will have read

-will have been reading

-will read

+-will be reading++



Determine the tense of the sentence: The heart surgeon finished this operation.

-Present Indefinite Active Voice

-Future Indefinite Active Voice

-Present Continuous Active Voice

+-Past Indefinite Active Voice++

-Past Perfect Passive Voice


Put in the right verb:

They____pupils many years ago.



-will be




Give the synonym of the word: “force”







Give the synonym to the word: sign







Give the synonym to the following word: shape





+-form ++


Find the synonym to the word: «nursling »







Find the synonym to the word: « district »







Find the antonym to the word: « problems »



- results




Find the synonym to the word: « sharp »







Find the synonym to the word: « prescribe »







Find the synonym to the word: « nation »







Find the synonym to the word: « faculty »





-inpatient department


Find the antonym to the word: «merry »







Find the antonym to the word: «sleepy »







Find the adjective:







Find the noun:







Define the tense of the sentence: This old man has already taken this medicine.

-+Present Perfect Active ++

-Future Continuous Active

-Future Perfect Active

-Present Continuous Active

- Future Indefinite Active


Insert the missed words: A surgeon__ take a chest X-ray and __ do a cardiogram.

-Be, are

-Shall, will

-+Will, will++

-Be, is

-__, shall


Define the tense of the sentence: My cousin will restore his health.

-Present Perfect Active

-Future Perfect Active

-+Future Indefinite Active++

-Present Continuous Active

-Future Continuous Active


Find the irregular verb:







Find the irregular verb:







Find the verb in the Future Continuous tense:

-+will be reading++

-will have read

-will have been reading

-will read



Define the tense of the sentence: The patient will have this operation next month.

-+Future Indefinite Active++

-Future Continuous Active

-Future Perfect Active

-Present Continuous Active

-Present Perfect Active


Define the tense of the sentence: The students will work much at the institute laboratories.

-Present Continuous Active

-Future Perfect Active

-+Future Indefinite Active++

-Future Continuous Active

-Present Perfect Active


Define the tense of the sentence: The dentist will examine Peter’s teeth next time.

-Present Perfect Active

-Future Perfect Active

-+Future Indefinite Active++

-Present Continuous Active

-Future Continuous Active


Insert the missed word: A physician __ listen to my heart with a stethoscope.







Define the tense of the sentence: Shall I be a surgeon?

-+Future Continuous Active++

-Future Perfect Active

-Present Continuous Active

-Present Perfect Active

-Future Indefinite Active


Insert the missed word: You __ come to the hospital next summer.







Define the tense of the sentence: At the medical University we shall make many experiments on various plants.

-+Future Indefinite Active++

-Future Continuous Active

-Future Perfect Active

-Present Continuous Active

-Present Perfect Active


Define the tense of the sentence: He will examine the patient after the operation.

-Future Continuous Active

-+Future Indefinite Active++

-Future Perfect Active

-Present Continuous Active

-Present Perfect Active


Choose the correct ending:

We need foreign languages to …

-to run

-to swim

-+to communicate++

-to eat

-to drink


Give the synonym to “education”:







Give the synonym to “general”:







Choose the synonym to “mankind”:







Choose the synonym to “severe”:







Choose the synonym to “mandatory”:







Choose the antonym to “high”:







Choose the antonym to “include”:







Answer the question:

How long is the period of study at the Medical University for doctors?

-2 years

-15 years

-1 years

-+from 6 to 8++

-20 years


Answer the question:

How long is the period of study at the Medical University for dentists?

-3 years

-+5 years++

-1 years

-0.5 years

-1.5 years


Choose proper prepositions:

On each side of the chest seven ribs are connected … breastbone … cartilages.

-+with,by ++

-Under On

-At, by

-In, on

-in, by


Choose the right preposition:

The skeleton is composed …. bones.







Insert right prepositions

A medical student must spend at least a year …. the completion … study

-after … of …

+-in … of…++

After … after..

Before … of..

-before …after…


Choose the right preposition:

… addition, the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Surgeons grant diplomas







Insert a preposition:

The diplomas are recognized … the General Medical Council.







Insert a modal verb:

Higher degrees of Doctor of Medicine (MD) … be obtained after examination


+-may ++





Find the form of the verb in the Future Indefinite Tense:

I'm tired. I (go) to bed.


-I go

-I’d go

-I gone

-I going


Find the form of the verb in the Future Indefinite Tense:

It’s late. I think I (take) a taxi.

-was taking

+-shall take++

-am take

-were take

-is take


Find the form of the verb in the Future Indefinite Tense:

____ I answer the question?


-Are not





Find the form of the verb in the Future Indefinite Tense:

We don’t know their address. What (we/do)?

-What did we do?

-What was we do?

-What we do?

-What we did?

+-What shall we do?++


Find the form of the verb in the Future Indefinite Tense:

Our test (not/take) long time.

-doesn’t take

-isn’t take

-shall not take

+-willn’t take++

-didn’t take


Find the form of the verb in the Future Indefinite Tense:

I’m afraid they (not/wait) for the doctor.

-don’t wait

-shall not wait

-+will not wait++

-didn’t wait

-doesn’t wait


Find the form of the verb in the Future Indefinite Tense:

There (not/be) any wars in the world.

-aren’t wars

-not’ll be

-shall not be

+-will not be++

-was not be


Find the form of the verb in the Future Indefinite Tense:

Dad (give) Mag a personal computer, ____ he?

-gives, didn’t he

-shall give, will he

-gives, don’t he

+-will give, won’t he++

-gives, doesn’t he


Find the form of the verb in the Future Indefinite Tense:

We shall go to the theatre, ____ we?

+-shan’t we++

-let’s not we

-shall we

-will we

-do we


Find the form of the verb in the Future Indefinite Tense:

I (not/do) it before dinner.

-not do

+-shall not do++

-not shall do

-will not do

-does not do


Find the form of the verb in the Past Indefinite Tense:

There isn’t a cloud in the sky, but it (be) cloudy in the morning.







Find the form of the verb in the Past Indefinite Tense:

The Frasers live in four-room apartment, but last year they (live) in a small house in the country.

-did live

-were living


-were live

-was live


Find the form of the verb in the Past Indefinite Tense (Active Voice)::

I (get) to the market myself last time, but now I don’t remember how to get there.


-had got


-have got

-was get


Find the form of the verb in the Past Indefinite Tense in Active Voice:

+-How did you sell it?++

-How will you sold it?

-How have you sell it?

-How will you sell it?

-How are you selling it?


Find the form of the verb in the Past Indefinite Tense in Active Voice:

Jack (try) to remember what he had done last April.

-was tried

-was tried



-were tried


Find the form of the verb in the Past Indefinite Tense in Active Voice:

Looking through the paper, the teacher (find) several mistakes.



-was finded

-were finded



Find the form of the verb in the Past Indefinite Tense in Active Voice:

He (meet) Mary and (fall) in love with her at first sight.

+-met, fell++

-had met, falled

-meeted, fell

-was met, fell

-were met, fell


Find the form of the verb in the Past Indefinite Tense in Active Voice:

Helen (prefer) tea to coffee.



-was preferring


-were preferring


Find the form of the verb in the Past Indefinite Tense in Active Voice:

When you (write) to your parents last time?

-When do you writed?

+-When did you wrote?++

-When does you writed?

-When were you writed?

-When did you write?


Find the form of the verb in the Past Indefinite Tense in Active Voice:

Yesterday Mr. Watson (drink) drugs too much.





-were drink


Find the form of the verb in the Past Indefinite Tense in Active Voice:

Don’t worry about your letter. I (send) it the day before yesterday.

-have sent




-was send


Find the form of the verb in the Past Indefinite Tense in Active Voice:

We (not/have) a holiday last year.

+-didn’t have++

-haven’t had

-haven’t had

-don’t have

-doesn’t have


Find the form of the verb in the Past Indefinite Tense in Active Voice:

+-When did Jill finish?++

-When is Jill finish?

-When did Jill finished?

-When does Jill finish?

-When is Jill finish?


Find the form of the verb in the Future Continuous Tense in Active Voice:

This time tomorrow they (sit) in the train on their way to Chicago.

-is sitting

+-will sit++

-are sitting

-shall sit

-will be sitting


Find the form of the verb in the Future Indefinite Tense in Active Voice:

I (say) more about that topic in my next lecture.

-am saying

-will be saying

+-will say++

-shall say

-will saying


Find the form of the verb in the Future Continuous Tense in Active Voice: