“Nothing.” She clutched the rake handle with both hands. “I mean, just cleaning up. Alicia got the four-wheeler stuck in the mud here the other day after it rained, and I wanted to fix the ruts.”

Bess stepped forward, peering at some faint tire tracks in the dirt. “Those marks don’t look like they were made by a four-wheeler,” she commented. “More like a full-size truck.”

Did I mention Bess is a total gearhead? You wouldn’t know it by looking at her frilly dresses and flawless makeup, but she’s a whiz with cars and anything mechanical.

Sara looked a little surprised. “You’re right,” she agreed. “Um, we tried to flat- ten out the ruts with the truck first. But that just made things worse.” She glanced at her watch. “Oops! I need to go!” she exclaimed. “I just realized I’m late. Sorry...”

She dropped her rake, then rushed off. George watched her go, looking confused.

“Okay, that was weird,” she said when Sara was out of earshot.

“I have to admit, Sara was kind of acting like someone with something to hide,” I said. “But we already know she’s kind of shy. I don’t think she’s that comfortable talking to people most of the time. Maybe that’s why she wanted to get away.”

“Or maybe she’s covering for Alicia,” Bess suggested. “What if Alicia made those ruts transporting that sea turtle? Sara could be trying to protect her boss — maybe without even knowing what she was really doing.”

“I guess it’s possible,” I said dubiously. “But Alicia was with us all day yesterday, remember? She couldn’t have planted that turtle, even with all the trucks in the world at her disposal.”

George nodded. “Well, what about Sara herself? Think she could have done it? She is pretty close to Juliana’s age — what if she’s the accomplice we’ve been speculating about?”

“It’s possible,” I said. “I still think we need to talk to Juliana about all this. Maybe I can get her to tell me what’s really going on.”

I remembered that there was a guest phone in one of the cabanas near the pool. We hurried back there. Luckily, the pool area was deserted.

Juliana picked up her cell phone right away. “Nancy!” she said when she heard it was me. She sounded surprised but not too upset to hear from me. It seemed she wasn’t the type to hold a grudge. “How are you?”

“I’m fine,” I said. “I just wanted to check in and see if you heard about all the excitement here yesterday.”

“You mean the crazy protest lady?” Juliana chuckled. “Sí, my papa told me he had to help banish her from Casa Verde.”

“Did he tell you about the sea turtle?”

“Sea turtle? What do you mean?”

She sounded sincerely confused, though I knew she could be faking that. After all, she’d done a pretty convincing job of faking innocence when we’d found Pretty Boy in her room.

I told her about the turtle incident. “Dios mio!” she exclaimed. “That is terrible. Sea turtles are endangered. It is not funny even to play a prank about such a thing.”

“That’s not all,” I went on. “Last night my friends and I found something in the jungle. A big pipe pouring human waste directly into the river. And we’re pretty sure it’s coming from right here at Casa Verde. Have you seen anything like that around here?”

“A pipe? No, of course not. I’ve seen nothing like that.”

Was it my imagination? Or did her voice sound funny now?

Before I could ask her anything else, the film crew suddenly popped into view at the edge of the pool area. As usual, Deirdre and Kat were with them. So was Poppy.

I told Juliana I had to go and hung up. When I turned around, George was grinning.

“Check it out,” she said in a low voice. “Looks like Deirdre’s been demoted from costar to animal wrangler.”

Indeed, Deirdre seemed to have been relegated to holding Pretty Boy while her cousin prepared for her big scene. Poppy was fluttering around Kat, touching up her makeup, fluffing her hair, and adjusting the straps on her glamorous-looking silver and black bikini.

“Excuse me, miss!” one of the crew members said, shuffling Deirdre and Pretty Boy even farther away from the action. “Step back, please. We need to get that umbrella out of the way.”

I glanced over at the waterfall at the far end of the pool. One of the shade umbrellas that normally stood over the poolside tables appeared to have blown over there and caught on one of the rocks or something, so that it almost completely obscured the view of the picturesque waterfall.

“That’s right,” the assistant director said, sounding irritated. He was a short, somewhat stocky man with a perpetual frown. He glared at the waterfall. “Who put that thing there, anyway? I was told the pool would be ready for this shot! Time is money, people....”

Harvey, the main director, only rolled his eyes. “Relax, Michaels,” he told the other man. “We’ll have it out of the way in a moment.”

“Ow!” Deirdre shrieked, suddenly jerking her hand away from Pretty Boy’s mouth. “Quit it, you little jerk!”

She set the dog down. He promptly lifted one hind leg over her foot, eliciting another shriek of horror.

“Are you kidding me?” she yelled. “These sandals weren’t cheap, you know!”

“Should we get while the getting’s good?” Bess asked as we watched.

“No way!” George exclaimed. “I don’t want to miss a second of this.”

I was about to remind her how little time we had left at Casa Verde. But before I could, there was a shout from the far end of the pool. Glancing over there, I saw that the crew member had just wrestled the umbrella out of the way.

That left us all with a clear view of the waterfall — and the graffiti that someone had scrawled across the rock face in bold black letters:





There was a moment of chaos as everyone got a good look at the message on the waterfall. Someone ran to get Cristobal. Kat started whining about her shot being ruined. Harvey, sounding a little frustrated, ordered the assistant director to go scout a new location so they wouldn’t waste the daylight.

“Come on,” I said to my friends. “Let’s go check it out.”

“Do you think whoever wrote those notes did this, too?” Bess asked as we scooted toward the waterfall.

“Who else?” George said grimly. “Look deeper, remember?”

I spotted the sun glinting off something metallic looking at the base of the waterfall off to one side. Hurrying over, I saw that it was a can of spray paint.

“Sloppy work,” I said with satisfaction. “Unless the culprit was wearing gloves, this should tell us something.”

“What’s going on out here?”

I turned and saw Cristobal rushing into view. Enrique was right behind him. Both brothers looked confused and anxious.

Kat and Deirdre started ranting about having their lives ruined or whatever. I wasn’t paying much attention to them, and neither was Harvey.

“This is right in the middle of our shot,” he complained to the Arrojo brothers, stabbing one finger toward the waterfall.

Cristobal glanced over, his face blanching as he read the graffiti. He moved closer for a better look.

“Check it out,” I called to him as he approached, pointing to the spray paint can. “If you take this to the police, maybe they can —”

“The police? Nonsense.” Cristobal swooped forward, grabbing the can before I could protest. He glared at it, then tossed it into a nearby wastebasket. “I won’t let this vandal ruin the reputation of Casa Verde!”

Enrique looked kind of tense. “Maybe we should just talk to the police,” he said in his quieter voice. “If things keep on this way...”

“Nonsense!” Cristobal snapped again. He glowered at his brother. “We will take care of it ourselves.”

Enrique narrowed his eyes, looking as if he were about to say something. But he merely pursed his lips tightly, shaking his head as he turned away from his brother.

Yikes! You could practically cut the tension with a knife. Were they just upset about this latest incident? Or was there something else going on? I flashed back to that witnessed — but not heard — face-off by this very same pool the night before. What had they been arguing about?

“Listen, Cristobal,” Harvey said. “We have a schedule here, and if we can’t get the footage we need...”

“Yes, yes, of course.” Cristobal was clearly struggling to regain his usual good cheer. “We’ll find a way to make it work. At Casa Verde we pride ourselves on coming up with creative solutions — just like all of you at Green Solutions, hmm?”

“I wouldn’t know about that.” Harvey sounded kind of sour. “I’m just a free- lancer on this project. You’ll have to talk to Michaels about that sort of synergy garbage.”

“Never mind. Enrique, why don’t you see if Harvey and his people would like a beverage?” Cristobal noticed that my friends and I were still watching, along with the irritated-looking Deirdre and Kat. “As for you, ladies, you’ll need to hurry — the bus will be departing for the zip line tour in just a short while.”

Oops. I’d almost forgotten about today’s scheduled activity. All the guests were supposed to visit a facility that allowed people to glide through the rain forest canopy on a gravity-powered cable ride.

“Zip line?” Kat made a face. “Think we’ll give that a pass. We’re busy starring in your ads, remember?”

Harvey’s cranky expression faded. “Zip-lining, eh? Sounds exciting. Mind if we tag along and get some footage?”

“Not at all!” Cristobal looked relieved. “That’s an excellent idea. Now, hurry, everyone — the bus leaves in twenty minutes!”

“Zip-lining sounds fun, but I kind of wish we didn’t have to go,” I murmured to my friends as we settled ourselves on the Casa Verde bus twenty minutes later. “We’re running out of time if we want to figure out what’s really going on around here.”

“I know.” George grinned sheepishly. “But I have to admit, zip-lining sounds like a blast!”

Bess nodded. “I’m looking forward to it too,” she said. “It’s supposed to be one of the best, most low-impact ways to view the rain forest.” She scanned the crowded bus and lowered her voice. “Besides, some of our suspects are here, right?”

She had a point. Both Poppy and Adam were sharing a seat near the back of the bus, though they didn’t appear to be speaking to each other. Sarene was present as well. I guessed even she couldn’t find anything to complain about when it came to today’s activity.

Just then Enrique appeared at the front of the bus. He cleared his throat as he glanced at Pedro, who was in the driver’s seat as usual.

“Everyone on board?” Enrique asked the driver.

“What are you doing here?” Frankie called out from her seat beside Sarene. “Where’s Cristobal?”

“My brother was called away at the last moment,” Enrique replied with a slight frown. “I shall accompany you in his place.”

He didn’t sound too happy about that. I couldn’t help wondering about the substitution. While gregarious Cristobal seemed to enjoy hanging out with us guests, Enrique obviously wasn’t nearly as comfortable with that sort of public role, preferring to stay mostly behind the scenes in the kitchen.

George seemed to be thinking the same thing. “I’m guessing Alicia is going to have to do most of the talking today,” she whispered.

Bess nodded, looking over at the seat right behind Pedro. The biologist and her assistant were sitting there. “Maybe Sara, too,” she suggested. “She did an awfully good job at the presentation last night.”

“Here we are!” Kat trilled, bouncing onto the bus behind Enrique. “Sorry we’re late! Pretty Boy wanted to change clothes so he’d be dressed for the occasion.”

She giggled and held up the dog. He glared at all of us from beneath the brim of a feathered hat. The rest of him was encased in what appeared to be an iridescent spandex catsuit. He looked totally ridiculous — though, of course, that was nothing new. Kat seemed to have a never-ending supply of outfits for him.

Deirdre was right behind her cousin. “Hurry up,” she said, giving her a poke.

I couldn’t help noticing that she, too, had changed clothes in the last twenty minutes. She was wearing a form-fitting halter top and shorts, along with a pair of sparkly high-heeled sandals.

“Think she’s hoping that getup will grab her more camera time?” George whispered.

I glanced at the camera crew. Despite his enthusiasm about the zip-lining, Harvey wasn’t there. But he’d sent the assistant director, along with a couple of the camera operators.

“Probably,” I agreed quietly. “I don’t think she’s happy that Kat is grabbing most of the attention.”

By now Kat was flouncing down the bus aisle to the only remaining seat. “Don’t worry, baby,” she said to Pretty Boy. “I’m sure one of these nice cameramen will keep an eye on you while Mommy is zip-lining. We wouldn’t want to leave you with just anyone, you know. Not after what happened last time.” She shot a disapproving look toward Pedro.

“You mean you’re not going to let Pretty Boy go zip-lining with you, Kat?” Hildy spoke up.

I was almost sure she was joking around. But Kat took the question seriously.

“Oh no,” she replied, hugging Pretty Boy. “My baby is afraid of heights.”

Deirdre rolled her eyes as she flopped down into the seat beside her cousin. “More like you’re afraid of heights,” she told her.

The bus started up at that moment, distracting everybody. Robin let out a little cheer, and most of the others laughed and joined in. As Pedro steered down the drive, Alicia stood up and faced the rest of us.

“Okay, everyone,” she said cheerfully. “Let’s talk about some of what we’re going to see today....”


• • •


When we arrived at the zip line place, the employees there started by giving us a tour of the facilities and showing us the zip lines. The lines were actually thick cables strung high up over the canopy, beginning at several tall platforms at the top of a hill and ending at another platform near the bottom. The employees explained that there was also a steam-powered trolley to return riders back up to the starting point once they landed.

“Awesome!” Adam exclaimed, cracking his knuckles as he peered up at one of the platforms. “I can’t wait to try it out. Can I go first?”

“Not so fast,” Alicia said with a chuckle as Poppy rolled her eyes. “We have a few things to take care of first. Let’s go in out of the sun for a moment and get started.”

As we all trooped after her toward a large bamboo hut, the assistant director ordered the crew to stay outside with him to get some establishing shots. Kat and Deirdre insisted on joining them, obviously hoping for some extra screen time. But Alicia, Enrique, and the zip line employees politely shooed them inside with the rest of us.

The hut was airy and pleasant, with ceiling fans keeping most of the bugs away despite the lack of screens on the windows. We all sat down at a couple of long wooden tables. First we all signed some releases, and after that, Sara started passing out printouts detailing the plants, animals, and birds we might see in this part of the forest.

“At first it might be hard to concentrate while you’re getting used to hanging so high up in the air,” Alicia told us as we all looked over the information. “But the zip line is very safe, so you don’t have to worry. I hope you’ll be able to look around and enjoy the unique view.”

As she walked us through the handouts, I was only half listening. Instead my mind drifted back to the case as my gaze wandered from one face to another. Enrique, Poppy, Adam, Sarene, Alicia, Sara. Bess had been right — most of our suspects were right there in the room. True, Juliana and Cristobal were missing, and so was Phyllis. But we already knew Juliana couldn’t be working alone and that Phyllis probably hadn’t been around for most of the incidents. And Cristobal had always been a weak suspect at best.

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if we find anything new and disturbing when we return to Casa Verde, I thought. If we do, we’ll be able to cross a few more people off the list.

By the time I tuned back in, Alicia was just wrapping up her talk. She glanced at a zip line employee who had just appeared holding a tray of sodas.

Alicia smiled and waved him forward. “And now before we get started, the lovely people here will be serving us a traditional Costa Rican lunch.”

“Are you sure you want us to eat before we go up there?” Deirdre spoke up with a smirk. “Kat’s afraid of heights — it might be better if she tried this sort of thing when her stomach’s empty.”

Kat shot her an annoyed look. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s Pretty Boy who’s afraid of heights, not me.”

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed movement near the back of the group. Glancing that way, I was just in time to see Poppy slipping out the door. Where could she be going at a time like this? I had no idea, but I intended to find out.

“Be right back,” I murmured to George beside me.

I got up and hurried after Poppy. Outside I was just in time to see her disappear into the restroom, which was located in a separate building.

Oh well, I thought sheepishly. Not so mysterious after all.

I turned to head back into the main hut. As I did, a flash of movement caught my eye. Someone was hurrying around the edge of the building, heading into the jungle.

“Hey,” I blurted out. “Who’s there?”

The figure darted away, disappearing from view. I raced after it, but by the time I rounded the corner myself, there was no one in sight.

I just stood there for a moment listening to distant monkey calls and thinking about what I’d just witnessed. The encounter had been so fast that I’d barely gotten a look at the figure. All I’d seen was a person a little below average height and a little above average weight, dressed in lightweight khaki slacks, a white T-shirt, and a large straw hat that completely covered his or her hair. The outfit had been pretty much identical to what several members of our group were wearing, including Hildy, Frankie, the entire film crew, and even Bess, though the mystery figure had been stockier than any of them except Mr. Michaels and one of the cameramen. I wasn’t even sure whether it had been a man or a woman.

Could it have been someone looking for trouble? I wondered. Maybe even Phyllis? I think that person was about the right size and shape....

“Excuse me, señorita,” a polite voice broke my thoughts. “Will you please rejoin the group inside?”

It was a member of the zip line staff. I blinked at him. “Oh, sorry,” I said. “I was only, um, looking around.”

I allowed him to guide me back around the corner. Enrique had just emerged and was standing outside fiddling with his cell phone. He looked surprised to see me.

“Nancy,” he said. “What are you doing out here? They are serving lunch inside.”

I couldn’t help noticing that he sounded a little frazzled. Was that just a result of having to come along with us in his brother’s place, or could there be something else going on?

Either way, it seemed I wasn’t going to find out anything more right now. I headed inside to eat.

Kat pulled out a compact and checked her makeup. “I’m ready,” she called out, snapping the compact shut again. “Should I go first?”

“If you like, yes, of course,” the head zip line employee said. “This way, please.”

Kat glanced over to make sure one of the cameramen was filming her. Then she bent down to scoop up Pretty Boy, who was sitting quietly for once in the shade of a large hibiscus.

“Don’t worry, baby,” she crooned. “Mommy will be back soon! The nice men will take care of you while I’m gone.”

She hurried over and shoved the little dog toward the assistant director, Mr. Michaels, who was on his cell phone nearby. Pretty Boy yapped and tried to bite him.

Mr. Michaels dodged just in time, hanging up his phone and tucking it back into the pocket of his khakis. “All right, people,” he called out. “Let’s get started. You go first, Miss.”

He turned and pointed at... me?

“You want me to go first?” I said in surprise.

“Her?” Kat added, freezing in place with Pretty Boy still dangling from her outstretched hands. “But I was going to go first! After all, I’m the one who’s supposed to be featured in this ad!”

“That’s right.” The assistant director gestured vaguely toward the cameras. “I want to test the camera angles on someone else first.”

“Oh.” Kat looked mollified. “All right. That makes sense — come to think of it, they do that sort of thing on all the big pictures I’ve worked on.” She stepped back into the shade with Pretty Boy.

“How about me taking the first shot at this, then?” Adam stepped forward, flexing his biceps. “I know they say ladies first, but in this case I think what you need is a man.”

“Thank you, but no,” Mr. Michaels said firmly. “This young lady is just right to test our lighting and such properly. If you please, Miss Drew?”

“Um, okay.” I was looking forward to the zip line, so I wasn’t going to argue. Besides, going first might give me more time to question some of my suspects afterward. Plus, the earlier I went, the more likely I might spot that mysterious Phyllis-like figure in the jungle below....

Soon I was standing atop the thirty-foot platform, outfitted in a zip line harness. One of the employees hooked me to the line.

“Ready?” he asked.

I nodded and stepped forward. “Wheeee!” I called out as my feet left the platform and I felt myself gliding through the air.

But my stomach lurched as the line jerked roughly. Weird. Zip-lining had always looked like it would feel smooth, sort of like flying. But as I spun downward toward the edge of the flat area where the huts and platforms were located, the line jerked again and again.

Below, I heard people shouting. But I didn’t pay attention to that. I was focused on hanging on. By now I was pretty sure something was wrong. A moment later, the line jerked again, harder this time. Then it snapped, and I felt myself flung free into thin air. I was falling... falling...




“It’s lucky the line broke before you passed the drop-off into the canopy,” Bess said, her voice shaking.

I just nodded. She and George — and many of the others — had said the same thing multiple times in the ten minutes since my fall. And they were right. Five seconds later, and I wouldn’t have been sitting there with nothing worse than a few scratches and bruises. I’d tumbled down only about fifteen feet, with a leafy palm tree and a small, muddy pond softening my fall.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t like to leave now?” Enrique asked, his eyes wide and his voice frantic. I’d never seen him so upset, not even during the whole Juliana situation.

“No, I’m fine,” I insisted again. “I don’t want to ruin everyone else’s fun.”

I glanced around, wondering just how much fun the others were having. Kat had been hysterical since the incident, babbling “It could have been me!” over and over again while clutching Pretty Boy to her chest. Young Robin looked shaken and pale, while her mother, Hildy, was keeping a baleful eye on the video cameras, which she’d ordered shut off immediately after my fall. Frankie was insisting to anyone who would listen that she would use her investigative journalism skills to get to the bottom of this. The zip line people were horrified, chattering incessantly at one another in Spanish in between profuse apologies to all of us in English, with the manager offering me free zip line passes for life.

In the midst of all this, Poppy wandered up to the group. I realized I hadn’t seen her since following her out to the restroom earlier; I wasn’t even sure whether she’d ever come back inside to eat lunch or not.

“What’s going on?” she asked, pushing her fashionably oversize sunglasses farther up her nose.

Adam hurried over. “You missed all the action, babe,” he said, putting a protective arm around her. “There was a malfunction and Nancy took a tumble.”

Poppy shook off his arm. “She did? What happened?”

Several voices spoke up at once, eagerly describing the accident. Meanwhile, George leaned toward me.

“Are you sure you don’t want to head back to the resort, Nance?” she asked quietly. “We might all be better off. What if the same thing happens again?”

“I doubt it will,” I said, doing my best to shake off the last of my shock. “This zip line place has the best safety record in Costa Rica, remember? Alicia mentioned that on the drive over. What are the odds the line would break while we were here — especially right after I saw someone lurking around out there near the base of the platforms?”

“What?” Bess exclaimed softly. “Who was lurking?”

Looking around to make sure no one else was paying attention, I quickly filled them in on that mysterious figure. George let out a gasp.

“Do you think it could have been Phyllis?” she asked.

I shrugged. “Yeah,” I said. “But I’m really not sure at all. The point is, whoever it was could’ve sneaked out and messed with the equipment while all of us were inside.”

“Or anyone from the group could have done it,” Bess pointed out. “I think just about everybody left the dining room at some point during lunch, either to use the bathroom or get more bug spray or whatever.”

The same thought had already occurred to me. I surveyed the group, trying to gauge the reactions of our various suspects. Sarene wasn’t reacting much; if anything, she looked a little bored. Alicia and Sara looked shocked and confused just like everyone else. Adam was one of the people telling his girlfriend what had happened; he seemed worked up and almost excited about the whole situation. It was impossible to read Poppy’s expression behind her dark glasses, but she was being very quiet since asking her question.

“So who looks suspicious to you guys?” I murmured to my friends.

George shrugged. “Adam, maybe? He seems to be enjoying this a little too much.”

“He always acts like that, though, doesn’t he?” Bess said.

I sighed, wishing I’d tried harder to follow that mysterious figure into the jungle. Without knowing who it had been, it was difficult, if not impossible, to guess who might have sabotaged that zip line.

Just then Enrique hurried back over. “If you are sure you really do not wish to depart...,” he began, gazing at me with concern.

“I’m sure,” I said firmly, convinced of that now more than ever. The zip line employees were already swarming around the other platforms, checking and rechecking the equipment, which made me feel pretty confident that there wouldn’t be a repeat. In which case, I realized, this might be my last good opportunity to break this case.

Enrique nodded, still looking uncertain. “All right,” he said. “Then por favor, just relax here in the shade and try to recover your wits.”


I sat there, sipping on the drink Pedro had brought me and watching the scene. Bess and George stayed with me, and the others wandered over now and then to check on me. Within a few minutes the zip line manager spoke up, assuring us all that the other lines were in perfect working order. He even sent one of the employees up to demonstrate. The young man jumped off the platform and zipped down the line without a hitch, eventually disappearing from our sight into the canopy far below. A few minutes later, he radioed up to his boss to let him know he’d landed safely.

“You see? It is working fine now,” the manager said. “I do hope you will all enjoy the rest of your time here. And I can assure you that this visit is free for all of you today.”

Adam pumped his fist and let out a little cheer. Poppy shot him a look of disgust, while Hildy and Sarene rolled their eyes. The others just ignored him.

“Are you sure it’s safe?” Kat called out, her voice shaking.

“Quite sure,” the manager assured her.

“But nobody has to go if they do not feel comfortable,” Enrique added.

“That’s right,” the assistant director spoke up. “We can just get some footage of the employees doing the zip line if you don’t want to do it, Kat.”

Kat gulped. I could almost see the struggle playing out on her face — torn between the fear of dying and the fear of not being prominently featured in the ad. Finally the second fear won, just as I would have predicted.

“No, I’m okay,” she said, still sounding nervous. “The show must go on, right?”

Adam stepped forward. “Want me to go first, Kat?” he offered eagerly. “You know — test it out, make sure it’s safe.”

“No, thanks.” Kat handed Pretty Boy to Deirdre and hurried forward, pushing past him. “Let’s just get this over with. I’m ready.”

We could all see Kat shaking, even way up atop the platform, as the employees strapped her in. And the first scream when she jumped off sounded like she was pretty terrified. But the line held, and she zipped away smoothly with the cameras filming the whole thing.