C. Some of the sentences are not correct. Tick the right ones, correct the wrong ones.

Gerund and Infinitive

The verbs want and would like (meaning want) always take the infinitive:

• She wanted to get a job. • He would like to go to Africa.


The following verbs usually take the infinitive: promise, encourage, warn, remind, decide, agree, refuse, offer, help, manage, tend:

• They helped me to decorate the living-room.


The following verbs usually take the gerund: spend/waste (time), finish, dread, detest, hate, avoid, dislike, risk, deny, postpone, like, love, enjoy, imagine, understand, mind, consider, miss, suggest:

• She enjoys sailing in her spare time. • Would you mind coming with me?


Adjectives with prepositions always take the gerund:

• fond of singing • keen on learning Spanish • fed up with studying

Most phrasal verbs and verbs with particles also take the gerund:

• He put off the appointment. • She apologized for being late.


Other common expressions which normally take the gerund are: can't risk, can't stand, can't bear, it’ s no use, it's (not) worth

A Complete the sentences with the infinitive or the gerund of the verb

In brackets.

1. Nick is putting on weight. He’ll have to give up _______ snacks. (eat)

2. I can’t stand people _______ me questions all the time. (ask)

3. Her brother is very keen on__________ . (swim)

4.His boss wants him ________ harder. (work)

5.It's a very long flight to New Zealand. It's not worth ___for less than a fortnight.(go)

6. I'm afraid I'm very bad at _______languages. (learn)

7.The driver just avoided __________ the dog. (hit)

8. Demetrio is fed up with_______ a student. (be)

9. She forgave her sister for ______ her. (deceive)

10. Although we tried to stop him, he kept on____. (talk)

11.would you like_________ tennis with me? (play)

12.It was a difficult exam, but Jennifer managed____it. (pass)

13.The snow prevented the train from____on time. (arrive)

14. Since coming here, I’ve got used to_____to bed early. (go)

15. The old lady accused the boy of________ her handbag. (steal)

16.Jane is looking forward to_______three weeks in California.(spend)

17. I don't-mind____________up early, if I have to. (get)

18. It's no use__________ him. He isn't interested. (tell)

The gerund, because it is like a noun, can also be used as the subject of a sentence:

Looking after children needs patience. • Getting up early can be difficult.

It is also used after come and go:

Let's go shopping tomorrow. • Would you like to come swimming?


The verbs remember, forget need, try, stop, go on take either the gerund or the
infinitive, depending on the meaning required:

I remember seeing him last week. • Remember to give him the present when you see him.

We need to get visas to enter Canada. • His car needs repairing.

I'll never forget seeing the forest fire. • Don't forget to lock the door.

He tried to start the car, but it had run out of petrol. • Try turning the key first and then pushing the door.

Stop talking at once! • He stopped to look at the shop window.

She went on talking until the bell rang. • He went on to explain why he had come.

B.Complete the sentences with the infinitive or the gerund of the verb in brackets.

1 Don't forget _______ him for coffee when you see him. (invite)

2 First he repaired the radio, then he went on_______the television, (repair)

3 Their house really needs___________. (paint)

4. Her aunt remembers ________ the first car in her village.(see)

5. Ken always likes_________ on holiday to hot countries.(go)

6. They stopped the car _____a chat with their friends. (have)

7. Go on ___________. It's very interesting. (explain)

8. Why don't you try _________ your breath, or a glass of water? (hold, drink)

9. Will he remember ________ the bill? I told him he should do it today, (pay)

10. ___________ old bottles is a strange hobby. (collect)

11. He stopped because he was sleepy. (drive)

12. He’ll soon forget ________ involved in the accident. (be)
13. Liz needs _______ a job. She’s short of money. (get)

14. They tried _________ their way, but they were lost. (find)

15. Shall we go ____________tomorrow morning? (run)


C. Some of the sentences are not correct. Tick the right ones, correct the wrong ones.

1. Pedro enjoys to have a coffee after dinner.

2. Edward tends to do the things at the last possible moment.

3. Sylvie spent three weeks to revise for her exams.

4. These shoes need to mend, don't you think?

5. We encouraged him applying for the job.

6. Judy didn't finish writing the letter until midnight.

7. He risked to offend her by telling her what he thought.

8. I think you need to buy a warm coat.

9. Roger has always hated living in a town.

10. Would you consider to work for a different company?