Normal science is a notion of :T. Kuhn
Objective, mimic the real phenomena is:Law
Opposite of the meaning of "truth" in epistemology:Delusions
Paradigm is a notion of :T. Kuhn
Philosophical directions denying causal conditionality of the phenomena:Indeterminism
Physics is a:natural science
Physics is related to the sciences:Natural
Physics relates to the science of:Nature
Possibility taken from its quantitative side:Probability
Practical nature of the functions of science is:A function to be a productive force
Proof of the impossibility of movement the ancient Greek philosophy is devoted to:Zeno's paradoxes
Reasoning is a…Causality
Recovery , the union of any parts into a whole is:Synthesis
Reduction of the intricate to the simple, complex to elementary is :Analysis
Relational concepts of space and time:These special attitudes between objects and processes and outside of them not existing
Restoring, uniting of any parts into a whole: Synthesis
Science can be seen as ... (exclude the wrong answer):form of everyday outlook
Science is a:component of spiritual culture
Science is:A component of spiritual culture Science is:A branches of scientific knowledge
Science of universal communication and development is:Dialectic
Scientific knowledge is based on the method of reflecting the world:Rational
Scientific knowledge is formed in the first place, on the basis of:Knowledge-Information
Scientific paradigm is:Single point of view shared by the scientific community
Scientist who formulated the basic laws of classical mechanics is:Newton
Scientists who proposed the first rigorous physical and theoretical basis infinity of the world is:Newton
Search and identification of meaning in the knowledge is:Understanding
Search and identification of meaning in the knowledge:Understanding
Section of philosophical knowledge which is dedicated to philosophical reflection on scientific knowledge:Philosophy of Science
Section of philosophical knowledge, dedicated to philosophical understanding of scientific knowledge is:A philosophy of science
Set of stable attitudes and communications between elements of system:Structure
Simple and hard principle, replacing the Enlightenment idea of Newton's extremely rarefied world of matter, does not result in a significant inhibition of the planets is about:Long-range In the Enlightenment nature of heat generated during the heating bodies due to the presence of some small bodies of liquid in the pores between the particles of matter, which they named is:Fluid The hypothesis of the electrical nature of lightning and the lightning rod idea was first proposed by:B.Franklin
Sociology of Science is:Philosophy direction
Space in the understanding of modern physics:attribute of matter, certain bonds and relationships of motion of bodies
STP:Scientific and technical progress
Substantial space and time:Space time considered, how special the essence, existing irrespective of material objects
Synergetic – a science about:Self organized systems
System operations, consistently applied by certain rules for a specific task or problem:Algorithm
The advantages of an experiment on the observation are:Ability to intervene in the process studied; Reproducibility
The advantages of an experiment on the observation are:Machine Technology
The author of "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" is: Kuhn
The author of Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes (MSRP):I. Lacatos
The author of the concept of research programs is: I.Lakatos
The basis of the differential and integral calculus, along with the method of G.W Leibniz, was about:"Method of fluxions" Newton