Medicines used in arterial hypertension









*!Drugs used in tachyarrythmias and angina pectoris









*!Pharmacological effects of amiodarone










*!Characteristic for lidocaine


*potassium channels blocker

*sodium channels blocker

*used in ventricular tachyarrhythmia

*used in atrioventricular blockade

*increases arterial pressure

*improves contractility of the heart



*!Pharmacological effects of cardiac glycosides


*positive inotropic

*negative dromotropic

*positive chronotropic

*negative bathmotropic





*!Antiarrhythmic drugs, weakens the adrenergic effect on the heart










*!Side effects of verapamil


*thyroid dysfunction


*cardiac insufficiency

*atrioventricular block

*lung fibrosis

*goitrogenic action















*increase the resistance of the cells of the myocardium to ischemia

*decreasing oxygen demand of myocardium

*improvement of myocardial blood supply

*analgesic effect

*direct inhibitory effect on myocardial contractility

* decrease in heart rate


*Respiratory system*1*29*2*



*!Direct action type stimulants of respiration









*!Medicines used in respiratory distress syndrome


*cardiac glycosides

*dopamine mimetics


*ganglionic blockers




*! Antitussive drugs with central type of action


*infusion of Thermopsis herbs

*glaucine hydrochloride

*sodium nitroprusside

*crystalline trypsin

*bromhexine hydrochloride



*!Side effect of bemegride









*!Expectorants with direct type of action




*potassium iodide














*!Donator of nitric oxide used in pulmonary edema


*ipratropium bromide

*nedocromil sodium

*infusion of Thermopsis herbs

*glaucine hydrochloride

*sodium nitroprusside



*!Narcotic analgesics used in respiratory failure









*!Antifoam agent used in pulmonary edema


*tiotropium bromide

*cromolyn sodium


*ethyl alcohol




*!Ganglionic blocker used in respiratory failure









*!Nonselective M-cholinoblocker used in bronchial asthma


*ipratropium bromide

*glaucine hydrochloride

*sodium nitroprusside

*nedocromil sodium

*infusion of Thermopsis herbs



*!Side effect of beclomethasone dipropionate


*dyspeptic reaction


*oropharyngeal candidiasis

*arterial hypotension

*stomach ulcer



*!Bronchodilator with tocolytic action









*!Side effect of izadrin









*!Inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase , used in the syndrome of bronchial obstruction









*!Leukotriene-receptor blocker









*!Bronchodilator inhaler









*!The combined antibiotic used to treat syndrome of pulmonary carnification









*!Cephalosporin of 3rd generation used for treatment of nosocomial pneumonia









*!The combined sulfanilamide drug used in pneumonia



*cromolyn sodium






*!Antibacterial drug of the macrolide group used in nosocomial pneumonia









*!Respiratory fluoroquinolones









*!Prescriptions for medicines containing narcotic substances are valid


*7 days

*14 days

*20 days

*1 month

*3 months



*!The stock of narcotic drugs in the departments of health care organizations should not exceed the needs for


*three days

*five days

*seven days

*ten days

*one month




*!Antiallergic drug, used in bronchial asthma


*tiotropium bromide







*!Group of drugs used in pulmonary edema






*narcotic analgesics



*!The group of mucolytics include


*infusion of thermopsis herbs

*codeine phosphate

*glaucine hydrochloride





*!The drug used in bronchial asthma


*ipratropium bromide







*!2-agonist used to prevent asthma attacks








* Respiratory system *2*24*2*


*!Indication for the use of the respiratory stimulants









*!The drug is used as replacement therapy in respiratory distress syndrome




*potassium iodide





*!Glaucine hydrochloride decreases arterial pressure because of the following action





*blocking of adrenergic receptors




*!The mechanism of expectorant action of thermopsis preparations


*rupture of disulfide bonds of mucopolysaccharides of sputum

*direct stimulation of secretion of bronchial glands

*enhancing the function of the ciliated epithelium of bronchi

*reflective enhancement of secretion of bronchial glands

*stimulating n-cholinoreceptors of the carotid glomulus



*!The active metabolite of Bromhexine with significant mucolytic action









*!The drug with mucolytic, expectorant and minor antitussive action


*beclomethasone dipropionate

*sodium nitroprusside

*bromhexine hydrochloride

*glaucine hydrochloride

*infusion of Thermopsis herbs



*!In patient with hypertensive crisis the treatment of pulmonary edema include *moxifloxacin, cromolyn sodium

*benzohexonium , ciprofloxacin

*ethyl alcohol, tiotropium

*sodium nitroprusside, furosemide

*bromhexine hydrochloride, izadrin



*!Pharmacological effects of ethanol


*anti-inflammatory, hypertensive

*antifoam, antiseptic

*antiallergic, analgesic

*anti-hypertensive, antitussive

*cardiotonic, immunosuppressive



*!The mechanism of action of furosemide in pulmonary edema


*a decrease in formation of foam in the alveoli

*elimination of respiratory failure

*increase synthesis of surfactant

*decrease in circulating blood volume

*dilatation of peripheral vessels



*!Pharmacotherapy of pulmonary edema include


*alpha-agonists, mucolytics

*beta-blockers, surfactant preparations

*diuretics, alpha-adrenoblockers

*m-cholinoblockers, sulfanilamide drugs

*leukotriene receptor blockers, diuretics



*!Preparations used to prevent asthma attacks



*ketotifen, montelukast

*levofloxacin, berodual

*co-trimoxazole, tienam

*aminophylline, acetylcysteine



*!Fluoroquinolones are contraindicated during pregnancy because of




*curare like action





*!The mechanism of action of aminophylline is due to inhibition of









*!The mechanism of the bronchodilatory action of salbutamol


*activation of beta-adrenergic receptors

*blockade of the cholinergic system

*stimulation of the leukotrienes system

*inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis

*increasing the concentration of catecholamines



*!Medications which reduce the release of bronchoconstrictor substances from mast cells


*triamcinolone, azithromycin

*salbutamol, prednisolone

*cromolyn sodium, tusuprex

*acetylcysteine, potassium iodide

*formoterol, erythromycin



*!Berodual is a combination of


*ketotifen and sodium nitroprusside

*salmeterol and tiotropium bromide

*prednisolone and nedocromil sodium

*ipratropium bromide and fenoterol

*glaucine hydrochloride and etimizol



*!The mechanism of anti-inflammatory action of dexamethasone in bronchial asthma is associated with


*blocking the phospholipase A2

*the inhibition of phosphodiesterase

*activating of leukotriene system

*adrenoceptors stimulation

*inhibition of cholinergic receptors



*!Leukotriene receptors blocker used to prevent asthma attacks









*!Etiological treatment in pneumonia comprises the use



*glucocorticoids, broncholytics

*adrenoceptor agonists,diuretics

*immunostimulators, mucolytics

*cholinoblockers, antifoam Drugs



*! Antibiotics used in nosocomial pneumonia









*!Symptomatic therapy in pneumonia includes


*antibacterial drugs


*the combined antibiotics





*!The drug used in "atypical" pneumonia









*!The mechanism of the antibacterial action of aminoglycosides is associated with


*inhibition of topoisomerase

*blocking of the calcium channels of the membrane

*inhibition of protein synthesis of the cell wall

*violation of protein synthesis at the level of the ribosomes

*increase permeability of the cell membrane



*!Indications for use of fluoroquinolones



*pulmonary edema

*angina pectoris





*!Rapid and strong diuretic action, used in pulmonary edema, hypertensive crisis, acute poisoning.









*!A bronchodilator agent used for the relief of bronchial asthma attacks




*cromolyn sodium

*beclomethasone dipropionate




*!Medication with a bronchodilator action is









*!Antitussive drug with peripheral action




*glaucine hydrochloride

*Bromhexine hydrochloride




*!In the treatment of bronchial asthma long-acting beta2-agonists is used








*Respiratory system*4*14*2*










*tiotropium bromide



*!Mucolytics that deplete the peptide bonds of proteins of bronchial mucus





*glaucine hydrochloride

*infusion of Thermopsis herbs

*bromhexine hydrochloride



*!Side effect of amikacin


*hearing loss

*ulcerogenic action

*arterial hypertension

*teratogenic action

*impairment of renal function

*drug dependency



*!Antibacterial therapy in nosocomial pneumonia










*!For preventing attacks of asphyxia the following drugs of the beta adrenoceptor agonists group are used










*!Combined antibiotics used to treat the syndrome of pulmonary carnification









*!Pharmacological effects of dexamethasone









*!In medical documentation of the patients with prescription of narcotic drugs indicate the following

*single dose

*mechanism of action

*way of excretion

*name of the substitutes

*justification of prescription

*duration of action



*!Characteristic for salbutamol


*bronchodilator drug from the m-cholinoblockers group

*bronchodilator drugs from the beta-agonists group

*tocolytic effect

*cardiotonic action

*used only for preventing attacks of asphyxia

*used only for treatment of attacks of asphyxia



*!Pharmacological effects of ketotifen










*!As anti-inflammatory therapy in bronchial asthma use










*!Antibiotics with bactericidal type of action









*blockade of m3-cholinergic receptors

*stimulation of m3-cholinergic receptors

*stimulation of beta-2 adrenergic receptors

*blockade of beta-2-adrenergic receptors

*blockade of serotonin receptors

*stimulation of beta-1-adrenergic receptors



*!Basic principles of drug therapy of pulmonary edema


*reduction of pressure in the pulmonary circulation

*stimulation of the respiratory center

*eliminate foaming of transudate in the alveoli

*decreased urine output

*stimulation of the respiratory centre

*decrease work of heart


*Digestive system*1*29*3*


*!Enzyme preparation comprising components of bile


*magnesium trisilicate







*!Enzyme preparations









*!The pharmacological effect of oxaphenamide









*!Drugs used to treat cholelithiasis


*chenodeoxycholic acid

*tocopherol acetate






*!Drugs stimulating the formation of bile









*!Enzyme preparation containing no components of bile









*!M-cholinoblocker promoting the excretion of bile





*atropine sulfate

*ipratropium bromide



*!Choleretic containing bile acids











*stimulate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract

*suppress the motility of the gastrointestinal tract

*enhance the secretory function of the stomach and intestines

*reduce gastric secretory function

*stimulate the secretion and excretion of bile



*!Side effect of ranitidine












*atropine sulfate

*magnesium trisilicate


*folic acid



*!Side effects caused by aluminumcontaining antacids






*increased appetite



*! The pharmacological effects of almagel










*bismuth subcitrate

*acetylsalicylic acid

*adrenaline hydrochloride

*aluminum hydroxide

*tiotropium bromide



*!Bismuth subcitrate except gastroprotective action has the following effect









*!Anti-diarrheal drugs



*panzinorm forte






*!The laxative of plant origin









*!Hepatoprotectors containing natural or semi-synthetic Silybum flavonoids






*atropine sulfate



*!The drug used in the hypotonic biliary dyskinesia






*panzinorm forte



*!A drug acting on the large intestine









*!Anorectics influencing the catecholaminergic and serotonergic system









*!Antacids causing the obstipation



*papaverine hydrochloride

*ipratropium bromide

*aluminum hydroxide

*magnesium oxide



*!Secretion of the gastric juice is reduced by blockers of


*histamine H1 receptor

*histamine H2-receptor

*m-cholinergic receptors

*alpha-adrenergic receptors

*dopamine receptors



*!The drug of the group of histamine H2-receptor blockers









*!The drug from the group of gastroprotectants


*sodium bicarbonate







*!Antacid drug is









*!The drug used in vomiting









*!The proton pump inhibitors include









*!Synthetic antimicrobial drug used to eradicate Helicobacter pylori








*Digestive system*2*29*2*



*!Fluoroquinolones used for the prevention of septic complications of pancreatitis


*omeprazole, amoxycillin

*magnesium oxide, erythromycin

*ampicillin, gentamicin

*ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin

*bicillin 5, furazolidone



*!The mechanism of action of contrycal is associated with inhibition of


*synthesis of hydrochloric acid

*activity of proteolytic enzymes

*activity of phospholipase A2

*formation and excretion of bile

*synthesis of gastrin and cholecystokinin



*!For substitution therapy in chronic pancreatitis use


*metoclopramide, hepabene

*drotaverine, mezim forte

*essentiale, creon

*legalon, drotoverin




*!Combined product comprising pancreatic enzymes and bile components









*!Antifermental medication used in pancreatitis









*!In hypertonic biliary dyskinesia




*drotaverine, metacin

*ftalazol, ofloxacin




*!Semisynthetic antibiotic of macrolide group , has bacteriostatic effect against Helicobacter pylori









*!Highly effective antibiotics in acute cholecystitis are from the group of






*cyclic polypeptides



*!Chenodeoxycholic acid is used for the purpose


*improving disposal of fats in the intestine

*lowering serum cholesterol

*dissolution of cholesteric stones

*improving utilization of carbohydrates in the intestine

*lowering serum triglycerides



*!The mechanism of action of domperidone is associated with receptor blockade









*!To reduce the tone and motility of the intestine use


*misoprostol, lactulose

*drotaverine, pinaverium bromide

*loperamide, ipratropium bromide

*bisacodyl, papaverine hydrochloride

*senade, amoxicillin



*!The following drugs have strong antisecretory action


*H2 histamine receptor agonists

*proton pump blockers

*selective anticholinergics

*nonselective anticholinergics




*!For eradication therapy in peptic ulcer use


*famotidine, lansoprazole

*metronidazole, clarithromycin

*misoprostol, ranitidine

*atropine sulfate, amoxicillin

*furazolidone, magnesium trisilicate



*!Antimicrobial Drugs effective against Helicobacter pylori


*ampicillin, benzylpenicillin

*chloramphenicol, carbenicillin

*erythromycin, mercaptopurine

*clarithromycin, metronidazole




*!Reduces secretion by blocking the H , K - ATPase in the parietal cells of the stomach


*cimetidine, pirenzepine

*lansoprazole, famotidine

*aluminum hydroxide, festal

*rabeprozol omeprazole

*sucralfate, cimetidine



*!Antisecretory mechanism of action of pirenzepine is caused by inhibition


*H2-receptors of parietal cells of the stomach

*H1-histamine receptors of parietal cells of the stomach

*M1-cholinergic receptors of parietal cells of the stomach

*activity of proton pump and synthesis of pepsin

*the stability of the gastric mucosa



*!Drugs that inhibit the production of hydrochloric acid in the parietal cells by blocking the H2 - histamine receptors


*atropine, pirenzepine

*ranitidine, famotidine

*aluminum hydroxide, senade

*omeprazole, ranitidine

*nizatidinee, misoprostol



*!The mechanism of action of omeprazole is due to


*blockade of histamine H2 receptor in stomach

*neutralization of hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice

*selective blockade of M1-cholinergic receptors of the stomach

*inhibition of membrane H -K -ATPase in gastric parietal cells

*ganglion blocking action on the parasympathetic ganglia



*!Antacids neutralizing gastric juice without the formation of carbon dioxide


*cimetidine, bisacodyl

*pirenzepine, papaverine hydrochloride

*aluminum hydroxide, magnesium oxide,

*maalox, sodium bicarbonate

*ranitidine, famotidine



*!Antibiotics that penetrate into the bile in very high concentrations


*chloramphenicol, pirenzepin

*ftalazol, omeprazole

*ampicillin, erythromycin

*ciprofloxacin, ranitidine

*aluminum hydroxide, nizatidine



*!Drugs used in the syndrome of intestinal dyspepsia


*lactulose, hylak forte


*magnesium sulfate, ranititdin

*linex, misoprostol

*loperamide, omeprazole



*!The presence of D-sorbitol in almagel provides


*increase in bile secretion and laxative effect

*neutralizes the acidity of gastric juice, inhibits the secretion of pepsin

*reduces intestinal motility and eliminates pain in the gut

*increases bile production and has hepatoprotective effect

*decreases the secretion of gastric juice and pepsinogen



*!The mechanism of action of bismuth tripotassium dicitrate


*increases the secretion of gastric glands

*forms a protective film in the stomach

*excites the H1-histamine receptors

*inhibits the H2 histamine receptors

*blocks M-cholinergic receptors



*!Loperamide decreases intestinal motility, because stimulates receptors









*!The mechanism of action of pirenzepine is due to preferential blockade


*m2-cholinergic receptors

*m3-cholinergic receptors


*M1-cholinergic receptors

*M1, m2, m3 - cholinergic receptors



*!The feature of action of omeprazole in peptic ulcer is


*suppression of the activity of Helicobacterpylorі

*ensuring mechanical protection of the ulcerous surface

*neutralization of hydrochloric acid

*the secretion of hydrochloric acid

*decreased secretion of gastrin



*!The main effect of sodium bicarbonate


*neutralizes hydrochloric acid to form CO2

*increases secretion of hydrochloric acid

*increases intestinal motility

*promotes the formation of mucus in the stomach

*forms a protective layer on the ulcer surface



*!Mechanism of action of omeprazole is the inhibition of


*H, K- ATPase

*Na, K- ATPase






*!Antacid for neutralizing the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice with the formation of carbon dioxide is


*magnesium oxide

*magnesium trisilicate

*aluminum hydroxide


*sodium bicarbonate


*Digestive system*4*14*1*


*!Medicines,increases the resistance of gastric mucosa to damaging factors










*!In chronic cholecystitis the following antibiotics from the semisynthetic penicillins group are used










*!For pharmacotherapy of acute viral hepatitis use












*magnesium oxide

*magnesium sulfate

*aluminum hydroxide

*adrenaline hydrochloride

*aminocaproic acid

*hydrochloric acid



*!Drugs in intestinal dyspepsia










*!Pharmacological effects of metoclopramide










*!In gastritis with hyperacidity use


*H1-receptor agonists

*H2-receptor blockers








*!Histamine H2-receptor blockers used in


*gastric ulcer

*hypoacid gastritis

*hyperacid gastritis

*gastroesophageal reflux





*!Indications for use of omeprazole


*peptic ulcer

*atony of stomach

*Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

*viral hepatitis

*hypoacid gastritis

*chronic pancreatitis



*!For the systematic treatment of chronic constipation use


*senna preparations


*magnesium sulfate






*!Drugs used in ulcer disease










*!Drugs used in dysbacteriosis







*hylak forte





*intestinal atony

*paralysis of skeletal muscles

*bronchial asthma



*angina pectoris









*sodium bicarbonate

*carbonated mineral water


*Urogenital system*1*28*2*


*!Side effect of spironolactone









*!Diuretics acting on the initial portion of the distal tubule


*calcium gluconate







*!Aldosterone antagonist is









*!Potassium, magnesium sparing diuretics









*!Diuretic acting throughout the renal tubule









*!The main localization of action of furosemide


*ascending part of the loop of Henle

*distal renal tubule

*the proximal tubules of the kidneys

*collecting tubes of the kidneys

*throughout tubules



*!Macrolide antibiotic used in infectious diseases of the genitourinary system








*!Uroantiseptic of nitrofurans group









*!The 8-hydroxyquinoline derivative









*!Quinolone used for infections of the urinary tract


*testosterone propionate

*sodium bicarbonate

*nalidixic acid


*ethacrynic acid



*!The preparation of female sex hormones of steroid structure









*!The drug with antigonadotropic action









*!The drug with estrogen-like activity


*ethacrynic acid


*follitropin alfa





*!Alkylating cytostatic agent that is used in pathologies of the urinary system









*!Angiotensin II receptors blocker used in glomerulonephritis









*!The pharmacological effects of prazosin









*!For pulse therapy in chronic glomerulonephritis is used








*!Antiazotemic herbal drugs used in chronic renal failure









*!The drug used to treat osteoporosis in chronic renal failure


*calcium carbonate







*!The preparation improves microcirculation in chronic renal failure









*!The pharmacological effects of methotrexate









*!The drug inhibiting formation of urinary calculi




*Uralyt U





*!The drug used in urolithiasis









*!Urolithiasis caused by uric acid stones is treated



*epoetin beta






*!Combined sulfanilamide drug, used in infections of the genitourinary system









*!Fibrinolytic agent used in glomerulonephritis








*!Oral contraceptive








*!Diuretic drugs include








*Urogenital system*2*28*2*


*!The antibacterial drug used enterally in infectious diseases of the urinary system


*menopausal gonadotropin


*testosterone propionate

*sodium bicarbonate

*aminocaproic acid



*!Pharmacological effects of roxithromycin


*anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory

*antiallergic, cardioprotective

*angioprotective, immunostimulatory

*beta-adrenoceptor blocking, antiviral

*antimicrobial, alpha-adrenoceptor blocking



*!Drugs used in urinary tract infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa


*ethacrynic acid, furagin

*nalidixic acid, sorbitol

*ciprofloxacin, ceftazidime

*cyclophosphamide, pemfloksatsin

*carbenicillin, alfacalcidol



*!Drugs, used in chronic pyelonephritis as etiological treatment


*cytostatics, anticoagulants

*nitrofurans, antiplatelet drugs

*immunosuppressants, xanthines

*diuretics, glucocorticoids

*antibiotics, fluoroquinolones



*!Diuretics, which have a direct effect on the function of the epithelium of renal tubule


*amoxicillin, cystenalum

*spironolactone, magurlit

*triamterene, furosemide

*indapamide, dexamethasone

* lespenefril, methotrexate



*!The mechanism of action of indapamide


*increases the osmotic pressure within the tubules

*reduces the reabsorption of sodium, chlorine ions

*competitively inhibits the action of aldosterone

*enhances tarnsport chlorine and potassium in the tubules

*blocks the secretion of sodium, magnesium and calcium



*!Potassium-sparing mechanism of action spironolactone is associated with


*an increase in reabsorption potassium and bicarbonates

*a decrease in reabsorption potassium and calcium

*increased secretion of potassium ions and chlorine

*decrease secretion of potassium and magnesium ions

*gain filtering of ions in the glomeruli of the kidneys



*!Pharmacological effects of indapamide


*diuretic, hypotensive

*cytostatic, hemostatic

*antiviral, coagulant

*anti-arrhythmic, agregantny

*antispasmodic, hypertensive



*!The mechanism of diuretic action of spironolactone


*reduction in sodium transport in the collecting tubes

*suppression of sodium transport distal tubule

*strengthening reabsorption of magnesium proximal tubule

*blocking of active transport of sodium in the loop of Henle

*the inhibition of actions of aldosterone on ion exchange



*!Diuretics affecting the ascending loop of Henle


*warfarin, sodium bicarbonate

*fosinopril, pipemidic acid

*indapamide, nalidixic acid

*hydrochlorothiazide, propranolol

*ethacrynic acid, furosemide



*!The drug which has antigonadotropic, antiandrogenic, antiestrogenic effects









*!Indications for use of follitropin alfa









*!The hormonal drug used in the weakening of gonadal function


*testosterone propionate

*estradiol dipropionate

*menopausal gonadotropin


*triiodothyronine hydrochloride



*!For the pathogenetic therapy of chronic glomerulonephritis use



*carbapenems, immunostimulants

*penicillins, immunosuppressants

*aminoglycosides, cephalosporins

*quinolones, steroids



*!In hypertensive form of glomerulonephritis use


*stimulants of alpha-adrenergic receptors of vessels

*inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme

*blockers of parasympathetic and sympathetic ganglia

*activators of slow calcium channel of the vessels

*blockers of the beta-adrenergic receptors of the heart and blood vessels



*!Triple therapy of chronic glomerulonephritis includes the following drugs


*prednisone dipyridamole heparin

*cephalexin azathioprine furosemide

*gentamicin ceftazidime ofloxacin

*dexamethasone chlorbutin azathioprine

*furadonin azathioprine dipyridamole



*!The drug used for pulse therapy of glomerulonephritis





*follitropin alfa




*!Drugs used in anemia associated with renal failure


*furosemide, alfacalcidol

*lespenefril, spironolactone

*epoetin alfa, epoetin beta

*rheopolyglukin, calcitonin

*dipiridomol, amoxicillin



*!For the pharmacotherapy of hypertension in patients with kidney disease use


*metoprolol, cefaclor

*triamterene, amikacin


*bisoprolol, warfarin

*losartan, buserelin



*!Preparations used in osteoporosis occuring in renal insufficiency


*hydrochlorothiazide, cyclophosphamide

*alfacalcidol, ergocalciferol

*carbenicillin, methylprednisolone

*follitropin alfa, amoxicillin

*dexamethasone, ethacrynic acid



*!The mechanism of antihypertensive action of valsartan


*increase excretion of sodium ions and water

*inhibition of formation of angiotensin

*blocking of angiotensin II receptors

*stimulating of adrenergic receptors of the heart

*activation of calcium channel of vessels



*!Drugs used in urolithiasis









*!The drug is used for loosening urinary stones and alleviates their urinary excretion









*!Indications for use of solurane


*chronic pyelocystitis

*renal failure

*acute glomerulonephritis

*chronic pyelonephritis




*!A side effect of fluoroquinolones


*muscular twitching



*the disruption of the formation of cartilage




*!Antibacterial remedy for the treatment of urinary tract infections









*!The mechanism of action of ciprofloxacin


*violation of permeability of cytoplasmic membrane

*violation of intracellular protein synthesis

*inhibition of topoisomerase

*violation of the synthesis of mycolic acids

*blocking of sulfhydryl enzymes



!*In the treatment of pyelonephritis which uroseptic is used







*Urogenital system *4*14*1*



*!Antibiotics used in infectious diseases of the genitourinary system










*!Synthetic antibacterial drugs used in infectious diseases of the urinary system










*!Characteristic for furagin


*derivative of 8-hydroxyquinoline

*derivative of nitrofuran

*inhibits topoisomerase, resulting in nviolation of protein synthesis

*forms a complex with nucleic acids and blockes their actions

*used in infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa

*side effect - ulcerogenic action



*!Characteristic for indapamide



*immunosuppressive agent

*has an antibacterial effect

*has vasodilator effect

*is used as anti-inflammatory agent

*side effect – chondrotoxicity













*!Side effects of furosemide


*respiratory depression


*hearing loss

*decreased vision





*!In glomerulonephritis use drugs from the following antihypertensive drug groups


*anticoagulants with indirect action

*angiotensin receptor blockers

*heart beta-adrenoceptor stimulants

*inhibitors of slow calcium channels

*activators of potassium channels of heart

*activators of angiotensin-converting enzyme



*!Medicinal products used for dissolution and prevention of recurrent stone formation










*!Medicines used in chronic renal failure


*hepatoprotective agent


* antiazotemic

* hypoglycemic drugs

*coagulants with direct type of action

*antimicrobial drugs



*!Cytostatics used in glomerulonephritis










*!Antihypertensive drugs from angiotensin receptor blockers group










*!Pharmacological effects of testosterone propionate
























*nalidixic acid





*Musculoskeletal system*1*24*1*


*!Basic drugs for joints syndrome









*!Inhibitors of cyclooxygenase



*papaverine hydrochloride



*diclofenac sodium



*!The pharmacological effect of cchingamin besides immunosuppressive effect








*!The pharmacological effects of sulfasalazine









*!The pharmacological effects of celecoxib









*!In comparison with indomethacin acetylsalicylic acid has more pronounced effect









*!Among glucocorticoids which one most frequently promotes development of myopathies









*!The drug is used in the D hypervitaminosis




*diclofenac sodium




*!Medications that suppress bone resorption




*preparations a fluorine


*preparations of potassium



*!Medicinal products that promote bone formation and suppress the bone resorption


*non-narcotic analgesics



*preparations of calcium




*!Derivatives of indoleacetic acid, used in joints syndrome





*diclofenac sodium













*!The drugs of choice in postmenopausal osteoporosis

*preparations of fluorine

*preparations of potassium






*!Preparation of vitamin D used to treat osteoporosis, osteomalacia


*chondroitin sulfate







*!Inhibition of cartilage tissue development in children is caused by









*!The pharmacological effect of cchingamin









*!Alfacalcidol refers to


*serotonin receptor agonist

*active metabolite of vitamin D

*products of animal of origin

*anabolic steroids




*!Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs









*!Cytostatic used in the collagenoses
















