Back-up power supply fault
Reserved power abort tat means reserved power in the controller is lower than 19.2V,reserved power opened wire, reserved power is no chargethe controller indicates reserved power abortreserved power abort indicator flashes.
Menu operation function
Under monitor stateaccording to menu button display input password:
After inputted password is correct, enter main menu, otherwise, be back to monitor state.
There are seven menu options in main menuthese include “Device information”“Register information”“Event record”“Adjust time”“Associated setup”“System setup”“Exit”
According to or press to your need informationAccording to enter function listing.
Device information
“Device information” function is look at each device’s detailed information, which include registered analogue value, current analogue value (smoke value and temperature value), device type, status (whether isolated or not) and remark information.
“Device No. :001”express current querying No.001 device
“Base Value: 028”express this device registered value is 028
“Current Value: 028/003”express this device current smoke value 028heat value is 003
“Type: smoke detector”express this device type is smoke detector
“Status: normal”express this device currently works normally. If in “isolated”,it expresses this device has been isolated and it cannot alarm
“Memo:room1” express this device’s annotation, that is to say, this device’s installation location is in “room1”
Push down or plus one or minus one to change current device number
Push downor plus ten or minus ten to change current device number
Push down (self-test) to change device condition;
Push down (silence) to return;
Push down menu key (middle key in below small box) and one sub-menu will appear. This sub-menu has three items“edit memo”“copy memo”“return”
push down corresponding digital key to enter relevant function
“Edit Memo”is one text edition interface. It’s function mainly is input device installation location, that is remark, in order to show its accurate alarm lication.
push down (self-test) switch input method
push down (silence) delete current cursor location character
push down menu key( middle key in below small box) to store modification and return
“Copy Memo” is copy current device remark to other device
push down (self-test)to start copy
push down (silence) to return
Register information
“Register information” function is check registered external device numbers
Press or check details’ listingPress return main menu
Event Record
“Event Record” is query historic alarm records, which include: FireFaultMonitorAssociatePower-OnPower-OffResetAC FaultDC Fault Manual StatusAuto Status, etc.
The latest record will be first shown.
Push down or to query above or next record. Push down (silence) to return main menu.
Push down to print(when ancillary device is installed) events record.
Adjust Time
“Adjust Time” is set up date and time in the system
Push down or to move cursor
Push down digital key to change time value
Push down (self-test) to store date and time modification and start to use new date and time.
Push down (silence) to give up modification and directly return main menu.
Associated Setup
“Associated Setup” is automatic associated/linkage operation after the fire alarm happens. The control panel will make a judge from alarm information and start or close relevant devices based on linkage operation programmed logic relationship ( in manual operation condition, all linkage operation dependency relationship is not valid). It has five menu items, which include :“OR1 Logic Setup”“OR2 Logic Setup”“AND Logic Setup”“Pulse Mode Setup”and “Exit”
Push down corresponding digital key to enter relevant function.
OR1 Logic Setup
“OR1 Logic Setup”: if any one detector in one detectors group alarms, it will initiate or close corresponding device.
now we use above chart example to explain all data meaning in “OR1 Logic Setup” programming. That is: set up any one detector (from No.001 to No.003) to alarm within
“Activate source”rangeit will activate remote control modules(from No.011 to No.012) within “Activate object”date range. Top right corner “000”express current one is No.00 item (one item per page).
Push down digital key to edit various data items. Push downor to move cursorpush down or to edit or query above or next item(page) data. After the setup is completed, input end item, that is, set up this page’s first data item as “0”Push down (silence) to return associated/linkage operation programming menu.
OR2 Logic Setup
“OR2 Logic Setup”: if any two detectors alarm in one detectors group, it will start or close relevant devices.
Chart example and setup method is referred to “OR1 Logic Setup”
AND Logic Setup
“AND Logic Setup”: if any one detector in one group and any one detector in another group alarm simultaneously, it will start or close relevant devices.
Now we use above chart example to explain various data meaning in AND logic programming, that is: any one detector (from No.001 to No.003) set up within “Activate source1”data item range and any one detector (from No.006 to No.009) set up within “Activate source2” data item range alarm simultaneously, it will activate the remote control module(from No.015 to No.016) set up in “Activate object” data item range. Top right corner “000” express current item is No.00 item(each item per page).
This page’s other operation is referred to “OR1 Logic Setup” section.
Pulse Mode Module
“Pulse Mode module” expresses remote control module activation is point activated method, that is, after the module is closed and two seconds delay, it will be broken up once again.
For example, in above figure, the control modules from No.021 to No.023 has been set up into point activation mode.
This page’s other operation is referred to “OR1 Logic Setup” section.
System Setup
In this sub-menu, you can set up and decide whether the printer need to print the information on real-time base and the control panel need to monitor main power supply and back-up power supply, etc.
Push down or to move cursor to next or above item.
Push down (self-check) to change item status.
Push down digital key to edit item content.
Push down (silence) to store setup and return main menu.
If we set up the printer into non-workable status, the printer will not print out real-time information when there is fire alarm, fault, associated operation and monitoring signal input. But this setup will not influent printing operation in
“Event Record”.
It expresses to return monitoring condition. In any interface in main menu, you can directly push down to return monitoring condition.
System self-check
System self-check: check system’s display LCD, condition indication LEDs and alarm sounders. In polling condition, push down (self-check) to enter this function
during self-check process, all status LEDs in the front face of the panel will flash, the sounder will send out ambulance car sounder, printer ( if the ancillary device has been installed) will print out “Fire Alarm Panel”After self-check is completed, it will return to monitoring condition.
Lock key/Unlock
To avoid non-operator’s non-proper operation, this control panel has lock key function. In monitoring condition, push down lock key( fourth key start from left to right in small box in the panel)button to enter this function.
Input lock password. If it is correct, lock key LED will flash. If the key is locked, it cannot do other operation besides silence and unlock operation. If you want to unlock the key, please push down lock key button, it will show “Keyboard Unlock” in the LCD display interface.
Automatic/Manual switch
If the system is not monitored by the operator, we can set up the fire alarm control panel into automatic status, that is: when there is fire alarm, the control panel can open or close relevant external devices based on pre-set associated operation logic relationship and it does not need manual interference. When we open the fire alarm control panel, it is in manual condition. In this condition, all associated logic relationships are not valid. That is, associated device cannot be automatically closed based on fire alarm. In monitoring condition, push down “manual/automatic” switch button (the fourth key from left to right in the small box of the panel) to enter this function.
The same as lock key operation procedure, input switch password. If it is correct, the system will be switched from automatic condition to manual condition. Or vice versa, corresponding “manual/automatic” LED in the panel will be illuminated in manual condition.
Associated control
Except that we can use associated logic relationship to active the devices in automatic condition, we also can use system provided “ Associate Operate” function to open or close the devices. For example, for some kind of requirement, you want to some one ventilation fan in third floor, and the remote control module number is No.008 which controls this ventilation fan, you can do following operation:
In polling condition, push down key to enter associated function
Push down digital key to input remote control module number 008
Other push-key operation will have indication in the LCD.
Repair and Maintenance
² Open the machine and it does not implement self-check function, the panel does not have any response
please check main power supply and back-up power supply to see whether they are in normal condition. After check and repair, please open the machine once again.
² After the machine is open, LCD display mixed codes(cannot be read)
character library piece or program slice is broken or it is not plugged tightly. Please change or plug the microprocessor once again and the issue will be solved.
² After the machine is open, control panel LEDs and sounder self-check are normal, but the LCD does not have back light and display
The reason is that LCD contrast degree is too small. Therefore, we cannot see any display content. Please adjust main board’s contrast degree potentiometer and the issue will be solved.
² After the machine is open, LCD always displays “system initialization, please wait”
This expresses that the serial EEPROM microprocessor is broken, the control panel always fetch the data. Please change the microprocessor and the issue will be solved.
² The devices cannot be registered
Possible reason is that we set up non-proper “device type” in the system management. 5i series bus device should be set up into “intelligent” condition.
² Device registration is not complete
Possible reason is that device address exceeds the system capacity. For example, if the system capacity is 32 points, then the device address which exceeds 32 points cannot be registered.
² Fire alarm control panel should have good ground connecting protection. In the control panel, there should be have earth-connecting sign. The earth connection requirement should follow the stipulation in GBJ116-88 “automatic fire alarm system design code” 4th section.
² Fire alarm control panel is specific fire protection device. The system owner need to appoint one full-time person to manage and maintain and check its function on regular time and make written record. If the system is in fault condition, please ask professional person or contact original manufacturer to repair it.
² When the main power source is cut off and the system uses back-up battery power source, if the control panel sends out back-up battery power fault alarm signal, it expresses the back-up battery voltage is too low. In this time, we need to take other offset measures to avoid battery damage caused by back-up battery unrestrained discharge.
Our Service
The control panel operator must be trained by our company. For some basic maintenance work, the persons who have been trained can deal with. But during the operation, if you meet some abnormal situation which you are not familiar with, please call us and our technical engineers will make relevant answers for you. Or, we can dispatch our persons to your site system to make service(based on China market).
Also you can visit our company website ( to understand our company development and read any document you are interested in.
Special notes
Wuxi Brightsky Electronic Co., Ltd follows continuous development strategy. So we keep the rights to modify our current product ranges and technical specification which does not need to inform our customers in advance.