Urinary Tract Complications.

***) The likely organism to cause urinary tract infection in pregnancy is:

Group B streptococcus

Klebsiella pneumonia

Chlamydia trachomatis

Proteus species

Escherichia coli


Answer: E* Escherichia coli


***) Asymptomatic bacteriuria means one of the following:

Urine contains more than 1,000 organisms per milliliter

Urine contains more than 2,000 organisms per milliliter

Urine contains more than 5,000 organisms per milliliter

Urine contains more than 10,000 organisms per milliliter

Urine contains more than 100,000 organisms per milliliter


Answer: E* Urine contains more than 100,000 organisms per milliliter


***) Regarding acute pyelonephritis with pregnancy, all the following are true except:

Right kidney is more affected than the left

Temperature is usually over 39°C

Antibiotic should be started before bacteriological results are available

The incidence of pre-term labor is increased

Intravenous pyelography IVP should be done promptly


Answer: E* Intravenous pyelography IVP should be done promptly


***) In acute pyelonephritis during pregnancy the most common causative organism is:







Answer: C* E.Coli


***) The following encourage pyelitis in pregnancy, except:

Urinary stasis

Abnormalities of the renal tract



Diabetes mellitus


Answer: D* Dehydration


***) Management of acute pyelonephritis during pregnancy includes all of the following, except:

Admission to the hospital

IV fluids


Intravenous pyelogram (IVP) following delivery

Induction of labor


Answer: E* Induction of labor


***) Pregnant patients with chronic renal disease have an increased of all of the following, except:




Intrauterine growth retardation



Answer: E* Postmaturity


***) All of the following may cause proteinuria during pregnancy, except:

A result of contamination

Urinary tract infection


Cardiac disease in pregnancy

Varicose veins in pregnancy


Answer: E* Varicose veins in pregnancy


***) All of the following complications of urinary tract may occur during pregnancy, except:

Asymptomatic bacteriuria

Ureteric colic

Lower urinary tract infection is uncommon

Hematuria due to varicose veins in the bladder (hemangioma)

Acute urine retention


Answer: C* Lower urinary tract infection is uncommon


***) Urinary estriol during pregnancy is mainly derived from:

Fetal kidneys

Maternal kidneys

Fetal adrenals

Maternal adrenals

Maternal liver


Answer: C* Fetal adrenals


***) An appropriate choice of antibiotics therapy for urinary tract infection in 15 weeks pregnant is:







Answer: D* Nitrofurantoin


Infections in Pregnancy.

***) Treponemapallidum is the cause for one of the following venereal diseases:





Granuloma inguinalis


Answer: D* Syphilis


***) Transplacental transmission occurs in which of the following:







Answer: B* Syphilis


***) All of the following statements concerning congenital rubella infection are true, except:

Most congenital infection occur during the first 8 weeks of pregnancy

Congenital infection includes congenital cataract, patent ductusarteriosus and congenital deafness

If contracted during the last trimester it will lead to intrauterine growth retardation

Gamma globulin given to the mother offers protection against fetal damage

Congenital infection can lead to fetal death or prematurity


Answer: D* Gamma globulin given to the mother offers protection against fetal damage


***) The effects of rubella on the fetus include the following, except:



Hutchinson teeth

Intrauterine growth retardation



Answer: C*Hutchinson teeth


***) One of the following viral diseases may cause cataract, deafness and heart lesion of newborn:



Coxsackie virus

Cytomegalic inclusion bodies

Herpes zoster


Answer: B* Rubella


***) In a patient exposed to rubella infection in early pregnancy the proper management is:

To give rubella vaccine

To advise the patient to have immediate termination

To give immunoglobulin and assure the patient

To do rubella titreIgG, IgM and repeat after two weeks

To ignore patient's complaint


Answer: D* To do rubella titreIgG, IgM and repeat after two weeks


***) A patient has been discharged following normal delivery, discharge counseling and would include one of the following:

No driving for 4 weeks

No coitus for 6 weeks

Return to work only after 6 weeks

Rubella immunization for non-immune patients

No place for breast feeding in the puerperium


Answer: D* Rubella immunization for non-immune patients


Deep Vein Thrombosis.

***) In venous thrombosis, all the following are true except:

Less common antenatally than in puerperium

Require treatment with warfarin at all stages of pregnancy

Is uncommon diagnosis during pregnancy

Is frequently asymptomatic

Is more dangerous antenatally than postnatal


Answer: B* Require treatment with warfarin at all stages of pregnancy


***) The treatment of choice of deep vein thrombosis during pregnancy is:


Bed rest and crepe bandage


Oral anticoagulants



Answer: E* Heparin