Abnormalities of the Placenta.

***) Placental abnormality characterized by an accessory lobe is termed:

Placenta membranacea

Placenta circumvallate

Placenta succenturiata

Placenta fenestrata

Placenta increta


Answer: C* Placenta succenturiata


***) One of the following is true concerning placenta succenturiata:

The placenta is surrounded by a fibrous ring

The placenta contains fenestration in its center

The placenta is connected to an accessory lobe by a small vessels and membrane

The chorionic plate is surrounded by a membranous structure

The placenta is horse-shaped in appearance


Answer: C* The placenta is connected to an accessory lobe by a small vessels and membrane


***) One of the following is true concerning a battledore placenta:

The umbilical cord is attached to its central part

The umbilical cord is attached to the central membranes

The umbilical cord is attached to the margin of the placenta

The umbilical cord is attached to an accessory lobe of the placenta

The umbilical cord is attached to two lobes of placenta


Answer: C* The umbilical cord is attached to the margin of the placenta


***) All of the following are common causes of placental insufficiency, except:

Prolonged hypertension disease in pregnancy


Chronic renal disease

Severe anemia

Prolonged pregnancy


Answer: B* Obesity


***) Placental insufficiency is caused by the following, except:

Smoking in pregnancy

Dieting in pregnancy

Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy

Post maturity

Multiple pregnancy


Answer: B* Dieting in pregnancy


***) All of the following are causes of large placenta, except:

Multiple pregnancy

Chronic renal disease


Diabetes mellitus



Answer: B* Chronic renal disease


Placenta Previa.

***) In placenta previa all of the following statements are true, except:

Causes painless vaginal bleeding

Vaginal examination is contraindicated

Is managed by caesarian section if covering the cervical os

Presents with a woody hard uterus

Predisposes to postpartum hemorrhage


Answer: D* Presents with a woody hard uterus


***) All of the following are commonly associated with placenta previa, except:

Sudden onset of fresh bleeding

Abnormal presentation

Unengaged head

Absence of fetal heart

Soft abdomen


Answer: D* Absence of fetal heart


***) Vaginal examination is contraindicated in one of the following situations during pregnancy:

Carcinoma of the cervix


Prolapsed cord

Placenta previa

Active labor


Answer: D* Placenta previa


Abruptio Placenta.

***) Concerning abruptio placenta, all the following are true except:

It is a premature separation of normally implanted placenta

The uterus is tender

In severe cases a central venous pressure line should be inserted

The vaginal bleeding is painless

The management of choice is termination of pregnancy


Answer: D* The vaginal bleeding is painless


***) Abruptio placenta can be secondary to all of the following, except:

Hypertensive disorders

Following delivery of first twin

In severe car accident

After rupture of membrane in oligohydramnios

External cephalic version


Answer: D* After rupture of membrane in oligohydramnios


***) In abruptio placenta, all of the following may occur, except:


Vaginal bleeding

Uterine tenderness


Fetal distress


Answer: C* Uterine tenderness


***) The most common complication of abruptio placenta is:

Hepatic failure

Heart failure

Post partum hemorrhage

Adrenal failure

Cerebral edema


Answer: C* Post partum hemorrhage


***) The following are complications of placental abruption, except:

Renal cortical necrosis



DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy)

Intrauterine growth retardation


Answer: B* Eclampsia


***) The most consistent factor predisposing to abruption placenta is:

Maternal hypertension


Uterine decompression

Maternal parity

Maternal age


Answer: A* Maternal hypertension


***) Treatment for severe placental abruption at term with 3cm dilated cervix is:


Blood transfusion

Steroid therapy for fetal lung maturity

Tocolytic therapy

Urgent CS


Answer: E* Urgent CS


Placental Tumors.

***) Choriocarcinoma is a primary tumor of:


Undifferentiated gonadal cells





Answer: D* Trophoblast


***) Choriocarcinoma may result from all of the following, except:

Hydatidiform mole


Term pregnancies

Ectopic pregnancies



Answer: B* Endometriosis


***) The following are clinical features of choriocarcinoma, except:

Irregular vaginal bleeding after pregnancy

Metastases may present as lumps in the vagina

Choriocarcinoma is self-limited disease

May cause intraperitoneal hemorrhage

May cause amenorrhea


Answer: C* Choriocarcinoma is self-limited disease


***) Choriocarcinoma is treated by:







Answer: B* Chemotherapy