Malpresentation and Malposition.

***) The transverse lie in multipara at term in labor best treated by:

External version

Internal version and extraction

Pitocin induction

Cesarean section

Internal version, than oxytocin induction


Answer: D* Cesarean section


***) One of the following is absolute indication for cesarean section:

Brow presentation

Anterior face presentation

Occipito-posterior position

Right occipital presentation

Transverse arrest of the head


Answer: A* Brow presentation


***) In case of face presentation during labor, all of the following are felt on vaginal examination, except:




Anterior fontanel

Orbital ridge


Answer: D* Anterior fontanel


***) The most common cause of breech presentation is:


Placenta previa



Multiple pregnancy (twin gestation)


Answer: C* Prematurity


***) Breech presentation is associated with the following, except:







Answer: E* Postmaturity


***) Breech presentation diagnosed antenatally at 37 weeks gestation, is best managed by:

Cesarean section

External cephalic version

X-ray maturity

Ultrasonography and observation

Oxytocin infusion of lower femoral epiphysis are seen by X-ray


Answer: B* External cephalic version


***) Non-engagement of the fetal head in the second stage of labor is due to all of the following, except:

Mal position


Contracted pelvis

Compound presentation



Answer: E* Anencephaly


***) A high head at term could be due to the following except:

Wrong dates

Cephalopelvic disproportion

Placental abruption

An occipito-posterior position

Placenta previa


Answer: C* Placental abruption


***) In face presentation with head not engaged in mento-posterior position the ideal treatment is:

Forceps delivery as mento-posterior

Forceps rotation to mento-anterior then forceps delivery

Vacuum delivery

Cesarean section

Internal podalic version and breech extraction


Answer: D* Cesarean section


Labor and Delivery OB35-OB38.


Labor and Cervical changes.

***) False labor pains as compared to true labor pains are characterized by all of the following, except:

Contractions occur at irregular intervals

There is demonstrable progressive dilatation of the cervix

They are not intensified by walking

Located chiefly in lower abdomen

Short duration


Answer: B* There is demonstrable progressive dilatation of the cervix


***) Progress of labor is assessed by one of the following criteria:

Frequency of uterine contractions

Intensity of uterine contractions

Softening of the cervix

Effacement of the cervix

Dilatation of cervix


Answer: E* Dilatation of cervix


Labor Stages.

***) All of the following are signs of placental separation in third stage of labor, except:

Appearance of contraction ring

Uterus becomes globular, firm and ballotable

Sudden gush of blood

Rise of uterine fundus

Elongation of the cord


Answer: A* Appearance of contraction ring


***) The third stage of labor follows one of the following:

Rupture of the membranes

Full dilatation of the cervix

Delivery of the fetal head

Delivery of the fetus

Delivery of the placenta


Answer: E* Delivery of the placenta


Obstetric Anesthesia.

***) All the following types of analgesia are used during first stage of labor, except:


Epidural analgesia

Cervical block

Pudendal block analgesia

Inhalation analgesia


Answer: D* Pudendal block analgesia


***) All of the following are indications of epidural anesthesia, except:

Ante-partum hemorrhage

Heart disease

Pulmonary disorders

Premature delivery



Answer: B* Heart disease