Fetal Monitoring in Labor.

***) The normal fetal heart rate in labor is:

80-100 beats per minute

100-120 beats per minute

120-160 beats per minute

160-180 beats per minute

180-200 beats per minute


Answer: C*120-160 beats per minute


***) The most dangerous sign of imminent fetal death during fetal heart monitoring is:

Early deceleration

Variable deceleration

Loss of beat to beat variability

Late deceleration

Fetal tachycardia


Answer: D* Late deceleration


***) All of the following may cause fetal hypoxia, except:

Maternal hypotension

Subserous fibroid

Uterine hyperactivity

Occlusion of umbilical cord

Placental insufficiency


Answer: B* Subserous fibroid


Induction of Labor.

***) The following may be used safely to accelerate labor, except:

Intravenous oxytocin



Rupture of membranes

Stimulation of the nipples


Answer: B* Ergometrine


Complications & Risks of Delivery OB40-OB49.


Preterm Labor PTL.

***) All of the following may cause premature delivery, except:

Abruptio placenta

Chronic hypertensive vascular disease

Placenta previa




Answer: D* Oligohydramnios


***) All of the following have been associated with an increased risk of preterm delivery except:

Placenta previa


Hyperemesis gravidarum

First-trimester bleeding

Multiple gestation


Answer: B* Oligohydramnios


Premature Rupture of Membranes PROM.

***) The following tests can be used for the diagnosis of premature rupture of membranes, except:

Nitrazine test

Ferning test

Schiller's test

Nile blue sulfate

Evans blue test


Answer: C* Schiller's test


???) Premature ruptures of membranes risks include the following except:

Premature labor

Cord prolapse

Fetal pneumonia

Placental abruption

Maternal septicemia


Answer: D* Placental abruption


Prolonged Pregnancy (Postmaturity).

***) A patient presented in labor claiming to be at 43 week gestation.Which of the following neonatal findings would support the diagnosis of a post-mature infant:


Increase in subcutaneous fat

Long fingernails


Fusion of fetal eye lids


Answer: C* Long fingernails


Umbilical Cord Prolapse.

***) Prolapsed umbilical cord may occur in all of the following, except:


Transverse lie

Placenta previacentralis

Breech presentation



Answer: C* Placenta previacentralis


***) Pulsating cord prolapse at 4 cm cervical dilatation is best managed by:

Augmentation of labor by oxytocin drip

Vacuum extraction

By giving prostaglandin vaginal tablets

By putting the patient in knee chest position and wait for vaginal delivery

Cesarean section


Answer: E* Cesarean section


Uterine Rupture.

***) The commonest predisposing factor of rupture of uterus is:

Previous CS

Use of syntocinon (Oxytocin) non properly

Forceps delivery

Internal cephalic version

Vacuum extraction


Answer: A* Previous CS


***) Uterine rupture may be associated with all of the following except:


Previous cesarean section


Administration of oxytocin or prostaglandins

Difficult forceps delivery or intrauterine manipulation


Answer: A* Amniocentesis


***) The most constant early symptom in uterine rupture during labor is:




Vaginal bleeding

Cessation of contractions


Answer: C* Pain


***) The first sign of rupture uterus is:

Abdominal pain

Tender scan

Unexplained tachycardia

Fetal distress

Vaginal bleeding


Answer: A* Abdominal pain


Operative Obstetrics OB49-OB51.


Operative Vaginal Delivery.

***) Vacuum extraction is contraindicated in one of the following condition:

Occipito-posterior position

Gestational age 32 weeks

Occipito-transverse position

In patients with heart disease

In patients with previous caesarian section


Answer: B* Gestational age 32 weeks