Choose the right variant to complete the sentences.

1. Building is

a) one of the most useful human skills;

b) one of the most ancient human skills;

c) one of the most systematical human skills.

2. Often the door will have a lock, so

a) the building can be left secure;

b) the building can be more quiet;

c) the building can be the most comfortable.

3. If the ground is soft, the foundation

a) must be very high;

b) must be very deep and strong;

c) must be very wide.

4. Civil engineering is the

a) for the work of designing and building infrastructure;

b) for the work of designing and repairing infrastructure;

c) for the work of demolishing and building infrastructure.

5. By putting a window in a wall, with or without glass,

a) we lift light inside the building;

b)we let light inside the building;

c) we let light outside the building.

6. Sustainability is not a matter of fashion,

a) but commonness;

b) but arrival;

c) but survival.

7. Piano has made glass hinged walls of a tower pellucid

a) using iron-poor glass;

b) using gauzy glass;

c) using iron-oxide cement.

8. On the majority of floors sound-proof glass rooms-cubes

a) for negotiations are arranged;

b) for having dinner are arranged;

c) for negotiations is arranged.

9. Separate floors are connected with the next tiers

a) by external stairways;

b) by internal ladders;

c) by internal stairways.

10. Renzo Piano wished to arrange a garden

a) with many beautiful flowers;

b) with water area and the viewing platform;

c) with water area and many beautiful flowers.

11. After events on September, 11th, 2001 demands to safety of high-rise buildings

a) have reduced;

b) have increased;

c) have changed.

12. In a sunny day the 320-metre tower

a) is similar to grey cloud;

b) looks light grey;

c) looks like a marvelous ship.

13. The 52-storied skyscraper

a) hasn’t called inconsistent reaction of critics;

b) has called consistent reaction of critics;

c) has called inconsistent reaction of critics.

14. Renzo Piano has designed building of a new tower for

a) “USA Today”;

b) “New York Times”;

c) “Financial News”.



Past Indefinite

Образование: V + ed или II форма нестандартного глагола.

Past Simpleупотребляется, как правило, с обстоятельствами
(yesterday, last month (year) a week ago), a также с датами относящимися к прошлому in 1960 Before Christ (B.C. – до н.э.)

He presented his papers to a physical journal a week ago.

Participle II

Образование: V + ed или III форма нестандартного глагола.

В предложении Participle II может быть:

1. Определением. В функции определения Participle II может стоять до и после определяемого слова.

The book written by this author are very interesting.

Книга, написанная этим автором, очень интересна.

Обратите особое внимание на перевод предложений, где за подлежащим следует два слова с окончанием -ed. Первое из них, обычно, является определением в форме Participle II и при переводе ставится перед определяемым словом, второе является сказуемым в Past Simple.

The device invented showed good performance.

Изобретённый прибор показал хорошую работу.

2. Обстоятельством. В функции обстоятельства перед Participle II обычно стоят союзы when, if, unless, as.

As seen from the article these students were the best.

Как видно из статьи эти студенты были лучшими.

3. Часть сказуемого. В страдательном залоге и временах группы Perfect.

They have considerably developed their work last year.

Они значительно усовершенствовали работу в прошлом году.

Entry Test

I. Define the underlined forms:

1. The coal bought last year isn’t suite for power plant now.

a) Participle II;

b) Past Indefinite.

2. He put his record book before a lecturer.

a) Participle II;

b) Past Indefinite.

3. Name some words learned by you.

a) Participle II;

b) Past Indefinite.

4. He was doing his test paper given by his teacher.

a) Participle II;

b) Past Indefinite.

5. Yesterday we were at the conference organized by our Institute.

a) Participle II;

b) Past Indefinite.

6. The great majority of examples included in this book were typical of spoken English.

a) Past Indefinite;

b) Participle II.

7. Our lessons began at 8 o’clock last year.

a) Participle II;

b) Past Indefinite.

8. The man given you this task was our teacher of English.

a) Participle II;

b) Past Indefinite.

9. She advised him to enter BNTU.

a) Participle II;

b) Past Indefinite.

10. Tennis is the most popular game in England played all the year round.

a) Participle II;

b) Past Indefinite.

II. Choose the right translation of the underlined V-ed forms:

1. The house built in our region is very nice.

a) строили;

b) построенный;

c) перестроенный.

2. They built this nice house two years ago.

a) построенный;


c) строят.


3. The scientist opened this method of investigation is well-known in our country.

a) открывающий;

b) открыл;

c) открывший.

7. He thought about his examinations.

a) продуманный;

b) задуманный;

c) думал.

8. The suggestion made by the chairman was very good.

a) сделавший;

b) сделанное;

c) сделать.

9. This is my record book received two days ago.

a) получивший;

b) получающий;

c) полученная.

10. A new method found by the architect was very progressive.

a) находившийся;

b) найденный;

c) находить.

Grammar Study

Study grammar again and do the following exercises.

Ex 1. In every sentence find Participle II and underline it:

1. Belarusian architects made a great contribution to eco-building

2. “Turning Torso” designed by Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava was the first turning skyscraper in Sweden.

3. Civil engineers decided to build a skyscraper without professional training never manage to do this.

4. When a new control system was installed it operated at peak

5. The construction cite equipped with modern apparatus is our proud.

6. A man presented us with flowers was unknown to us.

7. The complaint given to our chief was not true.

Ex 2. Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

1. The improvements proposed by an architect...

2. The chemicals allowed to use...

3. The innovative project made in BNTU...

4. A decision found by an engineer...

5. A economic recession fixed by the government…

6. An excellent mark given by the lecture...

Ex 3. Put Participle II instead of infinitive in brackets:

1. The test (to write) in the classroom was correct.

2. This book (to take) in the library was very interesting.

3. As (to see) from the list this student was sent down.

4. Toxic materials (to add into) the substance was found.

5. The job of a civil engineer (to require) special qualification is
a difficult one.

6. The contract (to sign) by two sides is a valuable document.

Test Paper