ai ] Aa; ar; ea; ough; au; augh; al;ear
Cast the last nasty card.
Far from eyes far from heart.
It’s enough to make a cat laugh.
My father is in the garden.
Can’t you ask Father or Aunt Margaret?
Half heart is no heart.
I can't. I can't laugh. I can't laugh and dance. I can't laugh and dance in grass. I can't laugh and dance in grass in my aunt`s garden after dark.
He laughs best who laughs last.
The highest art is artlessness.
Staff today and starve tomorrow.
If you laugh before breakfast, you’ll cry before supper.
A barking dog seldom bites.
My heart’s in the Highlands.
My heart is not here.
The dogs bark but the caravan goes on.
This is a dog,
He growls as a frog,
His name is Mark,
He likes to bark.
B ] Bb
He brings the book of his father.
She brought the book from the library.
A baby-bear in a bubble bath.
A big bunch of blue balloons.
Betty Botter bought some butter,
But she said “The butter’s bitter,
And a bit of better butter
Will make my butter better“.
A bitter biting bittern bit a better brother bittern, and the bitter better bittern bit the bitter biter back. And the bitter bittern, bitten, by the better bitten bittern, Said: "I'm a bitter biter bit, black!
A big black bug bit the big black bear,
A big black bear bit a big black bug.
To buy a pig in the pocket.
A barking dog seldom bites.
K ] Kk; ck; Cc
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Ask Kate to take the cake.
Take the ticket to Tokyo.
A kitten in the kitchen.
A cat curled up on a cosy couch.
Counting candles on a cake.
To carry coals to Newcastle.
G ] Gg
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He gives a big glass to the girl.
A goose playing the golden guitar.
He was glad to see the girl.
A goat gobbling grapes.
Three grey geese in a green field grazing.
Grey were the geese and green was the grazing.
A good dog deserves a good bone.
M ] Mm
Mike's mother is coming tomorrow.
You’ve made the same mistakes.
Miss, miss, little Miss, miss.
When she messes, she misses like this.
N ] Nn
They haven’t noticed many mistakes
Never mind.
No news is good news.
Neither rhyme nor reason.
Z] Ss Zz
We used these scissors for cutting.
The farmers raised a big crop of maize.
He wished for English book.
I shall buy the shirt in a shop.
S] Ss
She sells sea-shells on a sea-shores
The shells that she sells
Are sea-shells, I’m sure.
Of all the smells I ever smelt,
I never smelt a smell that smelt
Like that smell I smelt smelled.
Sally Swim saw Sadie Slee
Slowly, sadly swinging.
I scream,
You scream,
We all scream
For ice-cream.
Swam ,swam over the sea,
Swim, swam, swim;
Swam back again,
Well swim, swam.
Z] Zz
They took usual measures.
The vision was a real pleasure.
D] Jj; Gg
Jack enjoyed the joke very much.
Jane and George took much pleasure in learning German.
Just a joke.
John put the orange juice into the fridge.
A journalist made a journey over Japan.
Julius was jealous.
T] Tt Th
Charles fetched the chair for his teacher.
Most Scotch children like cheese.
Don’t touch those peaches in the kitchen.
Why did the teacher ask such a question?
Don’t troubles trouble until trouble troubles you because it doubles troubles and troubles the others too.
Thomas missed the last train to town.
Tony had little time left.
When a twister twisting would twist him a twist;
For twisting a twist three twists he will twist;
But if one of the twists untwists from the twist,
The twist untwisting untwists the twists.
Take caré of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.
D] Dd
Did you see lad in the garden?
Suddenly he dared dawn the road.
L] Ll
Little Nell likes to tell tales.
All’s well that ends well.
Look, listen, learn.
Ong; ing
He was singing a nice English song.
To know everything is to know nothing.
A good beginning makes a good ending.
Better die standing than live kneeling.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Spades for hearing, teeth for biting,
Eyes for seeing, legs for walking,
Tongues for tasting and for talking
My Bonnie
My bonnie is over the ocean,
My bonnie is over the sea,
My bonny is over the ocean,
Oh, bring back my bonnie to me.
Bring back, bring back,
Bring back my bonnie to me, to me.
Bring back, bring back,
Oh, bring back my bonnie to me.
Oh, blow, winds over the ocean,
Oh, blow, ye, winds over the sea,
Oh, blow, ye, winds over the ocean,
And bring back my bonnie to me.
Last night as I lay on my pillow
Last night as I lay on my bed
Last night as I lay on my pillow
I dreamed that my bonnie was dead.
The winds have blown over the ocean,
The winds have blown over the sea,
The winds have blown over the ocean
And brought back my bonnie to me.
Brought back, brought back,
Brought back my bonnie to me, to me.
Brought back, brought back,
Oh brought back my bonnie to me.
R] Rr; wr
Mary reads a very rare romance.
Robert reads books regularly.
Two wrongs don’t make right.
All roads lead to Rome.
Neither rhyme nor reason.
We gathered ripe red raspberries along the river road.
Robert Rowley rouned a round roll round
A round roll Robert Rowley rolled round,
Where rolled the round roll Robert Rowley rolled round?
Q] Th
Think over your theme.
The path leads through the thick forest.
The teacher thought and thought and thought and no one knew the thought he thought.
Wealth is nothing without health.
Thomas thinks of terrible thing.
I thought a thought but the thought I thought
I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought.
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Theophilus Thistle, the successful thistle-sifter,
Sifted sixty thistles through the thick of his thumb.
Thick thistle sticks.
Six thick thistles stuck together.
To go through thick and thin.
Thirty days has September,
April, June and November
All the rest have thirty one,
February has twenty-eight alone,
Excepting leap year, that’s the time,
When February’s days are twenty nine.
Q] Th
His father breathes heavily.
My father and brother help each other.
These are three brothers, these are their father and mother, this is their other brother.
We gathered ripe red raspberries along the river road.
S] Ss; Cc
Sandy plays chess best of all.
He used to sing a nice song.
A sailor went to sea to see
What he could see;
What he could see;
Was the bottom of the deep sea.
P] Pp
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper,
A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked;
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper.
Where’s a peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?
Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.
Let's play the game again.
Save your points.
Take a place in the train in Wales.
Could you stay?
Could you stay and play?
You stay and play another game.
This is snake
It lives by a lake,
It is on a log, and looks at a frog.
Ai] Ii
Mike likes to ride a bike.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Mind your eyes.
I had a white night.
I had the time of my life.
It was high time to dine.
The island. The island is nine miles long. The island is nine miles long and five miles wide.
Time heals all wounds.
When the wine is in, the wit is out.
Life is not all cakes and ale.
Time and tide wait for no man.
Neither rhyme nor reason.
If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.
If the sky falls, we shall catch larks.
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky,
Это муха. It’s a fly.
Сейчас прихлопну, так и знай.
One, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive,
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I let it go again.
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on the right.
There once was a man from Deviser,
Whose ears were of different sizes,
One ear was so small,
It was no use at all,
But the other won several prizes.
Give a man a pipe he will smoke,
Give a man a book he will read
And his home is bright
With a calm delight,
Though the room is poor indeed.
Ну, почему считает папа,
Что все медведи косолапы?
Нет, мой медведь не косолап,
Я спросил его «stand up!»
Он встал на две кривые лапы,
- Садись, – sit down, -
Прав мой папа.
Я по-англиски – I,
Пирог с начинкой – pie,
Начинка – cherry jam
I pie, пожалуй съем
Я говорю: «One, two».
И pie летит ко рту:
Считаю: «One, two, three»,
И pie уже внутри.
Такой послушный pie,
А не сказал: «good-bye»
A cat likes rats.
A frog likes gnats.
A lion likes meat.
A pig likes beet.
Если спросят: «Как дела?»
Я скажу: «all right»
Кукла спать моя легла,
Ей шепну: «good night»
По ночам сверчок стрекочет
Всем –good night - спокойной ночи.
All that you do
Do with you might;
Things which are done by havles
Are never done right.
The sun is shining, the day is fine,
But Johny, the lazy son of mine
Is still in bed and it’s half past .
Oi] Oo; oy; oi
The spoiled boy destroyed the toys.
The boy enjoys his toy.
Give a nice toy to the little boy.
The noise is annoying.
Joy is at boiling point.
Noise. Noise annoys. Any noise annoys. Any noise annoys an oyster.
Any noise annoys an oyster but the noisy noise annoys an oyster most.
U] Oo; ow; oh; oa
If he only spoke very slowly.
Oh, no, don't go home alone,
Nobody knows how lonely the road is
Soames never boasts of what the knows
Soames never knows of what the boasts.
But Rose never knows of what the boast.
As you sow you shall mow,
Little strokes fell great oaks.
The North wind will blow
And we shall have snow.
Don't go. Don't go slow. Don't go slowly, Joe. Don't go slowly, Joe, there’s no snow.
Don't go slowly, Joe, there’s no snow on the road.
Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you, because
it doubles troubles and troubles others too.
Hope is a good breakfast but a bad supper.
Rome was not built in a day.
Я спросил сестру свою:
- Скажи мне, how old are you?
- I’ m ten, - сестра сказала,
- Десять лет – не так уж мало.
- Десять лет, - подумал Я,
- Взрослая сестра моя.
Au] ou; ow
Don’t shout while pronouncing sound.
The clown came down to our town.
Mr. Brown came down town.
What have you found out about it?
Out of sight, out of mind.
It’s bound to found out.
I’m doubtful about the hour.
Mr. Brown was not allowed. Mr. Brown was not allowed to go out. Mr. Brown was not allowed to go out of the house.
I] ea ; ere; eu
Dear and dear.
Come here any dear.
He lived near London for years.
The theatre and museum are near here.
Dear me. Dear me, I fear. Dear me, I fear I really hear. Dear me, I fear I really hear the deer quite near.
He that has ears to hear let him hear.
[e] Aa; are; ear(e)
Mary shared the pears with Clare.
Mary takes care of her hair.
I dare swear.
Where are the parents?
I dare say. I dare say it's rare. I dare say it's rare for Mary. I dare say it's rare for Mary to sit there. I dare say it's rare for Mary to sit there in a chair in the fresh air.
This is a bear,
He sits on a chair,
His name is Boney,
He looks for honey.
I hare a hare,
I have a bear,
My toys are here,
My toys are there.
Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder, where you are,
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
W] W w
Whether the weather be fine,
Or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold,
Or whether the weather be hot,
We'll weather the weather,
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not.
We wonder whether the whether
Will weather the weather.
Or whether the weather
The weather will kill?
Why do you cry, Willy?
Why do you cry?
Why, Willy?
Why, Willy?
Why, Willy? Why?
Where there's a will, there's a way.
Everywhere we saw the white snow.
William was not very willing to wait.
Didn’t this waiter work in Washington last winter?
His work grows worse and worse.
William always wears a very
Warm woolen vest in winter,
Victor, however, will never wear
Woolen underwear even in the Wild West
When the cat is away the mice will play.
What we give, we had, what we left, we lost.
What is done cannot be undone
Wee Willie Winkie
Runs through the town
Upstairs and downstairs
In his night gown.
Rapping at the window,
Crying through the door;
“Are the children all in bed?
It’s past eight o’clock”.
- Where are you going to, little kittens?
- We are going to town to buy mittens,
- What? Mittens for kittens?
Kitten s in mittens?
Who ever saw little kittens in mittens?
Six little kittens lost their mittens.
It’s a pity, they we so pretty.
Where are you going to, my little cats?
We are going to London to buy hats.
What? Cats in hats?
Hats for cats?
Who ever saw cats in hats?
Au] ow
There’s a flower. There’s a flower near the tower. There’s a flower near the tower, it is ours.
A sunshiny shower won’t last an hour.
Be quite. Be quite, I'm tired. Be quite, I'm tired of the trial.
During February. During February they made a tour. During February they made a tour of Europe.
I’m absolutely sure that they made a tour of Europe during February.
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Часть 3
1) affect - влиять
effect – эффект
This affects his job.
The effect of these medicines is good.
2) aisle - проход
isle – остров
The aisle in the cinema is very narrow.
There are many isles in the ocean.
3) allowed - разрешенный
aloud – вслух
His sister allowed him to eat the candies.
The girl reads the poem aloud.
4) ate - съел
eight – восемь
The dog ate my sandwich.
I have eight apples, they are very tasty.
5) ball - мяч
bawl – орать
He has a new ball.
Please don’t bawl! It’s not that bad. (Не все так плохо).
6) bare - голый
bear – медведь
I have a little bear, his name is Teddy.
Tell me the bare truth!
7) base – основа
bass – бас
The base of the building is firm.
Listen to his voice, he sings bass!
8) billed – выставил счет
build – строить
He billed the clients for 400 dollars.
We build a new house.
9) blew - дул
blue – голубой
He blew up many balloons for the children.
Do you like my blue dress?
10) board - доска
bored – скучающий
Help me to find that board, please.
The bored boy walks alone.
11) break - ломать
brake – тормоз
Don’t break it, be careful!
He buys new brakes for his car.
12) buy - покупать
bye – пока
Pete, buy me an ice-cream, please.
Bye, see you soon!
13) capital - столица
Capitol – здание конгресса США
New York is a big city, but it’s not the capital of the USA.
The Capitol is very beautiful.
14) cent - цент
scent – запах
Do you have five cents?
I love the scent of these flowers.
15) chance - шанс
chants – напевы, пение
He has a chance to win the prize.
I hear the chants of the choir.
16) chews - жует
choose – выбирать
My cat chews a sausage.
What colour do you choose: white or lilac?
17) close – закрывать
clothes – одежда
Close the door, please!
I like her clothes very much.
18) coarse - грубый
course – курс
The fabric is rather coarse.
This English course is for beginners.
19) creak – скрипеть
creek – бухта
The door creaks.
A beautiful creek.
20) facts - факты
fax – факс
Tell me the facts!
Jimmy sends me the fax from the office.
21) fair - справедливый
fare – плата за проезд
It is not fair!
The train fare is 200 hryvnas.
22) fairy – волшебный
ferry – паром
This writer has a book about a fairy country.
There is a ferry near the station.
23) flour - мука
flower – цветок
Buy flour, I want tot bake cookies.
Rose is my favourite flower.
24) for - для
four – четыре
I sing this song for you.
Bobby has four bananas.
25) foreword - предисловие
forward – вперед
There is no foreword in this book.
This term moves forward faster.
26) grease - жир
Greece – Греция
There is some grease on the floor in the kitchen.
I read a book about Greece.
27) hair - волосы
hare – заяц
His sister has beautiful long black hair.
A grey hare seats in the grass.
28) heal - лечить
heel - каблук
hill – холм, склон
The doctor heals his patients.
This heel is too high for me.
29) hear - слышать
here – здесь
Do you hear this strange sound?
Stay herе, please, don’t leave me!
30) hi - привет
high – высокий
Say hi to Mrs Gratefold.
Everest is a very high mountain.
31) hoarse - хриплый
horse – лошадь
You’ve dot a hoarse voice today.
I ride because I like horses.
32) hole - дыра
whole – весь, целый
There is a hole in you shoe.
My sister wants to travel and see the whole world.
33) hour - час
our – наш
I need an hour to cook a dinner.
Our dog is so clever.
34) knight - рыцарь
night – ночь
In this novel the knight saves the princess from the dragon.
It is cold at night, take a blanket.
35) know - знать
no – нет
Do you know him?
No, I don’t know him.
36) loan – давать взаймы
lone (alone) – одинокий
Could you loan me 20 dollars?
He is not lone, he has a lovely family.
37) made - сделанный
maid – горничная
This box is made of paper.
The maid’s name is Alana.
38) mail - почта
male – мужской
He receives his mail every day.
Don’t speak so loud! I hear a male voice.
39) marry – жениться, выходить замуж
merry – веселый
My love, marry me!
That man near the river sings a merry song.
40) meat - мясо
meet – встречаться
Cook the meat, please. I am so hungry!
Let’s meet a 5 p.m. near the monument.
41) missed - потерянный
mist – легкий туман, дымка
Help me to find my missed book.
There is a mist in the morning.
42) morning - утро
mourning – горе
Good morning, my dear!
She speaks a lot about her mourning.
43) none - никто
nun – монахиня
None of the students can translate it.
A nun walks in the garden.
44) one - один
won – выиграл
I need one more chance!
He won the game and looks very happy.
45) pear - груша
pair – пара
I like pears so much!
I have a new pair of shoes.
46) patience - терпение
patients – пациенты
Never loose your patience!
The patients come to the doctor.
47) piece - кусок
peace – мир
Give me a piece of bread, please.
They fight for peace.
48) plain – плоский, ровный
plane – самолет
There is a plain ground in the garden.
Look, the plane is in the sky!
49) rain - дождь
reign – править
I don’t like rain!
The queen reigns the country.
50) read - читал
red – красный
I read the book, it is very interesting.
I like this red balloon.
51) right – правильный
write – писать
Your answer is right.
Mr. Lambert, write this word on the blackboard.
52) road - дорога
rode – ездил
This road is dirty.
He rode a horse last weekend.
53) rose - роза
rows – ряды
Oh, what a beautiful rose!
There are rows of flowers in the field.
54) sail - парус
sale – распродажа
Can you see that white sail?
There is a total sale in the store.
55) scene - сцена
sin – грех
A handsome actor stands on a scene.
Murder is a sin.
56) sea - море
see – видеть
They decide to go to the sea.
Cats can see in the dark.
57) sew - шить
so – так
She sews a new white dress.
Why are you so sad?
58) sole – единственный
soul – душа
She is the sole person who understands him.
In this book the author tells about the human soul.
59) son - сын
sun – солнце
Marry has a son. His name is Patrick.
The sun shines through the clouds.
60) steal - красть
steel – сталь
The cat steals a fish from the kitchen.
This can is made of steel.
61) suite – набор, номер «люкс» в гостинице
sweet – сладкий
This suite consists of three small boxes and two big toys.
These cherries are so sweet!
62) heir - их
there – там
Their brother is a doctor.
Look, there! A ship!
63) threw - кинул
through – через, сквозь
A boy threw a stick on the ground.
Can a magician walk through the wall?
64) too - тоже
two – два
I like it too.
I have two pieces of a pie. Would you like one?
65) waist - талия
waste – расточать
This girl has a thin waist. She is a model.
Don’t waste your money!
66) wait - ждать
weight – вес
Could you, please, wait for me?
The weight of this box is 15 kilos.
67) war - война
wore – носил
There were many wars in the history.
Who wore my hat?
68) wear - носить
where – где
Angelina wears fashionable clothes.
Where are the guests?
69) weak - слабый
week – неделя
Bob is too weak after the illness.
I have a week to write this article.
70) weather - погода
whether – ли (союз)
I hate rainy weather!
Tell me whether you go with us to the concert.
71) which - который
witch – ведьма
Which of them is a student?
All witches in fairy-tales are mean.
1) apple - яблоко
chapel – часовня
An apple lies near the chapel.
2) ball - мяч
small – маленький
wall – стена
A small ball hits the wall.
3) cat - кот
bat – летучая мышь
A cat watches a big and fat bat.
4) dog - собака
fog – туман
I lost my dog in the fog.
5) ear - ухо
here – здесь
Look here! What’s with my ear?
6) face - лицо
place – место
In an empty place I see someone’s face.
7) grass - трава
class – класс
Children from your class play on the grass.
8) hot - горячий
pot - горшок
spot – пятно
Don’t take this hot pot with a red spot.
9) ice - лед
slice – ломоть
Give me some ice and a slice of pie.
10) jacket - пиджак
racket – ракетка
Make wears a jacket and hold a yellow racket.
11) king - король
bring - приносить
ring – кольцо
A king asks to bring him the ring.
12) last - последний
past – прошлое
Jenny reads the last about the past.
13) mouse - мышь
house – дом
I can’t see a mouse in the house!
14) night - ночь
fight - бороться
knight – рыцарь
A knight fight with a dragon at night.
15) oil - масло
spoil – испортить
An oil can spoil my dress.
16) put - класть
foot – ступня
Put the flowers and show me your foot.
17) queen - королева
screen – экран
A photo of the queen is on the screen.
18) rat - крыса
flat – квартира
There is a rat near the flat.
19) sing - петь
wing – крыло
They sing about the bird’s wing.
20) tea - чай
bee - пчела
sea - море
see – видеть
I drink tea, see a bee and a stormy sea.
21) use - использование
juice – сок
Use this cup to make a juice.
22) voice - голос
choice – выбор
Follow the voice to make a proper choice.
23) wow – ух ты!
cow – корова
Wow! What a nice cow!
24) yard - двор
hard – тяжело
My brother works hard in the yard.
25) zoo - зоопарк
chew – жевать
Zebra and donkey chew grass in the zoo.