Test 16. Put the verbs in brackets into the V-ing form or the infinitive with or without to.


When David decided _________ (1)(give up) his job and _________ (2)(sell) all his possessions, everyone thought he was mad. But, as it turned out, he was just the first of many friends _________ (3)(do) this. In fact, escaping the pressures of everyday working life has become a priority for many people these days. They can’t stand the idea of _________ (4)(work) until they are 65, only _________ (5)(retire) to some boring country village and _________ (6)(waste) their time _________ (7)(dig) the garden or (8)(gossip) with the neighbours. They would rather _________ (9)(live) life to the full now, before they are too old _________ (10)(enjoy) it. _________ (11)(buy) a motorcycle and _________ (12)(tour) the world is a popular option. Other, less adventurous types might prefer _________ (13)(buy) a small farmhouse and live off the land. Personally, one fancies _________ (14)(sail) around the world in a yacht. As for David, he bought a house in a little country village and spends his time _________ (15)(walk) around the village and talking with the neighbours.



Test 1. Rephrase the following situations using an appropriate modal verb.


1. I advise you to stop eating chocolate. You _________ stop eating chocolate.


2. I insist that you do your homework. You _________ do your homework.


3. Will you let me speak to David, please? _________ I speak to David, please?


4. She can hear you well enough. You _________ shout.


5. Talking is not permitted during the test. You _________ talk during the test.


6. It isn’t right to speak to your mother like that. You _________ speak to your mother like that.


7. It isn’t possible for him to come to the party. He _________ come to the party.


8. He is obliged to go to the police station once a week. He _________ to go to the police station once a week.


9. It’s forbidden to feed the animals in the Zoo. You _________ feed the animals in the Zoo.


10. It isn’t necessary to dust the furniture. You _________ dust the furniture.


11. Would you mind if I read your book? _________ I read your book?


12. Perhaps they’ll come with us. They _________ come with us.


13. Would you mind if I use your glasses? _________ I use your glasses?


14. Let’s try doing this exercise. _________ we try doing this exercise?


15. He can do it himself. Why _________ he ask anybody for help?


16. Perhaps, she will phone them today. She _________ phone them today.


17. Why don’t you go to the sea for a holiday? You _________ go to the sea for a holiday.


18. Would you like me to help you with the dishes? _________ I help you with the dishes?


19. It isn’t right to argue with your parents. You _________ argue with your parents.


20. Perhaps, she is asleep now. She _________ be asleep now.



Test 2. Choose the correct modal verb.


1. Mike _________ play the piano very well. And what about you?


a) can b) should c) must


2. I _________ skate when I was little.


a) can’t b) couldn’t c) mustn’t


3. We _________ hurry. We’ve got plenty of time.


a) can’t b) needn’t c) must


4. _________ you help me with this task?


a) Could b) Must c) May


5. I’m sorry I’m late. _________ I come in?


a) Must b) Should c) May


6. _________ you speak any foreign languages?


a) Can b) Should c) May


7. It’s raining. You _________ take an umbrella.


a) can’t b) don’t have to c) should


8. I’m afraid I _________ come to the party on Friday.


a) can b) can’t c) may


9. You _________ go there at once. It’s really very urgent.


a) don’t have to b) needn’t c) must


10. When I was young, I _________ run for miles.


a) could b) must c) should


11. ‘ _________ I smoke here?’ ‘No, you mustn’t.’


a) Must b) May c) Should


12. ‘ _________ I translate this sentence?’ ‘No, you needn’t.’


a) Can b) May c) Must


13. I looked everywhere for the book but I _________ find it.


a) couldn’t b) mustn’t c) shouldn’t


14. You _________ drive carefully on a busy road.


a) can b) may c) should


15. There’s nothing I _________ do about it.


a) can b) may c) don’t have to


16. Schools _________ teach children the difference between right and wrong.


a) can’t b) mustn’t c) must


17. I don’t feel well today. _________ I leave a bit earlier?


a) Should b) May c) Must


18. That _________ be true! It’s absolutely impossible.


a) can’t b) must c) needn’t


19. Yesterday I stayed at home because I _________ help my father.


a) must b) had to c) can


20. You _________ use my dictionary as long as you like.


a) must b) have to c) may



Test 3. Write should or the correct form of have to in the gaps.


1. Nurses _________ know how to give people injections.


2. You _________ eat more fruit and vegetables.


3. _________ you _________ travel abroad in your job?


4. Tom is ill, he _________ see his doctor.


5. I’m sorry I couldn’t come to your party. I _________ work late.


6. You _________ try to phone your father this weekend.


7. I hope you don’t _________ go home early.


8. Mike is a teacher. He _________ teach different kinds of students.


9. I think Patrick _________ be more polite to his sister!


10. Do I _________ wash up again?


11. A postman _________ get up early every day.


12. I didn’t like the job because I _________ wear a uniform.


13. He ignores me. What _________ I do?


14. I am free on Saturday because I _________ work at the weekend.


15. You look tired. You _________ go to bed now.


16. I think the government _________ do more to help homeless people.


17. He _________ wear a suit to work but he usually does.


18. Last night Don suddenly became ill. We _________ call a doctor.


19. Caroline may _________ go away next week.


20. You _________ read this book. It’s really excellent.



Test 4. Choose the correct modal verb.


1. I don’t want anyone to know it. You (mustn’t/don’t have to) tell anyone.


2. Listen! I (can/must) hear someone crying.


3. When we were at school, we (had to/ought to) wear a uniform.


4. You (don’t have to/mustn’t) wear your seatbelt during the whole of the flight.


5. You (should/have to) tell her that you are sorry.


6. You (need/must) be a member of the library before you can borrow books.


7. I (needn’t/shouldn’t) wear glasses because my eyesight is still quite good.


8. When I first came to Madrid, I (could/couldn’t) say only a few words in Spanish.


9. Helen (must/had to) leave the meeting early because she had a train to catch.


10. I (didn’t need to/couldn’t) get tickets after all – they were sold out.


11. I left my bike outside the house last night and this morning it isn’t there any more. Somebody (can’t/must) have stolen it.


12. ‘I can’t find my umbrella.’ ‘You (should/might) have left it in the restaurant last night.’


13. (Must/May) I see your passport, please?


14. He’s not working tomorrow, so he (doesn’t have to/ should) get up early.


15. Ann was in a very difficult situation. It (must/can’t) have been easy for her.


16. That shirt is dirty. You (ought to/needn’t) wash it.


17. Last year I got a lot of money, so we (had to/were able to) buy a new house.


18. I had forgotten to bring my camera, so I (couldn’t/ shouldn’t) take any pictures.


19. Don’t tell anybody what I said. You (must/can) keep it secret.


20. I’m really hungry. I (could/might) eat a horse!