1. There are different genres in literature: prose fiction, poetry, literary criticism, etc. Novel, drama and short stories are the most typical samples of prose.
2. What distinguishes a novelist from a dramatist? The following points must be noted here. A dramatist is a man who tells a story in dialogue. A novelist tells a story in narrative. He may not use any dialogue or use very little, but a dramatist cannot use anything else. A novel may be composed of conversation, of description, of narrative, any or all of these, and it may take many forms; but a play is entirely composed of talk, even when there is a great deal of action in it; and its form is much more restricted than that of the novel.
3. Not all the writers, even men of genius, are capable of writing both plays and novels. It may be said even of these authors that each of them is usually better at one form than at another. In the last years John Galsworthy and Somerset Maugham are superb examples of novelist-playwrights while G.B. Shaw is an example of a man who was born a dramatist and not a novelist.
4. The basis of all great novels and plays is a character. It is essential that the characters should be superbly original and recognizable as real men of their time. Some novels ramble from the birth of hero or heroine, through a life-time, and to death itself, others magnify the events of a few hours; and others again, assemble at one spot many persons whose lives are quickly sketched. But the novel is more than a presentation of events. The inner life of characters, their temperament, moods, fantasies, and momentary observations are as essential to it as the other action.
5. And what is essential to a short story? One can define it as a piece of prose fiction, limited in length. It is the most flexible of all prose forms. As one of the leading contemporary writers, H.E. Bates, has pointed out, a short story can be anything from a prose-poem without plot or character to an analysis of the most complex human emotions. The most distinguished short story writers of the twenties are Katherine Mansfield, A.E. Coppard, H.E. Bates, Elizabeth Bowen, Sherwood Anderson, V.S. Pritchet and Frank O’Connor.
Упр.6. Письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту:
1. What are the most typical samples of prose? 2. What distinguishes a novelist from a dramatist? 3. The basis of all great novels and plays is a character, isn’t it? 4. What is essential to a novel and what is essential to a play? 5. How can one define a short story? 6. What are the most distinguished short-story writers?
Упр. 1. Прочитайте слова активного словаря. Запомните их:
· poetry [`pouitri] · inadequate [in`ædikwit] · spontaneous [sp¶n`teini¶s] · emotion [i`mouòn] · verse [v¶:s] · irregular [i`regjul¶] · unrhythmic [Ln`ri mik] · characteristic [,kærikt¶`ristik] характерный, типичный · metre [`mi:t¶] метр · national [`næònl] национальный, народный, государственный · idiom [`idi¶m] говор, идиома · syntax [`sintæks] синтаксис · iambic [ai`æmbik] ямбический · poem [`pouim] стихотворение, поэма · rhyming [`raimi] рифмованный · poetic [pou`etik] поэтический, поэтичный · metaphors [`met¶f¶] метафора · to receive [ri`si:v] получать, принимать, воспринимать · widely [`waidli] широко, далеко · attemp [¶`tempt] пытаться · to define [di`fain] определять, дать характеристику, устанавливать значение · to declare [di`kle¶] заявить · order [`É:d¶] порядок · inexact [,inig`zækt] неточный · overflow [ouv¶`flou] разлив, наводнение · powerful [`pau¶ful] мощный · feeling [`fi:li] чувство · composition [kÉmp¶`siòn] сочинение · language [`lægwid ] язык, речь · admitting [¶d`miting] допуская · exception [ik`sepò¶n] исключение · furthermore [`f¶: ¶mÉ:] кроме того, к тому же · quality [`kwÉliti] качество, свойство · imagination [i`mæd i`neiò¶n] воображение, фантазия · to illuminate [i`ljumineit] озарять · to explain [iks`plein] объяснять · spirit [`spirit] дух · obvious [`Ébvi¶s] очевидный, ясный · permanent [`p¶:m¶n¶nt] постоянный, неизменный · transitory [`trænsit¶ri] мимолетный, скоротечный · sincerity [sin`seriti] искренность · clarity [`klæriti] ясность · simplicity [sim`plisiti] простота · true [tru:] настоящий · important [im`pÉ:t¶nt] важный, значительный · tongue [tL] язык · familiar [f¶`milj¶] близкий · inflection [in`flekò¶n] модуляция · suited [sjutid] соответствующий, подходящий · main [mein] главный · to dominate [`dÉmineit] преобладать, господствовать · stanza [`stænz¶] строфа · closely [klouzli] тесно, близко · knit [nit] связывать · elaborate [i`læb¶rit] сложный, тщательно выработанный · sequence [`si:kw¶ns] последовательность · famous [`feim¶s] знаменитый · craftsmen [`kra:ftsm¶n] мастер · device [di`vais] изобретение · alliteration [É,lit¶`reiò(¶)n] аллитерация · adjective [`æd iktiv] имя прилагательное · vowel [`vau¶l] гласный (звук) · consonant [`kÉns¶n¶nt] согласный (звук) · repetition [repi`tiò¶n] повторение · proper [`prÉp¶] подходящий, правильный · connection [k¶`nekò¶n] связь, родство, соединение
Упр. 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Найдите в словаре и выпишите в рабочую тетрадь незнакомые слова:
1. What is poetry? It’s a question which has been asked many times since the world began and it has received a number of widely differing answers. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, for example, attempting to define prose and poetry declared: “Prose is words in their best order; poetry is the best words in the best order” – but that is clearly inadequate and inexact. Coleridge’s friend the famous English poet William Wordsworth wrote that poetry is “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings and emotions” which is also not enough. The Oxford English Dictionary says that “poetry is composition in verse or metrical language” and that is, probably, as close as we shall ever get in a few words.
2. Admitting some exceptions we understand that in general poetry must be metrical, however irregular or even unrhythmic. Furthermore, it must be based rather upon qualities of imagination than those of matter of fact; it must illuminate rather than explain, it must deal with things and thoughts of the spirit rather than be limited to the obvious, with that which is permanent rather than that which is transitory.
3. Amongst most essential qualities of poetry come sincerity, clarity and simplicity. Without them there can be no true poetry. Form and characteristic metres are also very important.
4. Every national tongue has the metres most familiar to its stresses and inflection, most suited to its idioms and its syntax. In English the main and the most characteristic metre is the five-foot iambic, which has gradually come to dominate almost all poems and verses with the great exception of Spencer, who wrote ninelined stanzas closely knit by the elaborate pattern of their rhyming sequence.
5. Apart from the great Spencer, “the poets’ poet” there are some other world famous poets of England. At least Shakespeare, Milton, Wordsworth, Keats, Burns should be mentioned. They were fine craftsmen in poetry making good use of different poetic devices: alliteration, metaphors, adjectives, vowels and consonants, repetitions and their proper connections.
Упр. 3. Письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту:
1. What definition of poetry do you accept? 2. What is poetry based upon? 3. What are the essential qualities of poetry? 4. What is the most characteristic metre of the English poetry? 5. What famous English poets do you know?
Контрольная работа № 4
Вариант № 1
Упр. 1. Подчеркните инфинитив и укажите его форму. Предложения переведите:
1. To do it seemed a natural thing. 2. Andrew was the third to be interviewed. 3. There is always a question or two to be considered. 4. It is so glorious to love and to be loved. 5. I was glad to have seen this man. 6. I happened to be spending a day in Paris. 7. He looked too young to have taken part in this conference.8. I am glad to have been working at school all these years. 9. He hoped to be sent with that expedition.
Упр. 2. Переведите, обращая внимание на разные функции глагола to be. Глагол to be подчеркните:
1. How are they to know that you are here? 2. In silence the soup was finished – excellent, if a little thick; and fish was brought. In silence it was handed. 3. I am leaving tonight. 4. The house was too big. 5. It will be much cooler there. 6. They were to go to Spain for the honeymoon. 7. They were thus introduced by Holly. 8. When I returned to town the school was still being built. 9. I never talk while I am working. 10. She is to say nothing of this to anybody.
Упр. 3. Переведите, обращая винмание на разные функции глагола to have:
1. As I was to be there at 5 o’clock, I had to take a taxi. 2. I did not have to walk, I took a tram. 3. I am a little frightened for I have lost my way. 4. Have you ever translated technical articles? 5. I am tired. I shall go and have a nap before dinner. 6. I’d like to have a look at that part of the world. 7. She wants to have her hair cut. 8. You will have many new friends.
Упр. 4. Прочтите предложения, найдите Participle I и II. Переведите на русский язык:
1. The flying plane is TU-144. 2. The broken cup was lying on the floor. 3. The lost document was returned to Helen. 4. The girl playing in the garden is my daughter. 5. Passing the shop I saw a beautiful dress. 6. She sat looking out of the window. 7. I saw her smiling. 8. All books taken from the library were new. 9. She sent all the letters written by her father. 10. Knowing English well she spoke fluently.
Упр. 5. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные формы герундия:
1. Watching football matches may be exciting enough, but of course it is more exciting playing football. 2. Can you remember having seen the man before? 3. She was terrified of having to speak to anybody, and even more, of being spoken to. 4. He never agreed to their going on that dangerous voyage. 5. He did not approve of her drinking so much coffee. 6. The teacher of mathematics did not approve of his pupils dreaming.
Вариант № 2
Упр. 1. Подчеркните инфинитив и укажите его форму. Предложения переведите:
1. My friend was glad to have been given such an interesting assignment. 2. To know her is to love her. 3. I wanted to be answered at once. 4. We are happy to have been working together all these years. 5. He likes to speak with us on this subject. 6. I ought not to have stayed there so long. 7. I hoped to have written you a long letter. 8. I don’t like to be interrupted. 9. This work must be finished today.
Упр. 2. Переведите, обращая внимание на разные функции глагола to be. Глагол to be подчеркните:
1. Erik says that you may be coming to New York. 2. We are to go there tonight. 3. Where is he to be found? 4. What were you doing at that time? 5. I am fond of animals. 6. He was not answered. 7. He may be ill. 8. They are in the next room. 9. My sister says I am to leave you alone. 10. She was my friend.
Упр. 3. Переведите, обращая внимание на разные функции глагола to have:
1. He had his watch mended. 2. Let’s have a smoke in the corridor. 3. She has no time for me. 4. You have to go to the dentist. 5. Where have you been since last Thursday? 6. I have known him for many years. 7. These two had not spoken to each other for three days and were in a state of rage. 8. Did you have to walk all the way home?
Упр. 4. Прочтите предложения, найдите Participle I и II. Переведите на русский язык:
1. The flying plane is TU-144. 2. The broken cup was lying on the floor. 3. The lost document was returned to Helen. 4. The girl playing in the garden is my daughter. 5. Passing the shop I saw a beautiful dress. 6. She sat looking out of the window. 7. I saw her smiling. 8. All books taken from the library were new. 9. She sent all the letters written by her father. 10. Knowing English well she spoke fluently.
Упр. 5. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные формы герундия:
1. After being corrected by the teacher, the students’ papers were returned to them. 2. I wondered at my mother’s having allowed the journey. 3. On being told the news she turned pale. 4. All the happiness of my life depends on your loving me. 5. I object to his borrowing money from you. 6. I stretched out my hand to prevent her from attacking you.
Вариант № 3
Упр. 1. Подчеркните инфинитив и укажите его форму. Предложения переведите:
1. Nothing can be done, I’m afraid. 2. He could have written the composition much better. 3. It’s very nice of you to have come. 4. Can he be waiting for us? 5. I think you should have told him you were sorry. 6. The facts are too few to be spoken about. 7. He must have forgotten my address. 8. To see is to believe. 9. She looked too young to have been working as a teacher for three years. 10. We happened to be staying at the same hotel.
Упр. 2. Переведите, обращая внимание на разные функции глагола to be. Глагол to be подчеркните:
1. We are to wait for them at the entrance. 2. What is to become of him? 3. I haven’t been given a chance to explain. 4. We were told some interesting news. 5. Peter is busy. 6. They are in the language laboratory. 7. What are you crying for? 8. You were to arrive yesterday. 9. I am telling you the truth. 10. You have been a good deal talked about.
Упр. 3. Переведите, обращая внимание на разные функции глагола to have:
1. Have you a letter for me, postman? 2. What have they done? 3. She was no fool. She had read much, in several languages, and she could talk of the books she had read with good sense. 4. She knows what she has to do. 5. They will have to come here again. 6. He had his leg broken. 7. I had breakfast at home. 8. She has not slept since that night.
Упр. 4. Прочтите предложения, найдите Participle I и II. Переведите на русский язык:
1. The flying plane is TU-144. 2. The broken cup was lying on the floor. 3. The lost document was returned to Helen. 4. The girl playing in the garden is my daughter. 5. Passing the shop I saw a beautiful dress. 6. She sat looking out of the window. 7. I saw her smiling. 8. All books taken from the library were new. 9. She sent all the letters written by her father. 10. Knowing English well she spoke fluently.
Упр. 5. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные формы герундия:
1. At last he broke the silence by inviting everybody to walk into the dining-room. 2. I understand perfectly your wishing to start the work at once. 3. The place is worth visiting. 4. He keeps insisting on my going to the south. 5. Do you mind my asking you a difficult question? 6. She could not help smiling.
IV семестр
Инфинитив является составной частью нескольких конструкций: Complex Object (Сложное дополнение), Complex Subject (Сложное подлежащее), For+Infinitive Construction (Инфинитивная конструкция с предлогом for).
Complex Object Сложное дополнение
Ранее уже отмечалось, что инфинитив может выполнять в предложении функцию дополнения:
I want (чего?) to go to London. - Я хочу (чего?) поехать в Лондон.
Но если перед инфинитивом (или Participle I) стоит существительное в общем падеже или местоимение в объектном падеже (me, us, you, him, her, it, them), то это существительное (или местоимение) и инфинитив образуют сложное дополнение.
I want Jane to go to London.
Complex Object является эквивалентом дополнительного придаточного предложения и переводится на русский язык дополнительным придаточным предложением, вводимым союзами: чтобы, что, как, когда.
Таким образом, предложение I want Jane to go to London на русский язык переводится Я хочу, чтобы Джейн поехала в Лондон.