level (16 balls) – 25 questions
of discipline “English Language (professional)”
for student of specialty 6M075300 –Technology of infusible nonmetallic and silicate materials, quantity of credits -2, quantity of questions - 75
Level (10 balls) – 25 questions
Subject 1. Peculiarity of translation of scientific and technical literature by subject " Raw materials, mineralogy and petrography" for the purpose of extract specific information in this field. Discussion by way of thorough understanding present information:
1.To speak about. Petrography. Raw materials varieties
2.To speak about Silica-containing rocks
3.To speak about. Carbonate rocks. Clay rocks
4.To speak about. Sulphate-containing and igneous rocks
Subject 2Peculiarity oftranslation of scientific and technical literature in field of Physical and chemical methods of analysis of silicate materials" for the purpose of extract specific information in this field. Discussion by way of thorough understanding present information:
5.To speak about X-ray phase analysis.
6.To speak about Thermal methods of analysis
7.To speak about The microscopic analysis. Petrography of technical stone- technical petrography..
8.To speak about Electronic microscopy. Basis of patenting.
Subject 3.Peculiarity oftranslation of scientific and technical literature in field of "Basic equipment of manufactories for silicate manufacturies " for the purpose of extract specific information in this field. Discussion by way of thorough understanding present information
9.To speak about. Crushing
10. To speak about Jaw crushers. Mills
11. To speak about Mechanical screening and screens
12. To speak about. Conveyors
13. To speak about Drying oven, Kilns
Subject 4 Peculiarity of translation of scientific and technical literature in field of "Chemical technology of binders" for the purpose of extract specific information in this field. Discussion by way of thorough understanding present information.
14. To speak about Classification of binders.
15. To speak about Cement
16. To speak about Raw materials for production of building binders. Portland cement production process
17. To speak about Clinker formation processes. Clinker coolers
18. To speak about Finish milling and clinker grinding
Subject 5.Peculiarity oftranslation of scientific and technical literature in field of "Chemical technology of ceramics and refractories" for the purpose of extract specific information in this field. Discussion by way of thorough understanding present information
19. To speak about Classification of ceramics. Raw materials for production of ceramics
20. To speak about Manufacturing process of ceramics. Molding processes of ceramics.
21. To speak about Removal of temporary link out of ceramic semi-prepared item. Burning. Porcelain enameling of wares
22. To speak about Building ceramics. Production of brick
Subject 6. Peculiarity of translation of scientific and technical literature in field of "Technology of production of concrete and reinforced concrete products " for the purpose of extract specific information in this field. Discussion by way of thorough understanding present information:.
23. To speak about Concrete. Concrete production
24. To speak about Specialty concretes
25. To speak about Reinforced concrete:
Level (14 balls) – 25 questions
Subject 1. Peculiarity of translation of scientific and technical literature by subject " Raw materials, mineralogy and petrography" for the purpose of extract specific information in this field. Discussion by way of thorough understanding present information.
- To translate in Russia: Minerals can be classified according to their chemical composition, origin, structural peculiarities, practical importance, etc. The classification, developed by A.G.Betekhtin is most convenient for usage. This classification includes classes of minerals according to their chemical composition: aluminosilicates and silicates; oxides and hydroxides; carbonates; sulpfates; phosphates; sulpfides; halogens; native elements. Rocks are divided into three major groups according to their origin: magmatic, sedimental and metamorphic. Sedimental rocks are formed as a result of destroying and further sedimenting various products of magmatic and metamorphic (also sedimental) rocks weathering. Sedimental rocks formation is connected with exogenic processes going on in hydrosphene and on the Earths surface.All sedimental rocks can be divided into three groups: fragmentation (chemogenic) rocks; chemical (chemogenic) rocks; organogenic rocks. Magmatic rocks are formed as a result of magma cooling and crystallization. Magmatic rocks, formed in the depths of the Earth, are called intrusive rocks. If magma cools on the Earth’s surface, then effusive or igneous rock are formed. Mineralogical composition of magmatic rocks is quite various. Feldspars, quartz, amphiboles, pyroxene, micas are most widely spread. Metamorphic procesess mechanism is dehydration, recrystallization and effect of various metasomatic phenomena.
- To translate in Russia: Clay materials include clay, kaolins, bentonits.Nonplastics materials include: quartz sand; ground quartz; ground non-glazed calcinated wares (fireclay); degydrational clay (calcinated at temperature (600-750оС), etc. Nonplastics materials decrease plasticity of the mass and consequently reduce shrinking of the wares and prevent their deformation during drying and calcinating. Introduction of nonplastics materials in the charge gives the possibility to regulate technological properties of moulding masses and slips, and to receive wares with the pre-set properties.Fusing agents include: fieldspars (albite, orthoclase, anortite); quartz- fieldspars raw materials; pegmatites; syenite; perlites; chalk; dolomite; talcum; spodumen, etc. Carbonate rocks – limestone, chalk, limestone-shell rock, marble, lime tufa. These rocks contain all basically СаСО3 which theoretical composition of 56 % СаО and 44 % СО2. Carbonate rocks – basic kind of raw material at production portland cement, aluminous cement and building air to exhaust. Technogenic raw materials include the artificial products and industrial waste, for example, technical alumina, slags, ashes, etc.
- To translate in Russia: Mineral raw materials for the industries of building and silicate materials of Southern Kazakhstani region are exremely various: vermiculite, vollastonite, talcum stone, building stones, building sands, sand-gravel mixtures, etc. Besides there are all necessary raw materials for production cement, expanded clay aggregate, bricks, glass, mineral pigments, mineral wool. Limestones are widely spread sedimental rocks. They consist of one mineral – calcite CaCO3. Mainly limestones are of organogenic origin. They are formed at the expense of lime skeletons and shells remnants of animals and plant (zoogenic and phyto- genic limestones). Shells and skeletons of the living beings can be completely preserved or can be crushed, destroyed, recrystallized. Loess. Fine-granular dust-like rocks of sea, river and eolic origin are called siltstone. A characteristic rock among siltstone is loess. Loess is a homogeneous light-yellow rock consisting of quartz, clay and calcite. Quartz grains are about 50%, clay is 20% or more, calcite is 20-30% small amounts of other minerals and lime concretions are also present. Loess is characterized by high porosity and water penetration. Loess is easily ground into dust
Subject 2. Peculiarity of translation of scientific and technical literature in field of Physical and chemical methods of analysis of silicate materials" for the purpose of extract specific information in this field. Discussion by way of thorough understanding present information: The x-ray analysis, the general information; Thermal methods of analysis.
- To translate in Russia: X-raygraphic analysis is based on Woolf-Bregg’equation, connecting angle of incidence or reflection of X-ray onto atom plane with its wave length and the magnitute of inter-plane distance d:
n = 2d · sin,
Where: n – integer (1, 2, 3, etc.), call spectrum order or reflection order; d- inter-plane distance; - angle between the direction of rays and reflecting planes; – X-rays wave length. The reflected pencil of X-rays which can be registered, appears only in case if the said equation is observed. The rays reflected in all other directions and different angles not meeting the requirements of Woolf-Bregg’equation, are mutually extinguished. Woolf-Bregg’equation is the main one in the x-ray analysis. X-raygraphic methods of analysis are widely used to study structure, composition and properties of various materials, for example, cement, porcelain, etc. x-ray analysis is used to research: qualitative and quantitative mineralogical and phase composition of cement, porcelain (x-ray phase analysis); fine structure of crystalline substances – shape, size and type of the elementary cell, crystal’s symmetry, atoms’ coordinates in the space (x-rays structural analysis); the level of crystals’ perfection and zonal tensions presence; type of solid solutions, a degree of their of order and solubility limits; size and orientation of particles in disperse systems; inner microflaws of products (flaw defection)
5. To translate in Russia: Thermoanalysis is one of the methods of physical-chemical analysis which are widely used to examine both organic and non-organic substances. Thermoanalysis is mainly a set of two methods: differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) or thermal weight. The essence of the thermoanalysis is in identifying temperatures at which physical state of a substance or its chemical composition changes. During physical or chemical processes of the substance transformation the energy like heat can be absorbed or emitted. If the temperature of the examined substance is registered during the heating process, then, due to the changes of the temperature, we can find the temperature interval where a certain chemical transformation takes place. Each substance has its characteristic interval for transformations. This allows to use thermoanalysis to diagnose compounds in mixtures, ores, rocks, etc. with the help of typical only for a given substance temperatures of dissociation, dehydration, etc. DTA is especially efficient when it is used to define phase composition of finely dispersed substances, because it is much more difficult to study them with the help of other methods. When various building materials are examined, DTA indicates characteristic endothermal reactions, which emerge as a result of dehydration and destruction of crystalline structure and exothermal reactions, determined by new phases formation at higher temperatures. This method has been successfully used during few last decades for examining finely dispersed hydrate formations emerging during cement stone and concrete hardening, for studying transformations of the amorphous phase (glasses), for finding impurities in clays, etc
6. To translate in Russia: The microscopic analysis used for direct or indirect research of the most various processes. Most often it use for studying the form and the sizes of crystals; processes of growth of crystals and their destruction; identifications of minerals by measurement of their optical constants; definition of the some crystallochemical features of crystals structure (habit, cleavage, fissuring, zonality, availability of inclusions, porosity, etc.); phase transformations into substances; processes of diffusion, etc. At availability of an opportunity of preparation of qualitative micro preparations the microscopic analysis allows to control separate stages of any process. The method of the light microscopic analysis is based on studying of optical properties of crystals that is connected with their structure. As is known, all minerals in depending on an internal structure and physical properties are divided on the seven syngony: cubic, tetragonal, trigonal, hexagonal, rhombic, monoclinic and triclinic. Crystals of cubic the syngonys are the most dense and their physical properties are identical in all directions. Light waves also are widespread with identical speed in all directions, i.e. these crystals optically isotropic. To define the specified optical characteristics of minerals it is possible by means of a polarizing microscope. Now polarizing microscopes МIN -8, МIN -9, etc. are used. They allow to receive increase from 24 up to 900 times.
7. To translate in Russia: Significantly, silicate composition is typical as well to the vast majority of representatives of a modern technical stone. Respectively, we find many such minerals which are characteristic and for natural rock-forming in mineralogical composition of the technical stone. For example crystal modifications free silicic acid, corundum, magnetite, spinels, forsterit, fayalite, wollastonite, diopside, field spars, melilite and many other minerals. The technical petrography studies nature of change when heating of different types of industrial raw materials (clays, talc, carbonate rocks, gypsum, etc.); investigating phase (mineral) composition and microstructures of technical products, promotes deeper understanding of the physical and chemical processes proceeding at production of artificial stone materials and helps to find ways of increase of their quality; opens stone causes of destruction under the influence of high temperatures, chemical processes, physical weathering, etc.; allows to create control methods of technological process and factory production (for example, at cement, ceramic and glass-manufacturing plants). Methods of petrographic researches are widely applied when studying of the binding substances, ceramics and glass. The petrographic analysis at production process control where it within several minutes gives the chance to establish the reasons of change of quality of the received production is especially useful
- To translate in Russia: Search and selection of the information should be carried out at the least expenses of time and with use the inter-industry and branch automated information systems. Carrying out of patent researches with use of search in foreign patent department should be coordinated with Committee on intellectual property rights of the Ministry of Justice of Republic Kazakhstan. Results of executed search and selection of the information are represented in the reference about search, made under the form of the obligatory supplement in the volume stipulated by the retrieval schedule. All technical information on invention is expounded in the description and the formula of invention. The designation of invention should verbatim align with banner words of the formula of invention. Exception is inventions the essence which consists in application formerly known devices, methods and substances in new purpose. The formula of invention is the composed by rule the brief verbal description which are voiced technical substance of invention. The characteristic of the invention is expressed by attributes of invention object.In a patent practice the formula of invention is compose or in the form of one item (single-claim formula), or in the form of two and more items (multiclaim formula).
Subject 3.Peculiarity oftranslation of scientific and technical literature in field of "Basic equipment of manufactories for silicate manufacturies " for the purpose of extract specific information in this field. Discussion by way of thorough understanding present information
9. To translate in Russia: Crushing in engineering, the process of breaking pieces of hard material to reduce their size. The pieces are broken by external forces that overcome the forces of cohesion among the particles of the material. Crushing can be accomplished by pressure, splitting, abrasion, or striking. Firm and abrasive materials are crushed mostly by pressure; firm and viscous materials by pressure combined with abrasion; soft and brittle materials by splitting and striking. Сrusher is a machine designed to reduce large rocks into smaller rocks, gravel, or rock dust. Crushers may be used to reduce the size, or change the form, of waste materials so they can be more easily disposed of or recycled , or to reduce the size of a solid mix of raw materials (as in rock ore ), so that pieces of different composition can be differentiated. Crusher according to their sizes are used for large (primary), intermediate (secondary, recycled) and fine (tertiary) crushing. There are the following main types of crushers: jaw, cone, roll, hammer-type and rotor. Pieces of material in jaw, cone and roll crushers are break between the crushing surfaces as they approximation. In the rotary and hammer-type crushers material is destroyed under the blows of crushing bodies, that rotating at high speed
10. To translate in Russia: A mill is a device that breaks solid materials into smaller pieces by grinding, crushing, or cutting. Such comminution is an important unit operation in many processes. There are many different types of mills and many types of materials processed in them. They are usually powered by electricity. The grinding of solid matters occurs under exposure of mechanical forces that trench the structure by overcoming of the interior bonding forces. After the grinding the state of the solid is changed: the grain size, the grain size disposition and the grain shape. Milling also refers to the process of breaking down, separating, sizing, or classifying aggregate material. For instance rock crushing or grinding to produce uniform aggregate size for construction purposes, or separation of rock, soil or aggregate material for the purposes of structural fill or land reclamation activities. Aggregate milling processes are also used to remove or separate contamination or moisture from aggregate or soil and to produce "dry fills" prior to transport or structural filling. According to the principle of grinding mills are subdivided into: ball mill; rod mill; autogenous mill; pebble mill; vertical shaft impactor mill; fluid mill. A typical type of fine grinder is the ball mill
11. To translate in Russia: Mechanical screening, often just called screening, is the practice of taking granulated ore material and separating it into multiple grades by particle size. The mining and mineral processing industry uses screening for a variety of processing applications. For example, after mining the minerals, the material is transported to a primary crusher. Finally, screening is used to make a final separation to produce saleable products based on a grade or a size range. A screening machine consist of a drive that induces vibration, a screen media that causes particle separation, and a deck which holds the screen media and the drive and is the mode of transport for the vibration. There are physical factors that makes screening practical. For example, vibration, gravity force, density, and material shape all facilitate the rate or cut. Electrostatic forces can also hinder screening efficiency in way of water attraction causing sticking or plugging, or very dry material generate a charge that causes it to attract to the screen itself. There are physical factors that makes screening practical. For example, vibration, gravity force, density, and material shape all facilitate the rate or cut. Electrostatic forces can also hinder screening efficiency in way of water attraction causing sticking or plugging, or very dry material generate a charge that causes it to attract to the screen itself.
12. To translate in Russia: A drying oven is a device for drying of materials and semi-finished product, dehumidification, thermal storage, evaporation, and heat treatments. Larger models may include conveyor belts. In accordance with a variety of dryable material, their properties and processing conditions the design of dryers are also very varied and differ according to: a method for heat supply (convection, contact, special); type of drying agent (air, gas, steam); pressure in the drying chamber (atmospheric and vacuum); the method of organization of the process (intermittent or continuous operation); mutual direction of movement of the dryable material and the drying agent (in the convective apparatus - co-current, in counter-flow, crossflow); as a condition of layer of moist material in the machine (with a fixed bed, moving bed or suspended floc layer). By design: a) chamber, b) shaft, c) tunnel, d) drum-type, e) tube, f) band, g) suspended floc layer, h) spray, i) sublimation and others. Drum dryers are intended for drying small-lumpy and bulk materials (gypsum, lime, pyrite, coal, phosphorite, mineral salts, etc.). Such dryer represents established with a small inclination to the horizon (a corner up to 4 °) a cylindrical drum with tyres. Wet material through a feeder comes to a drum and is evenly distributed on its section by the inner checker filling is divided. Material is dried closely is in contact with the drying agent when overturning and moves to an unloading opening in the receiving bin. Gases enter from the fire chamber adjoining a drum and infiltrate a co-current through it by the fan
13. To translate in Russia: A device or enclosure to provide thermal processing of an article or substance in a controlled temperature environment or atmosphere, often by direct firing, but occasionally by convection or radiation heat transfer. Kilns are used in many different industries, and the type of device called a kiln varies with the industry. Kiln” usually refers to an oven or furnace which operates at sufficiently high temperature to require that its walls be constructed of refractory materials. The distinction between a kiln and a furnace is often based more on the industry than on the design of the device. Generally the word “kiln” is used when referring to high-temperature treatment of nonmetallic materials such as in the ceramic, cement, and the lime industries. When melting is involved as in steel manufacture, the term “furnace” is used, as in blast furnace and basic oxygen furnace. As long as there is still ware to pass through the kiln it can be fired continually, unlike the intermittent kiln which must be stopped and started to fill and empty the pottery. Rotary kilns are among the largest items of permanently moving industrial machinery, the largest examples weighing in their fully-loaded form several thousand tonnes. A lime kiln is used to convert limestone to lime for mortar and other uses, at temperatures reaching 900°С-1000°С. They are, most often, represented a vertical shaft
Subject 4.Peculiarity oftranslation of scientific and technical literature in field of "Chemical technology of binders" for the purpose of extract specific information in this field. Discussion by way of thorough understanding present information
- To translate in Russia: Binders are powder-like materials which, when mixed with water, form plastic mass convenient for handling and harden with time into strong stone-like body. This definition refers to non-organic mineral binders mainly used in construction, because there are some organic and other binders which are mixed with acids, alkalis, etc. Binders are divided into 4 big groups because of their composition, main properties and fields of their application: Hydraulic binders, Air binders, Steam-and-pressure cured binder, Acid-resistant binders. Portland cement is hydraulic binder, which is a product of fine grinding of portland cement clinker. The said clinker is produced by calcination of raw materials mixture of a proper composition till clinkering and containing dominating amount of calcium silicates. Portland cement production consists of a number of technological operations which can be divided into two main groups. The first group includes operations for clinker production, the second group includes crushing together with gypsum, and in a number of cases with additions, too, that is, portland cement production. Clinker production: raw materials mining crushing, grinding and blending, calcinating raw materials mixture. Portland cement productions: clinker crushing, mineral additions preparation (crushing, drying), gypsum stone crushing, clinker grinding together with active mineral additions and gypsum, storage, packing
- To translate in Russia: Portland cement production consists of a number of technological operations which can be divided into two main groups. The first group includes operations for clinker production, the second group includes crushing together with gypsum, and in a number of cases with additions, too, that is, portland cement production. Clinker production: raw materials mining crushing, grinding and blending, calcinating raw materials mixture. Portland cement productions: clinker crushing, mineral additions preparation (crushing, drying), gypsum stone crushing, clinker grinding together with active mineral additions and gypsum, storage, packing. According to the peculiarities of preparation of raw materials mixtures, there are four methods to produce portland cement: a wet one, a dry one, a semi-wet method and a combined method. The wet method: the raw materials mixture is ground finely in water which results in charge as water suspension - slime. The dry method: the raw materials mixture is dried and then ground into fine powder. Dry powder mixture is calcinated. The semi-wet method is different from the dry one, because the mixture is granulated with 10 to14 % water addition and is calcinated in granular with 10 to15mm. If the combined methods is used then the raw materials mixture is prepared like in the wet methods (slime), then it goes to the filters and dewatered up to 16-18 % of moisture and sent for calcination as semi-dried mass.
- To translate in Russia: Portland cement is made by heating a mixture of limestone and clay, or other materials of similar bulk composition and sufficient reactivity, ultimately to a temperature of about 1450
C. Partial fusion occurs, and nodules of clinker are produced. The clinker is mixed with a few per cent of calcium sulfate and finely ground, to make the cement. The calcium sulfate controls the rate of set and influences the rate of strength development. It is commonly described as gypsum , but this may be partly or wholly replaced by other forms of calcium sulfate. Some specifications allow the addition of other materials at the grinding stage. The clinker typically has a composition in the in the region of 67% CaO, 22% SiO2, 5% Al2O3, 3% Fe2O3 and 3% other components, and normally contains four major phases, called alite, belite, aluminate and ferrite. Several other phases, such as alkali sulfates and calcium oxide, are normally present in minor amounts. Hardening results from reactions between the major phases and water. Alite is the most important constituent of all normal Portland cement clinkers, of which in constitutes 50-70%. In is tricalcium silicate (Ca3SiO5) modified in composition and crystal structure by ionic substitutions. It reacts relatively quickly with water, and in normal Portland cements is the most important of the constituent phases for strength development; at ages up to 28 days, it is by far the most important. Belite constitutes 15-30% of normal Portland cement clinkers. It is dicalcium silicate (Ca2SiO4) modified by ionic substitutions and normally present wholly or largely as the
polymorph. In reacts slowly with water, thus contributing little to the strength during the first 28 days , but substantially to the further increase in strength that occurs at later ages. By one year, the strength obtainable from pure belite are about the same under comparable conditions.
17. To translate in Russia: Cooling of clinker takes place at two locations: 1) in the kiln after the material passes the burning zone region, and 2) in the specially designed clinker coolers after the material falls out of the kiln. The rate of cooling can be critical to the clinker quality and performance of cement. The rate of cooling in the kiln is determined by the flame and resulting heat flux, flame temperature, and speed of material flow through the kiln. As the clinker temperature exiting the kiln is normally 1200°C to 1250°C, the clinker characteristics have been already largely established before the clinker enters the cooler. A long flame gives slow heat-up and slow cooling of the kiln charge before it falls from the kiln. There are two main types of coolers used in cement clinker production. These are the satellite (or planetary) type, the oscillating grate type, drum type, air-quenching type and shaft type. Clinker coolers perform the function of: Transporting clinker from the kiln to the clinker delivery system; Cooling the clinker to a safe temperature for subsequent transport; Finalizing the clinker mineralogy through rapid cooling; Preheating combustion air by heat exchange with hot clinker. The clinker is also to some extent still reacting chemically toward creation of various clinker minerals. The purpose of the clinker cooling is to recoup some of the heat in the clinker, thereby making it cool enough to handle
Subject 5.Peculiarity oftranslation of scientific and technical literature in field of "Chemical technology of ceramics and refractories" for the purpose of extract specific information in this field. Discussion by way of thorough understanding present information
18. To translate in Russia: Ceramics are goods that consist of silicates of aluminium. When clay absorbs water, it becomes plastic. When clay is burned it gives off water and becomes hard. When it is burned, the clay shrinks; easily fusible constituents vitrify, cementing the solid constituents. Depending on the temperature of burning, the ceramics obtained have a vitreous or porous body. The latter are permeable to water. However, they can be made impermeable to water by glazing. Coarse-grained masses are used in industry of almost all fire-proof products and in industries so-called rough building ceramics. Distinctive feature of mass from coarse-grained powders is their inability to condense intensively in burning. Finely-grained mass is used in production of household and electro technical porcelain, some finishing building materials and practically of all kinds of technical ceramics. These productions are called finely-ceramical materials. The finely grain composition of powders facilitates processes of chemical interaction of components and condensation in burning. All the raw materials employed in technology of ceramics are divided into 4 groups: Clay materials, Fluxing agents, Nonplastics, Additional and auxiliary materials. Clay, kaolins, bentonits refer to clay materials. As fluxing agents use fieldspar, pegmatites, perlites, chalk, dolomite, talc, nepheline syenite, spodumene and other minerals, materials and rocks
19. To translate in Russia: The manufacture of ceramic products takes place in different types of kilns, with a wide range of raw materials and in numerous shapes, sizes and colours. The general process of manufacturing ceramic products, however, is rather uniform, besides the fact that for the manufacture of wall and floor tiles, household ceramics, sanitaryware and technical ceramics often a multiple stage firing process is used. Preparation of initial components includes processes of enrichment or «ennoble» mineral raw material, i.e. washing by water, sorting, magnetic or sieveal separation, chemical clearing and other methods of removal of harmful impurity; preliminary crushing; drying of raw material up to the humidity providing an opportunity of crushing; the preliminary thermal processing (burning) providing necessary phase transformations, condensation and removal of flying components. Crushing of components provides reception of the sizes of their grain, in conformity with features of the subsequent technology and requirements to properties of products. For crushing use various grinding machines of continuous or periodic action. Mixing of components should provide reception of homogeneous composition (raw mix, mass) the certain chemical-mineralogical composition. After weight or volumetric dosage components mix in periodic or continuously operating blending machines. Molding process should give to a semifinished item (half-finished product) the demanded form and the sizes, in view of the subsequent changes of volume in drying and burning. The density, uniformity of a structure of a half-finished product item and mechanical durability, sufficient for transportation and the subsequent technological operations should be simultaneously provided
20. To translate in Russia: The ceramic materials applied for construction of buildings and various constructions, by convention to name building ceramics. This ceramics usually classify on character of its application and subdivide on wall ceramic (brick and stones ceramic and panels from them), facade (face brick, tiles of various types), roofing (tile), sewerage and drainage pipes, ceramic fillers for concrete (expanded-clay aggregate, pearlite and agloporite). There are coarse and fine product of building ceramics. These products by the structure of sherd divided into two groups: with porous structure and with dense rocky structure. The materials for the manufacture of ceramic products are plastic raw materials (clay, kaolin) and non-plastic raw materials: fluxing agent (feldspar pegmatite, nepheline, syenite and etc.) or nonplastic materials (silica, burnt ground clay, fire clay, etc. ). Nonplastic additives reduce shrinkage during drying and firing, and fluxing additives reduce the temperature of burning products necessary for sintering or melting. Coarse building ceramics usually classify on character of its application and subdivide on wall ceramic (brick and stones ceramic and panels from them), facade (face brick, tiles of various types), roofing (tile), sewerage and drainage pipes, ceramic fillers for concrete (expanded-clay aggregate, pearlite and agloporite). The fine building ceramics are divided into two classes: the product with a dense, sintered, do not let water and gases shard with conchoidal fracture; product with fine-grained, white or uniformly colored, porous and opaque shard that passes in the form of unglazed water. The first class includes the following are the most common groups of products: hard porcelain (sanitary ware porcelain stoneware tiles (ceramic granites)), soft porcelain (the floor tiles), stoneware (acid-resistant), special technical ceramic products (steatite, cordierite, of pure oxides, etc.).
21. To translate in Russia: For brick manufacturing are used clays. Clays must have plasticity, which permits them to be shaped or molded when mixed with water; they must have sufficient wet and air-dried strength to maintain their shape after forming. Clays are composed of silica and alumina with varying amounts of metallic oxides. Metallic oxides act as fluxes promoting fusion of the particles at lower temperatures. Metallic oxides (particularly those of iron, magnesium and calcium) influence the color of the fired brick. The manufacturing process has six general phases: 1) mining and storage of raw materials, 2) preparing raw materials, 3) forming the brick, 4) drying, 5) firing and cooling and 6) de-hacking and storing finished products. Tempering, the first step in the forming process, produces a homogeneous, plastic clay mass. Usually, this is achieved by adding water to the clay in a pug mill, a mixing chamber with one or more revolving shafts with blade extensions. After pugging, the plastic clay mass is ready for forming. There are three principal processes for forming brick: stiff-mud, soft-mud and dry-press. Wet brick from molding or cutting machines contain 7 to 30 percent moisture, depending upon the forming method. Before the firing process begins, most of this water is evaporated in dryer chambers at temperatures ranging from about 40 ºC to 200 ºC. Dried brick are set in periodic kilns according to a prescribed pattern that permits circulation of hot kiln gases. Firing may be divided into five general stages: 1) final drying (evaporating free water) takes place at temperatures up to about 200 ºC; 2) dehydration - about 150 ºC to 980 ºC; 3) oxidation - from 550 ºC to 980 ºC; 4) vitrification - from 880 ºC to 1300 ºC); and 5) flashing or reduction firing.
Subject 6. Peculiarity of translation of scientific and technical literature in field of "Technology of production of concrete and reinforced concrete products " for the purpose of extract specific information in this field. Discussion by way of thorough understanding present information.
22. To translate in Russia: Concrete is a composite material composed of coarse aggregate bonded together with a fluid cement which hardens over time. Most concretes used are lime-based concretes such as Portland cement concrete or concretes made with other hydraulic cements. In Portland cement concrete (and other hydraulic cement concretes), when the aggregate is mixed together with the dry cement and water, they form a fluid mass that is easily molded into shape. The cement reacts chemically with the water and other ingredients to form a hard matrix which binds all the materials together into a durable stone-like material that has many uses. Often, additives (such as pozzolans or superplasticizers) are included in the mixture to improve the physical properties of the wet mix or the finished material. Most concrete is poured with reinforcing materials (such as rebar) embedded to provide tensile strength, yielding reinforced concrete. There are many type of concrete available, created by varying the proportions of the main ingredients. In this way or by substitution for the cementitious and aggregate phases, the finished product can be tailored to its application with varying strength, density, or chemical and thermal resistance properties. To produce concrete from most cements (excluding asphalt), water is mixed with the dry powder and aggregate, which produces a semi-liquid that workers can shape, typically by pouring it into a form. The concrete solidifies and hardens through a chemical process called hydration. The water reacts with the cement, which bonds the other components together, creating a robust stone-like material.
23. To translate in Russia: Concrete production is the process of mixing together the various ingredients—water, aggregate, cement, and any additives—to produce concrete. Concrete production is time-sensitive. Once the ingredients are mixed, workers must put the concrete in place before it hardens. In modern usage, most concrete production takes place in a large type of industrial facility called a concrete plant, or often a batch plant. In general usage, concrete plants come in two main types, ready mix plants and central mix plants. A ready mix plant mixes all the ingredients except water, while a central mix plant mixes all the ingredients including water. A central mix plant offers more accurate control of the concrete quality through better measurements of the amount of water added, but must be placed closer to the work site where the concrete will be used, since hydration begins at the plant. Modern concrete is usually prepared as a viscous fluid, so that it may be poured into forms, which are containers erected in the field to give the concrete its desired shape. There are many different ways in which concrete formwork can be prepared, such as Slip forming and Steel plate construction. Alternatively, concrete can be mixed into dryer, non-fluid forms and used in factory settings to manufacture Precast concrete products.
24. To translate in Russia: Pervious concrete is a mix of specially graded coarse aggregate, cement, water and little-to-no fine aggregates. This concrete is also known as "no-fines" or porous concrete. Mixing the ingredients in a carefully controlled process creates a paste that coats and bonds the aggregate particles. The hardened concrete contains interconnected air voids totalling approximately 15 to 25 percent. Water runs through the voids in the pavement to the soil underneath. Air entrainment admixtures are often used in freeze–thaw climates to minimize the possibility of frost damage. Nano concrete is created by High-energy mixing (HEM) of cement, sand and water using a specific consumed power of 30 - 600 watt/kg for a net specific energy consumption of at least 5 kJ/kg of the mix. A plasticizer or a superplasticizer is then added to the activated mixture which can later be mixed with aggregates in a conventional concrete mixer. The liquid activated mixture is used by itself for casting small architectural details and decorative items, or foamed (expanded) for lightweight concrete. HEM Nano concrete hardens in low and subzero temperature conditions and possesses an increased volume of gel, which drastically reduces capillarity in solid and porous materials
25.To translate in Russia/ Kazakh:Reinforced concrete (RC) is a composite material in which concrete's relatively low tensile strength and ductility are counteracted by the inclusion of reinforcement having higher tensile strength and/or ductility. The reinforcement is usually, though not necessarily, steel reinforcing bars (rebar) and is usually embedded passively in the concrete before the concrete sets. Reinforcing schemes are generally designed to resist tensile stresses in particular regions of the concrete that might cause unacceptable cracking and/or structural failure. Modern reinforced concrete can contain varied reinforcing materials made of steel, polymers or alternate composite material in conjunction with rebar or not. For a strong, ductile and durable construction the reinforcement needs to have the following properties at least: high relative strength; high toleration of tensile strain; good bond to the concrete, irrespective of pH, moisture, and similar factors; thermal compatibility, not causing unacceptable stresses in response to changing temperatures; durability in the concrete environment, irrespective of corrosion or sustained stress. The coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete is similar to that of steel, eliminating large internal stresses due to differences in thermal expansion or contraction
level (16 balls) – 25 questions
Subject 1. Peculiarity of translation of scientific and technical literature by subject " Raw materials, mineralogy and petrography" for the purpose of extract specific information in this field. Discussion by way of thorough understanding present information:
1. Retell the text into English on topic Petrography. Raw materials varieties
2. Retell the text into English on topicSilica-containing rocks
3. Retell the text into English on topic Carbonate rocks. Clay rocks
4. Retell the text into English on topic Sulphate-containing and igneous rocks
Subject 2Peculiarity oftranslation of scientific and technical literature in field of Physical and chemical methods of analysis of silicate materials" for the purpose of extract specific information in this field. Discussion by way of thorough understanding present information:
5. Retell the text into English on topic X-ray phase analysis
6. Retell the text into English on topic Thermal methods of analysis
7. Retell the text into English on topic The microscopic analysis. Petrography of technical stone- technical petrography.
8. Retell the text into English on topic Electronic microscopy. Basis of patenting
Subject 3.Peculiarity oftranslation of scientific and technical literature in field of "Basic equipment of manufactories for silicate manufacturies " for the purpose of extract specific information in this field. Discussion by way of thorough understanding present information
9. Retell the text into English on topic Crushing
10. Retell the text into English on topic Jaw crushers. Mills
11. Retell the text into English on topic Mechanical screening and screens
12. Retell the text into English on topic Conveyors
13. Retell the text into English on topic Drying oven, Kilns
Subject 4 Peculiarity of translation of scientific and technical literature in field of "Chemical technology of binders" for the purpose of extract specific information in this field. Discussion by way of thorough understanding present information.
14. Retell the text into English on topic Classification of binders
15. Retell the text into English on topic Cement
16. Retell the text into English on topic Raw materials for production of building binders. Portland cement production process
17. Retell the text into English on topic Clinker formation processes. Clinker coolers
18. Retell the text into English on topic Finish milling and clinker grinding
Subject 5.Peculiarity oftranslation of scientific and technical literature in field of "Chemical technology of ceramics and refractories" for the purpose of extract specific information in this field. Discussion by way of thorough understanding present information
19. Retell the text into English on topic Classification of ceramics. Raw materials for production of ceramics
20. Retell the text into English on topic Manufacturing process of ceramics. Molding processes of ceramics
21. Retell the text into English on topic Removal of temporary link out of ceramic semi-prepared item. Burning. Porcelain enameling of wares
22. Retell the text into English on topic Building ceramics. Production of brick
Subject 6. Peculiarity of translation of scientific and technical literature in field of "Technology of production of concrete and reinforced concrete products " for the purpose of extract specific information in this field. Discussion by way of thorough understanding present information:.
23. Retell the text into English on topic Concrete. Concrete production
24. Retell the text into English on topic Specialty concretes
25. Retell the text into English on topic Reinforced concrete