Глаголы to be и to have. Личные и притяжательные местоимения
Задание 1. Закончите предложения, опираясь на модель
Model:Is it cold here? - Yes, it is very cold here./No, it is not very cold here.
1. Is it dark in the room now? - Yes, _____
2. Is it warm in the house? - No, _____
3. Is it three o'clock in the morning now? - No, _____
4. Is it morning already? - Yes, _____
5. Is it comfortable to sleep on this bed? - No, _____
6. Is it time to have dinner? - Yes, _____
Задание 2. Дайте краткий ответ
Model: Yes, he is/he has; No, he is not/he has not
1. Have you many brothers and sisters? 2. Are there many children in your family? 3. Has your mother many children? 4. Has your father much work to do? 5. Is there a piano in your room? 6. Are your friends at school now? 7. Has your uncle a dog in his home? 8. Is your friend younger than you? 9. Have you many classes on Friday? 10. Are you taller than your friend? 11. Is your friend younger than you? 12. Are there many theatres in your town?
Задание 3. Запишите предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной форме
1. Her name is Lucy. 2. Ted is nine. 3. Her face is round. 4. He is nice. 5. It is a good film. 6. My fiat is fine. 7. I am happy. 8. You are pale. 9. Her baby is in bed. 10. It is a nice day. 11. They are late. 12. She has a white dress. 13. They have a four-year-old son. 14. You have a big car. 15. We have many English books. 16. He has many uncles and aunts. 17. The house has five floors. 18. She is from Russia. 19. Her name is Nelly. 20. We are glad to see them.
Задание 4. Выберите местоимение
1. Kate and (I, me) work together. 2. We spent our holiday together with (them, they). 3. (My, me) aunt Susan is (my, me) mother's sister. 4. (Our, us) relatives are coming to see (our, us) today. 5. Is this (you, your) dog? 6. There is something wrong with (it, its) ear. 7. George and Carol are having (them, their) lunch. 8. He gave (me, my) (him, his) photograph in which I couldn't recognize (him, his). 9. We were surprised to see (them, their) on the platform, they also came to meet (our, us). 10. (She, her) writes to (he, him) every day. 11. (We, us) enjoy playing tennis. 12. Will you give (her, she) and (I, me) some help?
Задание 5. Используйте местоимения вместо существительных
1. At Christmas ... (friends) often give Mary presents. 2. ... (Mary) likes her friends. 3. ... (the bird) is singing lovely. 4. We feel so lonely, stay with.... 5. ... (my sister and I) don't like to walk our dog. 6. May I give ... a good piece of advice? Spend more time with your son. You can help ... much.
Задание 6. Запишите предложения согласно модели
Model: This is her book. — This book is hers.
1. This is my house. 2. These are my dogs. 3. This is his car. 4. These are his sons. 5. This is your room. 6. These are your moms. 7. This is our office. 8. These are our cups. 9. This is their garden. 10. These are their flowerbeds.
Задание 1. Употребите глаголы to be и to have в Present Indefinite Tense
1. You ... welcome. 2. The metro station ... far from my house. 3. Mary and Nelly ... friends. 4. She ... out. 5. It... 5 o'clock now. 6. She ... a nice flat. 7. We ... a little child. She ... four. 8. They ... a big car. It ... red. 9. How ... you? 10. How old ... Mary? 11. How many children ... they? 12. What country ... she from? 13. We ... well. 14. They ... a small cottage. It ... far away. 15. She ... at home. 16. She ... no time. 17. He ... bad habits. 18. How far ... it from here? 19. It ... easy to ask him about it. 20. It ... not good of her to say so. 21. She ... two mistakes in the test. Her mistakes ... bad. 22. They ... glad to see her. 23. It ... a rainy day, ... he an umbrella with him?
Задание 2. Вставьте глагол to be в форме Present, Past или Future Simple Tense
1. There … three foxes in the garden. 2. This winter … not very cold. 3. These books … not very interesting. 4. … there many children in the classroom? 5. How many women … there in the kitchen? 6. Where ... your brother now? — He ... in his room. 7. ... she ... at work tomorrow? — Yes, she .... 8. ... you at school yesterday? — Yes, I .... 9. My sister ... at school now. She ... not at home. 10. ... you ... a teacher in some years? 11. My pens ... not on the table. Where ... they? 12. His brother ... a child. He ... 7. 13. We ... pupils last year, but now we ... students. 14. Where ... your grandmother? — She ... in the Richmond 15. My brother ... not ill now. 16. All my family ... at home tomorrow. 17. When he ... young, he ... a pilot. 18. She ... a good student. 19. Nick ... ill last month. 20. The gardens … big. 21. There … only one book on the shelf. 22. … the table near the window?
Задание 3. Употребите личные или притяжательные местоимения в нужной форме
1. The girls are here ... came early. 2. When Roger saw Ann ... spoke to.... 3. The boss left an hour ago. I didn't see.... 4. The Browns have moved into a new flat. ... gave … new address, so I can visit.... 5. Jane is ... sister.... is older than ... am. 6. Thank... for the book... gave..., ... is very interesting. 7. ... like to visit ... friends who live not far from ... house.
Задание 1. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в форме Present, Past или Future Simple Tense
1. Я сейчас дома. 2. Вчера он был на работе. 3. Завтра ее не будет дома. 4. Дети в парке. 5. Они не в школе. 6. Он не был вчера в школе. Он был дома. 7. Где она? Она на работе. 8. В прошлом году я был учеником. В этом году я студент. 9. Где вы были? Мы были в театре. 10. Его отец доктор. Он тоже будет доктором? 11. Завтра дети будут во дворе.
Задание 2. Переведите эти предложения с русского на английский язык, обращая внимание на местоимения
1. Мне жарко. 2. Вы сообщили им эту новость? 3. Отдай ему его ручку. Он любит писать только своей. Она всегда с ним. 4. Помогите мне, пожалуйста. 5. Мы пригласили их пожить с нами на нашей даче. 6. Вы бывали у них? 7. Это не моя комната. У меня нет своей 8. Вы долго ждали нас? 9. Их коттедж не кирпичный, их - деревянный. 10. Отправь ее в ее комнату. 11. Позовите его к телефону. 12. Им хочется побывать в Париже.
Оборот There is (are). Существительные, притяжательный падеж
Задание 1. Составьте вопросительные и отрицательные предложения, используя модель
There is some book on the desk. - Is there any book on the desk? - There isn't any book on the desk.
There are some apples on the table. - Are there any apples on the table? - There are 't any apples on the table.
1. There is some bread on the table. 2. There are some chairs in the room. 3. There are some pictures on the wall. 4. There is some money in the purse. 5. There is some news on the radio. 6. There are some oranges in the bag.
Задание 2. Согласитесь со следующим утверждением, используя модель "there is/are"
You have got three members in your family. - Yes, there are three members in my family.
You can see a boy in the picture. - Yes, there is a boy in the picture.
1. You've got a book in front of you. 2. She's got many foreign books in her library. 3. You can see many countries on this map. 4. They've got many pets at home. 5. You've got nolaboratory on the first floor. 6. You can see a farm near the forest.
Задание 3. Задайте вопросы, опираясь на модель
Model: I have a car - Have you a car?
There is a piano in the room. - Is there a piano in the room?
1. The dog has a bone in his teeth. 2. There is a bone in the dog's teeth. 3. John and Bill have many friends at school. 4. There are many children in the hall. 5. My brother has a big house.
Задание 4. Употребите глагол to be в правильной форме
1. There ... a pen and two pencils on the desk. 2. There ... two pencils and a pen on the desk. 3. There ... a lot of snow in the streets. 4. There ... much bread on the table. 5. ... there much or little money in the purse? 6. How many pages ... there in the book? 7. ... there much food in the fridge?
Задание 5. Запишите существительные во множественном числе
A.family, woman, duck, lake, photo, quiz, tomato, play, sheep, uncle, pony, leaf, belief, face, postman, toy, tooth, kerchief, mouse, child, umbrella, curriculum, magazine, knife, life, path, class, roof, grass, cup, city, phenomenon.
B.mother-in-law, butterfly, reading room, standard lamp, inkpot, tape recorder, son-in-law, exercise book, suitcase, blackbird, passer-by, ex-president.
Задание 6. Укажите форму числа имени существительного
Means, a table, fish, fruit, furniture, teeth, clothes, sheep, news, economics, food, feet, a horse, advice, money, bread, police, workers, a child, a clock, a watch, work, information, progress, glasses, mice, hair.
Задание 7. Перепишите существительные в притяжательном падеже
1. the title of the book 2. the economy of the country 3. the work of the next week 4. the holiday of three weeks 5. the toys of my children
Задание 1. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя оборот there + be
1. Has she got any meat in the refrigerator? 2. This room has five windows. 3. I have much milk in the cup. 4. We have no canteen at our office. 5. We have got little cheese and butter in the refrigerator.
Задание 2. Поставьте вопросы к следующим предложениям
1. There are some new pupils in our group. 2. There is no book on the table. 3. There were many old houses in our street. 4. There are 4 seasons in a year. 5. There will be a conference next week. 6. There are many large cities in our country. 7. There was nobody in the room. 8. There are 7 days in a week.
Задание 3. Перепишите существительные в притяжательном падеже
1. mother/hat 2. book/student 3. pants/man 4. wives/clothes
Задание 4. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число
1. This is a star. 2. That is a flower. 3. Is this a man? 4. That isn't a goose. 5. It is a sheep. 6. That woman is my sister. 7. There is a table in the room. 8. Has this lady a knife? 9. The child is sitting on the bench. 10. My tooth is white. 11. A potato is a vegetable and a cherry is a fruit. 12. This strawberry is still green.
Задание 5. Напишите следующие предложения в прошедшем и будущем временах
1. There is much snow in winter. 2. There are 5 theatres in our city. 3. There is no lift in our house. 4. There are many new books in our library. 5. There is a map on the wall.
Задание 6. Закончите предложение, используя сложное существительное
a hundred-liter tank; a twenty-storey building; a two-hour flight; a four-day visit; a ten-dollar note; a six-day stay;
Model: Tom's son is four. He is a four-year old boy.
1.The State University has 20 stories. It is a … building.
2. Our visit to London lasted four days. We had … visit.
3. It took us two hours to fly to Sochi. It was … flight.
4. He gave ten dollars for the book. He gave … note.
5. I'm going to stay here for six days. I'll have … stay.
6. This tank holds 100 liters. This is a … tank.
Задание 7. Кроссворд. Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число и впишите ответ в соответствующие поля
1. ребенок 2. мышь 3. зуб 4. гусь 5. нога 6. женщина 7. брат 8. младенец 9. волосы 10. фрукты 11. платье 12. нож 13. жена 14. ключ 15. баран
Задание 1. Переведите на английский язык, используя глаголы to be, to have или оборот there + be
1. У них много комнат в квартире. 2. В комнате мало вещей. 3. Стол - в середине комнаты. 4. В этой комнате нет кроватей. 5. На стенах несколько картин. 6. В кухне два окна. 7. В этой комнате одна дверь и два окна. 8. На столе ваза с цветами. 9. Книга не на столе, она в книжном шкафу.10. Масло и яйца на кухонном столе.11. В чае нет сахара.
Задание 2. Дополните предложения
1. In this country there... . 2. In Asia there... . 2. In our library there.... 4. In the street there.... 5. In the sun there.... 6. In the University there.... 7. In the room there.... 8. Under the window there.... 9. On the table there.... 10. On the wall there.... 11. In the picture there.... 12. In the exercise there.... 13. On the page there.... 14. In the kitchen there.... 15. In the fridge there.... 16. On the left there....
Задание 3. Переведите на английский язык, используя существительные в притяжательном падеже
1. Где сегодняшняя газета? 2. В Москве есть несколько детских театров. 3. Это дом Картеров? 4. Мы пошли в соседский сад за яблоками. 5. Спальня мальчиков наверху. 6. Он друг моего брата. 7. Это детская игра. 8. Семья миссис Росс живет на юге Франции.
Задание 4. Переведите на английский язык
1. Это явление еще неизвестно. 2. У нее красивые длинные волосы. 3. У них на ферме гуси, утки, овцы и козы. 4. Я поймал две рыбки. 5. За ним гналась полиция. 6. Женщины и дети выехали за город. 7. Я ищу работу. 8. 10 рублей – небольшая сумма денег.
Структура предложений. Безличные предложения
Задание 1. Запишите структуру каждого предложения
Предложения | Структура предложения |
1. My parents leave home for work at 7 o’clock every day. 2. Do you like to study at the college? 3. He doesn’t know this subject well. 4. It was cold and wet yesterday. |
Задание 1. Дополните предложения словами из скобок.
1. People gain knowledge (understanding, about, the world, and)
2. People get information (own, initiative, their, on, a teacher, without)
3. Most countries offer programs (for, children, also, gifted, education, special)
4. People continue their education (school, after, leaving, to, want)
5. They receive instruction (in, also, different, subjects)
Задание 1. Составьте из предлагаемых слов предложения. Первое слово выделено курсивом.
1. are, into, two, These, types, divided, ways, of, learning.
2. are, in, learning, People, involved, their, daily, life, during.
3. formal, informal, are, There, two, of, types, education, and.
4. early, childhood, during, enter,People, formal, education, a system, of, their.
5. Learners, to, school, regularly, have, come, to.
Задание 2. Переведите на английский язык.
1. Сегодня холодно. 2. Идет снег целый день. 3. Сейчас утро. 4. Было приятно познакомиться с вашим другом. 5. Поздно. Пора спать. 6. Сейчас уже 10 часов утра. 7. На улице холодно? 8. Сейчас ранняя весна, но уже тепло. 9. Это далеко отсюда?
Количественные и указательные местоимения
Задание 1. Вставьте a little, a few
This is my mother's favorite recipe for fruitcake, and everybody says it's out of this world!
Put 3 cups of flour into a mixing bowl. Add ... sugar. Slice ... apples. Cut up ... oranges. Pour in ... honey. Add ... baking soda. Chop up ... nuts. Add ... salt. Mix in ... raisins. Bake for 45 minutes. Enjoy, dear!
Задание 2. Используйте how much или how many
1. ... milk is there in the bottle? 2. ... plates are there in the cupboard? 3. ... tea is there in the pot? 4. ... sugar is there in the sugar basin? 5. ... forks are there on the table? 6. ... mistakes are there in your dictation? 7. ... friends have you got? 8. ... time is left? 9. ... effort do you need to do it? 10. ... places of interest have you visited? 11. ... money do you need? 12. ... fishes did he catch? 13. ... times did I tell you this? 14. ... have you read? 15. ... papers do you read every day?
Задание 1. Поставьте где необходимо местоимения much, many, little, a little, few или a few
1. He had ... English books at home, so he had to go to the library for more books.2. She gave him ... water to wash his hands and face. 3. I’d like to say ... words about my journey.4. After the play everybody felt ... tired.5. Let's stay here ... longer: it is such a nice place.6. There were ... new words in the text, and Peter spent ... time learning it.7. There was ... hay in the barn, and the children could not play there.8. There was ... water in the river, and they decided to cross it.9. My mother knows German ... and she can help you with the translation of this letter10. When we walked ... father down the road, we met another group of students.
Задание 1. Переведите на английский язык
1. В супе мало мяса. 2. Я не ем много хлеба. 3. У меня есть немного денег. 4. В супе мало соли. 5. На столе немного хлеба. 6. В чернильнице мало чернил. 7. На столе много чашек? 8. Мы не едим много мяса на ужин. На ужин у нас рыбные блюда. 9. Там много стульев. 10. В моей комнате не много вещей. 11. У него несколько друзей.
Прилагательные. Местоимения some, any, no, every и их производные
Задание 1. Ниже приведены пары антонимов с объяснениями. Переведите их и выучите антонимы
empty - with nothing in it | full - holding as much as possible |
merry - full of fun | sad - unhappy |
poor - having very little money | wealthy - having a lot of money |
warm - slightly hot | cool - slightly cold |
Задание 2. Переведите предложения на русский язык
1. This book is not so interesting as that one. 2. The Baltic Sea is not so warm as the Black Sea. 3. The more you read, the more you know. 4. My brother is not as tall as you are. 5. The earlier you get up, the more you can do. 6. Today the wind is as strong as it was yesterday. 7. Your room is as light as mine. 8. John knows Russian as well as English. 9. Mary is not so lazy as her brother. 10. The longer the night is, the shorter the day. 11. The less people think, the more they talk.
Задание 3. Найдите правильный перевод прилагательного (A) в строчке B
A)the most beautiful, stronger, better, sad, young, weaker, the strongest, the biggest, fast, higher
B)быстрый, выше, самый красивый, лучше, сильнее, самый большой, грустный, слабее, молодой, самый сильный
Задание 4. Переведите текст
Mrs. Brown has got two children - a boy and a girl. The boy's name is Mark. The girl's name is Susan. Who is older, Mark or Susan? Susan is older than Mark. She is fifteen years old and Mark is ten years old. Susan is five years older than her brother.
Is Susan tall or short? She is tall because she is a big girl. Who is taller, Mark or his sister? His sister is taller than he. Mark has got a dog. It's name is Rex. It is very clever. Susan has got a parrot. Its name is Chatterbox. It is cleverer than Rex because it can speak.
Задание 5. Составьте предложения по образцу
Models: text A — easy — text В = Text A is easier than text B.
car racing — dangerous — boxing = Car racing is more dangerous than boxing.
1. January — cold — March 2. Bill — attentive — Kate 3. garden — beautiful — park 4. exercise 5 — big — exercise 7 5. bedroom — cosy — living room 6. teachers — poor — businessmen 7. students — cunning — professors 8. anecdote — funny — story 9. sweater — long — skirt 10. Jack — intelligent — Jill.
Задание 7. Выберите одно местоимение из скобок
1. Do you have (some, any) work to do? 2. Give me the newspaper, please. I've got (some, any) time to read it now. 3. My son has (some, any) French books at home. 4. I haven't got (some, any) questions. 5. Please, bring me (some, any) chalk. 6. (Some, any) children don't like to play football. 7. Have you got (some, any) friends here? 8. Have you (some, any) money about you? 9. I don't think we've got (some, any) time to discuss it. 10. Please, take (some, any) magazine you like. 11. Do you learn (some, any) foreign languages?
Задание 8. Поставьте где необходимо some, any или no
1. They brought ... books from the library. 2. Have you got ... time to spare? 3. There's ... tea in the cup. The cup is empty. 4. Do you like ... apples? 5. There were ... books on the table. He liked to read them. 6. There were ... books on the table. I can't find them now. 7. Will there be ... concerts in the club. 8. My brother doesn't like ... carrots.
Задание 1. Кроссворд. Переведите прилагательные на английский язык и впишите их в соответствующие поля
По горизонтали: | По вертикали: | ||
1. дешевый; 2. поздний; 3. частый; 4. сильный; 5. правильный; | 6. тонкий; 7. левый; 8. неприятный; 9. враждебный; 10. печальный; | 1. неопределенный; 2. осторожный; 3. быстрый; 4. бесполезный; 5. прохладный; | 6. грязный; 7. легкий; 8. глупый; 9. трудный; 10. толстый. |
Задание 2. Составьте предложения по образцу
A. Model: boxing — dangerous — car racing = Boxing is less dangerous than car racing.
1. reading — difficult — writing 2. amber — expensive — diamond 3. Bob — experienced — Mary 4. film — exciting — book 5. daughter — capable —son 6. the Americans — hospitable — the Russians 7. men — emotional — women
B. Model: Helen — Peter — run — fast = Helen runs faster than Peter.
1. Alec — Ann — eat — often 2. Bob — Nick — drive — carefully 3. Betty — Mary — think — slowly 4. oak trees — pine trees — grow — fast 5. Ted — John — do — good in English 6. his sister — he — play the piano — bad
C.Model: teacher — doctor — important = The profession of a teacher is as important as that of a doctor.
1. book — film — interesting 2. brother — sister — tall 3. July — August — warm 4. daughter — mother — beautiful 5. sofa — armchair — comfortable 6. Ann — Nelly — pretty 7. lion — tiger — dangerous
D.Model: English — Greek — difficult = English is not so difficult as Greek.
1. spring — summer — hot 2. silver — gold — expensive 3. candies — chocolate — sweet 4. meat — vegetables — useful 5. he — she — smart 6. the moon — the sun — bright
Задание 3. Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную степень прилагательного (наречия)
1. Winter is (cold) season of the year. 2. Moscow is (large) than St. Petersburg. 3. Which is (long) day of the year? 4. The Alps are (high) mountains in Europe. 5. Even (long) day has an end. 6. It is one of (important) questions of our conference. 7. Your English is (good) now.
Задание 4. Используйте правильную форму прилагательного
1. Wall Street in Manhattan is the financial heart of the USA and the (important) banking centre in the world.
2. Park Avenue in New York has the (large), (expensive) apartment houses.
3. Fifth Avenue is the (famous) shopping centre of New York. In the 19th century the (rich) men in America built their (magnificent) homes here and it is still the (fashionable) street in the city.
4. Central Park is the (beautiful), middle of New York's (concrete) desert.
Задание 5. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any, no, every
1. Have you got ... relatives in Kiev? — Yes, I have ... 2. There are ... books on the table. 3. I am afraid I don't know ... people there. 4. ... boys of our college are good sportsmen. 5. Are there ... good sportsmen at your college?
Задание 8. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any, no, every и их производными
1. Are there ... English magazines in the library? - Yes, there are ... 2.I know ... students at your Institute. 3. Have you ... books by Dickens in your home library? - Yes, I have ... 4. There isn't ... ink in my fountain - pen. 5. He saw ... in the laboratory. 6. There was ...bread on the plate. 7. They brought... books from the library. 8. Have you got... time to spare?
Задание 1. Переведите предложения
1. Чарльз Диккенс — один из самых известных писателей в мире.
2. Этот рассказ интереснее, чем тот.
3. Ваш дом выше нашего? Нет, он такой же высокий, как и ваш.
4. Это — самая прекрасная картина во всей коллекции.
5. Российская Федерация больше Великобритании.
6. Он сделал работу быстрее, чем вы.
7. Чем больше вы работаете, тем легче сдавать экзамены.
8. Его работа лучше вашей, но работа Анны — самая лучшая.
9. Россия — самая большая страна в мире.
10. Я живу не так далеко от института, как мой друг.
11. Самолет быстрее, чем поезд.
Задание 2. Вставьте вместо пропусков прилагательные, подходящие по смыслу
Model: The old clown laughed and danced in the show.
1. Ginny felt … in her heavy winter coat.
2. Barry kept pouring out lemonade until the pitcher was….
3. Marty felt … because her best friend was sick.
4. The … King lived in a big castle.
5. Joy poured herself a … glass of milk.
6. The … air blew through the open window.
7. Robin Hood gave money to … people.
Задание 3. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя some, any, no, every или их производные
1. Я куда-то положил свой учебник и нигде не могу его найти. 2. Купи, пожалуйста, яблоки, если увидишь. 3. Он весь вечер ни с кем не разговаривал. 4. Поезда ходят каждые полчаса. 5. На этот
вопрос может ответить любой
ребенок. 6. Если вам что-нибудь нужно, скажите. 7. Все дома, не так ли? 8. Есть новости? 9. Я хочу тебе кое-что рассказать. 10. Ни один студент не знал этот факт. 11. Иногда я еду на работу на такси. 12. Он где-то в саду.
Задание 1. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень от следующих прилагательных и наречий
Fast, neat, weak, beautiful, smart, good, expensive, hot, short, clean, long, big, fat, happy, expensive, good, messy, thin, large, tall, long, easy, cold, nice, bad, strong, busy, well, little, many, far, wonderful, necessary, quickly, interesting, comfortable.
Задание 2. Поставьте слова из скобок в предложения
1. I have dinner at home on Sunday (usually) 2. She is at home at this time (always) 3. It is cold here in winter (often) 4. John hasmusic lessons in the evening (seldom) 5. I am late for my classes (sometimes). 6. My father is tired after work (often) 7. There are many mistakes in her tests (never) 8. He has a lot of mistakes in his homework (usually) 9. It is interesting to listen to his stories (always) 10. We have guests on Sunday evening (often).
Задание 1. Переведите предложение и заполните пропуски прилагательным или наречием
1. Their house is very ..., they visit us ... every week. (near, nearly) 2. I had ... taken three steps when I saw a man. (hard, hardly) 3. It was a large snake ... eight feet in length, and as thick as the hand of a man. (near, nearly) 4. He was ... in need of money now. (bad, badly) 5. "Jane," said the teacher, "you are ... again. You have been ... for almost every class this term." (late, lately) 6. We haven't seen them at the library.... (late, lately) 7. She tried ... to be on time, but there were always a lot of things to do before school. (hard, hardly) 8. Don't sit so... to the TV screen, it's bad for your eyes. (close, closely) 9. The inspector asked to look at the photograph more.... (close, closely) 10. Pineapples are ... in this season and therefore they are so expensive. (scarce, scarcely)
Задание 1. Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопрос «Who talks the fastest of all?»
Jane talks slower than Mary who talks more slowly than George. Andrew talks faster than Jane but not so fast as Alice who talks faster than George who (as you know) talks faster than Mary who doesn't talk as fast as Jane.
Задание 2. Найдите ошибку и исправьте ее
A) right B) wrong
1. The more you study, the smarter you will become.
2. The weather is much more worse today.
3. She is not as easy to get on with than her sister.
4. I feel much better today than I did last week.
5. I know my jokes are bad, but yours are badder.
6. Nick looks elder than his older brother.
7. Ann plays the piano very well, but Christina plays more well.
8. Flying is much fast than travelling by car.
9. We are going to travel by car. It's much cheaper.
10. If you don't want to be tired in the morning, you should go to bed more early.
11. Could you speak a little more loudly?
12. He drives more slowly as his brother.
13. You should practice more often if you want to improve your language.