Слова still, yet, another (other), more, else в предложении


Задание 1. Используйте, где необходимо still или yet

1. They haven't returned from the trip.... 2. Is it ... raining? — Yes, it is. It hasn't stopped raining.... 3. Has your brother graduated from the University...? — No, he is ... a student. 4. No news has come from them as.... 5. Do you ... want to make sure it is true? 6. It was early..., the sun hadn't ... risen. 7. We have ... a lot of things to finish. — It's all right. We ... have a lot of time. 8. It was late, ... we decided to stay. 9. She ... hopes to get a letter from him. 10. It was too early to speak about the results.... 11. I... don't want to discuss this matter.


Задание 2. Сравните, что говорил Дэн несколько лет назад с тем, что он говорит сейчас. Напишите предложения о Дэне, используяstill и notany more

A few years ago Now
I travel a lot. I work in a shop. I write poems. I want to be a teacher. I'm interested in politics. I'm single. I go fishing a lot. I travel a lot. I work in a hospital. I gave up writing poems. I want to be a teacher. I'm not interested in politics. I'm single. I haven't been fishing for years.
1. 2. 3. 4. (travel) He still travels a lot. (shop) He doesn't work in a shop any more. (poems) He ………………………………. (teacher) …………………………………. 5. 6. 7. 8. (politics) …………………… (single) ……………………... (fishing) ……………………. (beard) ………………………

Задание 3. Для каждого предложения (со still) напишите предложения с похожим значением, используя not... yet + один из следующих глаголов

decide find finish go stop take off wake up

1. It's still raining. It hasn’t stopped raining yet.

2. George is still here. He................................................................................................

3. They're still having their dinner. They.................. .......................................................

4. The children are still asleep. .......................................................................................

5. Ann is still looking for a job. ..................................................................... ................

6. I'm still wondering what to do. ..................................................................................

7. The plane is still waiting on the runway. ....................................................................

Задание 4. Поставьте still, yet, already или not...any more в подчеркнутое предложение (или часть предложения)

1. Jack lost his job a year ago and he is unemployed. he is still unemployed.

2. Do you want me to tell Liz the news or does she know? does she already know.

3. I'm hungry. Is dinner ready? Is dinner ready yet?

4. I was hungry earlier but I'm not hungry. I’m not hungry any more.

5. Can we wait a few minutes? I don't want to go out. …………………………...

6. Jill used to work at the airport but she doesn't work there. …………………….

7. I used to live in Amsterdam. I have a lot of friends there. ……………………..

8. 'Shall I introduce you to Jim?' - There's no need. We've met. ………………….

9. Do you live in the same house or have you moved? …………………………..

10. Would you like to eat with us or have you eaten? ……………………………


Задание 1. Вставьте пропущенные слова

1. - Are you ready? - I'm afraid, not…. (ещё нет)

2. - Do you want to buy this hat? - Oh, no, I want to buy … one. (ту, другую)

3. I'm very hungry. I want one … slice of this pie. (ещё, больше)

4. Are you … working? (все ещё)

5. Who … wants to go outside? (ещё, кроме этого)

Задание 2. Составьте собственные высказывания по аналогии

1. Lizzie is stillbusy. Mike is stillworking. Are you stillat work?

2. Who elsesells flowers? Whom elsedo you want to give your new phone number to?

3. I don't like carrot juice. I'd prefer anothersort of juice.

4. This dress is very bright. Let's buy the otherone. I'd prefer anothercolour.

5. I haven't been to Riga yet.I haven't tasted lobsters yet.

6. - Do you want anything else?- One morecocktail, please.

7. One morebottle of mineral water and the bill, please.

Задание 3. Составьте по 3 предложения с каждым из слов (still, yet, more, another, other, else)



Лексика: The Telephone. The Post Office. Mass Media. Internet. Написание письма
Грамматика: Модальные глаголы can, may, must, ought, should, would, need



The Telephone. The Post Office. Написание письма


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите диалоги

1. A: Hallo!

B: Is that you, Alec? This is Boris speaking. Why didn't you attend lectures?

A: Oh, I'm not very well and I have to stay at home.

B: What's the matter with you?

A: It's the flu. My temperature's 38. I've a bad headache. I feel so upset - in some days we'll have the exam in computers.

B: What does the doctor say?

A: He says I must stay in bed for three or four days and take some medicine.

B: Can I do anything for you?

A: Please, bring me your notes. I missed some lectures.

B: All right. By the way I've got a textbook "Microcomputer Design". I'll bring it if you like.

A: Thank you. How long may I keep it?

В: Keep it as long as you like. I can borrow another copy from the library in the evening. Good-bye. See you in the evening.

A: Good-bye. Give my best regards to the group, please.

2. George (to a passer-by):Can you tell me where there is a call-box around here?

Passer-by:Let me see. There's a booth in North Street. I'm going that way myself. You may come with me, if you wish.

George:Most willingly.

(at the call-box)

GeorgesOh, I've forgotten my friend's call-number.

Passer-by:There must be a directory in the booth.

George:Oh, yes, here's the directory on the shelf. Thank you.

Passer-by:Don't mention it.

George:I beg your pardon, but haven't you a decent coin. Mine is too worn and battered; it doesn't go into the slot.

Passer-by:I think I have. Here you are.

George:Thanks awfully.

Passer-by:That's all right. Good-bye.

3. A.Hallo! May I speak to Mrs. Berth, please.

B. Pardon?

A.I'd like to speak to Mrs. Berth, please.

B.I'm sorry, but I can hardly hear you. There's some noise. Your voice is fading from time to time. Would you call once again, please?

A.Can you hear me now?

B.Now I hear you all right.

A.I wonder if Mrs. Berth is in.

B.Unfortunately, she's out. Any message?

A.Yes, please. Would you ask her to call Mr. Lesley?

B.What's your telephone-number?




B. She'll call back in an hour or an hour and a half.

A.Thank you!


Задание 2. Прочитайте и перескажите текст

The Post

The post as we know it started in 1840 when an Englishman named Rowland Hill introduced the first postage stamp, the penny black. For the first time, the cost was the same all over the country and the sender, not the receiver of a letter, paid for it.

Since Hill, the post has grown enormously and now over 1,000 million letters are posted every day. Post offices have had to develop newer, faster machinery to sort, frank and move the post. Today people can send their letters over telephone lines by using fax, telex machines or an electronic mail service. But I think you agree with me that without the post today business, social and private life would be seriously disrupted.

enormously — чрезвычайно

machinery — машинное оборудование

to frank — франкировать


Задание 1. Ролевая игра «Speaking over the Telephone». Разыграйте сценку «Разговор с другом», используя лексику из модульного блока №2


Mass Media. Internet


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст, обратите внимание на слова, выделенные курсивом

Newspapers and Magazines

Newspapers and magazines play a very important part in our life. Practically there is no family that does not read them. We can learn many things from newspapers. Perhaps that is why many years ago an American humorous writer said: “All I know is what I see in the papers”; and another American author more than half a century ago wrote that “the careful reader of a few good newspapers can learn more in a year than most scientists do in their great libraries”.

We can agree or disagree with these statements (better to disagree, because scientific books and magazines have more information than newspapers), but we'll have to say that newspapers help us in many ways. There are a lot of different kinds of newspapers in our country. One can buy them practically everywhere. It is impossible to read all the newspapers and magazines. Everyone has favourite ones.

My favourite newspaper is “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. We can read almost about everything in this newspaper. There are articles dealing with home and abroad news, sport events, life of favourite actors and singers and even the weather. We can find many interesting things there. We can read some useful pieces of advice, some stories about our life, and so on. There are puzzles, songs and even anecdotes there. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” is one of the most interesting newspapers to my mind.

Задание 2. Перескажите тему своими словами

Mass Media

The most popular sources of entertainment and information are press, radio, TV, and movies.

The press plays an important part in the life of society. Millions of people in their free time read newspapers. The English word ‘newspaper’ does not really describe everything that you can read in this kind of publication. Newspapers include not only stories about recent events (news), but opinions, advertising, and other non-news items.

The radio does not interfere with your activities. You can listen to the radio while doing some work about the house, reading a book or driving a car. On the radio one can hear music, plays, news, and different commentary and discussions called ‘forums’. At a forum several authorities exchange views on social, economic and political problems. There are a lot of games on the radio. They are called ‘panel games’. Radio brings also cultural and educational programs. Many programs are made up of classical music.

Television is a ‘chewing gum for ears and eyes’. There are many serials on TV. TV games attract a large audience too. During TV quiz programs TV viewers answer different questions. There is a lot of education on television. For example, you can take a TV course in history, political economy, management, banking and in many other subjects, or learn a foreign language by TV. Educational TV films and programs are shown in schools and colleges as a part of the curriculum.

Задание 3. Прочитайте и переведите текст

Introduction to the WWW and the Internet

Millions of people around the world use the Internet to search for and retrieve information on all sorts of topics in a wide variety of areas including the arts, business, government, humanities, news, politics and recreation. People communicate through electronic mail (e-mail), discussion groups, chat channels and other means of informational exchange. They share information and make commercial and business transactions. All this activity is possible because tens of thousands of networks are con­nected to the Internet and exchange information in the same basic ways.

The World Wide Web (WWW) is a part of the Internet. But it’s not a collection of networks. Rather, it is information that is connected or linked together like a web. You access this information through one interface or tool called a Web browser. The number of resources and services that are part of the World Wide Web is growing extremely fast. In 1996 there were more than 20 million users of the WWW, and more than half the information that is transferred across the Internet is accessed through the WWW. By using a computer terminal (hardware) connected to a network that is a part of the Internet, and by using a program (software) to browse or retrieve information that is a part of the World Wide Web, the people connected to the Internet and World Wide Web through the local providers have access to a variety of information. Each browser provides a graphical interface. You move from place to place, from site to site on the Web by using a mouse to click on a portion of text, icon or region of a map. These items are called hyperlinks or links. Each link you select represents a document, an image, a video clip or an audio file somewhere on the Internet. The user doesn't need to know where it is, the browser follows the link.

All sorts of things are available on the WWW. One can use Internet for recreational purposes. Many TV and radio stations broadcast live on the WWW. Essentially, if something can be put into digital format and stored in a computer, then it's available on the WWW. You can even visit museums, gardens, cities throughout the world, learn foreign languages and meet new friends. And of course you can play computer games through WWW, competing with partners from other countries and continents.

Just a little bit of exploring the World Wide Web will show you what a much of use and fun it is.


Задание 1. Ответьте на вопросы

1. Do you read newspapers every day?

2. How many papers does your family subscribe to?

3. What news do these newspapers specialize in?

4. What national daily (weekly) papers do you know?

5. Do you read any local newspapers?

6. Do you prefer to read articles on political, cultural or social issues?

7. Do you follow sports news in newspapers?

8. Some newspapers run gossip columns. Do you read them?

9. Do you read any newspapers in English?

10. Do you read any magazines?

11. What popular newspapers do you know?

12. In some countries, newspapers are owned by government or political parties. What about our country?

13. What’s the difference between daily newspapers and weekly?

14. Are the Russian one of the biggest reading nations in the world?

15. Do newspapers in Russia support any political party?

Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту «Introduction to the WWW and the Internet»

1) What is Internet used for?

2) Why so many activities such as e-mail and business transactions are possible through the Internet?

3) What is World Wide Web?

4) What is a Web browser?

5) What does user need to have an access to the WWW?

6) What are hyperlinks?

7) What resources are available on the WWW?

8) What are the basic recreational applications of WWW?

Задание 3. Опираясь на текст «Introduction to the WWW and the Internet», скажите, какие из приведенных ниже утверждений верны / неверны?

1) There are still not so many users of the Internet.

2) There is information on all sorts of topics on the Internet, including education and weather forecast.

3) People can communicate through e-mail and chat programs only.

4) Internet is a ten of thousands of networks which exchange the information in the same basic way.

5) You can access information available on the World Wide Web through the Web browser.

6) You need a computer (hardware) and a special program (software) to be a WWW user.

7) You move from site to site by clicking on a portion of text only.

8) Every time the user wants to move somewhere on the web he/she needs to step by step enter links and addresses.

9) Films and pictures are not available on the Internet.

10) Radio and TV-broadcasting is a future of Internet. It's not available yet.

Задание 4. Поставьте предлагаемые слова в предложения

Internet: How It Affects Us

wide opportunities violence similar choice addiction absence need already almost

The most negative effect of the Internet might be people's (1) _____ to it. People often feel a strange and powerful (2) _____ to spend time on the network.

Addiction to a computer screen is (3) _____ to drug or alcohol addiction: people (4) _____ never believe they are addicted. One more disadvantage of the Internet is the (5) _____ of information control. Children receive (6) _____ access to pornography sites and sites with (7) _____ and promoting hate.

From that, how much we know about the Internet depends on the (8) _____ we make and how effectively we use the (9) _____ of the Internet in our time.

Задание 5. Прочитайте и решите, какая телепрограмма больше подходит для Била, а какая для Дениса

Bill wants to relax by watching a film. He enjoys stories about travelling through time and likes to imagine what life will be like for humans in future centuries. Deniselikes travelling and meeting different people. She has a lot of fun watching programmes about people's experiences as they go on train journeys across the world.

A. New World

This is a TV film which begins a new science-fiction series. It has wonderful special effects and the actors are excellent. Together they travel to the twenty-third century. The action takes place in underground cities where the climate is controlled by computers and some of the inhabitants are plan­ning a terrible crime.

B. There and Back Again

Paul Theroux's story of his journey from London to Japan and back makes great material for this programme. Watch the progress of his journey on the railways of Europe and Asia, and meet the inhabitants of East and West. His description of the life in different places shows a surprising mixture of events end personalities.

Задание 6. Заполните бланк данными о себе

1. Hi! My name is _____________________________

2. I am in the __________ group and I am __________ years old.

3. My favourite subject in college is _______________.

4. I have brothers and________ sisters.

5. Do you have any pets? I have __________________.

6. One time my family went to _____. I like the ______.

7. _____________ is my favourite TV show.

8. My hobbies are ______________________________.

9. Would you like to be my pen pal? My address is: ____.

10. When you write to me, I would like to know these things about you: _______.

Задание 7. Посмотрите на письмо, заполните пропуски в нем

Layout of informal letter

    № house, street
    Town/city, post code
Salutation (Dear...)    
Reference to the most recent contact you have had with the other person ...
Subject 1
Subject 2
Reference to the next contact with the person


Задание 1. Найдите в тексте «Introduction to the WWW and the Internet» эквиваленты следующих предложений

1) Объем ресурсов и услуг, которые являются частью WWW, растет чрезвычайно быстро.

2) Каждая ссылка, выбранная вами, представляет документ, графическое изображение, видеоклип или аудио-файл где-то в Интернет.

3) Интернет может быть также использован для целей развлечения.

4) Вы получаете доступ к ресурсам Интернет через интерфейс или инструмент, который называется веб - браузер.

5) Вся эта деятельность возможна благодаря десяткам тысяч компьютерных сетей, подключенных к Интернету и обменивающихся информацией в одном режиме.

6) Пользователи общаются через электронную почту, дискуссионные группы, чат-каналы (многока­нальный разговор в реальном времени) и другие средства информационного обмена.

Задание 2. Заполните пропуски, используя информацию из текста «Introduction to the WWW and the Internet»

1) You access the information through one interface or tool called a ...

2) People connected to the WWW through the local ... have access to a variety of information.

3) The user doesn’t need to know where the site is, the ... follows the...

4) In 1996 there were more than 20 million users of the...

5) Each ... provides a graphical interface.

6) Local ... charge money for their services to access ... resources.

Задание 3. Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски, изменяя предлагаемые слова


Internet and Its Function

One of the most (1) ____ functions of the Internet is its (2) _____ function. The Internet keeps people informed about current events, as well as about the (3) _____ culture. You can even find out how to pass from the (5) _____ station to the house of your girlfriend, who (6) _____ moved to London.

Recently a system of (7) _____ learning became (8) _____. You can study foreign languages and even study in universities. An individual (9) _____ program can be developed (10) _____ for you. The Internet is also (11) _____ used in business.

Thanks to the Internet, we have rapid (12). _____ with partners from all corners of the world. You can even conduct (13) _____, hear and see your contacts, and (14) _____ graphic and textual information.

Задание 4. Переведите на английский язык

1. Утренние газеты в Великобритании доставляются на дом (to people’s homes).

2. Общенациональные газеты издаются тиражами в миллионы экземпляров и продаются во всех частях страны.

3. В Лондоне издаются все общенациональные газеты.

4. Серьёзные газеты публикуют статьи по внутренним и международным проблемам, а также статьи общего характера.

5. Популярные газеты публикуют статьи о частной жизни людей; чаще всего они шокируют читателя.

6. Во время выборов редакторы газет просят своих читателей голосовать за ту или иную партию.

7. Газеты в Великобритании принадлежат не правительству или политическим партиям, а финансовым группам.

Задание 5. Расскажите о телепрограмме, которая вам нравится

Your TV Preferences

Model: I like to watch the old “Kojak” show. It’s about a tough policeman. He is bald. And he likes to eat candy. The policeman lives in New York and tries to catch dangerous criminals. I like the show because it’s exiting and because Kojak is a small detective…

Kind of show (police story, comedy, mystery, talk show, etc.): _________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________

Type of characters in it (crazy detective, single mother, etc.): __________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________

Situation (police station in a big city, small-town coffee shop in the 1960s, etc.): ________ _______________________________________________________________________________________

Reason you like it (funny but not stupid, exciting, educational, etc.): __________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________

Задание 6. Обсудите следующую проблему. Используйте выражения согласия / несогласия

How are TV programs different in your country from those in Great Britain?

Censorship is the examination and change of material on TV. It can be for political reasons or to exclude something the censor finds immoral, violent, or unpleasant in some ways.

To agree To disagree
I agree. I think so, too. I believe… I’m sure… That’s true (right). I feel the same way. I disagree. I don’t think so. I don’t believe... I’m not sure… That’s not true (right, so)  

Задание 7. Напишите письмо английскому другу, используя лексику из модульного блока №3.

Задание 8. Реферат по теме.

Варианты тем:

1.The Role of Television and Internet in the modern life

2.The Newspapers in Great Britain

3.The Youth Magazines in Great Britain

4.The Role of Mass Media in our Life

5.Свободная тема.