VI. Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple Active.
Дані методичні вказівки містять 4 контрольних роботи для студентів-заочників, що узгоджується з навчальною програмою з іноземної мови (англійської мови) фахового спрямування для студентів заочного факультету.
Для кожних 2х змістовних модулів пропонується одна контрольна робота. Контрольні роботи включають завдання з граматики та лексики. Студент повинен вміти: усно спілкуватися іноземною мовою в межах лексичного мінімуму та тематики, передбачених робочою навчальною програмою; писати іноземною мовою, а саме – перекази, реферати на професійну тематику, анотації до тексту за фахом, працювати з різними типами словників; читати, розуміти та перекладати автентичну фахову літературу.
V семестр:
Змістовий модуль 1. Basic clothes.
Змістовий модуль 2. Sewing your own clothes.
VI семестр:
Змістовий модуль 3. Seams and stitches.
Змістовий модуль 4. Clothes construction.
VII семестр:
Змістовий модуль 5. The variety of clothes.
Змістовий модуль 6. Basic elements of design.
VIII семестр:
Змістовий модуль 7. Garments manufacturing.
Змістовий модуль 8. Apparel industry and marketing.
Методичні рекомендації до виконання письмових контрольних робіт
1.Перед тим, як виконувати вправи контрольної роботи, треба опрацювати граматичний матеріал та тексти.
2.Усі вправи повинні бути переписані у зошит, при цьому треба вказати номер вправи, завдання та всі номери речень вправи.
3.Всі вправи, незалежно від їх характеру, повинні бути перекладені рідною мовою.
4.Обов’язково треба залишати поля в зошиті для зауважень рецензента та виправлення помилок. Крім того, контрольна робота повинна бути виконана охайно, розбірливим почерком, інакше робота буде повернена студенту не зарахованою.
5.Контрольна робота повинна бути виконана самостійно. З цією метою під час екзаменаційної сесії проводиться співбесіда з контрольної роботи. Виконавець відповідає на запитання викладача стосовно завдань контрольної роботи та виправляє помилки.
6.Рецензент пише на полях позначки, які вказують на характер зробленої помилки: SP – орфографічна; GR – граматична; TR – помилка при перекладі.
7.Якщо контрольна робота недопущена або незарахована, треба ще раз виконати всю контрольну роботу, а не тільки ті вправи, в яких зроблені помилки.
8.Якщо контрольна робота зарахована, але в ній допущені помилки, тоді треба їх виправити в цьому ж зошиті, не переписуючи всю контрольну роботу.
9.Без виконаної контрольної роботи студент не допускається до заліку або екзамену.
V семестр:
Змістовий модуль 1. Basic clothes.
Змістовий модуль 2. Sewing your own clothes.
Теми для співбесіди:
Тема 1. The Early Development of Clothes. Your Clothes Package.
Тема 2. Fabric Information. The Sewing Machine.
Контрольна робота №1
TOPIC: The Early Development of Clothes. Your Clothes Package.
I. Read and translate the following text:
Social scientists believe that people began to wear clothes when they lived in “hunting” and “gathering” societies. People lived in groups because this made the task of getting food easier. In groups such as these, the first clothes developed. They were probably made from animal skins.
Many years ago, ice age spread extremely cold weather over large parts of Europe. People discovered that the bear skin could be made into clothes. The people needed something to use to tie on the bear skin. They used sinew, a tough tendon from the leg of an animal.
The awl was the tool used to punch holes in skins. Gradually, a notch was carved in the blunt end of the awl to hold the sinew in place. The other end had been already sharpened to make punching holes easier. Now the sinew could be threaded through the hole. After many years, the eyed needle had been invented. The invention of the eyed needle led to the development of sewing.
A second important sewing tool, the sewing plate, appeared about this time. Made of bone, it was used to push the needle through the hide. This sewing plate was probably, used much as a thimble is used today.
The next development was yarn, a continuous strand of fibers. It is made by twisting and tightening the fibers. The process of making yarn is called spinning. People began to use the stems of plants, some kind of tree bark, horse hair. Gradually, they made the tools to spin fibers.
After people learned to spin, they mastered the art of weaving. Weaving is a process of interlacing yarns to create cloth of fabric. The first weaving was done by hand. Later, weaving was done on looms.
Many factors influence your choice of clothes. Personality, physical shape, lifestyle, and even the world around you play a part in your decisions about what to wear.
To dress successfully, you need to know about the kinds of clothes that are available to you. If you live in a cold area of the world, you need to wear special clothes to protect yourself from the cold and wind. In such areas people wear heavy jackets and boots, scarves, and mittens. People living in hot, tropical areas also need to protect themselves from the weather. In these climates, people wear white or light-coloured clothes to deflect the rays of the sun. They may wear loose-fitting clothes, such as shorts.
In most parts of the world the weather changes over the course of a year. Most people need a variety of clothes to suit the weather changes.
Uniforms identify a person with a group of occupation: servants in the restaurants, nurses in the hospitals, and the military. Some people need clothes that are primarily protective (engineers, agriculturalists and many factory employees).
Basic garments such as skirts, trousers, tops, jackets can be changed round to give totally different effects. Accessories such as bags, belts, glasses, gloves, scarves, jewelry, shoes, tights and stockings can be worn with basic garments to introduce other ideas.
II Answer the questions:
1. When did people begin to think about clothing?
2. What were the first clothes made from?
3. What was used to tie pieces of fur?
4. How did ancient people use an animal sinew?
5. How was eyed needle invented?
6. What was the second important invention in ancient sewing?
7. What is spinning?
8. What influences your choice of clothes?
9. Why do people wear heavy clothes in northern countries?
10. What clothes are the best in tropical areas?
11. What role do uniforms play?
12. What accessories do you usually use?
III. Find the English equivalents for:
голка з вушком, ткацький верстат, прясти, волокно, ткацтво, захищати, зміни в погоді, спідниця, штани, ремінь, шарф.
IV. Give definitions to the words and word-combinations:
an awl, a yarn, a needle, basic garments, accessories, uniform.
V. Translate the sentences into English:
1. Перший одяг був напевно виготовлений з тваринних шкір.
2. За допомогою шила стародавні люди пробивали дірки в шкірі.
3. Одяг може захистити від холоду.
4. Деякі люди потребують захисного одягу.
5. Ми можемо змінювати наш вигляд за допомогою шарфів, ременів, сумочок.
6. Багато факторів впливають на ваш вибір одягу: фігура, погода, настрій.
7. Пізніше була винайдена швейна пластина.
8. Ткацтво- це процес виготовлення тканини шляхом переплетення пряжі.
VI. Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple Active.
1. People often ( wear) draped garments to protect themselves from the heat.
2. A sewing machine (sew) a stitch, (move) the fabric and (sew) the next stitch.
3. Most evenings she (stay) at home and (do) her hometask.
4. Many factors or qualities (influence) your choice of clothes.
5. What time (do) he finish his work?
6. (meet) with my friends every weekend.
7. They (not go) to the theatre very often.
8. She (not work) on Sunday.
9. He (visit) fashion shows very often.
VII. Open brackets using the Present Simple Passive:
1. A fiber ( twist) to form a strong, tight length of yarn.
2. The process of making yarn (call) spinning.
3. All five natural fibers … still (use) today.
4. Natural fiber can be used to make almost every item of clothing that (wear) today.
5. Almost all clothes (construct) in one of three basic ways: tailored, draped, or composite.
6. Draped garments (create) from an uncut piece of fabric.
7. Cotton … often (combine) with polyester.
TOPIC: Fabric Information. The Sewing Machine.
I. Read and translate the following text:
Natural fabrics are made from plant or animal fibres, spun into yarns: cotton, wool, silk, and linen are the most common. Naturals are often considered the easiest fabric to sew.
Cotton is used by people in almost every country in the world. Cotton threads are even and rather round. The surface of the cotton fabrics has very fine hairs all over it. Cotton fabric is often white, but to make it pretty it is often coloured.
Linen looks like cotton, but it is stronger, firmer and often heavier. The threads are very smooth and round. Linen is cooler to wear and more expensive than cotton. It can be used for clothing such as dresses or men’s coats, but it is more often used for such articles as tablecloths.
Silk is a beautiful fabric. It is soft and shiny. The threads of silk are so fine that it is hard to see each one separately. Silk is expensive. It is cool to wear and looks very beautiful.
Wool is very soft and springy. The surface of the fabrics is covered with very fine hairs. These tiny hairs help to make it so soft and warm. Wool is also much thicker and heavier than cotton, so that it keeps out the cold.
Basically a sewing machine is used to join together some pieces of material or to stitch a decoration onto a fabric. It sews a stitch, moves the fabric and sews the next stitch. There are sewing machines that will sew together items like shoes, tents and sails.
Sewing machine needles come in a variety of styles and sizes. The correct needle choice depends mostly on the fabric you have selected. A larger number means the needle is thicker and that it is appropriate for use with heavier fabrics and heavier threads.
Stitches are made by locking the upper thread with a lower thread, carried on a bobbin. The machine forms stitches by interlocking the bobbin thread with the needle thread. Every time the needle goes down into the fabric, a sharp hook catches the needle thread and wraps the bobbin thread around it
II. Answer the questions:
1. What are natural fibres made from?
2. What are cotton fibres look like?
3. What are the properties of linen?
4. What are silk fibres like?
5. What are wool properties?
6. What does the needle choice depend on?
7. How does a machine form a stitch?
III. Find the English equivalents for:
волокно, природній, м’який, блискучий, носити, дорогий, різнокольоровий, творчий, нитка шпульки, натяг нитки, голка, шпулька.
IV. Give definitions to the words:
cotton, silk, linen, wool, knits, yarn, texture, stitch, needle.
V. Translate the sentences into English:
1. Натуральні тканини виробляються з природних волокон: тваринних чи рослинних.
2. Бавовна біла, але добре фарбується.
3. Льон – це міцна та дорога тканина.
4. Шовк –блискучий та м’який матеріал.
5. Вовну виготовляють з хутра різних тварин, тому вона дуже тепла.
6. Швейна машинка – це один з корисних винаходів, що допомагають людині.
7. Швейні машинки також можуть використовуватись для вишивки та оздоблення.
8.Ретельно підбирай розмір голки та ниток.