Hiswelуkл's Sindarin dictionary

Compiled, edited and annotated by Didier Willis


Edition 1.9.1

Lexicon 0.9952

2690 entries (1821 unique entries).

2646 word forms (279 deduced, 235 normalized, 0 coined) in unique entries.


1999-2008, Didier Willis and The Sindarin Dictionary Project



License: This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-Alike License, version 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/).

Additional limitation of scope: Sindarin, as one of the languages invented by J.R.R. Tolkien, is his artistic and intellectual property. The editor does not claim any intellectual property on the Sindarin language itself and, as a whole, on this dictionary, beyond the editorial annotations, the arrangement of entries and the encyclopaedic discussions or interpretations appended to these entries. The above-mentioned license applies to such elements only.

J.R.R. Tolkien's texts and books are copyrighted by the Tolkien Estate and/or Tolkien's publishers. As of yet, this material is not approved by the Tolkien Estate or Tolkien's publishers, and is henceforth an unauthorized Sindarin dictionary. This material is however provided under the editor's assumption that compiling, arranging, analyzing, normalizing and annotating entries in order to produce a dictionary for a language, even if it is an invented one, does not violate the copyright of the inventor.

Shall any third party include this material in a derived work, under the above-mentioned license or under any other applicable license, the editor will not be liable for possible infringement of copyright on the derived work. Every derived use of this material is left under the sole responsability of the third party.

Notwithstanding, this material is neither a verbatim reproduction of information from Tolkien's published works, nor a simple rearrangement of such information in a different order. Many entries are deduced from indirect evidences (such as compounds, inflected forms, etc.) or are normalized according to our current knowledge of the Sindarin phonology and morphology. As a consequence, some deductions, as presented by the editor or by other contributors to the dictionary, might actually prove incorrect or inaccurate when new information is published.

Any violation of copyright regarding yet unpublished texts by J.R.R. Tolkien is unintended. The compiler does not have any access to hitherto unpublished texts. Would it be the case, such texts would not be used in the dictionary. Therefore, this dictionary only contains entries based on published texts, either from direct attestations or based on deductions and conclusions drawn from these texts by careful comparisons.


The editor would like to thank all the persons who made this work possible. This dictionary would not have existed without the efforts of many other peoples. Lisa Star (editor of Tyaliл Tyelelliйva) and Helge Kеre Fauskanger (webmaster of Ardalambion) gave me precious advices and encouragements at the very beginning of the project. David Salo sent me his own lexicons and kindly answered some of my questions about them. Cйdric Fockeu (webmaster of J.R.R. Tolkien en Version Franзaise) offered his technical skill in scripting languages, as well as disk space to host the original on-line search engine. My thanks are also addressed to Ryszard Derdzinski, Dorothea Salo, B. Philip Jonsson, Sйbastien Mallet and the members of the ELFLING mailing-list, for their support during the early phases of this long project; and later to Jim Allan (editor and co-author of An Introduction to Elvish), Bertrand Bellet, Carl Hostetter (editor of Vinyar Tengwar), Per Lindberg (from Mellonath Daeron), Elena Liria, Emanuele Vicentini, Patrick Wynne and all the other members of the Sindarin dictionary discussion group for their contributions and continual feedback, with a special mention for Javier Lorenzo for all the corrections he sent to the mailing-list.

The Dragon Flame application would not have existed without Benjamin Babut. Likewise, this revised edition of the dictionary would not have seen the light without Benjamin's work and enthousiasm for Dragon Flame and its set of related tools. I am also indebt to Sylvain Veyriй and Thomas Deniau for having ported Dragon Flame to other operating systems.

The German translation of this dictionary is based on the initial work of Christian Buzek, with further help and lots of improvements by Florian Dombach (Das Sindarin Lexikon) and other readers. Benjamin Babut and David Giraudeau contributed to the French translation. We also thank Stйphane Landais for all his corrections.

Last but not least, this work is dedicated to Christopher Tolkien and to the Vinyar Tengwar & Parma Eldalamberon editorial staffs, whose efforts to publish J.R.R. Tolkien's linguistic papers have made such a dictionary possible.


This dictionary is based on J.R.R. Tolkien's works, extended with etymological notes, phonetics and other information.

Sindarin is the language of the Grey Elves, invented by J.R.R. Tolkien and exemplified in his masterful epic story The Lord of the Rings.

This work aims at being a complete Sindarin and Noldorin dictionary, addressing not only Tolkien's fans wishing to understand the elvish sentences from The Lord of the Rings or to build simple sentences in Sindarin, but also scholars wanting to study Sindarin for what it is: the complex linguistic invention of a philology professor, and also a beautiful piece of art.

The Sindarin dictionary project began on October 23, 1999, and is still under development. By no mean shall this version be regarded as definitive. The editor is all too well aware that the dictionary is not as perfect or complete as it might be. Nevertheless, it seems better to encourage the study of Sindarin by the provision of a working dictionary rather than delay the publication perhaps for years, until the editor's ideals are satisfied — a condition which might never be attained.

EncodingProject declaration

Dictionary compiled and adapted from various sources.

Core file encoded manually in XML (TEI P4).

XHTML version automatically generated from the XML (TEI) source using XSLT.

XSL-FO version automatically generated from the XHTML version using XSLT.

PDF version automatically generated from the XSL-FO version using PassiveTeX.


Phonetics are transcribed using the X-SAMPA scheme for representing the IPA in 7-bit ASCII encoding.

Hypothetical words, either interpreted, reconstructed or deduced from mutated forms, are all marked as deduced.

Phonetics and special delimiters are rendered in Unicode (UTF-8) in the XHTML version. The Lucida Sans Unicode font is assumed, for the document to display correctly, as well a browser supporting Unicode.

Phonetics are rendered in IPA in the PDF version. Some symbols used as delimiters are rendered with glyphs available to the typesetter, and might differ from the XHTML version.



This document has been extensively checked, although a few casual errors or typos may still remain.

XML file validated with Richard Tobin's RXP software, for conformance to a subset of the TEI P4 DTD.

XHTML version validated with Richard Tobin's RXP software, for compliance with XHTML 1.0 Transitional.

The XSL-FO version is not validated.


Probable errors in the sources have been corrected and marked with the <corr> tag.

In the XHTML version, corrections are rendered using a specific markup (misreadings, etc.).

a I (adh/ah/ar before a vowel) conj. and (ar = Exilic, ah = Doriathrin, for adh = see PE/17 for a discussion on this)