Graw n. bear (possibly dark in colour) VT/47:12 See also brog
groga- v. to feel terror WJ/415
grond n.Mil. club Ety/384, X/ND1
groth (ngroth) n. 1. cave, tunnel, large excavation 2. delving, underground dwelling WJ/415, S/431, VT/46:12
gruin adj. ruddy Ety/384
gruitha- v. to terrify WJ/415
*gыd (ngыd) n. foe Thuringud WJ/256
gыl (gыl) n. 1. magic lore, long study (being used mostly of secret knowledge, especially such as possessed by artificers who made wonderful things) ext., perverted or evil knowledge, sorcery, necromancy Ety/377, S/432, MR/350, WJ/383
guldur (nguldur) n. (dark) sorcery gыl+dыr
gыr I n. heart (in the moral sense), counsel VT/41:11,15
gыr (ngыr)II n. death Ety/377
guren n. my heart VT/41:11 Apparently the word gыr I with a suffixed possessive. See lammen for a similar form gыr+-en
Gurfannor n. one of the names given to the Vala Mandos
gurgofn. traitor PE/22
gurth/guruth (ngurth, nguruth) n. death S/432, UT/39, UT/54 Ety/377
*guruthos (nguruthos) n. the shadow of death, death-horror di-nguruthos LotR/IV:X, RGEO/72, Letters/278
gwa- v. to go PE/17
†gwachaedir (N. gwahaedir) n. seeing-stone, palantнr Gwahaedir PM/186 gwa-+hae+tirn
gwador pl. gwedeir n.masc. brother (especially used of those not brothers by blood, but sworn brothers or associates) Ety/394
*gwaeda- v. to enfold VT/46:21
gwaedh n. bond, troth, compact, oath Ety/397
Gwael n. gull WJ/418 see alsomaen, ml
Gwвnadj. fair and pale (PE/17) see also bain
*gwaen adj. stained Agarwaen S/378
gwaeren adj. windy VT/42:15 Gwaew+-ren
gwaeron n. March (month) LotR/D
gwaew n. wind Ety/387
*gwain pl. *gwоn adj. new Narwain (Narvinyл) LotR/D, Cf. Ety/399
gwaith (gweith N.) n. 1. manhood ext., man power, troop of able-bodied men, host, regiment, people ext., region, wilderness Ety/398, VT/46:21, X/E1
Gwaloth n. blossom, collection of flowers Ety/370, VT/45:29 This form replaced deleted goloth in the manuscript of The Etymologies, see VT/45:29. The deleted form is however also later attested in VT/42:18 We must also consider that go- replaced gwa-. See goloth
gwanath n. death (act of dying, not death as a state or abstract) Ety/397
gwann adj. departed, dead Ety/397
*gwanna- v. to depart, fade, die (for Elves) Ety/397 See also fir-
gwanod n. tale, number Ety/378
†gwanu (N. gwanw) n. death (act of dying, not death as a state or abstract) Ety/397, X/W
Gwanыn n. a pair of twins WJ/367 See also gwanunig
gwanunig n.sing. of gwanыn, a twin (one of a pair of twins) WJ/367
gwanur n. 1. a pair of twins 2. brother or kinsman, kinswoman Ety/378, Ety/392, VT/46:6, LotR/A(iv)
gwarth n. betrayer Ety/397
gwass n. stain Ety/397
gwastar n. hummock Ety/388, Ety/399 gwa-+thвr
gwath n. 1. shade, shadow, dim light 2. stain Ety/397, S/432.
*gwatha- v. to soil, stain Ety/397
gwathel n. fem. sister, associate Ety/392
gwathra- v. to overshadow, dim, veil, obscure VT/42:9
gwathren adj. shadowy, dim Ered Wethrin S/432, VT/42:9
*gwathui adj. shadowy Gwathuirim PM/330
gwathuirim n.class pl. of gwathui The Dunlendings or People of Dunland PM/330 gwathui+rim "shadowy people"
gwaun n. goose Ety/397, X/Z
gwaur adj. soiled, dirty Ety/397
gwкn. living creature, PE/17
gwedh n. bond Ety/397
*gwedh- v. to bind Ety/397, X/ND1
¶ gwefn. louse
†gwelu (gwelw N.) n. air (as substance) Ety/398, X/W
gwelwen n. air, lower air (distinct from the upper air of the stars, or the outer) Ety/398 gwelu+men
gwend I n. bond, friendship Ety/397-398, X/ND1
gwend II (N. gwenn) n. f. maiden Ety/398, X/ND1
gweneth n. virginity Ety/398
Gwenyn n. pl. twins PM/353, PM/365 See also gwanыn
*gweria- v. to betray, cheat Ety/397
gwest n. oath Ety/397
*gwesta- v. to swear Ety/397
gweth n. report PM/395
*gwethion of gwath Eredwethion TI/345, Ety/379, Ety/397
gwо n. net, web Ety/398
¶ gwоb n. penis
gwilith n. air (as a region) Ety/398
gwilwileth n. 1.butterfly 2. the constellation Cassiopeia Ety/398
*gwоn n. wine, vine Dorwinion LotR/Map, LB/11,26,17,112, LR/334,338, H/IX see also gwinion
gwing n. 1. spindrift, flying spray 2. foam (properly a flying spume or spindrift blown off wavetops) Ety/398, PM/392
gwinig n.dim. "little baby", play name of the little finger VT/48:6,16-17
*gwinion Land of wine Dorwinion LotR/Map, LB/11,26,17,112, LR/334,338, H/IX
gwirith n. April (month) LotR/D, SD/129-31
¶ gwista- v. to be ignorant
ha pl. hain Doriathrin.pron.3rd it Ety/385, LotR/II:IV, X/EI
hab- v. to clothe Ety/363
habad n. shoe Ety/386, VT/Errata, X/EI The meaning "shore" in Ety/386 should actually read "shoe", see VT/Errata and Lambengolmor/735.
¶ hachn. hams, buttocks
*had- v. to hurl Ety/363
hвdh n.Arch.Poet. (?) cleaver Ety/389
hadhod n. Dwarf WJ/388, WJ/414
hadhodrim n. class pl. of hadhod the Dwarves (as a race) WJ/388 hadhod+rim
hadlath (N. haglath) n.Mil. sling Ety/363, Ety/368, X/TL
hador n.Mil. thrower (of spears and darts) Ety/363, WJ/234
hadron n.masc.Mil. thrower (of spears and darts) Ety/363
hae adj. very far away Gwahaedir PM/186, VT/45:21, PE/17:25
haedhn. fenced enclosure PE/19:91
haeradj. remote PE/17:25
Haerast n. the Far Shore, the east coast of Aman PE/17
haered n. remote distance, the remote na-chaered LotR/II:I, RGEO/72
haeron adj. far, remote, distant PM/273
haew n. custom, habit Ety/364, VT/45:22
haf- v. to sit VT/45:20
†hair n. and adj. left (hand) Ety/365, X/EI