Hobas n. harbourage Ety/364 abst. of hыb
hol- v. to close
hollen pp. closed Fen Hollen LotR/V:IV, RC/550
honeg n.masc. dim. of hawn, 1. "litte brother", play name given to the middle finger VT/48:6,16-17 Given as honig in VT/47:14, but see VT/48:17 n. 13 for discussion
horn adj. driven under compulsion, impelled Ety/364
hortha- v. to urge on, speed Ety/364
host n. gross (144) Ety/364
hoth n. host, crowd, horde (nearly always in a bad sense) Ety/364, S/432
hы n. dog Ety/364
hыb n. haven, harbour, small land-locked bay Ety/364 hobas N. n. abst.
hыd n. assembly Ety/364
huia- v. to urge on
¶ huith n. sex (intercourse)
hыl n. cry of encouragement in battle Ety/386
hыn n. heart (physical) Ety/364
hunna- v. to thunder (Q. hunda)
huorn n. tree, with a spirit or heart LoTR
hыr n. readiness for action, vigour, fiery spirit Ety/364
hwб n. breeze (PE/17)
hwand (N. chwand, chwann) n. sponge, fungus Ety/388, X/ND1, X/HW
¶ hwertha- v. to sweep (G. fwegra-, swegra-)
†hwest (N. chwest) n. puff, breath, breeze Ety/388, X/HW
hwesta- v. to puff (Q. hwesta-)
†hwоn (N. chwоn) n. giddiness, faintness Ety/388, X/HW
†hwind (N. chwind, chwinn) adj. twirling, whirling Ety/388, X/ND1, X/HW
†hwinia- v. to twirl, whirl, eddy Ety/388
†hwiniol part. of hwinia-, whirling, giddy, fantastic Ety/388
i pl. in art. and pron. rel. 1. the 2. who/that/which/whom Ety/361, SD/129-31, Letters/308, Letters/417
iв (N. ia) n. 1. gulf 2. abyss, void Ety/400, S/432, Letters/383
*iach n. ford, crossing Arossiach S/382, Brithiach S/286, Cirith Ninniach S/387
iaeth n. neck Ety/400
iaew n. mocking, scorn Ety/400
iaf n. fruit
iag- v. to yawn, gape (PE/17)
ial n. a call, a cry VT/46:22
ialla- v. to call VT/46:22
iant n. bridge Ety/400, S/432
†ianu (N. ianw) n. yoke Ety/400, X/W It originally meant "bridge" in the Etymologies, but was apparently switched with iant
Iвr n. blood Ety/400 see also agar, sereg
iarwain adj. old-young (that is old, but yet still very vigorous) LotR/II:II, RC/128 Elvish name of Tom Bombadil, rendered as "oldest" in LotR, "Iarwain = old-young, presumably as far as anybody remembered, he had always looked much the same, old but very vigorous" iaur+*gwain
iasconj. where
iвth (N.iath) n. fence S/433, WJ/370, WJ/378
iathrim n.class pl. of iвth, Elves of Doriath WJ/378 iвth+rim
Iau I pl. iui n. corn Ety/399 see also iavas
iau II n. ravine, cleft, gulf Ety/400, VT/46:22
iaul n. cat
iaun n. holy place, fane, sanctuary Ety/400 Q yбna
iaur adj. 1. ancient, old, original 2. older, former Ety/358, Ety/399, S/433, UT/384
iavas n.abst of iau I, season of autumn LotR/D
нd adv. very, extremely (rarely used) PE/17
idh n. small fly
оdh n. rest, repose WJ/403
†idhor n. thoughtfulness Ety/361, X/Z
idhra- v. to ponder
нdhra- v. to desire (PE/17)
idhren adj. pondering, wise, thoughtful Ety/361
†idhrinn (N. idhrind) n. year Ety/383, Ety/400, X/ND4 оn+rind
¶ idra- v. to value, prize
iell n.fem. 1. daughter 2. girl, maid Ety/385, Ety/400 Stated to be an alteration of sell, remodelled after ion "son" (OS *jondo). It was "a change assisted by the loss of s in compounds and patronymics", hence the ending -iel in several feminine words
iest n. wish Ety/400
iesta- v. to wish
оf n. cliff, sheer descent PE/17
iladar n. Ilъvatar (GL ilador)
ilaurui adj. daily VT/44:21,28
im I imperative. reflexive. pron. 1st I, myself LotR/II:IV, LB/354, VT/47:14,37-38 In late writings (see esp. VT/47:37-38), Tolkien reinterpreted this form as a reflexive pronoun (= "self").
im II (N. imm, imb) n.Arch. dell, deep vale imlad, imloth, imrath, imrad, VT/45:18, VT/47:14 This word only survived in compounds (due to the clash with im I)
imlad n. deep valley, narrow valley with steep sides (but a flat habitable bottom) S/433, LotR/Index, VT/45:18, VT/47:14, RC/234,482 im+lad
imladris n. Rivendell, 'cleft-valley', the home of Elrond
imloth n. flower-valley, flowery vale LotR/V:VIII, VT/42:18, RC/582 This word only occurs in the place name Imloth Melui, a vale where roses grew im+loth
imp adj. num. card. twelve PE/17:95
imrad n. a path or pass (between mountains, hills or trackless forest) VT/47:14 im+rвd
imrathn. long narrow valley with a road or watercourse running through it lengthwise UT/465, RC/558 im+rath
imuadj. same, identical (im+-ya)
оn I adj. poss. reflexive own (referring to the subject) SD/129-31
Оn II n. year Ety/400 see also нnias
inc n. guess, idea, notion Ety/361