Parch adj. dry Ety/380, VT/45:5 See also apharch

parf pl. perf n. book Ety/380

parth n. field, enclosed grassland, sward UT/260, PM/330, RC/349

*partha- v. to arrange, compose

path adj. smooth Ety/380

patha- v. to smooth, iron

*pathra- v. to fill Ety/366

pathred n. fullness Ety/366

†pathu (N. pathw) n. level space, sward Ety/380, X/W

paur n. fist (often used to mean "hand", its chief use was in reference of the tighly closed hand, as in using an implement or a craft-tool, rather than to the fist used in punching) Ety/366, S/429, PM/179, PM/318, VT/47:8

paw n. sickness Ety/366

pe conj. if (KWI- VT/49)

pl. pui n. lip

*ped- v. to speak, to say pedo, arphent LotR/II:IV, TL/21:09

pedweg adj. talkative (PE/17)

peg n. small spot, dot Ety/382

pel I pl. peli n. fenced field (= Old English tъn) Ety/380

pel- II v. to fade

*peleth n. fading, withering Narbeleth LotR/D

*pelia- v. to spread Ety/380

*pelin n. fading, withering Lhasbelin Ety/366

pelthaes n. pivot Ety/380, Ety/390

*pen- I prep. without, lacking, -less Iarwain ben-adar LotR/II:II

pen II relative pron. one, somebody, anybody WJ/376

penbedadj. unpronounceable (PE/17)

pend (N. penn) n. declivity, slope Ety/380, RC/525, X/ND1

pendrath (N. pendrad) n. passage up or down slope, stairway Ety/380, X/ND3 pend+rath, pend+rвd

peng n.Mil. bow (for shooting) Ety/366

pengolodh n. teaching sage, a doctor of lore, lore-master

*penia- v. to fix, to set Ety/380

penнdhadj. restless

penind adj. without inner thought, insane

penna n. vowel, lit. ‘lacking’ VT/39

penna- v. to slant down LotR/II:I, RGEO/72

pennas n.abst.of pent, history, historical account Ety/366, WJ/192, WJ/206

penneth n. coll. of pend, ridges, group of downs RC/525

pennig n. coin

†penninor n. last day of the year Ety/400, X/Z pant+оn+aur

pent n. tale Ety/366

pephen rel. pron. if anybody, whoever (Q aiquen)

per- pref. half, divided in middle

*peredhel n. half-elf S/430, LotR/A(i) per-+edhel

perian n. Hobbit, Halfling LotR/VI:IV, LotR/E, RGEO/75, Letters/308, X/ND4 per+-ian

periannath n. coll. of perian the Hobbits, Halflings LotR/VI:IV, LotR/E-F, RGEO/75, Letters/308

perin adj. half, divided in middle Ety/380

pess n. feather (Q quesse)

pessa- v. to concern, to affect PE/17

pesseg n. pillow Ety/366

peth n. word Ety/366, LotR/II:IV, RS/463.

pethron n. narrator, minstrel Ety/366

phaw- v. to emit foul breath (PE/17)

pholg n. pig

pigen adj. tiny Ety/382

†pihen (N. pichen) adj. juicy Ety/382, X/Z

¶ pil n. colour

pilin n. arrow

pim n. tail (Q pimpл, pimp)

pоn adj. little Cыl Bоn RC/536 Similar words occur in Gnomish (pinig "tiny, little", PE/11:64) and in Qenya (pinea "small" etc., PE/12:73.

Pinnath n. coll. of pend, ridges, group of downs LotR/Index, RC/525 Formed from the plural pinn Cf. penneth

pirinn. a type of flower that opens and shuts quickly with changing light PE/17

plad n. palm, flat of the hand, hand held upwards or forwards, flat and tensed (with fingers and thumb closed or spread) VT/47:9

plada- v. to feel with the hand, to pass the sensitive palm over a surface VT/47:9

pфd n. animal's foot Ety/382

pфg n. bag (Q. poko)

pol- v. to be able to (can, could)

por- v. to choke, drown

¶ porog n. chicken, fowl

post n. pause, halt, rest, cessation, respite Ety/382

posta- v. to rest

*presta- v. to affect, trouble, disturb Ety/380

prestannen pp. of presta-, 1. affected 2. mutated (of a mutated vowel) Ety/380

prestanneth n. affection of vowels, mutation Ety/380

pыgn. blackberry

*puia- v. to spit Ety/382

puig adj. clean, tidy, neat Ety/382

puiga- v. to wash, to clean


*rach n. wagon, wain Gondraich UT/465 Since this word is attested in a compound only, its unmutated form is uncertain. It could also be *grach or *rhach

ractha- v. to shatter

rвd n. path, track Ety/383

*rada- v. to make a way, find a way Ety/383

raeda- v. to catch in a net VT/42:12

raef (N. raew) n. net VT/42:12

†raeg (N. rhoeg) adj. crooked, bent, wrong Ety/383, X/OE, X/RH

raegdan n. sinner

†raen I (N. rhaen) adj. crooked Ety/382, X/RH

raen II adj. netted, enlaced VT/42:11

†raew (N. rhaew) n. fathom Ety/382, X/RH

¶ rвf adj. roaring

†rafen (N. rhafn) n. wing (horn), extended point at side, etc. Ety/382, X/RH

rag- v. to break

ragui adj. breakable

raida- v. to smile

†rain I (N. rhain, rhein) n. border Ety/383, X/RH

rain II (N. rein) n. erratic wandering VT/42:13

raitha- v. to strive, reach for

ram n. wall Ety/382, S/436, X/RH

rammas n.abst.of ram, (great) wall LotR/V:I, LotR/Index

†ranc pl. renc(N. rhanc pl. rhengy) n. arm Ety/382, X/RH

randнr (N. rhandir) n. masc. wanderer, pilgrim Ety/383, VT/42:13, X/RH

rant n. 1. lode, vein 2. course, riverbed Ety/383, S/436

*raph n. rope Udalraph UT/424

ras (N. rhas) n. horn (especially on living animal, but also applied to mountains) Ety/383, VT/46:10, LotR/E, S/436, X/RH The form rhaes in the Etymologies is a misreading according to VT/46:10

†rasg (N. rhasg) n. horn (especially on living animal, but also applied to mountains) Ety/383, X/RH

rath n. 1. course, riverbed 2. street (in a city) Ety/383, LotR/Index, RC/523,551

†raud (N. rhaud) n. metal Ety/383, X/RH OS *rauta "copper"

†raudh (N. rhaudh) adj. hollow, cavernous Ety/384, X/RH

raug (N. rhaug) n. a powerful, hostile and terrible creature, a demon Ety/384, S/436, WJ/415, X/RH

†raun (N. rhaun) 1. adj. errant, 2. n. month, from the name of the moon as the Wanderer Ety/383, X/RH

†raw I (N. rhaw) n. bank (especially of a river) Ety/382, X/RH

†raw II (N. rhaw) pl. †roe n. lion Ety/383, X/RH

¶ rкbroch n. zebra ('striped horse', from raibrog with the same meaning, GL)

-red suffix. denotes completion of a work or design, with final details and/or finishing touches (PE/17)

†redh- v. to sow Ety/383, X/RH

†rein(N. rhein) n. slot, spoor, track, footprint Ety/384, X/RH

rem I n. mesh, net (esp. for catching, hunter's or fisher's net) LotR/E, VT/42:29

†rem II (N. rhem, rhemb) adj. frequent, numerous Ety/383, X/RH

*remmen pp.adj. woven, netted, tangled galadhremmin LotR/E, LotR/II:I, RGEO/72

Remmirath n. the constellation Pleiades, 'the netted jewels'

ren- v. to remember

†rend (N. rhenn) adj. circular Ety/383, VT/46:11, X/RH, X/ND1

†renia- (N. *rhenia-) v. to stray Ety/383, X/RH

†rest (N. rhest) n. cut Ety/384, X/RH

†revia- (N. *rhevia-) v. 1. to fly, sail 2. to wander Ety/382, X/RH

rhae adj. easy PE/17:172