Wrong device heating, careless handling of fire

Short circuit


Large contact resistance

Faulty hardware

255. Causes of fires are electrical in nature this:

Short circuit, overload

Careless handling of fire

Improper heating device

Faulty ventilation

The Ignition

256. The combustion of petroleum products cannot be used:



Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher

Powder fire extinguisher

A foam fire extinguisher

257. Electrical equipment stew:

Powder fire extinguisher;

Foam extinguisher;


Water vapor;

Chemical foam.

258. The focus of directs of the measures planning in organizations on LP:

To prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases, health and welfare of employees

On the prevention of occupational diseases

For the improvement and improvement of working conditions

prevention of occupational injuries

On the improvement of labor conditions

259. Who approves develop certification commission action plan on improvement of working conditions in the organization:

The employer;

the workforce;

the trade Union Committee;

the Chairman of the state Commission;

the labour Inspector.

260. Whether the arrangements FROM the application of production equipment, communications and other objects of the signal colors and safety signs:

This events on LP

No, this is a technical event;

No, this technological event;

No, it's organizing the event;

At the discretion of the workforce.

261. Who issues an order to eliminate violations of the requirements LP a service worker LP:

The heads of departments and officials;


Heads of departments

The Employer

The Engineer labour protection

262.. Is it acceptable to use instructions on LP the word "categorically", "especially", "strict", "certainly" and so on:



Under specific conditions of production

At the discretion of the employer

Not all

263. Who organizes the review and revision of instructions on LP for employees:


Persons authorized by the employer;


the trade Union Committee;

Engineer FROM.

264. The periodicity of revision of the instructions ON for employees:

Once in 5 years;

once a year;

once in 3 years;

once in 2 years;

At the discretion of the service.

265. Who keeps records of the instructions on LP for the employees in the organization:

Service on LP;

The Employer;

Heads of structural subdivisions;

the trade Union Committee;

working group.

266. What includes certification of workplaces on working conditions:

Hygienic assessment of the relevant conditions

Take account of security personnel protective equipment;

Security personnel

Assessment of the safety of working places;

At the discretion of the trade Union Committee.

267. What is the frequency of certification of workplaces on working conditions:

At least once in 5 years;

once in 3 years;

once a year;

once in 10 years;

At the discretion of the employer.

268. Who conducts the certification jobs in organizations:

The certification commission


The Employer

Working group

Engineer LP

269. Who certifies works on LP:

The State labour inspection;

the state expertise authority.

certification Bodies accredited in the established order;

the Employer;

the trade Union Committee.

270. Whether for certification of works on LP the results of certification of workplaces on working conditions:

Taken into account;

are considered part;

at the discretion of the certification bodies;

at the discretion of the employer;

are not taken into account.

271. Environmental law - is the branch of law ...





no right answer

272. Special Part of Environmental Law includes the legal institutions governing

The legal regime

are considered part;

at the discretion of the certification bodies;

at the discretion of the employer;

are not taken into account.

273. The legal basis, changes and termination of eco-legal relations is