The Importance of Translation in Politics
In today’s world, international diplomacy is the most important of all external affairs. Many times the world leaders are expected to present their ideas on situations arising in other parts of the world. It is important that those ideas are translated properly when expressed; else they can result in major catastrophes. Therefore, international dialogues on different matters rest heavily on successful translation.
Our understanding of political issues is dependent on translation. World events can only be transmitted accurately if the correct information is received by news agencies. This involves proper translation of news coming from local bodies and regional centers. Unless proper translation is done, the news will be ambiguous and unreliable. An example for this can be seen when the government of China recently banned international news agencies from entering local regions for covering a major problem. However, information was still passed on to the world. Insiders covered all the important news, which was later translated and presented to the world.
Translating and interpreting are important for uninterrupted functioning of different international bodies (conferences, symposia, congresses, etc.), needless to speak about the bodies like the E.E.C. (European Economic Council), the I.M.F. (lnternational Monetary Fund) or the United Nations Organization with its numerous councils, assemblies, commissions, committees and sub-committees. These can function smoothly only due to an army of translators and interpreters representing different states and working in many different national languages [1].
Translation is capable of having a critical influence in politics and can act as an agent for reconciliation or social integration. Translations can therefore have a distinct effect on how global and human rights issues can be conveyed and communicated.
The present paper is dedicated to the role of translation in different areas including culture, business and politics.
It is stated that the translation is not merely a linguistic process, but rather a cross-cultural communication capable of social and political impact. Translation has a unique capacity to enhance our understanding of the world for it mediates different ideas across cultural and national boundaries. Translation involves cultural relations, concepts of gender, race, class, nation, and the way they influence cultural forms and practices, the ethics and politics of cultural representation, the relations between globalization and culture. Translation possesses the power not only to bring about the new but to preserve the old. Translation ensures the survival of the text, it becomes its after-life. Thus, translation serves both inter-cultural and inter-temporal communication.
Needless to say, translation holds a valuable position regarding business and political issues for it plays a key role in establishing and maintaining all sorts of social contacts. Translation makes it possible to facilitate the work of international institutions and helps business to grow globally.
Finally, translation gives us opportunity to keep up with cutting-edge technologies and makes scientific cooperation more fruitful.
It is fair to say that the development of human civilization in general relies heavily upon the efficiency of translation.
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